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'WWFM' Music Video on VEVO has reached 11 Million Views!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 7, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, November 07, 2010

We reported a few weeks ago that the 'WWFM' music video on VEVO Youtube had hit 10 million views. Now, a few weeks later, it added another million more to 11 million views!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, this song and video reached out to a wider range of people, tastes in music etc,Than mabe the other two? Who knows? I love it. but then I love them all, but people do seem to love a more vulnerable Adam maybe?

Anonymous said...

Hate to be a sourpuss, and I've said this before, but I think THIS should have been the first single. Great song. And NOBODY sings it as well as him.

Anonymous said...

I think FYE was the perfect first single for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that performance of FYE at the AMA's was ok by you too.

Anonymous said...

@5:07pm, hell yeah! that AMA performance was the hottest ever. I loved it and is one of my fav Lambert performances....

FYI moderator, IIHY has passed WWFM in view count...JS

Anonymous said...

Adam has said that Kris Allen told him that WWFM should be his first single when Kris heard it. And I'm brave enuf to sign my name! LOL. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Right on, Adamluv.

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome! So Happy for ADAM this beautiful effort is so well recieved and viewed. A request here for viewers and look at the result!

** -->Please fans, Come view at > VH1 < ...!
We're trying so hard to get his other fabulous video, "IF I HAD YOU" up to ONE MILLION views (wow, that sounds soo low compared!!) BEFORE the end of this year!!! We're all trying hard to contribute to the view count and keep him in the 'Top Artists & Searches' and secure a spot in the Hall of Fame. IIHY is up to 916,200 something at this writing. Thrs, 11/7/10

Yer all invited to come share in this joyous romp in the woods with Adam & Friends.

In his own words:
"No matter what you have in your life, it doesn't mean anything if you're not connected with love"

"Whatever our age, sex, color, orientation--we can ALL(--'n) party together"!!

Let's Rock 'n roll! Wow, Vevo got close to a million views in a few weeks?? We need LESS than 100,000 at VH1.
Come share in the cellebrtion, let's get Adam to the MIL mark!! WHOOP WHHOP!

Anonymous said...

@November 7, 2010 5:07 PM, this is 5:00 PM here, and yes, I think the AMA performance was ok, not perfect, not without flaws, but totally ok, and those that decided Adam Lambert was not for them based on that performance would have never remained fans anyway. The FYE single was necessary (sooner or later it was going to be necessary). My opinion. But this thread is reporting such good news, maybe we can focus on that, I'm sorry that I've contributed to derailing the comments section from the good news.

Anonymous said...

This is anon that posted at 5:07. You're right, we should keep this positive.

Anonymous said...

Please, just one more note, and then nothing but positives...just because someone has a criticism of something that involves Adam, does not mean that they are a hater or a "troll". Perhaps they want Adam to succeed more than anyone. To you fans that have children: If you saw your kids doing something that you felt would get in the way of their success, wouldn't you say something?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE ALL Adams videos, but the WWFM video is so unique and touching. Adam was so brave to show a REAL image of a break-up with a man even though we did not actually see his boyfriend. Who can ever forget the image of Adam staring at his love's picture and the look of utter despair on his beautiful face. And then at the end Adam looking up from his bed and the look on his face. Breathtaking! I learned a lot from the video: heartbreak is the same no matter the genders involved. I think the video also gave Adam the opportunity to show off his acting skills - so tender and yes, vulnerable. How could you not love him!

My 2 cents about the AMAs, I admit to being a little shocked by his performance due to the "simulation". After I thought about it, I realized Adam was just trying to do what GAGA, etc., had done before him. Oh well, look at what the rappers do, yuck!, no class at all in my humble opinion! Ok, done now. nancdruuu2

☺ said...

It really doesn't matter whether it's first or second single, what matters is how big of a hit it is peeps. And that's what counts‼ ☺

The Dark Side said...

This is fabulous news. WOW!! My peronal favorite is FYE, but then it really didn't get a real chance. I still believe that FYE will always be his signature song throughout his career, and only time will tell. I download IIHY every night on cable TV before I go to sleep, and it's from Music choice, which I believe is VH1. I am assuming this download counts. Will change if not. WWFM is no longer available on my cable.

Anonymous said...

@5:07 I LOVED it!!! It made my heart pound it was so exciting. Loved the piano run-up and ending with the lurid green lights. Somebody said a pianist connected to David Bowie wrote those pieces for Adam. Also, did you notice the entire audience stood up for his performance? as if to give him the credit he was due, like a star was born. Adam and his dancers were stunning. He was absolutely beautiful. The resulting photos of Adam kissing Tommy are works of art. It was one of the most thrilling things I've ever seen on TV. I believe this AMA performance of his will go down in history as legendary. Just look at the hits IT gets on YouTube.

The only flaw was his fall, which may have traumatized him--pushing his adrenalin way up. He could have fallen off that set which was WAY off the ground. His recovery without missing a note was miraculous. The dancers at the end of his roll kept their stage cool--although it must have terrified them, too. (Was Brooke one of them?) With so many stars falling that night, the thought crossed my mind right after--due to Gaga's setting her piano on fire--that the sprinkler system may have gone off.

