New Pictures of Adam and Kesha!
Filed Under (Others,pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Adam & Kesha near kiss by Jason Sheldon

Thanks to Scorpios4Adam!

Thanks to Scorpios4Adam!
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Kesha can't sing worth a damn, but she does look hot in these pics.
I hate Kesha.
Adam is so beautiful....Kesha looks gross as usual
lolz Looks like Kesha is in the way of Adam getting to Mike Furey in that last pic.
I'm sure Adam meant he likes Kesha for other reasons than her singing.
Yuck to the first picture and she should just move out of the way in the third one! I still can't figure out what Adam see's in her.
This is kind of hot. I want to see more.
hes wasted!!! BAH!! could his eyes be any more blood shot? I love it!!!! Drink it up bitch!!
Kesha cant sing worth a damn and she doesnt look Hot, she looks a mess like she is! Now Adam looks HOT!! Yummy!!!!!
I wish the Glamberts wouldn't be so jealous. Other artists don't seem to have the same problem with their fans as Adam does.
Close your eyes Adam, your gonna bleed to death. LOL! :)
Kesha is HOT!
Ok, lets face it, Adam likes kesha cuz he likes everyone and she knows how to suck peeps in but pretty sure with his talent he knows she cant sing a note in tune, and he doesnt like autotone so figure it out! Also pretty sure he wishs she would get the heck outta the way so he can pash the guy in the pic! He is 1000 times hotter than kesha could dream to be! But damn, look at Adam! HOT and SEXY!!
Hey! Give it up girls and gents,Adam has said he likes to make out with girls - he thinks they ere pretty. Look at his taste in men-- young small and pretty. that sounds like he likes his men to be feminine. I don't know if he will ever have a female lover or not, but I saw him making out with Megan Joy after the A. Idol Tour while they were waiting for their respective buses to pull out. Hot, video- I need to look that up again. I love Adam no matter what, but I wish he would get a Girlfriend, just for him to see if he would like to give us women a chance.
adam has said he s
OMFG!! Adam is so sexy here it hurts!!
BTW, have u noticed @RCAPromo was retweeting you?
hahah holy crap his eyes are SO bloodshot ;)
Why so much hate towards KESHA??? She's a nice girl. And she's obviously a good friend of Adam.
Adam is a loving affectionate guy. Anyone on the receiving end of his kisses, male or female has my admiration. Nothing wrong with kissing! If it feels good for Adam, more power to him!! funbunn40
Yeh, I think she's quite pretty, and although not the greatest singer in the world she seems fun and some of her songs are very catchy. Really like Take it off, (especially kcinkcity's Adam video to it!)
HK fan.
@LIVA Ecactly! Some of the comments here are pretty rude and they're obviously friends so keep youre nasty comments to yourselves people!
From KarenPendragon
Any picture of Adam kissing someone is hot and it's great to see him having a good time.
Adam looks like he's had a few drinks.
I think the first photo is sexy as hell. You wouldn't really know it was Keisha unless it was posted. Be positive. Adam could make a romantic movie so easily. He is probably drunk but who cares? He looks great.
Lucky Ke$ha!
How do you think Adam would feel reading these comments if he checked out this site? So much for light and love and positive energy. Sometimes I think we don't really understand or appreciate what Adam stands for. This isn't it.
mmmm hot
Ah, a menage-atria! Sorry but Adam looks bagged in all these picts. Cute guy on the left--belongs to Adam or Keisha? Just askin. A thought--Keisha's shopping bag dress not as good as Gaga's meat dress at the VMAs. Not playing favorites, just know that designer bag woman, costs lot less than designer flank steak.
Adam said in an interview a while ago about kissing Ke$ha that she reminded him of some guy he used to go out/make out with a while back.
Besides being friends, both being generally upbeat and get-what-you-see kinda people, and on the same label and in the same genre, he could be somewhat attracted to her because she is a female look-a-like of his former flame.
