New Tweets From Adam Lambert
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011

Adam tweeted this amazing performance of "FEVER" along with the "Happy Valentines Day" message to the fans.
Adam talks about Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"

Then he talks about his the Grammy night.

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The stank is gonna hit the fan...
Adam's so honest .... so genuine ... just so great. Yeah, the Usher and Bieber fans will probably have a heyday with Adam's comments but ... whatever. I know he wouldn't comment on Bruno Marzs, but I sure wasn't impressed with HIS vocals. Singing live is a whole different ballgame. Very few can pull it off - like Adam! Just sayin' ..
Go figure. An artist being honest!!! Anyone being honest!! From a TV perspective, Bruno Mars' vocals sucked in a bad way. He was way off, but maybe he sounded better in person??? He was pitchy over my sound system. Katy Perry is a twit. Know she's a friend of Adam's but her music is like a cartoon.
You're right 4:51, this pronouncement by Adam will garner more news than the actual grammys. Too funny.
Am I wrong or was Perry and Bieber totally snubbed? Did I miss an award? Of course, Kesha, Daughtry weren't even at the palace. WTH was Barbra doing there singing that oldie?
I agree totally with the Usher/Beiber remark, was saying the same thing last night while watching with a couple of my kids. Didn't see it all, but of the bits I did see, actually quite like Bruno Mars, he did OK, not brilliant, but OK, I really like Katy Perry, although agree she can't sing live, but at least she does, rather than resorting to lip synching like a lot of them. My 22yo daughter was very happy with Mumford and Sons, one of her favourite bands, I thought they gave one of the better performances too. Asked my 11 yo if he liked JB, he didn't, but liked the ninja's and really likes Jaden Smith. Couldn't understand a word Eminem said, or Ceelo, thought his outfit was ridiculous, actually that whole bit with GP and the muppets was pretty awful. Bob Dylan was just sad that he sounded so awful.Don't really know much about John mayer, and the couple of lines he sang of "Dolly parton" doesn't make me want to find out more! thought B.O.B was awful, janelle monae turned up wearing Adams outfit from last year. Took a 68 yr old to show them how it should be done...
Adam is so honest,love that so much about him. He can actually be the first to admit when he does not perform to his own expectation. So no one should get offended, but of course the Beiber fans will be aghast lol. Adam is the one singer who sounds the best live, his voice is so pure and beautiful.
So sweet that he sent out a Valentine to his fans.
It was so interesting, a few of the (not naming names) SINGERS who won for vocals and live, could not sing for s---!!! It's so tough for the voters because they can make anyone sound good on cds these days. Oh well! So do the Grammys matter anymore? I don't think so for that reason alone.
They can't really tell the real talent unless they hear it live as was proved last night in two specific performances.
Adam Lambert can sing his ass off live. The other artists should take note. Adam is being honest. What the hell was Gwyneth Paltrow on stage with the muppets? that was a joke. the best singer on that stage was Jennifer Hudson. She brought it last night and I bet the Lamb was eating it all up!
The Glam God needs to give the Beiber some voice lessons. just saying! You gotta separate the men from the boys. Adam Lambert is the best male singer on the scene today.
Usher and beiber soounded flat live, thank god for the backup singer to help them out,I think Barbra and Bob dhylan should retired now,barbra so boring, Bob was atleast entertaining somewhat. Mick Jager was entertaining as usual. Katy pery sounded flat and not very pleasing. John Mayer did very poorly,CeeLo provided comical relief. All and all Adam is saying what lot of them thinking but too afraid to be honest....indigo
my volume went down when Bob Dylan came on. Mick Jagger had some major ants in his pants! Love Barbara, but she couldn't deliver like the good ole days. Jennifer Hudson was the her voice! Beiber who? Muse has a great live sound. Not a country fan, but love Keith Urban. the Grammy awards was missing one main ingredient: Adam F****** Lambert!
Vevo 'Fever' is stunning, can't get enough of it
I didn't watch the Grammys show, what for? I was pissed enough and so mad at the Academy. Oh, boy! I'd like to have sweet Adam's mood, always calmed down, so confident and grateful for what he gets.
But I'd like to watch the «FEVER» he sent to us if I could... but, guess what? I CAN'T OPEN IT! Well, it's VEVO, isn't? Buddies of fucking SONY? All bad boys into the same conspiracy...
@ Eva
Can you open the link? If you do, please tell me how.
hate to be honest too; gaga voice sound like a man- she dont have the gift having a good voice; shes a tiger year born maybe she sounds like a tiger but not a good singer lots of crazy idea?she won over her crazyness.i hate her egg.?
crzy crazy crazy idea.
Oh that Adam! He's so silly. The last awards show he performed on was the MMVAs in Toronto and he sang WWFM perfectly (he also won an award). It was the 'other' show, which I will not name (your first), where he experienced some difficulty,but was still better than some of the other performers!!
