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Breaking News: Bruno Mars Won Best Male Vocal

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 13, 2011


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just saw it live streamed, so gutted and disappointed for Adam, tho I know he is thrilled just to be nominated.Jan.NZ.

Fan4fun said...

Not Glamshit, only SHIT!
It wasn't this time... unfortunatelly, not yet!
Let's wait for next year, Diamond Boy!
We love you anyway, you are our winner.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see it go to someone else. There's always next year Adam!

adamluv said...

No surprise.

Anonymous said...
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melissa toronto said...

When it comes to best male vocal, ADAM is THE ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

I though Adam would win for sure. I Like Bruno Mars but Adam is honestly the better singer.

Anonymous said...

Eber is the man! He twittered this:

@adamlambert If it was up to me (and really it should be) I'd give you 3 Grammys. Have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

Shit is right.Bruno is good, Adam is fabulous. Next year. It was great for his career to be nominated this year. Adam is still a winner to all of us,we love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

VERY DISAPPOINTED!!! Would rather have seen him lose to MJ than Bruno arrested-for-cocaine Mars


JakeL said...

Bull. Shit.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe life is, what it should be. But I believe in myself, I believe in my heart, I believe in being inspired by another human being, I believe in spiritual goodness, I believe in MAGIC!,I believe in LOVE, & I believe in ADAM LAMBERT!!!

Anonymous said...

damn it!!!!!! don't get it he's nice enough but not a gorgeous sexy superstar with the most amazing voice anybody will ever hear...


and what the heck lady ga ga...she is bloody ga ga...don't get her either i think she's just daft ( being reborn ) how embarrassing for her ha ha

oh well Adam will always be a winner to me :)..

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :) xx

Anonymous said...

adam, don't worry, next year will be your year as long as you BEHAVE.

Anonymous said...

BRuno mars can kiss my ass!

Anonymous said...

Yeh guess I would rather seen it go to MJ if not Adam. Bruno is good, but think Adams
far superior,
Bruno just on the red carpet now, he must know he alfeady has that award, he is up for 6 others.
Not fair ( pouting and lip dropping) so gutted.
Jan NZ.

Anonymous said...

grammy executive grammy mostly black person they pick the wrong guy bruno mars?what a brain they dissapointed.never buy bruni mars album.
he dont have adam lambert voice.
bruno against adam lambert and they pick him?stupid thier vocal.

Anonymous said...

24/7 could you at least replace this vid with a pic of the grammy nominated Adam Lambert in his suit he wore for tonight? It would really mean a lot. this is an Adam Lambert site. thank you

Anonymous said...

Alright, time to go and find an innocent bystander to take my anger out on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam Lost? I've lost all hope in the Grammy awards! Screw them! This man has one of the best voices in music.

Anonymous said...

i'd be ok if they gave it to mj -- but bruno mars? now i'm really upset. how could they do that? adam is way way superior in singing, in everything. my heart is broken. now i gotta pick myself up and remind myself there's always next year. meanwhile, bb, i love you, we love you, you're fabulous. and have fun tonight.

love, glamma

Anonymous said...


But at least No MJ.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the one with the best vocals, the world knows that......we know he is the winner!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

where is Bruno going to be in a couple of years when the Glam God is packing arenas! enjoy your Grammy Bruno, because Adam will be around alot longer.

Anonymous said...

This year has been so extraordinary for Adam in so many ways. I would like to know right now when Adam will no longer be blackballed, I am so sick of this no recognition bullshit. I am still shocked yet grateful Adam was nominated for a Grammy, but dammit, he should have won over Mars.

Anonymous said...

Whomever moderates, please remove the 4:07 pm comment.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bruno can't even hold a candle to Adam in terms of VOCAL. WTF!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Moderator, the troll is back. Pls remove 4:31 pm. Thank you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

the whole world knows adam lambert is the real winner best vocal in the world.bruno mars a coke head guy is the winner?he wont have any sales i predict this.all the album sales goers to adma lmabert just like a politics; adam lambert won a popular vote all over the wrld grammy executive people who choose whose the winner mostly black
i assume thyre jealous of adam lambert.were all buy adma lmabert songs -album as well adam lmabert got the sales bunch of it. bruno only got the title like kris allen not really a grammy winner.

adamluv said...

Didnt take the trolls very long did it? Instead of feeling joy in their hearts that their guy won, they are negative and vengeful and hateful. How sad it must be to live your life with such ugliness.

JakeL said...

