Flawless Photos From The Grammy Red Carpet
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, February 13, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, February 13, 2011

Source: adam-pictures.com
Source: celebrity-gossip.net
Thanks to Adamholic
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...no words necessary....not possible to comment on such perfection......
Sweet mother of God, this man is gorgeous
Amen to that, totally agree.
Jadam NZ
does it get any better than that? I almost feel foolish getting so upset and mouthy when I found out he lost.I wish I could go and erase my comments.
Aaaaahhhhh-mazing photos! Aaaaaaahhhhhh.........
OMG, Adam had to be the best looking guy at the Grammy show. He is absolutely gorgeous, perfection. These pictures are worth more than any other words can say. I think I will just sit here for a while and take them all in as my heart settles down.
The best gift to his fans tonight is his stunning magnificence on the red carpet. He should have won for being the most gracious, beautiful specimen of a man at the Grammy's. Adam, you did us proud, and like before, you may not got the prize, but you know what the real prize is anyway, and that's vindication from your admiring multitude.
WOW! That's all I can say.
Omg he looks so hot!! I love the unbutton shirt!
This is my favorite look on Adam - the tailored,
high end suit, with this hair. Absolutely breath-taking.
Lots of established, talented singers don't win every time. It was great just to see him there in the middle of it all.
btw, when did he find out, would he have known before the interview with Seacrest? He looks quite serious in the red carpet pics..
Oh to be that necklace..
Can anyone fill us in on what's happening on twitter? Did people like the show and most of the results?
I have never seen someone more beautiful than him in the red carpet. He's so gorgeous:)
And, the Grammy went to Bruno Mars, to the guy who was charged with drug possession and whose voice doesn't even come close to Adam's.
As long as Adam has his fans to support him, who cares if the music industry doesn't recognize his talent with awards. We all know he has the best vocals out there.
Well, that took care of any bum mood I was in after watching the grammy's. Knocked it right out of my head. Wow!
I can't tell if that's hair or freckles on his chest lol. Didn't watch the Grammys, had to work, did he present an award? Thought I read that somewhere... Also, I love you too, Adamluv (posting that here instead of the Bruno Mars thread so you can see it.)
Well, let's see, the long thin lines are hairs, the round blotchy marks are freckles...
Now, THAT's what I call "Hollywood". He is the Rock Hudson, Clark Gable of 2011. Classic Hollywood. Breathtaking. Leading Man.
Hot Dam Adam look so SEXY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh, Rhianna's crotch gyrating in our faces, wasn't this a family show with the muppets?
I was feeling down ,and hoping Adam wasn't feeling let down, but I guess he would still have a great night being with all his peers, I know he loves Muse ,now he may get to meet them,hope he has a great after party and goes home with someone stunning!
Glad I checked in here before bed ,these pics are fabulous and I feel a little better
go to Huffington Post best dressed Grammy poll. Adam at #3.
What would you do if you saw him walking toward you? *gasp*quiver*thud*
Adam, you just want to kill me, don't you.
WOW!!!!!! There are really no words...so I won't even try!I think he is undoubtedly the best looking man at the Grammys, no contest, and many others agree, as you can see by this poll below...2 women and Adam...top three in the poll so far!
Just noticed that Adam is currently polling at #3 on the Huffington Post Grammy Best Dressed Poll....here's the link if you want to vote! : ) or comment..
Give it to me, Adam!!!!!!! The open shirt - GAHHHHH!!! The icey blue eyes against the black hair...the opens shirt...he is just sex on legs, DAMN!!! Did I mention the open shirt yet??
- Adam Fix
OMG! Tonight's look is definitely one of my fav looks EVERRRR‼ Lovin everything about it... just PERFECT‼
Oh, sooo approve of Adam missing a few buttons... yes, yes and yes‼ :) Lovin the GQ look... YUMmmmy‼ *fingerlickingood*
You nailed it Adam. Gorgeous, sophisticated and sexy---love the whole look!
Speechless..so perfect..so handsome...;breathtaking..his eyes stand out like blue lazers..love the hair..love everything
Well......a friend just sent me this twit pic and I thought I would share it with my friends here.....a little present for those of us who could not attend the Grammy's tonight. (which I am assuming was most of us...) ...be sitting down, BTW.....
Adam causes his own 5 alarm fire!! He is the MALE version of Venus! He will really network tonight and get to mingle and meet soo many artists!!
Hope he brought smelling salts in his jacket pocket - cuz he will need to revive the women that come within a few feet of him.
KEEP that open shirt look BB - you can get lost in that gorgeous chest --what a MAN!!!
Adam is #2 in Huffington Post right now. Also, he is included in Best Dressed as Honorable Mentions an Washington Post.
It seems like this is best dress in Red Carpet now is Classic Dress! Finally!
Also, Justin Biber was included by many posts as worst dressed! How come this is make me so happy? Kid was sure he won Grammys, he lost it. They said his movie was #1 when it was released. Now they found that it was #2 and one of worst movies Hollywood ever made!
