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Adam Lambert at Grammy Red Carpet Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 13, 2011

Off topic but here's Lady Gaga's entrance.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing! Stunning.'s Gaga.

Anonymous said...

There is a better quality video of this on youtube.

Anonymous said...

He looked beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop calling Lady Gaga artistic. She isn't artistic, she's just f* crazy.

That said, Adam looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I must say, I'm excited for Gaga's performance tonight. I bet Adam is too.

Anonymous said...

Here's a better quality you guys!

Anonymous said...

That picture of her on this site is as offensive as the Bruno Mars video. Please deleite!

adamluv said...

@fAN4FUN /ICON - I'm back in the club! Love his hot look!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:25...chill!......I wanted Adam to win too! but congrats to everyone....
no one can compare to Adam vocally and he looks so happy for him...not everyone gets to be nominated...and this is his first year!!!! LOVE AND LIGHT

Anonymous said...


We can console ourselves with realization that if

it were a beauty contest Adam would have won!


Anonymous said...

smoking hot on the limo cam!!!! the shades are the sex!

Fan4fun said...

@ adamluv

I love everything in my Sexotic Singing Bird, every single part of him, would looooooove to have the WHOLE HIM only for my entertainment, but I confess I would feel totally satisfied if I could get only that piece of CHEST.
YAY! Yummyummyummyummmmm!

(Go back to your dinner, Icon!)

Anonymous said...

the Chest is the sex! rawrrrr!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam! You are the best MAN!!!!!!!!!!! on the Red Carpet!

Anonymous said...

The man is drop dead gorgeous, wish he would have won, but still am so happy he was nominated. Next year he will be nominated for more than one Grammy and will win, that's my prediction. Oh, and did I say how utterly beautiful he looks.

Anonymous said...

We know Adam has the voice and the looks and everything else and I'm not trying to sound bitter but Bruno and Justin CANNOT SING LIVE and carry a tune.

Anonymous said...

it is always a great time when Adam Lambert is in da house! go get 'em BB!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert should be a dessert, because he is sooo delish!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam oh Adam OH ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is NO ONE like you in the entire world!!!!
He looks so gorgeous tonight! Wow and I hope that he got to meet JLo as he said that he would LOVE to.
He is a glam, rock GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the next album, focusing on that voice!!! Can NOT WAIT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was there to enjoy the moment, win or not, he still wins because of the effect on him, which is that he looks like a winner, and so therefore, he is. That is how it is in Adam's universe where he rocks and rules. Yay, Adam. Luv you. You're too beautiful for words. I have butterflies in my belly for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the pic of GaGa's egg. It validates that I am normal.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are looking super hot! How perfect can one human being be? Adam Lambert perfect and nothing less! Adam, just know no one can touch your talent, looks, charm, intelligence...the whole package! I'm so proud of you for getting the Grammy's truly an honor. Enjoy your night!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely STUNNING tonight! Actually he has looked great all weekend long -- my fave hair of his, too, and very sexy. And, he looks very happy, so I'm happy for him for that.

That being said...

Gang, I know you're gonna throw stones at me for bringing this up again (or you'll all pity me), but with all this glitter and happiness tonight, I am also very sad. There is NO REASON Adam shouldn't have been up on that stage performing, given whom else is up there. I mean, for example, an artist like Florence of Florence + The Machine, who I adore and fabulous song "Dog Days Are Over" -- but if she's up there performing then Adam DEFINITELY should have been up there, too. Adam was more successful single-wise this year than she. There are other examples. And it kills me that Bruno Mars gets to go up there and sing, but Adam doesn't.

Well, there IS a reason, and it's because that g-damned AMAs debacle. Sorry, Adam, unlike you said at to Billy Bush on AH the other night, it's not just 'water under the bridge' but instead has just carried on and on and on, a full year+ later. We all know it. The morning after when GMA dropped him, he went on CBS. Grammy's are on CBS. So there is no reason he shouldn't be performing tonight, except the damn 'brotherhood' of these awards telecast producers and network executives.

Ok, I'm done. But I know that the next album, big hits, and maybe we can finally put the AMAs to bed!

Anonymous said...

Check out the look JLo was giving to Adam when he was stepping down at the end. Like, Oh my, aren't you a sexy creature. Adam looked delicious for this award show.

Got a kick out of Seacrest's comment to Adam about "I need more than an inch". In what Ryan? Height or something else or both!? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:51PM, I hadn't shed any tears until reading your comment. I have desperately tried not to think about the AMA debacle, but I truly believe Adam has been blackballed, blacklisted and discriminated against. I've never thought this until now, but I hope Adam moves the hell outta the USA where he can be treated fairly.

Anonymous said...

Seacrest needs more than an inch alright... And he knows Adam is just the man for the job ;)

Sorry, bad joke maybe, but Seacrest always takes it to a weird vibe with Adam, every time, every single time, and there's just got to be a reason why! I'm not saying Ryan is gay, I don't think he is... but Seacrest is in awe of Lambert in some way, he just is.

Anonymous said...

Ama's have nothing to do with it. Bruno was riding a tremendous wave this year and is a very talented guy! I am an uber Adam fan(natic), but the whole world does not revolve around AdamLambert. Tonight, Lady Antebellum has killed, they had a great song with amazing vocals that stand up live, and their success tonight gives me great faith that Adam will get his Grammy someday. Also, please remember what a great and big deal it was for Adam to be on the Grammy Nominees album, that was HUGE people. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Adam is what Hollywood used to be glam,mysterious looking,suave the handsomest man to ever walk a red carpet! Classy, elegant, every inch a star! He looks stunning in all of the pics1 Hope he has fun at the parties and charms everyone! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I loved AMA performance, and liked and agreed with much of what Coloforadam had to say about that on a recent thread! Right on Coloforadam. Adam's living part of his dream tonight, experiencing something which many of his incredibly talented friends may never, despite their own uber talent... I'm gonna be positive, and call this a good day for Adam Lambert and his family, friends and fans.