I smell trolls....


Anonymous said...

american idol voters made mistaje now grammy selector run by blacks.(music industry run by black most of them theats the truth. bruno is the winner but the big sales goes to adam lambert
all over the world.

Anonymous said...
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JakeL said...

What are Bruno Mars fans doing here anyway? It's an Adam lambert site...


Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of Adam not winning and especially losing to someone with much less ability and talent. First Idol, now this, grr...
Another sad, sad day in the life of the "music business"
ps Hope he has fun at the party and gets to meet Mick Jagger

Anonymous said...

Just saw Adam on the Red Carpet...Rockin' the Sexy Rock God look!

And I am not being negative about Adam losing as much as I have a problem with criminals being given accolades.


Unknown said...

People it is not the end of the world yes I wanted adam to win too maybe his next album he will get nominated for 6 grammys just be happy for him no matter the outcome I am sure if adam sees these comments he would be pretty upset about how some of you are acting at the end of the day it is just a trophy it won.t make or break him

adamluv said...

@JakeL, have I ever told you that I love you? Well, I do. Loved your first 2 word comment, and your second and your last one! SIMPLE ,TRUTHFUL AND TO THE POINT!!!

Anonymous said...

Have fun tonight earned it.......

everybody chill...watching Grammys to catch a

look at Adam and to see what "the GAGA" is up to.

Anonymous said...

It is okay to be disappointed by the results, but being nasty about Brunos win will not be something Adam will do, and he would be disappointed in his fans that slag Brunos win. So all be nice and gracious as Adam will be.It just gives Adams fans a bad name. I am so gutted I could cry I have to add.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the man and Bruno Mars knows it! Adam can sing circles around him!

Anonymous said...

Let's not get into a battle here. It's over. Adam will have his moment where he will outshine them all. Maybe next year, maybe the year after that. There are many great artists who NEVER get nominated. This was a great acknowledgement of Adam's voice, to be nominated his first year. The next album is going to feature his "voice" even on to next year! Let's stay positive...even if we are disappointed. Let's not give Adam anything to feel bad about tonight - in terms of his fans getting nasty or out of control. Let's be proud of Adam, happy for him and spread the love that he so spreads.

Congrats Adam on the nom. Next year you take it all! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam was sporting chest on the red carpet! rawrrrrr!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I only got a quick glimpse of Adam on the Red Carpet but from what I saw, he looks amazingly gorgeous! I'm disappointed he didn't get the Grammy win but I know it's a great honor to have been nominated. I also think Adam did an awesome job on the Grammy Rockstar Summit on Social Media...that takes real intelligence to be spot on with all the answers and comments. So Good for Adam...just enjoy yourself tonight...feel good about being there and know you are loved world wide! I love and support you forever!

Anonymous said...

Don't we know by now ...that the winner is not always the singer with the best talent! Only in the game of chess pure talent earns the win!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know we are all probably more upset than Adam. In an interview he said he did not think he would win and was happy to just be nominated. But come on, if the judges really listened to the vocals and were fair Adam would have won hands down. Unfortunately life isn't always fair. I want to think positive like Adam. I know the future is very bright for him and he will get his Grammy next time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations ADAM LAMBERT for your nomination and for being the best guy in the world!
HAVE A BALL AT THE GRAMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna lose, it's OK to lose to an incredible talent like Bruno Mars. I love Bruno's music. Like Adam, his music is somewhat of a throwback to the times when vocals were out front rather than electronic garbage. Bruno and Adam both represent a step to a better sounding music IMO. Both have melodic songs. Bruno has written and performed all his music.

So please don't call Bruno Mars untalented out of bitterness. Listen to his music before making these statements. We would expect Bruno fans to do the same for Adam.

Anonymous said...

have a great time, honey. you will win next time!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and I'm so disappointed that he did not win. I think he truely did the best job. But the comments about "blacks" are uncalled for.

The Dark Side said...

Not surprised. Adam may not have the same fan base with the Grammy voters (other artists) as Bruno. If not Adam than Bruno OK. Not trashing other artists as I am sure Adam would not be pleased with us for doing that. Any picts of what he is wearing? IM AM MAJORLY DISAPPOINTED!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam on your Grammy nomination, you deserve the recognition. Have fun at the Grammys and find GaGa in that egg, your hotness will help hatch her out of it!

Anonymous said...

I really don't care for the black vs. white comments made on this site anymore than I like the gay vs. straight. Adam's personal life holds no bias, let us all follow his example and love one another.