And, I loved Adam's visually sumptuous FYE video. Both performances were VERY sophisticated stylistically, ala Cabaret. Sadly, in this climate, the movie Cabaret(1972)would not have garnered its 8 Academy Awards. I want my entertainment sophisticated and adult--not watered down to Family Friendly. I am proud of Adam for capturing the adult market--that's what will give him longevity.(unlike Beiber who is appealing primarily to 7-9 yr. olds or Miley who is drastically trying to re-invent herself because she's already aged out of her audience.)

I don't want Adam to ever dummy down. Love him just the way he is. Can't wait to see what he does next!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Right on Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

P.S. I was also stunned at how good the WWFM video was. Showed off Adam's terrific acting skills. Didn't take to this song right away--but the video sold me on it. I actually interpreted it as Adam portraying two lovers, one on brink of making it big in show business and the other feeling lost and left behind.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Kentucky Fan on both posts....7:33 and 7:19. Very good analysis.


Anonymous said...

well said kentucky fan @7.19. Totally agree.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky Fan
You are SO RIGHT, 500% RIGHT, and I just l-o-v-e-d- your comment, another great one from you! I couldn't say it better even if my English was good! Now, about sweet Adam's fall on AMA's performance, err... I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but at the time I thought his «somersault» on the floor was part of the show and that it was a «cameraman mistake» not to get it from the right angle!!!! Glamshit, it was so perfect and as you said, he didn't miss a note... sorry to understand it was just one more of his talents...

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan 7:19

Yes! You said it and I totally agree. It´s so nice to hear someone loving Adam exactly like he is, bold and proud. He could have made it much easier for himself, if he just was after the money. I remember him after his performance on "The View" he said: "I apologize, THAT was Family Friendly".


Anonymous said...

He said that Eva/3:20 - adorbs, I'll have to go find that video and check that out.

Anonymous said...

Here it is! Love that guy! :-)


Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan, you need to wake up. That performance may have been what has kept us from seeing Adam on TV since then. On the few live shows he was let on after it, most taped HIS segment(Gee, I wonder why?). Look, I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that Adam may have pushed something too far. In my opinion it NEEDED to be pushed, I'm just sorry that someone as talented as him is having to suffer because of it. He may have made it easier for other performers to do things like that, but at his peril.
I also liked the performance, but I'm not living in a fantasy America. I think he needs to go on doing what feels right for his artistic integrity, I'm just saying don't be surprised if a lot of people don't agree with us fans. I hope you recorded all of those TV segments with Adam performing, because they may be the only ones we will have. I hope not.

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan at 7:19PM - Amen to that, exactly what i was trying to say. Thank you so much.

Yay Congratulations to WWFM Video on VEVO. Agree with comments that it did showcase his acting abilities. Adam looked so vulnerable and yet still gorgeous in the vid.


Anonymous said...

I turned on the TV to find the news yesterday and there was an ice skating show and the young couple was ice dancing to WWFM!

I'd consider that a mainstream move for an Adam Lambert song to be chosen for ice skating. You can't get anymore American PC than skaters, their fans and their families.

Anonymous said...

@Eva/5:11AM - thanks! Love him so frickin' much. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Guys, you know I always happy for Adam. But sometimes I can be pessimistic. Sure this is not about our beautiful talented boy but about some people in US Music production and TV (as I found today)!
For God sake, whoes idea was to schedule Adam show in E! in the same day and time as it was scheduled AMA! Did anybody even pay attention? I didn't know about it until my friend told me today.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize the AMA show was to be aired at the same time as Adam on E! I know which one I'll be watching and hope the ratings on E will blow the AMA's away! Glamberts Unite and support Adam on E. If you DVR the AMA's [if you choose to watch] will the network get that info? Does anyone know? I've never known anyone in my lifetime that the Neilsen ratings have ever contacted for their viewing preferences. How do they get their ratings info? Would love to see Ama's sit up and take notice. I think the Peoples Choice nominations are supposed to be announced tomorrow. Thought I saw somewhere on People Choice that he had several nominations for fave breakout artist, but don't know how credible that was. Keep your fingers crossed. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40. Yes dear , lets cross our fingers for People Choice. However, I am not sure it is possible to blow away AMA even if Adam's fans will no watch it. I hope it still possible to postpone the show. I don't think all Adam fans have E!. Even if they have this channel, a lot of them would like see what kind of sh....... Lady Gaga wears this time. Sorry, but this is reality and we have to agree or do something. I already sent e-mail to Renee forgot her last name. She always writes great articles about Adam. May some of us will e-mail to Matt or Katrina, another Examiner writers? As less we can attract somebodies attention this way

Anonymous said...


I've been chosen once by Neilsen. You get the paperwork to keep track of everything your household watches for a specific week, then mail it in. They take age and sex info for each person. They send along $5 cash for your trouble. It was about 5 years ago, so it may have changed, though.