Anonymous said...

@5:25 Yes, chill. What's with the fixation to delete posts? Not everyone shares your views and so rigidly wants to control what others choose to read. Solution: scroll on by! Lady Gaga gave Adam one of her best songs, Fever. There is a connection! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just noticedWWFM playing in the background when being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest. It was fun seeing the thumbnails of Adam as a fashion correspondant for ET at last grammy. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest is so bubbly and excited around Adam. (He almost seemed bored with Miley..)

Anonymous said...

We get 60 secs of Adam all day and all night and that camera man put adam in a tiny screen so he could see the kid and perry instead. Jeez, that really pissed me off. Sorry, just disappointed that No glimpses of Adam in the audience either. Guess I'll go watch the Talk again.

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:34pm May be camera man put Adam on tiny screen, however he mentioned as one of the best dressed artists on Grammys. By the way, kid and Katy didn't win any grammys also. Also, Justin B was inlcuded in the list the worst dressed artists same as Katy:) This is mean there were a lot of camera men who made great pictures of Adam

Anonymous said...

From earlier in the week? Can't remember which day-all a blurrrrr...Sauli and Allison Porter arm in arm, Adam in forefront:


Anonymous said...

Old commercial with Adam and with braces...


Anonymous said...

A sweet tweet from Papa Lambert to Baby Lambert:

milestougeaux Eber Lambert
@adamlambert If it was up to me (and really it should be) I'd give you 3 Grammys. Have fun tonight!
11 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

It was easy to vote on the Best Dressed poll. So many scary outfits! I think the Bieber had his fathers suit and Rhianna...? Was she naked under that? Our man - gorgeous of course.


Fan4fun said...


Yes, I noticed WWFM playing in the back during the interview by Ryan Seacrest. And also noticed sweet Adam leaving the mic to JLo!!! You see? Sweet Adam is among the best of our entertainment!
Why not to be happy? Note the pictures, the Grammy is not in his hand but BEHIND him. It means that Diamond Boy is ahead of any award, because there is NO award good enough to prize his talents... maybe?
The most important is that this whole week has given to sweet Adam a very good exposure not only for his Glamberts; and I'm pretty sure that sweet Adam has achieved the RESPECT from many important people in this crazy world of music. In other words, I truly believe that «The Universal Power of Adam Lambert» has found a good place to moor in this harbor.

Fan4fun said...

@@ Funbunn40
I left you another message in the thread «Adam Lambert Talks About New Album With PopEater» about the Westboro matter. Please, check it out.

Bing said...

Adam is breathtakingly gorgeous and extremely charming. Actually words aren't enough to describe Adam no matter how hard i try. This look is pure perfection!

Hey daydreamin thanks so much for the link and BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY last Feb.5 :) And also to Melissa from Toronto last Feb.3 :) Hope both of you had a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

He looked gorgeous of course. I didn't expect less ! I hope he got to talk to Jennifer Lopez. She was right in back of him.

Anonymous said...

alot of the Grammy performances sucked. Adam should have been allowed to perform. I really think the audience would have loved him. He was styling last night.

Anonymous said...

Adam does looks very handsome.

I saw some of the performances and I am not impressed. Bob Dylan was I expected. His voice sounds like gravel is in his throat. Bruno Mars can't sing period imo. Poor Barbra can't sing like she use to either. I mean "Evergreen" really?

SO, why not make way for those artist who really CAN SING?

I'm just not getting why they didn't ask Adam to sing? He would have blown the audience away with his pipes.

Anonymous said...

Spent an early lunch hour perusing the blogoshere/twitterverse... Adam starting to be on a couple of "Best Dressed" lists already... let's hope that trend continues into more mainstream entertainment news media outlets!

Anonymous said...

There might be a legitimate reason why Adam did not win the Grammy in his category, the first time nominated. But, there is NO legitimate reason why he wasn't invited to perform or present. This is a travesty. OMG, they even had Clay Matthews presenting- and he's a football player. No connection at all to the Grammys. This was just wrong, wrong, wrong..........

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm enjoying putting salt on the wound (which I do sometimes ;->) but... to those dissing the Grammy performers, please remember Lambert's SINGING performance at the AMAs. After that one, I said to myself I won't rush into bitching about live TV performances anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam learned a tough lesson from his performance on the AMA show. He even admits he just got carried away with the song and was into the moment and the excitement of song. I don't think the same thing would have happened on the Grammys. All he had to do was sing WWFM without a big production number and he would have had the audience in the palm of his hand. Why couldn't they have used him as a presenter if he was not going to perform? He is articulate, charming and looked gorgeous. I never understand why they use non music people(Clay Matthews, Eva Longoria,etc) as presenters when this show is about music. Big mistake not to put Adam on stage either way. At least he did a red carpet interview so we had a chance to see him looking so flawless and stunning.

Rebecca said...

beautifully perfect as always

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bing!


Anonymous said...

daydreamin @ 1:19, I loved that old commercial. I had never seen that one before. I wish he would wear his hair like that now only dark. He would be just as gorgeous as he is now!

laurieb said...

this vid is blocked here in Canada, the one with Ryan Seacrest interviewing Adam. Geesh! Is there anywhere else we can watch this?