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"For Your Entertainment" is selling for $10 at!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010

For some reason, the album is on sale at

If you haven't purchase the album, now may be the time!

Thanks to mydangdang for the tip!


☺ said...

Wow! that's a bargain‼ I paid more than that when I got mine‼

Anonymous said...

There are two great charities on AO asking for albums, one for kids with cancer - Music Can Cure, and one for military personnel- Sister Soldier Project- great way to help Adam get to platinum and help others, especially with Amazon selling FYE for 10.00!!! You can ship directly through Amazon!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta look into those Music Can Cure & Sister Soldier Project scenarios!! Thanks for reminder.

OT: Hey Adamluv - where are 'ya girl?


Anonymous said...

@Anon at 1:56PM - exactly. I was just toying with the idea of launching a campaign so that we can channel all our energies to something more productive and this is perfect for that. This could just be one of the better ways of properly introducing Adam's music to more people and we get to take advantage of the sale. I strongly suggest that we support this project. And together with the cds in our gifting program maybe we could include a list of the best must see links to his other great performances. We could make our own small collage of a few of our favorite photographs and print the list at the back and insert them in the cd. There could be other ways, i don't know because i'm just thinking aloud and maybe this should get us started. Maybe there are better ideas from you guys to start a campaign whose main objective is to introduce Adam properly as @funbunn40(i hope my memory serves me well) has always been saying. There has to be a strategic way of letting people know what they are missing and we just have to find it. You guys are so great and we can all do this together for Adam :)


Anonymous said...

I did purchase 2CD's from Amazon at $10.00/ea. Shipping and handling $3.97 and I had them delivered directly "Music Can Cure" Attn: Angie Persello

Anonymous said...

The addresses:
Sister soldier Project
P.O. box 1311
Grover Beach, California 93483
Att: Myraline Morris Whitaker

They are sending packages to service men and women and are including cds

Music Can Cure
2900 Slater Road
Salem Ohio 44460
Att: Angie Persello

for kids with cancer

I put the Att: with name of the person indicated, in the second line of the address, Amazon will ship directly and if you can purchase 3 albums or go in with friends to purchase 3 the shipping is free!! Great idea to help others with at a reasonable price and to share Adam's amazing voice with others. I love the ideas of other campaigns to publicize his performances, appearances, interviews etc. Besides being an amazing singer and performer, he is just a good guy!!! He needs to get to that platinum level- so deserving!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info! Great idea to simultaneously support these charities and Adam's record sales. His philanthropy and kind heart is having a wonderful effect on people.

Anonymous said...

Just got three CD and sent then to Sister soldier Project. Did you pay attention that if you more than $25 you get free shipping?

Anonymous said...

Bought mine at Wall Mart and shipped to Salem,Ohio my home town. I couldn't be prouder to participate in this campaign. I hope Adam get closer to this amazing goal.

Anonymous said...

They are cleaning up the room for the accoustic EP ???

Anonymous said...

Adams not platinum in the US yet? This is crazy,
they don't deserve him! Shame!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10 33 pm.
What else if annoying is that 750,000 cd's sold
probably only represent about 250,000 buyers. Most people have bought at least 2 and some have bought 4 or 5 cd's. I have bought 3.

OT - Wondering how Subo's new cd, out in time for Christmas will sell and she isn't doing any touring, grr...

Adam should be featured on all the talk shows (Ellen, Oprah, Letterman, Leno, etc) singing Aftermath and talking about the It Gets Better project. Can management push for this?

His new cd needs to have a really strong, catchy pop song that teens would like and keeps his career on the rise.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm just feeling there's a lull right now, not good at this time of year..

Anonymous said...

@ Bing,I was hoping for a way to get Adam more wide exposure and your idea of personalizing it further with photos, etc. is even more special! Anon 1:56 and 2:52, this is a great idea supporting not only Adam. but 2 very worthy causes as well. I will do my part and this may get all of our creative juices flowing! Thanks for the info!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Off subject but today I brought Adam Lambert Tour edition. It has a stripped DVD which includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Just wondering is this on sale worldwide or just selected countries? I brought mine in Brisbane it was #18. Have watched it a couple of times it is really, really, the bestest thing ever. I can watch Adam as much as I want now! It was a early xmas pressie to myself!!!!!!