Whatever the reason for the attraction, or just the silly drunk smootches, I'm just glad a mainstream, platinum album/multi-platinum single selling, worldwide major act (such as Ke$ha) acknowledges and embraces Adam the way she does. Rihanna could have done it (remember the VEVO party pics), Katy Perry hasn't REALLY done it since American Idol, and even one of his faves (Nikka Costa) hasn't said a peep neither to Adam (publicly) nor about their collaboration they've worked on this spring. So, good on them both and I'm happy to see them happy and having so much fun! ☺
Adam has said that he really likes Kesha because she is a free spirit. She is not materialistic. Adam is like that too. Yes, I believe both admit they were drunk both times they made out. I personally love it. I think he was really connecting with her as a friend+. He deserved to get drunk if he wanted. He works so hard and is in the fishbowl all the time. Lighten up on Kesha. She wrote all of her songs and she sold alot of albums. She deserves success too. I hope that someday Adam gets back with Cheeks personally, but in the meantime, if he wants to kiss a girl then let him enjoy his life and don't be so jealous peeps. I just wish him all the happiness and joy he has given his fans.
Who gives a f..k if his eyes aren't as (clear :D) as usual?
Adam is entitled to have FUN once in a while!!
Great pics and like he'd probably say 'It's rock & roll, baby'.
I love Ke$ha's songs. She seems nice and geniune. I have her CD. Anyway Adam looks FABULOUS!!!!!
I never saw these. I think Kesha is a very smart girl, she seems very sweet as adam is very taken by her and they are freinds. I love the first pic! He seems so comfortable with her, awww. I remember seeing her on Saturday night live and I just know there was adam influence there! she's cute! I think that is great!
4:23 and others: I'm entitled to think Kesha can't sing. None of us know her or Adam really. I do know that whenever she comes on the radio, I switch stations. Adam can love, kiss, get drunk with, fu^k whomever he wants. It's about music and entertainment.
And my friends, light and love do not mean not being honest in your opinion. I am entitled to like or dislike music or particular artists whether Adam likes them or not. Adam celebrats diversity, and so do I.
Whenever anyone expresses their opinion on this site lately, they get attacked. If they want to comment on Adam's eyes, they should not get hacked to pieces. You and I may not agree with their opinion or that they should even comment, but they are entitled to their opinion as much as you and I are entitled.
Love the First pic of then :) Katie
Who cares. Adam is gay and Kesha has a new boyfrined named Alex Carapetis anyway.
F*ckin hot
(fun is f*ckin hot too)
From Wikipedia
“Kesha described herself in an interview as being “very studious” in high school; she would drive to Belmont University to listen in on Cold War history classes after school and achieved “near perfect” SAT scores. However, she dropped out at age seventeen and earned her GED afterward.”
From ONTD – NBC Interviews Kesha
“In the same breath where she says she loves to throw dance parties, Sebert admits she didn’t have a lot of friends in high school. She was a member of the International Baccalaureate program in high school and was on the fast track to go to Barnard College to study comparative religion and psychology. She claimed a love for community service and math.”
It sounds like Adam & Kesha have things in common. Adam has stated on some of his interviews that if he was not a singer that he would go into psychology or social work. Although, according to his Dad, Adam is not good in Math.
5:55 i think shes a talentless hack too.
Opinions are fun. :D
Gotta say Adam looks hot with a chick! He just doesn't seem gay sometimes. I'm pretty sure he'll end up being one of those late in life heterosexual men!
It's good they have autotune, cause she sure can't sing and she's sure not purty either. ewww She can wag and wiggle that arse of her's so with autotune and arse wagging she's got it made in the shade.
You all need to lay off Kesha. She is a very attractive girl and I just love her songs. She's such a free spirit too! You go girl and get you some Adam.
Does anyone know who the other guy is? He kinda looks like he could be John Ritter's son.
@Anonymous October 6, 2010 6:29 PM
He is gay. Get over it. Guys who are genuinely into women NEVER stop at just kissing, and they certainly don't need drinks to get that lovin' feeling.
Okay.....let's get grounded here. None of us know Adam or Kesha. Adam is a grown man, and drunk or sober, he is allowed to do what he feels like doing. Face it, any of us women would love to be on the right in the first picture......a great fantasy. As much as we want Adam to want us....he can't help it that he wants men. I love him to pieces, but I have finally been able to control my fantasy and realize that he is who he is, and that he really wants men. It's a shame for all of us women who wish we could be Kesha for one evening with him......but I am sure he would much rather be with the guy in the picture with them. We all say we accept that he is gay, but when push comes to shove, we wish he wasn't. That doesn't make any of us makes us jealous. I pray that Adam finds someone who REALLY loves him, and who he can REALLY love. I wish this soooooo much for him! Let us relax and let him have fun.