Adam's time will come, he's only been elgible for a Grammy nomination since his one and only album came out. It is quite an honor for him to have been nominated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I live in Las Vegas and they had Bruno Mars in the paper several times being picked up for cocaine. He was fined $2000.00 and has to do community service plus stay out of trouble for a year. Children read the papers along with parents, is this the guy that should get a grammy? I think NO, but I don't get to vote. Adam gives to charity and can sing better than anyone out there today. I think all the voting systems are a scam. Never what the public wants.
It is all bullcrap.

Anonymous said...

This is not a show about moral character 5:18. It's about musical talent. If it were about character, do you think MJ would have been nominated. None of us are perfect including Adam. Bruno is a very young man who made a mistake. For the sake of all of us who enjoy his talent, I hope the best for him. Please don't slam the winner. It's not nice, and it's not what Adam would do. He loves Bruno Mars' music and would feel sad if he knew how some of his fans are reacting.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed congrats to Adam for his first nomination and many more in near future. ADAM GRAMMYBERT is a sure fire winner in the eyes of his fans.

We all read articles and heard on various news media that Bruno Mars was The Grammys by product. So it was somewhat obvious that he would get the award. But honestly Adam's vocals are way better than Bruno.

Anonymous said...

Note to Anon 5:07

I agree with you. Adam is talented and we love him.....but Bruno is talented too. We forget that sadly Adam's music is not widely played in this country. He will prevail and win awards in the future, his kind of talent can't be ignored for long.

Cheer up Beiber could have been nominated in this category too........and if Adam had lost to him I would have shaved my head in protest!

Let's try to be gracious as I am sure Adam is.


Cheril said...

Being Adam fans we have had some great moments and some sad moments but in the end everything has just led to bigger and better things. This is the next step to something greater. He is a Grammy Nominee, and that brings clout and respect. When he was talking to Ryan tonight on the red carpet he said this next cd would be more "leather" than glam. Bring it on. So very proud of your accomplishments Adam. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Well its look like our man got screwed a 2nd time. First AI and now Grammys. However, I know he is good hearted and feels honored to have been nominated. I wish I were that generous Adam.YOU SHOULD HAVE WON.

adamluv said...

This is not the time for telling us how great Bruno Mars is! Timing is all important and now aint the right time!

Anonymous said...

Mods, please delete the comment at 4:43 pm. We Adam fans are not bitter, just extremely disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Just got a quick first glimpse of Adam on the grammy live feed. I'm taping "E" on the red carpet. Adam looked the best of any red carpet appearance and that's saying a lot!Stunning all in black with shirt open!Sorry that Adam didn't win this time. I thought Bruno would win if MJ didn't, as he is pretty commercial and has been played alot more than Adam. He is good. Can't take that away from him, but technically, vocally, Adam really is the ultimate.Bruno just doesn't have the power and volume that comes so effortlessly to Adam .He's doing everything right and his nomination and the networking as a result will give him a giant boost. He's a winner in my eyes and has realistically made his mark when you consider the major artists out there that you don't hear about. Glamberts were twittering all over the place yesterday. I didn't notice much on grammy feed today.I think there's still a lot of resentment of glamberts that in the past were very pushy and bullying when they didn't get what they were pushing for. There's still some hurdles, but Adam is in a much better place than last year and will charm many at the after party,etc. He's been getting his face out there lately,with no controversy, making inroads that is paying off. He will have his time, sooner than later. I.m really proud of who he is and how far he's come. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars is singing live right now and sounds like crap. We know who should be singing up on that stage. The reason they wont put Adam up there to sing is because they know he would show the rest of them up. I cannot believe they past him over for the garbage singing right now.

Anonymous said...

i dint know bruno mars is a grammy product adma lmabert got screwed?first american idol now the grammy is unfair-adam lambert giving money to chairty raised money for that bruno mrs cociane busted -his a winner?listen to his voice is not good compare to adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

Watching Bruno sing right now....
Sorry Adam is a way better singer
I really think people are jealous of him
and he's just too GOOD and puts most singers to shame
I guess different strokes for difference folks

BTW..Miley Cyrus going downhill....

Anonymous said...

two more words,lambert jipped. oh well i really am proud he got nominated and we all had such a fun week. looking forward to his dvd, new album and the whole year.i even ordered the AI complilation c/d.moving on down the road.woohoo how bout that shirt Adam had on?

