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Adam Lambert's Short Hair VS Long Hair - The Winner!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 16, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fleckingrecords had a poll that asked the fans what hairstyle they preferred Adam to have. And the result is....

(Via Fleckingrecords):
"For a while it was pretty much 50/50, but eventually we had a winner.

46.37% of you said that you preferred Adam’s hair short, while 53.63% of you love Adam’s new, longer hair."

Do you agree with the majority's votes?


Anonymous said...

adam lambert looks good short hair and long hair but long hair looks sexy and rock n roll(looks)he ver handsoem love him.2011 hair this long is good for a change.
p;s mj and elvis presley had a logn hair then.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.....he is so handsome all the time but this look above is really sexy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I watched Golden Globes tonight and all the A-Lister guys were rocking long hair with some facial hair. I guess it is a new trend that is happening and Adam loves to make changes. He should keep his long hair. Loved him on that GGs Gifting. He looks gorgeous no matter what. Right?

Also, I'm glad he wasn't at the Golden Globe. I saw Burlesque with Xtina and Cher and definitely Xtina deserved to win for best motion picture song. She was nominated twice in same category and she got robbed by Cher. T.V., Movie industry most of the time give awards to Actor/Singer instead of Singer. Definitely, this occasion wasn't meant for Adam to be there. Even Underwood with her multiple awards was ignored.

Anonymous said...

Transportado de las páginas de un cuento de Hadas, el Príncipe ADAM, siempre hermoso y majestuoso, bellamente acicalado para la digna Recepción que se dará en su honor en su Castillo Principesco.
Escoltados por sus fans,Damas y Caballeros que lo elogian y lo aman por su agraciada belleza e incontables dones, que lo adornan y distingue como el más noble, adorable y justo Caballero.

Anonymous said...

HH, you´re right Adam loooks like a Prince from the Arabian Nights Stories. I am obssessed with his lips, wanna kiss them over and over again. He always looks so good and sexy.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not much of a big help here because I really don't care how long or short Adam's hair is... cuz he can rock any styles‼ :) Example: Remember when Adam was sporting dreadlocks... he was HOLY SMOKIN' HOTNESS‼ ;):) *caseclosed*

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:35 - ha, ha!

See the ginger coming through his facial hair? I wonder if he uses some kind of, like, mascara-type stuff to color his facial hair dark...?

And this smokey, heavy eyeliner...? **PANT! PANT!** OMG - so freakin' HOT!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The eyes mesmerize and cut through deep and melt my cold, cold heart. He says it's all "smoke and mirrors" but there's a lot more to Adam than what he modestly proclaims. He's got a Lover's soul, which is that he makes me believe he wants me (of course we know he's just playing with us, but we love him anyway, the scoundrel). Pant, pant, can't breathe for the beauty!

glitzylady said...

Yes, liking the longer hair, but then I am partial to longer hair on men anyway...and I REALLY liked this look above...Some of the comments are making me laugh, but I have to say....I agree!

Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam's shorter hairstyles.

Anonymous said...

I like the long hair also. Dreadlocks?!?! Eeewww! Glad I missed That look. I know it's silly and wrong, but when I see dreads on ANYone think "smelly and unclean". Don't know why. Obviously a flaw in myself, because I know better but can't help it. So if Adam ever goes back to that, I guess I'll just close my eyes, listen to the music, and try to get over myself!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous January 17 3:07AM

I prefer Adam's shorter hairdos too.

The long-haired rocker look has been done by so many, so many times.

Anonymous said...

Short hair. This picture makes him look like a porno spoof pirate. He normally looks so sleek. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

@ V 4:28AM

Adam had a dread lock wig on the Farewell- Longineau concert. He took it off and gave it to fans in the audience.


Anonymous said...

I hesitated voting, I didn't want to be negative...
I prefer the shorter styles too!


Rebecca said...

i like his hair either way

Bryndis said...

short hair !!! Really dont like the long hair ! :/

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's hair longer. He looks sexier and rocks the long hair! I hope he continues to keep it that way for a while.

Anonymous said...

@Bryndis I am TOTALLY with you on that one


Fan4fun said...

@ HH
Oh, my friend! I guess I owe you some translations from last week, I remember that I was so tired, needing some sleep, and promised them for the next day, but I'm quite sure I never posted them, did I? If not, I'm so sorry! They are ready but I have to find them... they must be around.
I have do go back now to «Hell's Kitchen» but will be back in 6 hours from now. Until there, let me try to translate your fairy tale where sweet Adam is the hero... Lol

HH's Jan.16, 10:16PM

«Transported from the sheets of a fairy tale, [there he is] Prince ADAM, always gorgeous and magestic, beautifully adorned for the worthy reception to be given in his honor at his castle.
Escorted by his fans, ladies and gentlemen, who compliment and love him for his gifted beauty and countless talents, which adorn and distinguish him as the most noble, adorable and fair Gentleman. HH»

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Shorter hair please.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info @Eva. I will go back and look for that on youtube. @ fan4fun, thank you for translating HH's wonderful little story. It's like she thinks in poetry. Very nice.

Bing said...

@V - i was cracking up as i watched reggae Adam but he looked so pretty when he had that wig on. I didn't find him so in his old pics where he was also wearing one but in that performance i was surprised that he pulled it off LOL. And i get your point hahaha.

I also voted for short hair but it doesn't really matter that much to me because Adam would still look dashing in any hairstyle.

Bing said...

@Fan4fun - thanks too for the translation. Un cordial saludo a mi amiga :-)

Anonymous said...

Mi creativa Fan4fun, no me tienes pendiente ninguna traducción y no lo tienes que sentir.
yo hice algunas sencillas,como acordamos.
Lo que si me alegra mucho, es que te hayas dado un descanso y te hayas recuperado a través del sueño, en donde sé que estabas felizmente acompañada por tu dulce ADAM y su canto exótico.
Gracias como siempre por tu excelente traducción
Un saludo cordial para Bing y no olvido su
encantador mensaje "ADAM por siempre a través de

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dave Navaro double take again...

DO LOVE pics of Adam with long hair from years back (Brad-Am stage) This look is fun, but I must say, I DO prefer the shorter up and back look. Just watched WWFM from AI mentor week... GOD did he look BEAUTIFUL during that performance, WOW!

Anyone else notice on tour when his hair was up/back (except maybe for Providence) he was more sedate? when the hair was down he was more wild.

Personally for me I LOVE and adore the look he had hair and style wise on "the Early Show" after the AMA's, and his look from THIS fun ditsy interview is my ALL time favorite!... enjoy!
6Q's In :60 w/ Lisa Paige :: Adam Lambert

Is there a more beautiful man on the planet than this??


Bing said...

Hello to my boss @Cindy, it's nice to know that you also like the hair at The Early Show and in that interview with Lisa Paige. I think that his eye makeup was also very minimal in both that's why i love staring at his angelic face. He just appears younger and soooo fresh, my favorite look of all. But i don't mind when it is time to put all the makeup when it is needed because he looks gorgeous any which way he pleases ;-)