Sales of "For Your Entertainment" is reaching 750,000
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Adam Lambert's album "For Your Entertainment" sold another 3,000 last week, to a total of 738,000 copies so far in the US.
Now that we have the latest batch of album sales numbers in, the magic number of is 12,000. What does this mean? It is the number of albums Adam Lambert needs to sell in order to make it to a quarter of a million sold.
When you consider the current rate of sales for Adam, we are looking at the possibility of something rather cool happening -- Adam getting to this milestone right around the time he celebrates the one-year anniversary of his album release.
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Great news. I am going to help Adam get to platinum by November. I am going to buy one more CD and give it as a birthday gift. I am sure some if you can think of someone to gift it to. How about;
a teacher I did
a nurse at your child DR office, dentist. I did!
Sister I did
friend. I did
hairdresser I did
I gave it and they loved it.
If Adam will not release another single itcwill be hard for FYE to reach platonum.
Please tweet to Adam and RCa and ask/beg to release a singly. Pronto.
I'm confused, if Adam's FYE has sold 738,000 - then it is only 262,000 away from Platinum. He's currently 12,000 short of 3 quarter of a million sold. What are you talking about when you say "in order to make it to a quarter of a million sold".
ISnt this the photo from the Vevo promo? Adamluv
Just bought here in NZ the tour edition of FYE CD and DVD. Nothing I havent seen before on line etc, but its mine to keep and supports Adam. I have bought about 8 so far, as gifts etc.
Do thes ones count towards the figures? I hope so. Jan.
Does this only count by buying the American release. I was thinking of buying the deluxe Japanese version even though I already have the Japanese version with the extra four songs. Think I have given his album to as many people I know who would enjoy it, but can always buy and extra. I really want the Adam Mouse Pad, which I think comes with deluxe album. Decisions, decisions. Life was much easier before AMD, Adam Michael Lambert.
I guess the days of downloading music instead of buying albums is upon us. I am sure there are artists who are selling a million records, I think Emimen did recently, and a few other established artists. Seems kinda unfair to newcomers that most of their music is going out there for nothing, while the older artists were paid for every song. Times change, and musical artists now have to make money in a variety of ways. You never use to see singers selling products, now they all do, and not just in other countries. I can think of any number of products that Adam would sell to millions. What is the matter with all those companies who need to sell their product. Our Star will sell anything you have to offer. Think it very interesting that the Idol Machine keeps track of how their people sell exclusive of other artists.
glad i could help----i bought 15 as gifts-and 3 european versions for myself--i seem to be wearing them out!!!
Physical FYE cd sales in US is what counts towards the platinum certification in US I think. Downloading and music piracy hampers physical cd sales for sure, especially artists appealing to a younger or wide ranging fanbase. This is NOT a slam, but someone like Susan Boyle probably had a very small number of people illegally downloading her album, or even "downloading" it all, she sold physical cd's, based on her demographic. Just my opinion.
I would buy another CD if I could find it--not on any shelves around here. They've taken them all away.
SuBo has her own category in our WalMart where you can still find her album. Adam does not. So where do you find it, even if you wanted to buy?
Considering the uphill battle Adam has had to face, it truly incredible that he's sold what he has. Stores like Costco wouldn't sell Adam but they had huge display for Subo as did several book stores where I also couldn't find Adam. So much hate, so much just makes me sick.
Please pick tolerant progressive people (regardless of party) when you vote. Don't choose those filled with hate who judge others. It does matter.
I bought a copy of ADAM FYE CD + DVD Tour Edition ... just came today ... from CD WOW. There are two disks ... an 18 track CD + DVD with AOL sessions .. iheartreadio vids ... original FYE + WWFM + IIHY vids + much more!!! I hope this counts toward sales ... it's GREAT ... every ADAM fan should own one ... got another CD with other stuff on DVD coming also ... what a GREAT find. Even if it doesn't count toward sales I'm glad I found these CDs!! Love & Light to All Glamberts Worldwide
Do the sales of the Glam Box Set of FYE and the Tour Edition count towards the US total of 700,000+? Just wondering.......have already ordered tour edition as a birthday present and Glam Box Set for me :-)
I am GLAMBROKE after all the CD's and 6 concert's, 5 of which were out of my state!!!!! What a ride, so much fun.........Santa, for Christmas I want travel money for next year's concerts!!!
I think its only the US version of the cd that count towards these numbers. I read somewhere that there had been over 2m downloads of the album too,I presume legally as they have the numbers for them so why do they not count towards the total, that would make it nearly triple platinum.
HK fan
Ask your local stores to order Adam's album for you. Everybody needs to make money these days. I will probably buy another CD. I gave them for presents last year. What saddens me is how great Adam's album is, and it still hasn't hit 1,000,000. I am not putting any other artist down but come on. His album deserves to sell millions of copies. I also know that only US CD's count toward going platinium. He has gone platinum in other coun tries because the populations are smaller.
Anon 1:50 PM -- The blogger made a mistake in his article. Many people commented about that error on the Examiner's web page where this article appears.
It is indeed 750,000 (¾ of a million copies) which is astounding in today's market for CDs.
Stockard Channing. Grease. Nuff said.
I see it 4:43pm lol - but Adam is soooooo much prettier!!!!!
You can help to make FYE platinum and also help out a great charity by donating CD’s to “Music Can Cure” -- a nonprofit organization that
distributes CD’s to terminally ill teens.
Their website is
If you have questions, their email is:
When I ordered CD’s at Amazon, I had them sent directly to: Music Can Cure
2900 Slater Rde
Salem OH 44460
And here’s a nice article:
@2:09 Adam MITCHEL Lambert - not Michael
4:43 ha, ha! That is so funny! I was thinking this could be Adam's" "year book" picture- if year book pix were ever sexy, but your post made me laugh. :)
"Music Can Cure"? Thanks for the great tip!
- Adam Fix
Go to and order the cd sent to your store. You pick it up and pay for it when you get it at no more cost. If everyone would do that the shelves would be stocked.
Hey anony:5:36 I am from Salem,Ohio too. I did not know about this organization. That is so cool count me in on a few of those CD's
Well, there is always Christmas coming up and I know a couple of people who would love his CD. I smell platinum.
Go to!! They have great prices on Adam's CD. I bought 2 copies of the Deluxe Edition Cd with the DVD with videos.
Adam Lambert is without a doubt the most talented singer in the music industry today. What a shame that his CD has not reached the one million sales mark yet. I wouldn't want some of the CDs from the so-called current singers out there now if they gave them to me for free. But Adam Lambert, I could listen to him all day with that impressive vocal talent.
All I have to say is that this is one of the most beautiful pictures of Adam. Breathtaking.
It's a little disheartening to see such a low number of sales for FYE compared to other idols like Carrie Underwood and Chris Daughtry, for example.
I'd love to see all the figures from all the sales,downloads in one place. That would be a more comprehensive picture of his sales total here and worldwide.
Hard to believe that only 750k people bought FYE CD in the US.
Why don't the digital downloads count towards awards. I'm sure I read somewhere that FYE had sold about 2m downloads, which sounds much more like the numbers we would expect. Foe singlaes it is the digital downloads that are counted so why not albums (This would also indicate a younger fanbase, as apposed to Carrie Underwood, who probably has a more mature fanbase who are more likely to actually buy a cd).
HK fan
Excuse me?? In my mathmatical world a quarter of a million is 250,000. which would make his amount sold so far aproaching THREE QUARTERS of a million, not 1 quarter. Adam is the most incredible artist. This album is FABULOUS and should sell SO much more. Shame if international sales or versions don't count.
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