Official Cover for 'Acoustic Live' Album
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adam Lambert Announces Acoustic Live!, a 5 Song EP, To Be Release on December 6th
Things are getting even better in the Adam Lambert world because today Adam officially announces the release of Acoustic Live! - a 5 Song EP of stripped down versions of five of Adam's most popular tracks from For Your Entertainment. Tracks including "Whataya Want From Me" and "Music Again", which were recorded while Adam was in Germany, and "Aftermath" and "Soaked" from Lambert's Glam Nation tour will be included.
Source: AdamOfficial
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OMG! Shirtless Adam, very sexy. There are only 4 songs mention, anyone know the last one? Can,t wait for this.
I hope it's Sleepwalker.Soaked,I LOVE THAT..wonder if they're still trying to decide which other song to included.
The 5th song is Mad World.
I hope his second album will be similar to this. I Love the cover for FYE but that was too glam IMO.
How very red/white/blue and star-ish Americana that album cover is... good for you BB, good for you... you're one well-representing All American man.
...which is not to say that I didn't love the frick outta that FYE cover, cuz I did and I ADORED what you went for with it! MGF
I CANT STAND PETTY PEOPLE! I like the cover!! tweeters are (as always)picking on every damn thing! F.O.A.D!
now where is the original version The color pic :D
There is a story for the cover? A shout out for himself? Oh! Now I understand. Thanks MGF
OMG! a shirtless ADAM‼ ♥ IT! K, got it Adam... STRIPPED... literally & figuratively‼ Finally we have a definite date December the 6th it is... yaaaay‼ ☺
Ha! I'm thrilled beyond belief!!!! Literally and figuratively! Score! Terryluvsadam
Good for you, Adam. You are a true fighter. No wonder so many of us fall for you.
Oh really Anon 9:53am - some in the twitterverse are being cray cray about it :(... oh well, the twitterverse & the blogosphere, what ya gonna do?! Damn, personally, I love the cover, and when I said "good for you" above @ 9:50am, I in no way meant to suggest that it was, oh, IDK - good for you in a business savvy way, or good for you to try to appease anyone or anything like that - I meant, well I always say - Adam Lambert is ALSO the boy next door - and so to me this cover says to me - I am Americana boy next door too people, deal with it... but that's just how it speaks to me, my POV, to each his own, and I guess that's probably the point. Maybe I'm being "too deep" :). Well anyway, thanks for the tip Anon 9:53, I'll make sure I avoid the twitterverse for the rest of the day, and sh*t, I gotta get back to real life anyway. BTW, what does F.O.A.D. mean? I thought I was in the loop on this stuff, guess not :).
Thanks Nov 16 9:58AM - I didn't even pick up on that! :) MGF
Adam just tweeted this
Okay, back to real life now, really ;) MGF
I love the Acoustic EP cover!!! Our American Boy! Good for you Adam! You show 'em!
Love,Love,Love you, Adam!
ADAM LAMBERT ACOUSTIC LIVE!Love the live part.Very different cover,background red,white,and blue and then he is stripped of color and Peace to you too.Like the song choice also.
LOve the cover. Adam is so smart. America, I am here,embrace me. LOL
We love you Adam. America will open up, don't give up. We are not. NOw, when can I PREORDER????
Yep - that's Adam giving the LOVE sign on the ALL American red white and blue !!! AMA's, MTV better step up to the plate and embrace this mega super star!! Adam is knocking down these walls of bias and hate. He will emerge victorious!!
To coin a phrase Jack Nicholson said as the JOKER and it applies here -- (not this town) but the whole American music industry needs an enema!!! Ha ha!!
Adam just keep rocking and rolling we are fans forever!!
I am sure there is a small story behind this picture, Love the cover of shirtless Adam for STRIPPED acoustic CD. The background RED, WHITE AND BLUE. (HAY AMERICA ADAM HAS ARRIVED.atleast that is how I iterpret the cover,just for my own satisfaction)...indigo
I have read everyone's interpretation. I just looked at it impression...
Yes, without a shirt - "stripped down - acoustic" songs.
In addition... there has been so much hate in America toward Adam because of his sexual orientation. The cover says to me...I am Adam, I am an American too. Peace America. (Adam sends his love and peace to all that is America - those that love him and those who have not yet gotten to that place.) As always, Adam's response is that of "love".
Or it could just be a very cheeky FU to the haters...ha.
That's my interpretation. And I LOVE the cover!
MGF @ 10:05
FOAD = F Off and Die
Love this cover!
Total agree with all the above. I am sure no Idol whatever have guts to make a cover like this. Ha!Ha!Ha! Go for it Adam.