Well said 6:49
Ditto. Great post 6:49
Sexy is sexy and gay is gay.
Response to: Anonymous October 6, 2010 6:29 PM
Of course Adam looks hot with a chick, Adam looks hot no matter who or what he's standing next to. That doesn't make him not gay though. You don't think Adam "seems gay" at times? Honey, open your eyes a bit wider, Adam's as gay as the unicorn he rode in on. Seriously, you can't miss it.
You said: "I'm pretty sure he'll end up being one of those late in life heterosexual men!"
And I'm pretty sure you're an idiot. How the hell can you be pretty sure about anything regarding Adam? Are you him? Do you personally know him? Adam's a gay man, done deal. Quit putting your fantasies on to him and just let him live. People like you are part of the problem. Educate yourself, you clearly need it.
I wouldn't change one cell in Adam Lambert's body given the chance - magic wand, genie's lamp, divine intervention...I wouldn't change one damn cell
Interesting information that Kesha has supplied Wikipedia about her background/education. But for some reason, I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. A high school droup-out in spite of all those lofty goals? Very unusual. She is all about image and shock talk, with the ability to say whatever comes to mind to get attention in any given situation.
@7:49 MFG
I agree wholeheartedly!
I love that first pic. It's like "Let's get a room". So, sexy. I love Kesha. My favorite song of hers is Dinosaur. So, funny. She has a great album. It doesn't matter to me that he likes her. Who knows. He may end up with a woman and have a butt load of babies. You never know... LOL
I loved the pictures. My earlier post was not really directed at anyone in particular @5:55. So sorry if you took it personally-- cuz I was just saying my opinion like everyone else. It's really ancient history. Peace. :)
who cares who Adam kisses...really people. Adam will always be gay and no kiss or even sex with a woman will change that. You guys can clown Kesha all you want, but she has sold over 2 million albums WW and like 15 million singles. No hate from me, this girl makes big hits all the time -- much respect to her
Adam and Kesha are kindred spirits. They have both experienced joy and heartbreak in their young lives. Their rise to fame in the music industry has been through hard work and believing in themselves. It's great that they can share hugs and laughter together. They met up again in June for the MuchMusic Video awards, and had a good time there. Their friendship is special to both of them and ppl should respect that.
Stop trashing Kesha. Adam really likes her as a friend and yes, when drunk, he has enjoyed kissing girls. He has fun with her and feels that she is very real, not fake. Those photos are so hot and lucky lucky Kesha! Oh my god, can you imagine kissing Adam? She said he came in on her like a real romeo. He swooped in passionately on her. Oh GOD! lucky girl!!!!!
jesus am i the only person(adam fan) who thinks Kesha is okay?...stop judging! You guys know nothing about kesha, but her image..and you guys know first hand about making judgments on personality..without knowing a person through media manipulation~! people do the same crap 2 adam!
why would u do it 2 someone else??
(IA she can't sing that well live)
but don't care who adam kisses...he is hot and sex on legs kissing anyone! dammit
oh 2 that commenter who said Other artists don't seem to have the same problem with their fans as Adam does. are SERIOUS??
I seen batshit crazy in many many fandoms ie. bieber, Lady Gaga, david cook, david archie..even pink fans are crazy, same as this one. You have intense people everywhere, you probably never noticed because u might not have been as involved. Don't make that an adam thing, some people are just batshit crazy no matter who they focus on..
The other guy in the picture is Mike Furey of the group Dangerous Muse. They did a remix of Adam's If I Had You.
OMG!!!!!! what a photo . . i don't really like keshia. . i ha8 her!
that lucky bitch !!!! Adam looks so wasted, im jealous wish it was me.
oh sorry to burst your bubbles but she aint turning him bi anytime soon. he's not "attracted" to her. Not the first girl he kisses, & certainly not the last. bye now.
Adam has stated that he has no rules. So he is attracted to Kesha...that was obvious from his first tweet about her. The point is that Adam is not dumb about being a full person, not just a gay person. He likes to make out with girls and get what, he is still gay...even if he splet with a girl, he's still no Bi, but his behavior is not always one way but still gay. We all have the ability to be fluid with our sexuality, most don't admit or or act on it.
@Anonymous 4:02pm
I couldn't agree with you more. I actually don't want to come to this site as much as I used to because of all the hateful comments I've read lately. Too much blatantly contradicts what Adam stands for to me; his message of positivity, of love for one another, it's personal for me b/c it's a message that has helped me turn my life & attitude around completely.
