Adam Lambert at After Grammy Party
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011

Adam and Jennifer Lopez's interaction on the Red Carpet. Look at Adam's jaw dropping!

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I want to see Adam in a sparkly silver suit!
adam certainly has beautiful teeth and beautiful everything..
I think Jlo's expression is a classic: "damm, this man is freakin hot, I just want to eat him up!" I think Adam was just shocked to see her behind him.
Seems like he walked right pass Jenny and Mark...maybe he was talking to them before he talked to Ryan
Are you sure these are After Grammy Party pictures? Who are all of these people? Adam is wearing different outfit and makes faces. Usually they have pictures all artists on after Grammy party. These people deff don't look like any of pop or rock stars which had been on Grammys. As less Adam has after Grammy party with his friends
Mark thinking your heart if Adam was interested....maybe Adam was thinking ...I could make a suit out of that material...LOL
You are right that is not the suit Adam wore to the Grammys...where did these pics come from......
Jlo was acting a little shitty. I would have wrapped my arms around the Glittery one. Marc Anthony is always smiling.
I thought that too. I expected she would smile and say hi at least, kind of full of herself. I guess most of them are, everyone isn't perfect like Adam!
Adam out partying with the twinks. Tommy at home waiting as usual. I doubt that Adam will ever settle down. Keep that in mind, Tommy.
I would hope she wasn't such a diva that she didn't talk to Adam. At least Marc is smiling at him. Anyone notice how badly she treated Marc when they were on stage?
did Adam meet any famous people? Did he rub elbows with Mick Jaggar? Jlo is a snot.
I really can't see Adam lusting ove Jlo. I can see him lusting over Gaga, but not Jlo. Jlo isn't that sexy. Gaga is sexy!
is that Adam hamming it up with Juliette Lewis? Adam is drinking lots of alcohol by the looks of these pics.
I think that JLo was just sort of focusing on her being next, getting up those stairs gracefully, maybe what she was going to say... that sort of thing... I thought that the first time I watched it, and the next several times (on the other thread), I really do... I don't think she meant to blow Adam off... but if she did, what I love is that BB didn't really give her the time of day so much either, sort of like, you can come to me JLo, or else you're lovely but have a nice day
Jlo's dress was amazing, and we know she's stunning. Probably a normal reaction.
omg,it looks like they are all just having a good time.
No, those pics definitely don't look like the Grammy after party! Unless, Adam changed his clothes??? When Adam is leaving the Ryan Seacrest interview and sees JLo, did you notice how all the other men in the background are staring up at Adam? HeHe..
Adam has such perfect teeth too! NO cavities!!!
What a stunner he is GOD!!!!!
Adam mentioned recently that he really wanted to meet JLo. While he was waiting to be interviewed, she had her back to him and he was checking out her shoes or butt, whatever, then he was interviewed so when it was her turn, she didn't look very receptive, as i'm SURE she knew who he was, and i'm sure he was too polite to run up and introduce himself at that time. He is way too aware and polite. Not the right time.
Seemed that Adam had to steer to the right to avoid colliding with JLo and her hubbie....
Picture taken out of context and JLO seeming like a diva there, but thats the pretence of Hollywood for you! The image is so important.
Adam is in a class that is way above all others
including JLO!
I think Marc would interest Adam more than Jlo.
Today, remember to put AdamWonOurHearts to every msg you write on twitter, to get it to trend.
Hopefully it will and BB will see it <3
Adam has said that JLO is stunning, but I don't think she is all that. There are so many beautiful women in the music industry. He done the right thing by passing her by.
JLO spoke with Adam prior to Adam going up the stair to speak with Ryan...if you watch the Awards show u would have seen that... the other pics are from Semi-Precious Weapons show after party and it appears Adam did change before going out to party..
PS.why do you people always assume the worst in others, pics are a snap shot in time, doesn't always show everything...
those are after grammy pics. he left sorta early, and changed. most of them are from a semipreciousweapons show @ on the rox.
