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Adam Lambert: We Did It!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

We did it for YOU, Adam. ♥

Anonymous said...

Adding hugs and kisses all around. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Drinks all around...WATER of course


Anonymous said...

this is so great!! I just pledged some money to Monte's project today too. Another round on me, drinks made with water.

Anonymous said...

So glad it was mentioned on the Access Hollywood episode. He was sooo enthusiastic and grateful about his amazing and generous fans. You're welcome, Adam -- it was for you AND this wonderful charity. What a great humanitarian he is! So proud to be one of his devoted and GENEROUS fans!! Adam and his fans ROCK!! Now, the media has to give this more coverage!

Fan4fun said...

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
He knows, he knows, he knows!

ONE MORE TIME sweet Adam knows that we Glamberts are the best fans ever, ever, ever!
Now, WHEN will he understand that we Glamberts are only HIS reflection on the mirror? And that WITHOUT HIM we would be just a crowd of sleepwalker fans from somebody's dream?

YOU DID IT, Diamond Boy! Thank you, again and again and again... to you and to your precious heart.

Anonymous said...

I'll join in these rounds of drinks, but I'll have a splash or two of spirits in my water. lol

Anonymous said...

Talk about the power of social networking! THAT should have been brought up during the discussion of how an artist interacts with fans using various networks.


Anonymous said...

@4:18 totally agree with you on that one and should of been brought up more in dept on the talk and mentioned on ellen. Don't get it at all?

Anonymous said...

Agree wholeheartedly, V and anon 4:18. It would have been a great opportunity to mention the charity again and the amazing success of this campaign.

Anonymous said...

There are several videos of the summit[about 10 pages]on the grammy network. A man did have a conversation with Adam about charity water. I'm glad with all that's going on this week that Adam got the good news. I'm sure he is as thrilled and proud as we are. Neil also retweeted Eber's tweet, thanking the Glamberts! I'm really thrilled for the many whose lives will be so much healthier and easier because of the compassion and concern. funbunn40