Some just don't "get it" I guess, he's a pretty face and a pretty voice and that's it for a lot of people. And there's nothing wrong with that unless you're a contradiction of the very thing you idolize. Maybe one day the superficial attitudes and hatred will cease and people will understand the deeper side of things. May not be visiting this site much more if all of this hatred continues.
PS- Adam kissing anyone is absolutely beautiful! Male, female, black, white, green, pink, get the idea. C'mon, look at that first picture, it's sensual, they have gorgeous chemistry, and that's a fact! Go Kesha! She gets to do what all of the people trash-talking her would kill to do!
That first picture is HOT!!! I have no hate towards ppl have said - if Adam finds her geniune and interesting, I'm all for it! Not that I know, first hand, but I would think Adam is a good judge of character, since he's such a caring, sincere "people-person" himself.
And anon 6:18 PM - I know nothing about Kesha, but if all that Wickipedia stuff is true, then no wonder Adam wants to hang with her! Very, very interesting. I love how - in life - you cannot judge a book by it's cover.
Here in Seattle, we have kajillionaires walking around with loads of money (mostly Microsoft money) but you would never, ever know it because people here are so low key. You can make assumptions about people, based on appearances, but until you get to know someone, you simply do not know anything about them and shouldn't speculate.
- Adam Fix
This is OT, but gotta watch Wikipedia as a lot of their info is simply people contributing. It's not absolute fact.
Anony 9:48 You're right. It is strange that so many Adam fans are just downright mean. They are much nicer on the fansite, but that's probably because you give a name. Many have pics so you know exactly who you're talking to... It's so easy to say stuff on line--just like the bullying--when it's not face to face.
haven't you guys heard? Kesha has a bf right now. She cherishes Adam as a friend & likes to kiss him I'm sure(who wouldn't?). But she's not trying to have her way with him or anything. Don't know what made some of you assume that.
Lol adam looks sexxy like always but it luks like he's had a few also haha w.e don mata kesha u lucky n enjoy I no every1 else wud haha
Adam sure looks like his in party mode and been drinking for sure. For goodness sake give him a guy, because Kesha sure isn't it. (and I do like Kesha)
Look at Adams eyes! He is blottoed!
He looks cooler with Tommy than Ke$ha and thats without the booze. Adam is gay, so why does everyone try to make him otherwise?
I love what Adam said during one of his interviews. A really attractive gal was in the audience coming on to him. He said something like, "you're cute, but unless you have a surprise for me under that skirt, it's not going to work." As he said in RS, he likes dick.
When was this?!?!?
Love Adam, love Kesha. I don't get how Adam fans are being negative about his friend Kesha when they hate when Adam gets anything negative thrown at him. Grow up people, if you have nothing positive to say keep your opinions and posts to yourself. If you hate when Adam gets negative crap thrown at him consider how Kesha feels. She always has great things to say about Adam why so hard on her.
Anonymous 9:48 PM, I agree with you. As an Adam fan I am really getting sick of his fans. They won't be satisfied until people stop talking about him because of their stupidity. If you have nothing good to say STFU.
Now I know why other fans hate the "Glamberts".
The first pic looks so romantic even tho' realistically it isn't, just Adam enjoying the moment and a kiss. Sometimes there's more to a person than meets the eye and we personally don't know either one of them. They're consenting adults just having a good time, being free spirits, going with the flow. Glad they had a good time. The pic reminds me of how Rock Hudson [who was gay]was a very believable leading man in earlier movies. No one except those close to him knew, but he was very convincing and a real heart throb! He was totally gay, but had close women friends. Adam would be a very believable romantic leading man. Would love to see him in that type of movie if he was comfortable. He is a fine actor and it would be after all just acting. A gay romantic role is fine too. Just would like him to be free to do whatever he wishes without jealousy or negativity on any side. Hope his life will be rich and full with fullfilling challenges. I think we're more concerned with his sexuality than he is. I think he just likes kissing, affection and human touch in general and doesn't feel any need to explain or dissect it. He feels and lives his life as he sees fit. Good for him!! Love that man, even tho' there's no chance in hell I will ever have him for a multitude of reasons, but I can dream, can't I? lol funbunn40
as adam has said: Shots baby! after some shots he gets in a kissing mood with girls....hope it lasts! hope I"M next to him next time!
some glamberts love Ke$ha---some don't---that's their opinion and right.
personnally i love adam kissing girls--she will do---but i'd be better---Hey Adam come over for a drink if your lonely!
