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Adam Lambert on EOnline's Fashion Police

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 7, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 07, 2011

Adam Lambert's part starts at around 1:40

Thanks to Scorpios4Adam and Shantilux!


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing, got a big kick out of this!Adam is also going to be on THE TALK Feb. 9th Grammy Week.

Anonymous said...

This was a strange clip. Isn't starlet used to describe FEMALES??

Anonymous said...

hahah! if we were ask we would have known‼ :)) We know Adam ♪ from his head down to his toes ♪... he's got style‼ :) *madonna*

Anonymous said...

Ain't he a "DIVA"..I just love him :)


Dinah-mite said...

Best dressed man ever! Can you spell S E X Y??? Yes, its true, AFL turns heads wherever he goes... You Go BB!!!:-)

Anonymous said...

We would have all known who that was hands down!
Obvious it was our ADAM!

Anonymous said...

A refreshing relief after the KFC remarks last year!......Of course it's ADAM Bloody amazing Lambert! A touch of class on the fashion Police!

Anonymous said...

I think they could have posted some pics from a lot of the current female pop stars and it would have been difficult to tell if it was a streetwalker.
Nice to see Adam getting the publicity though - it seems he is now a household word.
Of course, we all instantly knew it was him! haha
I think I know his clothes as well as I know my own..

Anonymous said...

This is too funny. I watch this show (it's catty and fun and I love the way Joan Rivers can make Kelly Osborne blush!) and when this episode came on, I saw that picture and started laughing like a loon because, of course, I recognized the clothes and the pose and the hands! My mother thought I was insane until they revealed who it was...she said "Is that OUR Adam?!?" (she's 80, don't you love it?) I told her that he is a beautiful camileon (sp), fitting into any situation!

Anonymous said...

OT but I was over at Juneau & Xena's site: On The Meaning of Adam Lambert and was checking out "Death of Xena - The Opera".

This amazing video is a must see!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

100 Most Technically Skilled Male Rock Vocalists
Updated 12/13/10

1. Jackie Wilson
2. Adam Lambert
3. Tim Buckley
4. Freddie Mercury
5. Jeff Buckley
6. Chris Cornell
7. Michael Kiske
8. Steve Perry
9. Geoff Tate
10. Mike Patton

Anonymous said...


Nobody ever became a successful popstar on the basis that their voice was technically accurate.
Nobody gives a crap about that in the real world without music that makes people want to listen to someone and buy their records.

Anonymous said...

January 8, 2011 5:41 AM

Anonymous said...


Rebecca said...

omg too funny but hey i admit i pay for time with him

Anonymous said...

I got such kick out of this video. Thanks for the post.

Adam cares for quality rather than quantity of his music. I have never loved listening to a music for a such long time as much as I listen to FYE EU edition cd. Unfortunately, not most people are music savy and like to listen to one song on the radio over and over again. But once done they don't care for it anymore. I love to listen to MUSE, ColdPlay songs but hardly radios play their music. To me quality is more important than quantity and I can spot quality music and never pay any attention to those songs that are played million times on the radio. Adam's voice is so incredible that it better to be recorded as a quality product rather than quantity. You don't see too many Ferraris on the streets but you see a lot of Toyotas.

Anonymous said...

@5:41 AM It matters to me. When I got curious (during AI days) and YouTubed Adam to see what kind of voice he was working with I was(1) astonished by his live Brigadoon performance at age 22--could not believe my ears and (2) then completely blown away by his performance of My Conviction in European tour of Hair at age 21. I realized he was not only an incredible tenor with perfect pitch and breath control, he is a countertenor! With this performance I declared Adam Lambert to be the best male singer I had ever heard. I listen to opera, jazz (my brother is jazz musician), blues, rock, musical theatre. Not generally a pop (or MJ) fan. But then there is Barbara Streisand.

I believe I heard Adam say in one interview he'd had 12 years of vocal training beginning at age 10, with some operatic training during teen age years.

I LOVE that Adam has near perfect pitch (& fixes it when he misses it), is so articulate when he sings that I can actually understand the words, is extremely creative with phrasing, has flawless passagio from one register to the next (you can't tell when he shifts gears), and that he can turn on that power in his voice (project) like a jet engine starting up. He has an incredible instrument, understands it, and does unbelievably wonderful things with it. Sometimes I suspect he is singing in his "real" tenor voice when it gets labeled "falsetto". He takes my breath away when he goes higher, higher, then even higher--effortlessly--taking you into the stratosphere (i.e. recorded Feeling Good). I've learned a lot about singing trying to understand how Adam can do what he does with his voice. I've never heard anything like it in my life. The more I learn about Adam's capabilities, his knowledge base, and sophisticated performance skills, the more I come to appreciate him. He is truly gifted.

Kentucky Fan

laurieb said...

Kentucky Fan... where did you see or hear a video of Adam doing the My Conviction from the musical Hair?

Anonymous said...

WWFM is in the top 11 in french singles charts !! up nine positions from last week !! wooooow :

Anonymous said...

Five Likely 2010 Radio Hits ... If They'd Been Released to Radio
5, "Dance in the Dark," Lady Gaga
4, "For Your Entertainment," Adam Lambert
3, "Men in This Town," Shakira
2, "You're Not Sorry," Taylor Swift
1, "Kiss and Tell," Ke$ha

As the digital era blurs the lines between traditional singles and often equally-priced a la carte album cuts, Lambert's (No. 61) and Swift's (No. 11, released as a "Fearless" preview track) songs charted on the Hot 100 on the strength of download sales.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan you said a mouthful, I am not as knowledgeable as you but I also appreciate quality over quantity. Thank you for your input, I have never in all my life been so taken and obsessed with a singer/performer/entertainer as I am with Adam, he is the only one I listen to and play on my ipod since AI days, and I'm still not tired of listening to Adam. I learned how to download his songs from Upright Cabaret days, pre-idol days etc. I would buy them but they aren't for sale so I ripped them off from you tube videos, also his beautiful rendition from Brigadoon. He is without a doubt THE BEST.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan, I appreciate very much your comments. I enjoyed very much reading your post. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan - I enjoyed that post very much. Thank you. I just commented on a newer post w/ My Conviction linked - I had not come across it before (shocking :)) and I thank you as well, along with Amelie, for bringing that into my world.

The Dark Side said...

Nice to hear from Kentucky and hope for more such articulate posts. Thanks. Back to Joan and Fashion Police, what a hoot. LMAO. Gona see Joan in person this Spring when she brings her standup to my neck of the woods. Can't wait, she is the funniest person around.

algalhi said...

Haha! - Becca 7:14 AM - you are SO funny!

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan - amazing post, thank you. I read it twice. Very well written...gave me chills, because it hit me, again, what an instrument Adam has, and how fortunate we are to be living in a time when we get to hear it! And, on top of all that, he does everything in his glittery, in-your-face, wink/smile way. I just LOVE this man.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan - thank you so much, i love reading yours posts. I'm also thrilled that your brother is a jazz musician ;-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys, so much. I love the people & ambiance on this site.

If anyone has not already done this: a post is now up here on 24/7 so you can hear Adam singing My Conviction. Some of the comments of people hearing this for the 1st time are so much fun! :)

P.S. I thought the above clip was so funny! They were totally baffled by Adam's "Morman!" look. We all know how many clothes he loves to wear LOL. By the way, look at those gorgeous suede boots he's got on. Are these the ones he picked up in Paris?

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky Fan

Sorry fellow, if I'm kind of late because of my job but, you know? Culture and Information are alike the very Justice: «better late than never!» (is that the way you say in America?)
Anyway... thanks a lot for this beautiful post from you... another one!!!
