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Adam Lambert VS The Situation (Fashion) - Vote Adam!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Adam is winning by 91%. No surprise there!

Anonymous said...


Anyway, I just voted.

Anonymous said...

the situation? srsly? LMFAO... these so called bloggers are sometimes pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys.....Look what the cats dragged in..yep me and my NEW COMPUTER....hoo f**kin ray!!!
not been online for nearly 7 weeks aaargggghhhh!!
also been ill with swine flu too:(..nasty!
anyways...sending a HUGE FRENCH KISS TO ADAM for Valentines day xxx
Gutted for Adam not to win a Grammy but kinda thought b mars would:(...thats all we hear on UK radio oh and all the other boring pop trash...yuks the music scene sucks these days!!
Adam your time will come ....yikes i have soooooo much catching up to do..just checked out some photos mmmm voted on 2 polls and watched Adam on Ellen,you guys need to direct me to any urgent news please
...hope all you Glamberts are good and well..god i,ve MISSED this place so much
love n stuff
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

U R kidding about the vote.....

Anonymous said...

We have missed YOU Glambrit IOW UK. Welcome back!


Anonymous said...

Glambrit IOW UK - Welcome back! I remember your comments!

Anonymous said...

Comparing ADAM to the Situation??? Ridiculous!!!!!!! 'Nuf said!

Anonymous said...

The situation is that Adam Lambert is hotter and alot more stylish.

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit IOW UK - GLAMTASTIC that you're back!

Missed You and your witty/hilarious/right to the point comments so much! Hope you are fully recovered from that nasty flu!
One thing that hasn't changed during your absence: Adam is as GORGEOUS as ever - and then some...*SIGH*

Been busy with RL lately, seems there's never enough time for AFL!

Happy Valentine's Day Adam & Glamily, fans everywhere!


Anonymous said...

Glambrit IOW UK, where the fuck have you been you riot? LOL...welcome back mate, missed u a lot. Btw, you take back that kiss to Adam girl, we don;t want you to give him that Swine flu of urs..LMFAO. Hope you are feeling well now girl friend!


Anonymous said...

KRIS ALLEN WHO????????????????????????????????????????????

HK fan said...

Welcome back GIOW/UK
we were just saying the other day that we hoped you were OK, and were wondering where you were. You have so much to catch u on considering Adam was laying low for several weeks. start with the grammy pics where he looked so amazing/hot/sexy/stylish etc...

adamluv said...

Glambrit IOW, Thrilled you're back!!!!!!! So many of us have asked where the hell you were? Hope you and all the animals are doing fine! Dont do that again!

Anonymous said...

who is the Situation? hehawhehawhehawhehaw

Anonymous said...

Re.....Eva...anony 4.37pm...GGD Gal..HK fan...thanks for all your kind messages
Re...ZZ...Ha worries..we have now removed the Black Cross Plague sign from our front door as we are now clear of any my Adam French kiss is very Tasty and Clean lol
adamluv.....yes all animals are well and sleeping attached to the radiators in fact just fed all 6 foxes with raw bacon they eat better than we do
computer had a total meltdown and could not afford new one until today.. nice valentines gift from loved one..i owe him big time (again).must say i acted like a badass kid moaning and groaning & coughing cause i had no Adam news. never thought i would get dependant with no computer but that was before Adam F Lambert came along and stole my heart..wished i'd had Cheeza's phone number
as it seems i am the only glambrit living on the isle of wight..someone please prove me wrong!!!!please......
just been checking out the grammy stuff....Adam drop dead delicious in that suit..what a beautiful man....we all know Adam should of won...but Award shows hate to say it but its all ..fixed and murky money deals!!!
what is it with all the r/b stuff..they have taken over the music charts in US and UK....its all getting so boring...
still laughing at beiber in his white suit!!!
was pleased for Muse and La Roux to get Awards
hope Adam had a good chat with the guys in Muse
yikes i gonna be up all night playing with my new comput...were to next??? should i start back at the end of dec and work forward or back track???? decisions well i am a woman and its allowed lol
thanks again guys for your warmth Glamberts
Glambrit IOW UK

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@ Glambrit!!!!!
My sweet Glambrit Isle of Wight/UK!!!
You are alive!!! Alive and BACK TO PARADISE! Have you been living with your foxes in the wood???

- Hi aunt Glambrit! Guess what? I've been posting here too! (this was Icon)

Oh, lovely surprise! And just on Valentine's Day! I missed you!(this was me)

- And I missed you too, aunt Glambrit!Do you remember me? (this was Icon)

- Licks, licks, lick, liks, more licks to you! (this was CERTAINLY Icon, again)

glitzylady said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad to see you back!!!! Thought you had washed out to sea or something...That long without a computer...Good Grief, its a wonder you are still sane (...are you???)..

Anyway, hope you never get "the plague" again, and may your computer never die!

Lets see, seven weeks...Important Adam events...Did you see the vids from the two LA shows????? Must see...for sure...Music Box LA 12/15/10 and Club Nokia LA 12/16/10 "The Final Two"!

Specifically and especially:

Music Box "Aftermath" duet with Alison Porter


Music Box Encore "A Change is Gonna Come/20th Century Boy"

Club Nokia Encore: Purple Haze/Whole Lotta Love (save his for last.. ; ) )

If you have seen these, what the heck! Watch them again! And Welcome Back!

Anonymous said...

oh glitzylady - you're the best!

Just said hi in a newer thread where you commented Glambrit IOW/UK... holy hot hell glamsista, glad you're back.


Anonymous said...