@3:56pm Every word!!!!
"unless you have a surprise under that skirt..." Justin Lee Collins show"
As some posters said, Ke$ha has a boyfriend now. He's a drummer who once toured with Nine Inch Nails. She is super busy, yet she can have a loving relationship with a guy. I wish Adam can find his special someone. He is nearly 30 years old. He can't keep getting drunk and making out with random pretty people at bars. Getting older is hard for a gay man because the community is so focused on age and looks. I just hope he won't end up being a lonely miserable old gay man like George Michael.
Love Adam's dreamy-eyed look, even tho it is surely alcohol-induced. No one does eyes like he does. And I esp. love that first pic. Come on, post the pic of the actual kiss. You know you got it. Any photographer worth his salt wouldn't stop at the first pic above. If you got that one, you got the actual kiss. Come on. Pretty please with glitter on top? Would love to see it. Thanks. :)
For Pete's sake, they're friends, they're drunk, they kissed...what's the big deal. Do any of you haters know Ke$ha personally? Hmmm. I don't think so. Adam and she are friends...that's enough for me. He doesn't tell you who to be friendly with. And yes, I'm an Adam fan. But I don't feel the need to hate on everyone else...just sayin...
WoW! First pic is lovely regardless of who they are. Two beautiful people about to share a special moment. Really nice. Adam does look drunk in the other pics, hey so what. As folks so often quote Adam...."it's not that deep"
Just nice to see Adam with a girl, even if it is Kesha.....the illision in the first picture is great.....go Adam have another drink...I would...if it was you...
Sorry really wouldn't need a drink if it was Adam...
Er... George Michael is not a "lonely miserable old gay man". He has a long term partner and very nice lifestyle.
Adam says he is bicurious, so he is interested in women. I see it happening one day.
It's stupid to hate on Ke$ha because none of us have a chance with Adam anyway. He would think it's dumb for any of us to be jealous of her, no doubt. Besides, I don't care who Adam is kissing, Man, Woman or Beast, he is ALWAYS SEXY!!!
2:51 watch what you wish for, Adam's next move might just be to kiss a beast.
first pic is especially hot; see no reason at all to hate on Kesha; respect her talent and her relationship w/ Adam, whatever it is; and, yes, sexuality can be very fluid - but no one else's sexuality is open for REALISTIC debate; let Adam alone - he knows who he is attracted to. It's elemental. That said, he absolutely LOOKS hot with women.
Response to October 7, 2010 1:31 PM
Adam said he has "shards" of bicuriosity. That's not saying he's bicurious. Sorry to burst your little bubble there sweetie. But like that other poster said, unless you have a dick, it ain't happening.
They really look hot together. Different backgrounds but kindred spirits and loyal friends.
te blej buzerant lembert
does ke$ha have a boyfriend???
can somekone please answer me!!!!!!
Kesha is so hot that I dont blame anyone from wanting to kiss her. I can't wait to see her solo on the Kesha Tour when I catch her concerts here in NY by me. Hope to see you there.
Adam is attracted to women. It is pretty obvious. He will sleep with one in his lifetime. He said he has no rules and anything is possible. I think he looks cute with Allison Iraheta. Adison should date.
And Adam is WASTED
Why does Adam try to make out with everyone?
I think Adam makes out with guys and girls at the same time! He wants a threesome!
I think Adam likes the touch of female and male lips on his and hands on his body caressing every inch of him. He likes the scent of female hair while lying on his chest on a bed of silk sheets with candles flickering in the background and very sexy music playing etc...
kesha...a stupid girl !!!
I wish I could die for this stupid woman does not have anything for him to adam lambert does not fit together ... (Sure that Adam is not loved but) "a little drunk" because he gave away a year ago, being gay and the boys attracted augmented and that if you look back at them that a girl kissing realizes that it's not his words, it's just great fake!
I wish I could die for this stupid woman does not have anything for him to adam lambert does not fit together ... (Sure that Adam is not loved but) "a little drunk" because he gave away a year ago, being gay and the boys attracted augmented and that if you look back at them that a girl kissing realizes that it's not his words, it's just great fake!
Bravo.I hate kesha now.
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