Love the look, BUT I wonder if Jackie Collins told him to unbutton the shirt. I don't like that Adam is a cougar magnet.
OMG!!! Glad I WAS sitting, preferable to falling down, lol.
You will probably all hate me, but I would have preferred more teeth and less smirk. I love that wide open, beautiful smile. I understand the need to look "cool", but still. JMO.
Hope he has a blast at the party tonight.
Adam is #1 on the Huffington Poll! There aren't words to describe how outstanding he looks! Just WOW! I really hope Adam enjoyed himself this evening. Hope he gets to shmooze with many artists! I don't see how anyone can resist Adam (woman or man)! He's a shining light and everyone is drawn to him.
delilah5: Just saw Beiber on tv and could not believe he wore plain white tux with black bowtie and I think black shoes...Adam could have fixed it for him.
Stayed up all night to watch Grammys, so worth it if only for this! Perfection.
Just thought I would post this one more time (don't want anyone to miss it!): As @CT reported, Adam is now at # 1 in the Huffington Post Grammy's Best Dressed Poll..lets keep him there!!!
I also saw that Adam is #1. Go vote tomorrow morning!
Don't do what I did...smacks forehead with palm...vote #10 as best dressed not #1.
Dayum, he'd look great in my bathrobe!
Anon@ 9:03 Adam's fans don't "vindicate" him, we validate him. just saying...:)))
Yes, you have to give 10 points, when you vote. I also voted for Jennifer Hudson, because her dress was the right color at the moment, which is dark blue.
Yes...good point on the Huffington Post Grammy Best Dressed Poll It is a scale of 1 to 10
"1" is worst dressed, "10" is best dressed
Be sure to give Adam a perfect "10" (because he is,...possibly an 11....or more....but the scale only goes to 10 : ) )
So sweeeeet and gooooorgeous Adam...(well)dressed or naked!
Yep! My sweet Lord was truly inspired by Himself when blessing Leila and Eber that night! What a beautiful and inspiring piece of divine creation! Indeed!!!
Adam has it all... future full of win
I can't look anymore, he is giving me a heart attack. Why! Why! Adam.............. Can't blame especially women being obsessed with u man.
Love u
Toronto fan base, Canada
The best of the best, both vocal and visual. It's killing me too.
NO WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just delicious!
He leaves me confused and happy, seriously the man is to die for. I wish I was a young, beautiful gay man who Adam can't resist. Ah wishful thinking.
No confusion here on my end IreneRose, I wanna hit that, plain and simple :)... but I get whatcha sayin', LOL
I'm not on twitter, but someone please tweet E/Fashion Police/Joan Rivers to make sure they include Adam in Best Dressed List. I think they will all their own anyway actually, they want to be seen as fun and campy BUT CREDIBLE too, but a few tweets couldn't hurt. A lot of people, industry people, watch this Fashion Police show, would like to see Adam get a nice mention, for the good and right reasons that showed last night.
After the Live Stream I switched on the TV and there was the Grammys Live. I couldn´t watch it. I was so disappointed and sad inside. I got a glimpse of Bruno Mars performing. I was not impressed. I don´t hate the guy, he probably make good music but as with Gaga, I´m fed up with the crap as it is played on MTV and VH1 all the time. RCAEd calls it overexposure.
Now you can vote on Faxo "Was Adam Lambert robbed of the Grammy?" Yes or no? It will be a battle between the Glamberts and the Marsians.
ssssoooooo SExy I must say!
pic 8 is just glamastic! that is glamourous and orgasmic in one!:-)
it makes unbutton shirts so fashionable! more please!
he makes unbutton shirts so fashionable! more please!!!!:-) spelling error above!
sexxxy!swoon!drool!-delish lip-smacking!
Adam Lambert Grammy's Glam Cam 360
And... his TVGuide appearence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nInywcs_4Oo
The name is Bond .... James Bond ooops I meant Lambert .... Adam Lambert! He'd make a fabulous James Bond!!!
Currently winning the Huffington Post comp. :)
Can someone advise the link to the Faxo poll, please. Thanks in advance.
Anon. 7:45am
Oh YES, please!! And wouldn't we like to be Adam's leading lady (*sigh*).
TAKES.MY.BREATH.AWAY!!!!!!!!! give me more,more,MORE.
Link to Faxo poll. Vote for Idol of the month too!
Congratulations to ADAM for its incredible beauty and look amazing !!!!!!!
I could not wait to see what Adam was wearing at the grammys & here he is! OMRG! Adam looks absolutely beautiful! I love the jacket! snakeprint, & black! His rings were freakin awesome! the necklaces, Adam pulled it off!
Adam has been listening to us, he gave us more chest! He looked priceless,just like his voice!
I didn't watch the grammys, thank GOD!, just here for only one music artist, & that is Adam Lambert! Love Muse, glad to hear they won!