Re...Fan4fun.....Lovely message you are hilarious and made me laugh out loud youre funny...
ahhh Icon i,m pretty wet with all those licks..thanks sweetness i could never forget our cute president of the weird club xx
well i have finally stop running through the woods in my black leather singing If i had you and hoping to bump into Adam...the wildlife got totally freaked with my singing lol
its great to be back with 24/7 and all you lovely Glamberts... be honest totally insane in love with Adam f Lambert and i like it :)
7 weeks i know too long but also had car sadly car repair came before new computer...thanks for these excited but i am going to save them for tommorrow to watch..yes as a breakfast treat....i was so sad that i missed the gig you and Adam Fix went to in LA (i think) so will track back and find that and read your reports and the comments
luckly i still have the memories of London gig to remember and my cork board full of gorgeous pics of Adam to gaze at everyday ahh bliss
MGF....hi glamsista.....its great to be back...yeah bloody computers at times and damn flu it was nasty took around 5 weeks to get rid of....but all ok now just so much to catch up on
well i have to get to sleep its now 4.45am will return tommorrow
thanks again glamily your'e the best
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

The Situation??? What a strange name to bestow upon oneself! :-O

Adam looks HOT .... best dressed man in the business!

Anonymous said...

GIOW/UK - where you been all my life????? We've been missing you something fierce!! So glad you're back, and healthy...oh my god! Now take that fox tail off ('cause the fox is still attached to it), peel off your black leather lace-up pants, wipe the glitter out of the corners of your eyes because you have some serious catching up to do! Let us know when you're all done...but pop back in from time-to-time to give us a shout, or we'll start missing you again!

Yay - so glad you're back!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit IOW UK
How the hell did you survive without computer for so long? I would climb the walls and rip the hair off my head in despair. It was bad enough that GNT ended and we had to rely on paparazzis for pictures and gossip mags for any news of our man. But to be without, no that would def put me in a home for the very very nervous.


Anonymous said...

GIOW, do you realize how loved you are, now that you see how we are all obviously thrilled you're back?!


7 weeks? 7 WEEKS? Man. 7 hours would have been too many! I am impressed you made it though!

There are way too many posts to go through all of them. And if you see a high comment count, IGNORE! (Except the flawless Grammy Red Carpet photos post!) (There was some drama and unkindness on quite a few posts.)

All I can think of besides what has already been posted, is an adorable one I suggested, called Charlie Loves Adam (and be sure to read those comments).



Anonymous said...

GIOW, here's the link so you don'thave to hunt for it:

OH! And one more you HAVE to see: (weird, ridiculously long link, but SUCH a gorgeous photo, it's sooooo worth it!!)


The Dark Side said...

This is a joke, right? Come on! Who put up this stupid comparison.

Anonymous said...

a bit late been watching the Brits but someone was MISSING:(
its not the UK's fault unless you are already an Adam one in UK knows who Adam Lambert is ..YET... i put all the Blame on Adams Management for lack of any promotion in the UK....they are doing a piss poor job for us UK Fans

Hey Guys...
Blimey you are bringing tears to my eyes you are ALL so kind...thanks for that ...i love you ALL xxx are such SWEETNESS..thankyou so much for the links...i will go check those out
re Eva and Sweetie..yeah 7 weeks it was not easy but moneys very tight..UK is in a DIRE MESS massive cuts..massive price rises...hopefully we will have our own UK Revolution and bring our VILE goverment to its Knees..fingers crossed
they are trying to sell off our Forests (how f**king dare they!!!) and ditch our libarys and so much more.......Cameron is a dick and so is his muppet boy Clegg...anyways read all about it in the news sometime soon

re ....Adam Fix thanks crackpot...i have to tell you this.....last week feeling so much better we dragged out all the old punk vinyl to sort and play and then loved one decided to get all the ye oldey PUNK Friends back together for a Jam/practice in our lounge and i keep saying Adam,s Fix from USA should be here..(who the fcuk!!!) so spent time telling them all about Adam F Lambert (as always any chance i get:).we had a scream..singing to Hey Ho Lets Go Ramones ..nearly every Clash/Sex Pistols song also UK Subs,The Damned, 999..(are you getting jealous yet)it was such fun it almost felt like yesterday..until we looked in the mirror and saw ye oldey faces ha ha ha...and yes the neighbours had fled a few hours earlier so no probs with noise...floorboards shook though with all the hey guys will i ever grow up!! hope not
Thankyou ALL again for your Warm Luv now back to catching up on everything Adam..good news.thank goodness i memory sticked my Adam Gallery and all are safe and beautiful..bliss
Glambrit IOW UK

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to say that yes, the LA concerts etc., were more than fun, for me more like one of the experiences of a lifetime by the time it was time to call it quits. It was fun meeting Adam Fix at last, and had dinner with Adamluv and PRS..You must at some time go back to that time frame, little reports here and there, almost too much to take in really! And as some have said, some great stuff here, some dissension in the ranks, and a great big lack of Adam news for awhile. Hope you enjoy catching up!

Anonymous said...

@GIOW/UK, Welcome back!!We all missed you and wondered where you were and hoped all was ok! My laptop went down the night of the grammys during the live feed and thought I would have a nervous breakdown. 7 weeks had to be unbelievable torture!! So glad you're back and over the plague! Scroll down the blog archive, so much to see and Sweetie, Eva and others have posted so many other great links.Have fun! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

GIOW/UK - am TOTALLY jealous!! That sounds like how we used to spend our time on the weekends (before we had a kid), and those are still all my husbands favorite bands! Adam takes the cake for me, these days, though - as you know. ;-P

Love it - you are "my kind of people!". So glad you're feeling better and thanks for the great visuals!!

- Adam Fix