Adam Lambert Wishes Kesha a Happy Birthday
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Adam just tweeted a few minutes ago, a happy birthday greeting to his good friend Kesha.

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Happy Birthday Ke$ha! Talented or not, I like her & she seems to be a fun friend to hang out with for Adam!& Yes I do support any possible future kissing between these two. They both have a free & wild spirit about them. I'm just wondering though from his last tweet to her, I don't recall her responding to Adam. Maybe she called him instead. & if so, she'll probably call again. It is more personal & private. ooh lala!K
Why doesn't this blog show Adam's tweet about ITunes pre- order sale of ADAM"S DVD GNT?? With big picture of Adam
Anon 10:02, she probably responded to Adam's tweet with a DM (direct message tweet) so as to keep it private.
Adam please do not get into all this "electronic voice-over" music like Kesha , Rihanna etc, they all end up sounding the Same.
Stick to your true voice please.... X
happy birthday Ke$ha
he has a soft spot for her and the glitter around her eyes.
I think alot of things between them will remain private. His female fans will have the claws out if anything sexy leaks out!
I think they look hot together. They are birds of a feather. This picture is from the night they made out, right? Who cares? It's all just sexy!
It's not like they went to Bora Bora together after all! Oh, but, she was in Paris with him...
Can anyone tell me why Adam referred to his birthday as the Golden birthday?
Adam has officially admitted that he IS dating one guy. Some of you deluded fans need to get over the fact that he is gay and that he is happy with Sauli.
anon 11:00 u hav me LMAO!, are u serious, do you think Adam's female fans, would even think about threating Kesha, like Kim Kardashian was threatened by beiber fans? Well...particular ones might, huh?
I too think they are a sexy couple!!! I love Adam's passion!!!& you know he is a romantic! ohhhhhh, gawd, this is getting to me!! K
ok, I got your point!
did they rendevous in Paris? when?
alot of his female fans don't want him with Kesha and they would gladly claw her eyes out. I get where they are coming from!
did she secretly invite him into her French Boudoir? candles lit and shades drawn...that could get a little sexy!
she's his go-to-gal when he wants the scent of a female. sniff*
You guys are crazy happy nuts. Adam ain't going to be poking Kesha. Besides, it would be incest. Looks like his sister. She has talent, but it's not vocal.
hey adam my birthday date is 11april,dun forget to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Me!!!! Heehee!!! I love kesha but not her voice i love her foxy face and her crazy things. Adam have good friends and 1 of them except kesha is katy perry that i love her so0o0 mush.though i love many singers like AVRIL,P!NK,CHARICE,TATU.BUT my fav singer is ADAM ADAM ADAM i luv adam. (AGirlLikeMe)
If they shared drinks in France, it could've gotten a little wicked.
ANON 11:35, ADAM LAMBERT IS A MAN!! GAY OR STRAIGHT, IT DOES NOT MATTER!! Whatever satisfies the mind. sniff*
Have a very happy birthday kesha! i love yuh! <3
Adam Lambert: Class Act
Kesha: Not so much.
Adam probably relates to her because they both have so much shit thrown at them. But comparing Kesha to his good friends Scarlet, Danielle and Alisan.......Kesha is still in the trailer park.
I also wonder why Adam referred to his birthday as his Golden birthday, is it something you use in US that we dont know about here?
Jadam NZ
he misses her touch. she touches him alot when they get together. there's just something about the touch of a woman. the stroke of her hand on...
Golden birthday: He was 29 on the 29:th of January. Is that why it is called a golden birthday? You can just have one.
I, too, think that they look like siblings in the above picture. I didn't notice it before.
I bet they did a little French kissing and lip nibbling in Paris!
Yeah, they do look somewhat alike. Adam is the pretty one.
After his UK tour, he went back to France to meet Sauli, and they spent a few days together. If Kesha was there it was so that Adam could introduce Sauli to her.
Oh why all the romance speculation, she's a wild child that's why he likes her. They recognized a kindred spirit. He has always had lots and lots of female friends.....friends.
My grandson tells me most of the girls he dates in a college town have gay male roommates. They like having the security of a guy nearby and they have mall shopping in common! JM
he's so hot for her and she's so cold! isn't that a lyric in a song? I think he has it for the Cannibal one and she wants his glambaby!
maybe they were sipping champagne and feeding each other fruit! so romantic!
if Kesha married Adam, she would only have to change the first two letters of her last name. seBERT and lamBERT. SAMBERT!