Not agreeing totally with the Katy Perry assessment but I like how he diffused the Lady Gaga 'sounds like' topic.
Usher/Bieber.....I have to agree with him 100%!
He should have won in my opinion!!!
The Bieber fans have been so busy attacking that woman who won best new artist that maybe this will not even be noticed. LOL! @fAN4FUN, I'm with you - didnt watch the show. Only part I would have liked to see was Mick Jagger. Interesting article in the L.A. Times said that the album that won, The Suburbs, by Arcade Fire had only sold 486,000 copies without any smash individual singles.
I loved gaga's performance but adam and gaga would have been better!!
Haha he's forgetting his performance of WWFM on that Canadian award show...that was a great performance and def not a mess...but it was still wise of him to include that statement.
Its cool he commented on the show and expressed his opinions. He's pretty much a professional in the highest sense of the word and I think its good he's owning up to that.
The nomination was validating but really he should have won the award. His vocals are the best hands-downs. The people that voted clearly weren't voting based on vocals. As the show progressed it surprised me even more that he didn't win since there seemed to be a trend of awarding the underdogs.
I really hope his next album is successful and garners him the recognition he deserves.
I must say I don't agree with him about Gwyneth Paltrow though. She can actually sing (was on-pitch the entire time) and we liked that performance, it was fun and charming.
Also, Bruno Mars tried to do something cool by re-arranging his song but he doesn't have the vocals to pull that style of singing off. By the end of the song he was hoarse and singing off-key. The duet w B.O.B sounded good though.
Lady Gaga sounded good. Don't love the song or her egocentric attitude but i admit she's talented and gave a good performance.
FLOVED the Aretha tribute. Sick vocals. Props to all those ladies for cooperating to make the performance work. Oh and Christina should send Florence a thank you card for helping her get up off the floor LOL
While I'm not a fan of country music I must say most of the performers were really good. I especially liked Lady Antebellum. Nice trio.
Muse was awesome :)
LOL @ Bob Dylan. Man's a legend, but, just no.
Mick Jagger is like superhuman.
Hated Eminem's performance. Couldn't understand a word he was saying and his angry vibe was off-putting.
Katy Perry sounded better than usual I thought although I didn't care for the songs.
Overall it was a good show imho. Everyone sang live and there were no disasters. It was entertaining and there was some good music.
I assume he is referring to AMA award show
Love the Fever video,,cannot wait for the dvd ..ordered mine ASAP,,,the sound is awesome
Happy Valentine's Day to beautiful Adam
Perez Hilton finally released his interview with Adam Lambert:
Part 2 is coming soon.
oh JFC... I'm too tired for this angst, I'm going to bed :)
(which is not to say that I don't love me some AML something deep down the rabbit hole, so deep...)
Read through all of the comments and so agree with most of them regarding performances by Usher and Bieber, Bob Dylan, Eminem(did not understand anything either said), and all the pyrotechnics, moving sets, dancers to cover up the less than stellar performances. Had never heard of Mumford and Sons or the Avett Brothers and immediately ran to the intenet to check them out. Leave it to two late 60 year olds(Jagger and Streisand) to show the audience how it should be done. Biggest mistake of the evening was not having Adam Lambert perform or at least be a presenter. Appreciated his comments. How much does winning a Grammy really affect a performer's career? Very talented individuals have never won and then those who have seem often to slip into oblivion . I just believe that Adam Lambert will be around for a long time with much success in various areas of the entertainment field.
For some reason I prefer more Mick Jagger or Streisand and less Justin Bieber and his old brother Usher.
Suprised, Adam mentioned AMA.
Thank you Adam for your honest and great since of humor. You are only one,darling.
Love you,
there you go again adam, creating enemies, like what you did with carrie underwood and miranda lambert at the grammy's fashion last year. keep it to yourself, would you? sometime being too honest does not help.
All opinons welcome anon 8:48 PM but Adam my opinion is that Adam had a specific job to do last year, when he made those comments about Underwood and Miranda Lambert... apples and oranges in regard to his tweets today. (I actually think he was right about Underwood's ill-fitting dress last year, and Miranda's dress WAS awful IMHO). I'm not discounting your larger, overall point, but the Carrie/Miranda thing is a little different as Adam was hired to give his opinion on their Grammy Fashion. Just my POV.
Well, as one hanging out here in no-valentine land, at least Adam texted us haha
I agree he should have not sent out a general comment about other's downfalls, maybe just talk about it with his friends (altho I do agree with what he said...)
Adam should win an award for just being his honest self! He also pokes fun at himself - that is what will always keep him grounded and humble.
He is entitled to his opinion, which is a experienced professional one at that! I love how his demeanor is one of non-filtered true to his heart "just telling it as I see it" mentality.