Not worried about anymore award shows cuz I know the majority of people do not hear the magic we hear coming from Adam Lambert. I cannot wait til his dvd comes out!!!!!!
That is the perfect grammy look! Adam does know his fashion/style!
I just posted this on another thread, don't even know where I was, thought I was on this thread ;), but anyway, just spent an early lunch hour perusing the blogosphere/twitterverse and noticed that Adam is already starting to make some "Best Dressed" lists, and I'm hoping that this continues into the more mainstream entertainment news outlets, not just blogger's lists and such
Hope to see pix of Adam with his "girls". Hope he was able to talk to Rhianna, Katy, Kesha.
You are photos, fabulous ADAM.
It's incredible love, beauty, serenity, security and glamor that transmit these images .!!!!!
Can someone say "PERFECTION"
Hate to say it but the ladies didn't look this GOOD!!!!
Oh sweet Lord in Heaven!!!! I just want to lick up that gorgeous chest!!!!!!!!!!
Aren't we lucky to have Adam dress like this on the valentine day. Happy V-day everybody, have to get myself tonnes of chocolate, yumyumyummmmm. He!He!
He would be even more perfect if he was smiling in these photos. (Likes it's posible for him to be more perfect.)
You can get a link to the Huffington Post and other magazines if you go to the Drudge Report. They are all there.
If he doesn't get a best dressed award, there is no justice. He looked absolutely amazing. Adam knocked it out of the park with this tux, hair, jewelry, etc. Wow!!!
Re Huffington post voting - do you have to go through all the slides of all the other people, there are a lot of them and the pics only come for about a second. Maybe link doesn't work in Canada..
Unbuttoned shirts are the new Black. hot damn Mr AML!!!!!
What a classy, brilliant man! Good God Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ghasped when i saw him.Never ever in my life did i see anyone that looked like that.NEVER EVER.good GOD he is the most beautiful person on the red carpet and maybe even the world.And what a beautiful soul.
Click on the thumbnail at the bottom of the screen & ADAM's pic will stay on ... then you can vote #10 ... absolutely the BEST
Oh my... Flawless. Indeed. The perfect...Black! Yes, my friends, that's what I was talking about on the Pre Grammy Party’s Pictures thread! I’ll put this costume with the ones he wore on Jay Leno and Wango Tango under the tag of ‘Royal outfits of Adam Mitchel Lambert The First’. However, the freckled hands make me laugh every time. They tell the story of a young (chubby) page who was adopted by the royal family and is now trained to succeed to the throne. Hahaha. They bring me joy!
Now, just imagine that somewhere in the world, someone is looking at these pictures and says to himself "this man is mine"... Let's bleed together ..Berts! LOL.
Didn't see the Grammys, but I bet he was the best looking..anything.. man, woman or.. chandelier. The appetizer and the dessert of the evening! :-))
Here's my Grammy Awards: Adam Lambert - Best Vocals, Best Dressed, and Best Loving Human Being. Happy Valentine's Day !!!
Thanks, tess4adam. I brought up the big picture, clicked on 10 circle and then clicked vote.
Does something come up to confirm that you have voted - nothing really seemed to happen and I was able to push the word vote over and over without the screen changing.
btw, now Selena G is #1, Adam is 2. Keep voting
Correction - I should of said: Here are my Grammy Awards. Oops !!
He is now #2 at the Best Dressed poll. Did you stop voting?
@GLb Feb 14 11:26AM - Yes..."...he was the best looking...anything..."...
Good God Adam Lambert! You are killing me with all that hotness!!!!!!!!!!!indigo
Wonder if Adam was using tape to hold that shirt open - just a little, but not too much. He just loves to be a tease. We love you BB - you're a winner to us.
Even though Adam did not win the grammy for male vocal, he certainly took the award for best dressed at the Grammys. Gorgeous, stunning, sexy, HOT...perfection ! Now why didn't they put him on the stage as a presenter? Combined with the fact he is so articulate and intelligent, Adam would have just blown everyone else away. What a poor decision not to use him and not even put the camera on him in the audience during the show. I was tired of seeing the same faces up front even some looking bored or disinterested. He was the best part of the red carpet and just looked flawless.
Well, I bet Sauli's jaw has dropped to the floor seeing these. As have most men's. And all women's haha
Agree that there were some "nobody" presenters. Adam should have been there instead..
Tease us BB with your glamtastic pecs. glitter around the nipples would have been nice!;-)
saw one picture on a twitter link this morning of him on the red carpet with a beautiful smile, so ther'es at least one out there.
I am lost for words with how gorgeous this man is in every way. He was gorgeous on AL audition with no make up and the boy next door look and now gorgeous in this get up. He could launch his own fashion label and model his own fashions I reckon. Aah but that may take him away from his music - and I wouldn't really want to encourage this!
HAdam just looks so delicious and gorgeous! And does he know how to pose! This man is born a natural model!
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