Anonymous said...

Adam will prevail next year guys. Just be patients and continue the support pls???????????

We really care about him so much and he needs us more for the next album indeed.

Just ignore all the bad comments.....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Just saw Bruno performance, sound very off key . They should invite Adam, not many people can sing live in front of a big crowd.

Anonymous said...

You have to realize that they cannot shut adam out forever his time will come and he will win so many awards we will lose track--he can sing better than most he is one of the best singers in the world and everyone knows it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch Red Carpet, Grammys, may be have chance to watch Fashion Police. Not surpise that Bruno won, cause his name was in the air everywhere and amlost everybody knew he will win. I think Adam knew it also:(
But there were a lot of people who know who was the real winner. Yes, it will take few more months, and Adam will nominate for many more awards. I am sure about this.
He look fantastic and very manish today. Isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Was going to comment and agree with 5.07, 5.32 and I do like Bruno and dont think we should be derogatory about him, but then I read the above comment from 5.57 and get brassed off and disppointed all over again.
Unfortunately we dont get the award show its self on TV here only the red carpet.
Jan NZ

Anonymous said...

!OH¡Santa Madre de la Música.Siguen las injusticias, pero todos saben que la mejor voz masculina la tiene ADAM LAMBERT. Es increíble
que un premio de la categoría del GRAMMY, no reconozca y premie justamente el talento
de este joven genial, el cual se ha preparado profesionalmente, desde niño para formar su extraordinaria voz y ser un artista completo,
que reúne todos los requisitos que lo convierten
hoy, en una Brillante Estrella.
Esto es incomprensible, pero ADAM un hombre que tiene muy claro lo que él vale y lo que representa para sus seguidores, del Mundo Real Musical, seguirá desarrollando su arte con la misma perseverancia y entusiasmo que ha trabajado siempre, en su gran amor a la Música.

coloforadam said...

BB never looked more beautiful...confident...glorius....hunkahandsome.....he does not deserve a BLIP of negativity!! Tomorrow is valentines day - let's STUN him with love and let him know he has the most dedicated, rampant, life long fans that ever were. He will certainly pick up more along the way but he will never lose anyone who has been Glam-Struck.

Anonymous said...

Just back from Youtube.....watching some of my favorites Adam videos...come to the conclusion
Adam is in a class by himself.......

Dinah-mite said...

Well, we know who gets the LOOKER award. Ah, that would be ADAM F LAMBERT! Yes it is too bad for this year, but Adam will prevail, not to worry!!

Adam is just getting out of the gate, relax! I truly believe Adam is going to go FAR. Have faith folks, all good things come to those who wait... Time is on our side. Adam knows what he's doing, just trust in the process. His talent cannot be stopped, yup, UNSTOPPABLE!

Anonymous said...

Did you hear Bruno Mars sing on stage just before? He sounded out of breath and squeaky. Adam Lambert can sing circles around him and I can't believe he didn't win the Grammy!!! It's so unfair, these mediocre singers get all the recognition when Adam has more talent than any of them! I LOVE YOU ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

Not just Bruno, lot of them sing like shit on Grammy and its only half way through.

Anonymous said...

We're all deeply disappointed, but hating and putting other artists down because they have their own success shouldn't have anything to do with Adam. It's not their fault if they get an award . Blame promoters, media,etc. but I think it's unfair to attack the performer that just wants to do what Adam does. I also am disappointed that race is brought up and blamed for what? Gays are having the same uphill battle that is shameful. Lets keep Adam's example in mind, before making personal attacks. If you're not a fan of Adam, please gloat on your favorites site unless you don't like any artist and just want to be controversal for controversey' sake. There' enough hate in this world. Wish there would be more compassion and good will, even when it's for someone else.I celebrate Adam being nominated and having the opportunity to meet his idols and make new friendships and connections . It will all be good.Going to open a bottle of wine, chill and think of Adam's new DVD/CD that will be exceptional! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

As CAMILLE THE GREAT would say, Let's move on.(ha,ha that's my mom)Adam has to be so tired, we probably won't hear from him for a week or more.He has alot of pictures to sign for charity h20

Anonymous said...

Not one live performance yet (9:28 EST) has produced live vocals that Lambert could produce effortlessly, not one... Just fact. Congrats on your nomination Adam and the well deserved recognition that it brought. Further congratulations on being the fine human being you are - something perhaps not as effortlessly achieved, but achieved by you nonetheless, something to be proud of. Enjoy living part of your dream tonight, enjoy yourself, enjoy the moment... as I have enjoyed so many moments of life, of living, this past year as a result of your emergence on the music and pop culture scene. Yes, be joyful tonight Adam, as I'd venture to guess you are, be joyful, be safe, be yourself, be!

