Adam Lambert Posing With Luke Nero
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, January 7, 2011
Posted at : Friday, January 07, 2011
Luke Nero uploaded a new picture of him and Adam Lambert tonight on his blog. This was taken at Mr. Blacks in Los Angeles on January 4th, 2011.
Luke also had some things to say about Adam:
"Adam Lambert the consummate professional and the nicest guy ever!! I wish him all the best for his upcoming tour."

Thanks to Scorpios4Adam and argeneau!
Luke also had some things to say about Adam:
"Adam Lambert the consummate professional and the nicest guy ever!! I wish him all the best for his upcoming tour."

Thanks to Scorpios4Adam and argeneau!
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what is up with the hair? is the hair really that long? His eyes are so sexy with the liner!!!
OMFG! He look so cool and his eyes!
Adam Adam Adam you look so good ! I'm not sure this should be permanent , but WOW ,for now at least I remember awhile back when you had your PRINCE look . You just cant look bad DAMN
Gorgeous, amazing, beautiful and sexy (as always)Adam looks fantastic.
@anon 8:43pm. I don't think Adam's hair is so long. Probably this is very good wig:)LOL
Whooooa‼ Adam & his beauty just never cease to AMAZE meh‼ Facial hair or no fh...☆ღ.•°HOLY HOTNESS‼˚*•°•☆.¸ Those eyes... those lips... sooo seductive‼ :)
Is Adam channeling Johnny Depp?
The Sutan thread is spiraling out of control. Let's bring all the positive emotions from this thread over there. Those pictures were amazing.
So glad to see that the beard was not just a prop for NYE - he is devastatingly handsome in this picture - he always makes the other person look so ordinary. What a DOLL!!!!
OMG he is so gorgeous no matter what he does! I love the facial hair! I think it makes him look more masculine. Whew! Those eyes and that gaze can pierce right thru you! .....and btw what "upcoming tour" Did I miss something important?
I love his hair in the NYE pic. Adam has the most seductive eyes! Maybe he is confusing the paparazzi with his different looks.
I don't get the quote from Luke about Adam's "upcoming tour" - unless it's old
Oh...and this was actually taken at Bardot's in Hollywood, according to a friend who knows, and guess who was there three weeks ago! ME...!!!!! The only thing missing was Adam : )
OMG, when I first looked at this pic on the small screen on my Droid, I thought the guy on the right was John Galiano! I thought it was a picture of Adam (looking surprisingly clean cut) with John G - and just about fell off my chair!
Wow, the long hair, the facial hair, the smoulder! I don't personally care for the facial hair (it's almost too perfectly trimmed) but damn, the eyes!!!! And the long hair - wow! Could be real...his hair grows so damn fast!
Lookin' sexy, Adam, no matter what your latest trend is.
- Adam Fix
glitzylady - Awwww too bad you weren't there when Adam was there. I bet it would have been a great moment :)
Adam looks like a GOD to me! <3
Beautiful! 'The upcoming Tour' comment must have been made prior to GN...or maybe for 2011????
Hey, hold on it says taken be ready for the 2011 tour everyone!
ADAM could have been from history itself with this look. He looks totally amazing!
@ anon 12:02am
I kidding!!! Arrrggghh!! Just three weeks too early (but had a ball at the Glam Nation after party there, after the Music Box concert..its a really fabulous place!)
And yes...I'm hoping for the 2011 tour!!!!! I can't wait any longer than that!!!
@Adam Fix...yes those Droids are a little hard to see detail, a lot of squinting involved..I survived it for several days last week,out of town with no computer access, except for once at a Starbuck's..better than nothing tho! What I ever did without it I'll never know!
I really do like this look for Adam, but guessing its just a passing thing, to get him through his "off" time, and past the paps and fans...although there have been so many VERY positive comments, maybe it will stick around for a little while longer..With Adam you never know!
Those eyes, I am dead!
I found these picture taken on Nov.10,2009 from Mr. Black LA.
Love his eyes here, but not very keen on the facial hair, hope it doesn't last too long...
HK fan
Now THAT'S a look! I don't think there is any style he can't rock. Wow.
I LOVE ADAMS New Style :) Tour comment is interesting? :)Katie
Adam is one of those happy men who could have pink hair,beard going down to feet, sack instead of smart clothes and still look hot.His mesmerizing eyes and lips are just beautiful♥♥♥
Stunning, literally stunning!
I like the facial hair (on him) but with his long Beatle hair cut rather than this do-which looks like a wig. The pic of him from pre-idol leaning against a wall wearing a t-shirt and jeans with the facial hair/Beatle hair is one beautiful pic. imo.