He left the Grammys early because they sucked.
"Adam out partying with the twinks. Tommy at home waiting as usual. "
Haha. No. Let's keep fan fiction and real life separate, yeah?
As said above, those pics are NOT from the After Grammy party. Hope we do get to see some tho -
Adam is so freaking "GOT IT ALL" and is such a humble beautiful soul!
We adore you gorgeous man you!!!!!
Love JLO too. She seems to be a really genuine person, it just gets so busy pre Grammys and everyone is rushed through a thousand interviews.
I think Mark is also very talented and seems to be the real deal. No bs kind of guy. Like them all. They are all just doing the promo thing! In a hurry!!!
You are so right about the men staring at Adam. No matter what your sexual preference, men must be in awe of how incredibly tall, lean, handsome and well dressed Adam is. The women are all so great though, they all just gush..."you are so gorgeous", where the men just say, "you are so tall". Either way, he makes so many people swoon!!!
Just thought I'd post the link to the Huffington Post Grammy Best Dressed list Poll...Adam now # 2, so if you get a!
Remember 1 is worst, and 10 is best...we know where Adam rates!
Always wonder why it is so important for people to repeat "Tommy is straight, Tommy is straight." Underneath, I do believe there is something that makes them want to have Adam the only gay one or something....maybe they'll accept gayness in Adam, but not in anyone else?
No one knows. And it doesn't matter if you print 65 links and say Tommy told you to your face that he has a girlfriend.
No one knows. About Tommy...about Adam and Tommy...or about Tommy and anyone else.
And ain't that cool?
(But you watch -- someone will do the predictable and post..."But..but..but TOMMY is STRAIGHT." Just can't help themselves, hehe)
One more comment.
That pic would have been cooler if Adam had been in the "Aren't I a sexy thing" pose, with J-Lo's jaw dropping...(and probably more realistic.hehe.)
It´s the after Grammy party:
No Tommys NOT atraight but hes also NOT sitting home alone waiting for Adam . He has his own circle of friends and and is quite happy these days. He and Adam are still very close and who knows... maybe some day .i'm just not holding my breath waiting for it to happen .
I know this says Adam at a Grammy after party but this is what he was wearing on the Ellen appearance! Also check out Whole Lotta Love Fantasy Springs...does that poncho on Monte look familiar??
..PS...looks pre Grammy haircut
that last pic with JLO, all eyes are on Adam....Geez people. I think Adam is gonna need a big Eye of horus tatooed on his forehead for protection. Damn, all the dudes are like "Who the fuck is that Hunk"?
If you look at tha link I posted you´ll see that this is the King of Leons after Grammy party. It is his Grammy haircut.
yup I agree with u ZZ. I noticed those guys ha!Ha!. Watch out WWS you might need us to protect you...........................We love u
Toronto fan base, Canada
I was shocked when JLo said nothing to Adam and I then I went back on the DVR and saw they were chatting away while Miley was with Ryan. So glad he got to meet JLo. They all seem really nice and down to earth. Adam was clearly the best dressed male there. PDiddy has a clothing line and Usher is usually well dressed but did you see his shoes??? Anyway...Adam looked great. Hope he caught up with Katy and Rhianna.
Me, I think that JLo's lookin awfully interested in the Glambulge
Happy Valentine's Day!
Pictures can be deceiving. J.Lo. talked to Adam before this pic was taken, while Ryan was interviewing Miley Cyrus. I think this was after Ryan talked to Adam and Adam was leaving the platform. J.Lo and Marc Anthony were next. Marc gave Adam a friendly goodbye grin.
When Adam was interviewed about the new Iol judges this year, he said that JLo is so glamorous and also mentioned her creds .... and he's right! She does look hot in the photo above so it would be normal for a guy .... most guys .... to jawdrop when they see her .... and Adam appreciates beauty is all its forms. :)
marc used to look great but now with Adam on board he surpasses anyone in any category_BB is too hawt!!nice ass!
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