Regular/No Tag This Time

Anonymous said...

let me shower you with love BB for Valentine's day! Congratulations on being nominated and one day you will have your Grammy!

Anonymous said...

I saw Bruno Mars performance and agree,it seemed weak, but to be fair, he most likely was as nervous as Adam was with his first major award performance. He also doesn't have the breath control, vocal power and range of Adam. He does have a sweet voice for a ballad, but still not in Adam's league. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam should have won in my opinion. But at least he was nominated and there's always next year. <3

Anonymous said...

W T F...
They read the wrong name???

Siighhh...At least Bruno is someone Adam thinks is great... If someone else is going to win, glad it's someone Adam repects as an artist.

I'm thrilled for Adam that he GOT the nomination in the category he did. Grammy nom IS validation that he's arrived. This week HAD to be fun. It was great seeing him everywhere looking great and announced as "Grammy nominee"...

Work on that 2nd album BB... and knock'em dead next year =)

Anonymous said...

I just posted at 6:39pm about this evening's live vocals... well, Lady Antebellum just gave us beautiful, stunning vocals... and they also just got a Grammy... I have faith that Lambert's stunning vocals will someday garner him a Grammy. Regardless, I also have faith that most in the music industry are well aware already of Adam's incomparable vocals, and really, speaking only for myself, that's enough for me. There is a performer on Grammy's right now, famous, recognized, big sales, deliverying very weak vocals... but Adam would champion this performer's efforts nonetheless, so I guess I can too... a good example BB is.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the money everybody. They had to nominate Adam because his vocals are out of this world, but money buys the winners. Adam should have won for best vocal, best album, and best new artist. What a crying shame.

Anonymous said...

Adam has killer vocal and some of his songs on the FYE CD are very good and that's why he is famous in the other countries. I think the music industry in US suck big time, they spend the money on the wrong products.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to minimize everybody's disappointment at ADAM's GRAMMY loss ... but did anyone know that at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Gala last night ... Clive Davis himself introduced ADAM to the ROOMful of celebs as a BRIGHT .. NEW .. STAR? Don't know the rest of it but to ME this speaks VOLUMES in ADAM's favor. I'm not as patient as ADAM ... don't have as much time to waste 'waiting' for the INevitable ... ADAM will have HIS DAY ... but we all just have to keep doing what we have been doing in support of ADAM ... don't lose FAITH ... FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!! ..wipes away tears ... Love 'n Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide


Anonymous said...

@ 7:03
I agree with those categories... absolutely.

Anonymous said...

adam has too theatrical voice like simon cowell said, bruno has more soul in his voice. bruno mars the NEW KING OF POP YAY!

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous February 13, 2011 7:38 PM

WTF are you doing here? This is not a Bruno Mars fan site. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

oh im sorry, 7:47, i thought the after party was here.

you guys are buzzkill

Anonymous said...

At the CD Party last night, when they interviewed a lot of the Nominees, many of them said they had been nominated 3 or 4 times, but never won and they were hoping for a better outcome this year. And today a couple of them did win - so there is always hope. Just keep working hard. I know this will just challenge Adam to work harder. He is determined and he has a perfect voice - so there is nothing to hold him back. And Adam usually always gets what he wants. Shoot for the stars, BB, and you will reach them.

Anonymous said...

I'm as upset as other fans; Adam deserved this award 100% +. We know the best is yet to come.
Clive Davis tweeted Adam "a bright new star"!
To 4:32 - you said the Grammy is about "musical talent". You are correct - then, why didn't Adam win?? He can run circles around Bruno Mars.
A huge disservice.

Coke head Bruno will not be the New King of Pop.
His voice is, at best, mediocre.

Anonymous said...

