Adam Lambert Schedule to be on Access Hollywood
Filed Under (tv appearances ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011

According to Twitter, Billy Bush just announced that Adam is scheduled to be on Access Hollywood tomorrow!
@GlamOfTheOpera - Adamsweek RT: @AhhhAdam: OMG! Adam will be on Access Hollywood tomorrow! Billy Bush just announced it!!!
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is the Laura "Dish of Salt" Saltman interviewing the Glam One? She always seems to wet herself when in his presence! ACCESS HOLLYWOOD always shows Adam the love.
LOL at this video done by Jay Leno. It's Adam's If I Had You parody. It's really funny!
What???? On Access Hollywood tomorrow? Gotta find out what the local listings are 'cause Adam's doing the Grammy RockSTar Summit livestream tomorrow afternoon!!! Whoa...can hardly keep up! How am I gonna fit all this in and it's my daughter's birthday with lots of celebrations going on! OMG! Hope my recorder works...
I need to take a leave from my job. Keeping up with and watching all of Adam's appearances is a job by itself this week! ;-)
Funny pg/12:40.
Thanks for additional info Anon/12:06pm!!
This is a great HD video of Adam's interview and performance on Ellen made by a fan:
mycharitywater $290,420!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Love is in the air! Let's breath it all in! :-)
The Talk Wed, Ellen and Extra Thur, Access Hollywood and Grammy Summit Fri - what a week. Now, let's top it off with the big prize - the Grammy in Adam's hand this weekend !
I'm stoked, the more the merrier.
What a week for the roof at my office to collapse because of the snow! Perfect timing!
Seriously no one was hurt but because I'm "working" from home I've gotten to watch all of these Adam events in real time on the east coast. It's been superb!
The Grammy Summit IS on the web, isn't it? And what time?
OMG Anon 1:44pm - that's hilarious... I mean, of course it's not... but if it had to happen, what a good week for you. Actually, tons of snow and snow-on-roof stress with me, so I do take it very seriously indeed, but shit - the timing was good for you and your AML fandom, HA ;)
@MGF, I agree about the perfect timing! Things happen for a reason and this was meant to be. @MGF, hope you are withstanding all the snow in your area and spring comes early. I think the Groundhog Phil predicted it!!!!!!!!!
MGF, I have to confess that the roof falling person is I, AG.
I was the Anon @ 1:44 and didn't leave a tag because sometimes I type and don't even think to. I don't mean to come accross like I'm hiding or anything.
But, life has been full of stress with all this snow and I hope you are dealing with it all with your usual positive and jovial attitude.
is true?
yes, they added Bob Dylan and also Dr. Dre??? Wish they would have added Adam somewhere during the evening!
Well AG, joviality has been a little scarce around my (leaking) house lately :), but many many people have it much much worse than my family, so I'm appreciative of the mostly good fortune I've experienced in the face of this crazy snow/weather. I hope your own snow situations are working themselves out smoothly also. Maybe we both need to hop a plane to Adamluv's and spend a few days on her couch or floor and enjoy some sunny weather ;). Thanks for your well wishes Adamluv... but that Spring thing - all that's gonna do is cause massive amounts of melting snow for weeks and weeks and weeks and therefore leaks and leaks and leaks, LOL, but again, I have a good life and have escaped much snow related craziness and Imma be grateful for that :). Seriously, thanks for your well wishes, much appreciated. And really, this day, this week, full of AML deliciousness, I have nothing but a smile for that ;)... healthy kids, income, shelter, a working laptop, and AML looking happy - I'm good!
Where do you live? Not in California, I guess. Watching the vids today of our man walking bare armed in sun glasses made me sick. I´m in a middle of a snow storm right now. There´s no end in sight. If this is the global warming then I don´t want to be part of it.
Hey Eva/BFF :) - Massachusetts (MGF actually stands for Mass Glam Fan, lol, but I haven't signed off that way in ages, just MGF :)).
Good Luck w/ your snow storm and stay safe! Hope it doesn't knock out your electricity, that sucks!
MGF (which could also mean Majorly Gonna Freakout if we get much more snow, lol)
@MGF Adam said "everything's cool" and that stopped the global warming. Puxatauney Phil made a big boo boo this year, it's gonna be a long cold winter. It's proving to be that here in Texas. Btw - don't live near Lubbock and the stinky barn they put Adam in.
@Anon 5:34 - that Puxatauney Phil better stay far away from me cuz imma kick that little effin' rodent square in the head if he crosses my path!! Okay, kidding (well not really) yes yes kidding... nobody call PETA.
and hey, that stinky barn produced a blazin' hot WLL if I remember correctly! A contributing factor towards global warming no doubt. Long, cold winter.. well shoot... at least BB's fans make such nice hot fanvids :).
@MGF, if you dont mind sleeping with a lot of dogs and a cat, you're most welcome to sleep on my couch! If you love and adore Adam, you're a friend for life! Know absolutely nothing about snow so didnt know about the melting and end results of that. Just thought spring coming early was a good thing. Learned something. And if you are here in L.A. you'll get to meet Fan4fun and Icon who are arriving anyday now. LOL! Seriously, in a perfect world we'd all get to meet each other and "party in the woods" decked out in leather, glitter, feathers and bindis. A gurl can dream, cant she??????
@ adamluv
Yeah! And a salted Glambitch with a smart cat can dream too, right?
Am I the only one who got the giggles at the phrase "Grammy Summit"?????
I picture a room full of starstruck Adam Grammys in their rocking chairs knitting and telling each other endless Adam stories.
Sort of like this site.
My apologies to everyone under 60!
MGF - OMG, LMFAO!! I already called PETA, sorry, but I've got 'em on speed dial, y'know. Kidding!
All you snow-bound Glamberts - I am so sorry for your misfortune! We could've asked GIOW/UK how she dealt with it recently, but she has sadly gone MIA (miss her something fierce!).
Let's see, what other acronyms can I use in my post...??
- Adam Fix
I've been thinking of GIOW/UK the last few days too, really miss her fun posts...
Can;t help with the snow problems, don't get snow in HK, we did have one night earlier in the winter with a bit of frost on top of the hills if thats any help!
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