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Fan Montage: Clips of Adam Lambert in 50 Different Interviews

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Part 1: Clips from 11 interviews

Part 2 (12 different interviews)

Part 3

Thanks to Sethshomaru!


Anonymous said...

Adam just oozes with personality and charisma! He is adorable! I love listening to him speak because he is so articulate and yet has a quick wit and sense of humor. He's got it all! Oh, that mega watt smile of his isn't bad either!


Anonymous said...

....and this isn't nearly all of them!


@PRS, someone commented on here about a year ago that they listened to Adam's interviews while they were at work - but I don't remember you being on here that long ago.

Was it you and I've just forgotten? Or are there two Glamberts who listen to Adam talking at work to heighten their productivity?!

Such a cool idea.


Anonymous said...

ditto CT 10:35... all of it‼ Looking back at these interviews I probably seen 95% of it... haha followed Adam like a hawk‼ :) *♥ him so much*

Anonymous said...

SOOOO charming! Loved these interviews, thanks so much.

The Dark Side said...

Truly enjoyed watching these videos. Great job people, very entertaining. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweetie @ 10:59....
Just by chance I jumped into this "comment" section and there's my handle (PRS). All I can say is I want your memory Sweetie. Yes! I am the one.

My son rigged up some looping of like 75+ Adam interviews, and when I get in the office I turn it on. Adam's voice has a pure calming affect on me. It's my "ambient noise" so to speak....I'm not really focusing on what's being said, it's just very soothing to me, and I get loads of work done.

I did watch these compilation videos, and they're wonderful.
Thanks for remembering me Sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Love his look with the spiky kilt in part 2 and the joke at 1:20. Also loved his hair that way..

Anonymous said...

I've been saying that listening to Adam speak and sing are equally enjoyable. Thanks so much for this fan montage 24/7.

@PRS i can relate very well with you because Adam's voice has a very calming effect on me too. Not only does he give great interviews but the serenity i feel me each time i would hear Adam talking is beyond me.

Thank you guys for doing this wonderful montage because i'm sooooooo happy with it ;-)


Anonymous said...

2011, all the interviews can finally get over AI and AMA. Technically, a true start year of real Adam Lambert