Truth be told, Bieber and Usher's vocals missed the mark. Jennifer Hudson looked and sung the socks off so many other performers last night.
Christine A. I think redeemed herself from the Star Spangled Banner fiasco. I loved how Adam even mentioned that forgetting lyrics can happen to anyone -- he did it singing Sure Fire Winners at one of his Glam Nation concerts.
That is what makes Adam so endearing. He can't help but be honest but at the same time flips the coin and also adds humor to any situation - bottom line putting things into it's proper perspective.
I never want Adam to change, and start filtering his beliefs and mask stating the truth. He is strong willed, wild & crazy at times and an overall very funny guy!!!
Just keep trusting your instincts Adam so your next album will be directly from your heart and soul.
Stop it adam, why create animosity among your peers! Would you like it if they (your peers) tweet about your performance? I thought you have learned your lesson,Biebers and Usher's millions of fans will be bombarding you with tweets soon. Remember they are huge, compare to you. i do like you but often times you cross the line.
this is one of the reasons why adam was not loved by the Grammys. His peers know better.
how do you know that other artists aren't sending out tweets like this, do you follow and read all of them?
I get this message when I click on the link:
"VEVO is committed to making all of its videos available worldwide. To make that happen, we must work through a range of business and legal issues. Please know that we are working diligently to make this happen. Our team at VEVO knows that Music is a truly global experience and that there are many people outside of the United States & Canada who would enjoy access to the VEVO video library and we will work as hard as we can to expand the availability of our service.
Much of the VEVO video library is available through our VEVO channel on YouTube which is accessible by users in many different countries".
So, sorry I couldn´t open this link
I think the Grammy trying to copy Adam's GNT only Adam has a killer vocal to back up his choreography. I like Muse but WTF all these dancers doing on stage, strange. They have good performers, but just in wrong places and some are just too old. This is not an award show anymore.
I do think Adams "peers" have commented his AMA performance. Why should he worry about Usher and Bierber fans? They will never be Adams fans even if he licked their sorry asses. He has a right to have an opinion and express it and I think Bieber and Usher have heard worse critics.
Yes, "Silly Adam". Plus he said he was trying to keep up with Glee but didn't understand anything about Gwyneth (or the Warblers in a recent interview). Keep up babe! They love you and want you!
For those of you who also wondered why she was up there, here's the link for Gwyneth's Glee performance that made sales of "Forget You" skyrocket.
I think the point of his tweets were that everyone has opinions about performances. He certainly got an onslaught of criticism for his only american awards show performance. I think he's earned the right to voice his out loud.
I support Adam because he faces prejudice coming and going but he stands up to it and sometimes he throws a tweet out there in the universe that smacks of the truth. They aren't caring how he has to struggle. Where is their support for Adam?
Adam's valentine present was perfect. Anyone that is opening it is seeing a great performance and stellar vocals of a song that should have been allowed to be on the airwaves if some of the rap lyrics can be.
Thanks Adam for being the nice rebel that you are.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ADAM!! Thanks for the vevovid! Can you imagine Adam performing Fever at the grammys? Loved when Adam performed barefooted, I saw his toes at my show, they were polished!lol!
Didn't watch the grammys, why should I? Love Barbara, MUSE/Matt Bellamy, he has a gorgeous voice, just like Adam says, & I like Katy P, she seems to be a sweet girl.
It seems when everyone is going down, ADAM is going UP, UP, UP!!! Adam is a professional vocalist, he knows music, so his opinion of these other so called artists, is validating! Thanks BB!!!!
My memorable moment was when Mick Jagger started to sing(?) and flail around. I'm so glad he resisted that dessert back in the early 90's and therefore hasn't gained a pound. Is sarcasm allowed here?
Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another solution to hoarse and sore throat. i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious sore or hoarse throat. Hope you are getting well soon!!!
not sure who your post is directed at, but my daughter always takes pei Pa Kao, when feeling under the weather, I could do with some now, just can't stand the taste.
I forgot to tell all, but when I had the radio on on Valentines Day on Seacrest's radio station, there was a very nice surprise! Adam came on the radio and wished all of his fans a nice Valentine's Day! Made my day that much better!
Adam was very accurate with his critique of Bieber and Usher. Did you hear Justin bieber's acoustic start to his performance? If anyone has the technical knowledge and training to honestly do a musical critique it is Adam. I do wish he had gone into detail - maybe it would have helped the Biev. They obviously depend on auto tune and lip syncing and should stick to it.
I think performers are terrified at being criticised by Adam - they know he knows what he is talking and has the best voice ever. Who ever told Gwen P. she could sing? Maybe she should replace her sycophants with honest employees - or did she pay to be on? Although the Muppet's were her equals - ha. Why would c. green make such an idiot of himself? Do not get me started on the smith kid.
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