There you go again ladies, writing fiction. Why is that so hard to accept? I'm gay. I'm happy that way and yet every new female I meet wants to SAVE me from my miserable existance. They are certain they can FIX me.
Let Adam be Adam, if you love him let him be happy with your approval..............KW
Damn straight, anon 11:22!! Many of Adam's female fans are so "accepting" of Adam being gay, until he's pictured with a woman...then it's time to set him straight! Adam is GAY. He doesn't want a woman (unless it's some novelty thing, he's curious - or it's ME, ha, ha!). Accept it! we return you to your regularily scheduled programming...back to the GB in the Whole Food's thread...
- Adam Fix
Im going to presume on the fact that we've had some pleasant exchanges and ask a none of my business question.Why do you follow this site?
Are you interested in Adam? Is he your type?
I know you have a partner you are happy with. Right? ...........JAK
Don't mind your question at all. First I'm a music fan, second I'm a freelance writer and I'm interested in why gay performers have more female fans than males. If indeed that is the case or if it's just that women are more verbal, and boy are you ladies verbal! Thanks for that!
Do you mind being my research subjects? I find you all fascinating, well, maybe a few flakes here and there.
And, now your main question,,,is Adam my type? No, wouldn't pursue Adam as a romantic partner, but definitely as a friend. Yes, Adam is my type in that I too would happily pursue Sauli if my heart wasn't already captured.
JAK don't mind you being as nosy as my Grandma!
Stay well................................KW
@ KW So glad you are a part of this site! You keep it in perspective when some of us get carried away with wishful thinking. Most of us accept Adam's preference and know there's not a chance in hell that any woman will ever "turn him". We can get carried away because he is so attractive, sexy and talented. Adam is exciting to gay and straight alike as well as being a really likable, decent human being. I wish there were more gay men posting on this site. It certainly would give a more "Adam like "slant on things. Adam really gave me something to think about when he remarked that he is always being bombarded with heterosexual lifestyles in movies,tv, etc. It also made me think about life for blacks facing the same deprivation in earlier times. I thought of how I would feel if I didn't have my interests available in an equal quantity. It was a sobering feeling. One sentence can really give you something to think about and feel. funbunn40
Thanks for being brave enough to come here and interact with and observe the many "faces", opinions, and minds of "Adam fans". No delusions for me re Adam's orientation, but still admire him from afar, for MANY reasons, and I can't help but notice he is very attractive in so many ways, both inside and out. Fan since day one (almost) of Season 8 AI, when he came charging "fiercely", onto the stage on Michael Jackson week ( ...god!!!) and into my life, at least figuratively. I , and my family as well, have cheered him on ever since, through a lot of "ups" and a few "downs". Its a good thing our big screen TV was new when the Season 8 finale aired, otherwise we might have thrown things at the screen! (GRRR!) Nine concerts and many 24/7 blog posts later, still impressed as hell with this fabulous human being, because that is what he appears to be, first and foremost. If he was good looking, talented, but mean-spirited, I'd be out of here in a second. I am proud to say my husband and son (Adam's age) are fans as well. So observe away ...maybe you can make some sense out of all this! As so many here and elsewhere often say, I have never been so completely immersed in anyone's career before, and I'm more than sure will never be again. There is only ONE Adam Lambert...which is probably a good thing! It's almost a full time job to keep up with Adam!
One thing I've learned for sure the LOVE of Adam has caused multitudes of former homophobics to think it over and in many cases change their hearts and minds.
People are afraid of what they don't know we found that out when integration finally became the law of the land. When we elected a black president my heart darn near burst in pride of our country's progress.
Can I hope that someday it will not be astonishing if we elect a gay or lesbian? I'm a dreamer.......................KW
He is bombarded with heterosexuality, but is curious about it and could easily act on it. Curiosity is a funny thing! We know he is gay as it gets, but has stated that sex with a woman sounds interesting. He is a gay man living with bi tendancies. It's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
If he wasn't interested in Kesha, I don't think he would even bother acknowledging her or sending her little flirty tweets. he is interested.