This is more of a Capt. Jack look...Arghhhhhhhhh
Adam's the only star I can think of who changes his look so much, and PULLS IT OFF EACH TIME! I love the smoldering eyes in this pic. Most celebs look pretty much the same all the time. Adam keeps us SURPRISED all the time. He is always gorgeous, no matter what the hair, makeup, clothes, etc. look like. I'll take him any way I can get him.
Adam Lambert...the man with hundreds of different looks. He changes it up all the time and does keep us mesmerized waiting to see the next one. If he were to appear in a movie, he could play anything from a pirate, to a vampire or to some historical character in any time period. Would that we all could play "dress up" in our daily lives as he does in his.
i kinda like it he needs to cut his hair alittle bit like it was in idol and he needs to shave!!:)
«I kinda like it he needs to» be the way he choses (always beautiful) but stop killing me with this lethal stare!
So glad I popped in... FIERCE pic and some fun comments... I was so, um, sad I suppose is the word, with that Sutan thread (all pix originally posted soooo NOT offensive or career threatening IMHO)... didn't even want to come back today... (@ColoforAdam here @ 9:09PM - I don't know if I'll ever even go back to that thread after this morning, so I won't comment there but I wanna say thanks to you for getting me out of that thread without totally falling into depression :), you, JakeL and a few others, thanks fans, really). But anyway, this thread, thud. To me, soooo irelevant are my personal preferences in the face of this fierceness :), just my POV. And I love to think of BB exercising his not-necessarily-musical (fashion etc.) but other creative muscles, getting those non-musical creative juices flowing and expressing them outwardly just exactly as he sees fit ... hope he's having a blast doing it, hope he's having fun existing in his own real true world for a bit, his personal world of his choosing, for a while. (A world, IMHO, that I would venture to guess is no more normal or unnormal than anyone elses, just different... a world that is not deviant, not atypical, not strange, not untraditional, not OTT, not unfathomable, not un-normal - just different than mine, and others, but no less real and acceptable, IMHO). Get your existence on AML, and Sutan too, and you go boys.
@Fan4fun/9:10AM - IKR... and it's sorta fun just looking at the beauty of the horse, without carrying the weight and baggage of searching for the horns, isn't it?!! as your Momma might have said, ;).
@MGF Thank you, that was so beautiful, just what Adam preaches, be comfortable in your own skin. I didn't read that other tread was afraid of how it would go down, so many people judgmental, glad you didn't go away, I love your comments.
The Idol hair is not available, since it's no longer fashionable. Do you want a long hair or do you want a shaved from the sides hair?
OMG Glitzylady!! God, how I wish Adam had come to Bardot the night we were there, wow! He would have had a blast with us!!(and vice versa, naturally! lol) He is just too freaking gorgeous, always! Gah! And Adam has a wealth of hair so I do believe that is all his. He is forever changing up his look and will no doubt do so in the future for many years to come! LOVE THAT MAN! xoxoxoxoxox! ;D <333
Yes, that was a difficult thread back there..and so glad you were able to say here what was on your heart and mind. And yes, so happy that Adam is able to get back to his own "world" for a little while, to be himself as he chooses to be, and have a bit of a life of his own, in his accustomed environment amongst his family and friends, and to take in his success a little bit and just plain old enjoy!
Smart woman... you caught the point!!! My mother would be proud of you.
The facial hair is awful. It has a wet look to it. Looks like a horses tail. Hope he gets bored with it real soon so he can go on to the next thing. This has to be the worst so far.
Hi lady!! I know...yes, I wish he had come to see us there (drat!) because that would have been beyond amazing, and I know we were kinda hoping to see him walk in that door, just for a little visit with his admiring and faithful fans (especially you, me, and your fan-boy hubby, of course-LOL!!!). And yes, he is gorgeous! As the saying goes...UNF! When I first saw this on twitter, I could hardly even type in a response...I know not everyone likes the look but I can give it an unqualified YES,YES,YES!!! : )
Adam looks so dayum hot here, but he always does. I love to see him change it up! He has such an amazing artistic ability with fashion and all the accessorizing. That man has so much talent! I love him!!! :)
It's like a WWIII in that thread. Here is so much better, I can drown myself in his sexiness and peacefulness. Love him so much.
MGF, 9:58 AM - bravo! Amazing post, thank you!
- Adam Fix
i like adam with his other hair style and no facial hair. :( i miss that look, hopefully it will change soon (: i still love him <3
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