Would someone please explain to me how these acoustic songs will differ from the ones already on his full length FYE album? Exactly how are they "stripped down"? I've been trying to figure this out but am clueless. Thanks, guys!!
Shirtless--OMG is he going to play the drums? LOL kidding. Totally get the "stripped" vibe. Everything our boy does means something--and usually not as deep as we assume. Red, white and blue--and posting a love sign. Peace & love back at you BB.
fantastic cover :))) I won't be buying the EP though...I've heard him perform these songs a million times LOL and aside from Mad world I prefer the studio recording for all of these...looking forward to the concert DVD though!!
@PRS/11:46 - Thanks...I think... LOL. Well now, I guess I could have lived my entire life quite fine without ever knowing that :). Boy, you learn something new every day! And regarding the cover - agree w/ those upthread, the peace sign, love it, meant to mention it in my posts... and integral part of the message I would venture to guess, but IDK of course. Cover been rattling around in my head the past few hours - brilliant really, when one thinks of it more. I'm not one to think Adam does no wrong (I just don't talk about it here) but he definitely done this one right IMHO for this point in time. Thanks again PRS...I think :).
Wow Adam look so sexy
I'm tired complaining about Lambert doing so much acoustic that I'm just going to change artist now.
Love this fricken' ass cover!! Love, love love it! Did I say how much I love it? LOL. Adamluv
Hi, guys.Do you hear about Adam's new CD "Take Two"? I thought this is a joke, but then I saw that they changed the numbers of Adam Lambert CDs on Billboard and added 4th CD "Take Two". Also, you can find it in as new Adam album that gonna be released on December 7th. This albom can be pre-ordered for $15.75 or $ 15.95 don't remeber exactly.
I LOVE the cover, love his hair this way too.
Would have preferred "Broken Open" to be on it as I'm really sick of Mad World, or maybe a new song.
Something like "Tracks of my tears".
I wonder if "can't let you go" will be on the next album.
delilah5....I'm pretty sure that's the CD that was made without Adam's blessing. The one where he sang a bunch of songs a long time ago as a studio singer, and then when he did so well on Idol, they released it as a CD. This is the one he's talked about not wanting to sign and the M&G's.
I Think.
oops...meant AT the M&G's
@anon 3:37pm. Now I remember about this CD. I think we talked about this album few weeks ago and somebody said that Adam will not get any money for this album as far as he didn't want to sign it. Just would like to know who recorded and have right to release these album without Adam permission?
deliah5, Adam has nothing to do with the Take Two CDs and he has said he doesnt want his fans to be buying them. Adamluv
was posting the same time as you. Adamluv
I love Adam's album cover! Adam Lambert as American as apple pie with a dash of glitter! Adam shirtless is classic rock and roll. You beautiful boy- best cover ever. True Art!!!
LOVE THIS COVER...mmmmmm Delicious Sexy Adam...
i need to print tons of these pixs..and plaster them all across the UK and tell everyone to ****WAKE UP**** and get some Adam Lambert Running through your Veins....Alas if only i had the time......Adam HAS to make it in our country..ITS THE LAW!!!!
maybe our time will come soon....i've been saying this for a year now!!!!!!
you have no idea how heartbreakingly sad it is for us UK Fans....sob sob....
oh well not long now to Glam Nation Tour...lets hope more get to hear about Adam by then
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
PLEASE!! Someone HELP me ... HOW/WHEN can we pre-order???? ONLY from AdamOfficial? WHY a limited number of PHYSICAL copies??? I DO NOT WANT TO DOWNLOAD FROM ANYWHERE ... I WANT THE CD EP RIGHT IN MY HAND!!! HOW can I make this happen????????
Anon 12:53 PM - I don't think anyone answered your question. Here's my take: when they say "stripped down", that usuually mean "unplugged". No electric guitars, keyboards, etc. Just an accoustic guitar, some drums (un-amplified) and THE VOICE. The songs are simplified. Softened. Scaled back.
Hope that helps.
Jump in here, people, if you have a different take.
- Adam Fix
drums are usually played with the hands like bongos in stripped or unplugged music.
What I like about stripped..unplugged is it's much softer and easy listening...just Adam singing...when you want to sit back and relax
But I love all his styles of music TOO!!!
How do overseas fans order this? I want to be able to go into HMV and buy the hard copy.I'm not a member of adamofficial, and as far as I know we can't order on Itunes, you need a US address, or a UK address for the UK ITunes.
HK fan
I hope we can hard copy of this acoustic CD in Canada. Adam, we are big fan of you.
its dec 6 today and it's not in canada yet, hope it comes soon...
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