Adam should have never said he is bicurious and gettting all the fangirls panties in a twist. what does he expect? Women are gonna want to bed him. His gay fans want him gay and his straight fans want him straight and his bisexual fans want him on the fence and alot of fans except him as is. People need to quit making such a fuss about where he sticks it!
being curious is being interested. He IS interested in being with a woman.
I'm curious about space travel, but I don't want to try it.
I'm curious about going down in a shark cage, but I'm definitely not gonna try it.
Most adult gay men have had some kind of sexual experience with a woman or I should say a girl since this usually happens shortly after puberty when you are still telling yourself "I don't REALLY think I'm gay!"
Adam admitted to this in Rolling Stone article.
But this exploring usually cements in your mind,"SH--" "I AM GAY". Contrary to what some people believe we don't come to this conclusion by saying "That LIFESTYLE looks like fun, I choose that!" Get real.
I'm curious as what it would be like to be with Natalie Portman...but it ain't gonna happen.
I know I know you are all certain that curiosity will get the best of Adam and some day after enough drinks he's gonna say "That's it I'm gonna have sex with a woman before I die!" How romantic...............KW
Adam Lambert will hop the female species and it will done in our lifetime!:-) x
curious: eagerly interested in learning more. Adam is eagerly interested in learning more about the female anatomy and what makes it tick. tick tick boom
bi: meaning two. Bi + Curious = Eagerly interested in learning more about Man and woman. a little dissecting going on.
I give up you are all delusional....KW
Times havent changed that much for women either. When will we see a female president? @KW, I also get very frustrated when I read all the "bi" crap. Dont know why the resistance to the fact he is gay, not bi, gay!!!!!!!
kesha can turn the Lamb bi.
OH, I'm getting such a headache from this! Adam has two very dear girlfriends that he's had for years. Danielle Stori with whom he went to highschool and Alisan Porter who he's known from early theatre days. He likes to hang out with them [they have common interests]as well as Carmit and other female friends. I'm sure Adam loves Danielle and Alison very much and shows them genuine affection, but has no desire to sleep with them. I've known gay men that I considered friends, felt an honest affection for them, and they could appreciate a beautiful woman, but to be graphic, prefer the anatomy of a man and nothing will ever change that. Curiosity about sex is a very normal feeling, no matter your preference. Curious is exactly what it means and nothing more. Do you honestly believe that Adam with all of his soul searching and life experiences during the European production of Hair and Burning Man would not have satisfied his curiousity at that time when sex was so open and free? He could have had any woman he desired if the spirit moved him. At an interview when an audience member offered herself to him he said," Unless you have a surprise under that skirt, it ain't gonna happen!" Adam knows we straight fans think he's the ultimate sex symbol and he doesn't want to burst our bubble.Just like the Details shoot that btw was very much appreciated and I thought it was beautiful. He likes to give all of his fans a bone. He's an equal opportunity pleaser. Good marketing on his part and he probably gets a kick out of it. I'm as guilty as the next one having fun and admiring our BB, but I think he feels a kinship toward Kesha because she also has been much maligned and she may be fun and has an open attitude. Kissing someone isn't sleeping with them. Big difference. Adam's not going to change his orientation anymore than you or I will change ours. Time to get over it. funbunn40
@KW, I so agree that people are afraid of what they don't know and loving Adam has also opened eyes. Just being his fantastic self shows his humanity and realness. How could anyone not love this man, just for that reason alone? He's just so darn likable! As masculine as Adam can be and look, his feminine side also appeals to my feminine side. He's a sensitve, nourishing soul that is very attractive to me. He's also very loyal to family and friends and isn't afraid to stand up for his beliefs. He doesn't try to meanly offend. I respect him and also admire his creativity. He's also safe. funbunn40
Ahhhhhh funbunn40
At last enlightenment, my partner and I have more women friends than men friends. Our house is full on weekends with women of all ages and sizes in all states of dress and undress and yes I peek......Beauty is beauty. We do flirt outrageously...because it's safe. No expectations, just friendship and love.
Adam has had a harem of girl FRIENDS forever, you may recall Neil said that in an interview, so did his dad. I think Adam must be a very loyal friend. Leave his lovelife alone.
He is handsome and flirty and funny ....
P.S. My better half says I should explain we have a pool and hot tub,,,that's why we have half dressed guests.....we aren't a nudist colony. He's so proper!................KW
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