ADAM rules internationally! To be nominated with MJ was an honor....both Superstars in their own right!
Adam does not need to 'behave' as someone suggested! OMG do you know your Adam Lambert?
He is a Superstar who puts life back into the steotypical music industry! He is not a clone
but so refreshingly breathtaking in every single way! Love you Adam and so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Prehaps Adam should have taken Eber! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Tenemos que seguir apoyando a ADAM de manera positiva, superando el, que no ganara. Para él es un gran logro haber sido nominado para el GRAMMY, yo estoy de acuerdo con que una gran parte de la industria de la música reconoce su gran talento y cada vez esto será mayor, pero lo más importante ahora, es que sus fans,sigamos en armonía y no se personalice está situación ( el ganador fue elegido,no se eligió él)que traería problemas a ADAM, que necesita ahora mucha paz, para dedicarse a su próximo álbum y a otros planes importantes.El ama y confía en una base de fans solidaria y desearía que la situación se manejara con mucho respeto. Está sería nuestra colaboración.

Anonymous said...

Such a major disappointment that Adam did not win the Grammy. He is byfar the best vocal talent in the music industry today, not just in the male performance category. It was an honor for him just to be nominated in that category, and it does bring validation to him as a performer. His time will come hopefully with his second album. We all know that he will put his heart and soul into this production. Adam will always have the support of his devoted fans no matter where his career takes him. It was great to have seen him on all those tv shows this week; he looked fantastic and of course even better tonight on the red carpet. Now go out and party and have a good time Adam.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Adam has raised my standard for this type of show. WTF wrong with Grammy, very disappointed to watch the whole thing. They have good singers, too few or too old. I wonder what Adam think when he look up at the stage for those performances, being a well trained singer himself.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have been nominated for Best New Artist. The Grammy awards got it all wrong this year. I think the ratings would have been better if Adam performed. Their loss.

Anonymous said...

Love Bruno but agree with others that this was not a good performance. He was very pitchy hitting lots of off notes. It happens as Adam can tell you about from AMA. Nerves are involved. No doubt Adam will be back next year, but really, it isn't about awards. Lots of snubs this year. Who cares. If you enjoy the music, that's what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

It is so true, a lot of gifted singer will never appear in this kind of show. I hope Adam will show us what is good music, the music that being lost in a long time.

donnaw said...

Bruno Mars??? No comment......

This was one of the worst Grammy's i've ever watched....even Barbra Streisand looked confused...

Adam however, looked every inch a star on the red carpet....Don't worry girlfriends, his time WILL come....and it will be sweet!

Anonymous said...

adam should go to broadway, bruno is more suited as a pop star than he is

Anonymous said...

Just like Idol, Adam didn't win again and he should have. We will all stick with him and support and hope for next year!!

Anonymous said...

It was Best Male Vocal. It was not about New Artist, Album, etc. Suddenly I relised, how it is possible that Bruno beat MJ in vocals? Yes, I know Adam better than in MJ in vocals, MJ never hit 3.5 octaves! But Bruno doesn't have any vocals at all!
All of us know that Adam is the best. But I hope I will get more and more fans day by day

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam being a Grammy nominee!!!
A debut album, a successful world tour, international Rock Star right after AI barely 2 yrs ago, a kind soul to charities in his name, that's pretty AWESOME!!!

Adam has won plenty & will continue to WIN!!! Yeahhhhhhh!!!
We love your AMAZING voice, Charisma & Style!!!

Can't wait to hear your new music :):):)

Anonymous said...

He said he didn't think he would win and what an honer to be nominated.He is so humbel what a class act.He may have not one the grammy but he had to win the sexiest person on the red carpet.I predict he will be picking up lots of grammys next year.He had made such an impact on the music world in such a short time.Congratulations Adam on all you have accomplished in such a short time.Your a rock god.

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion. Adam should have been given the opportunity to present an award. He earned at least that with having a successful world tour and being a grammy nominee. Strike 1 - the grammy's lost credibility there.

Bruno Mars is talented in his own right -- but he is NOT the performer that Adam is nor does he have the range and strong vocals that Adam has. Adam would take the HIGH road on this point - so water under the bridge -- moving on.

On the brigher side -- the major producers in the music industry have all praised Adam and the recognition from Clive Davis is HUGE!!

When Ryan Seacrest interviewed him on the Red Carpet - what was great to hear was Adam is gonna make the next album real, personal and not campy but more leather (his words).

Sounds like more rock will be on there and probably more balads to showcase his voice and a little less production.

I must comment about MUSE performance tonight -- that was astounding -- soo
glad they won a Grammy!!

What was that Muppets and the Paltrow singing on top of the piano performance all about?? I had to walk away from the TV at that point ... Yikes!

Adam, your next album will rack in the Grammy's!! We know who the real winner is in all categories!!


HK fan said...

I don't think Bruno is untalented, I quite like his songs, and yes he does write and perform them well, but this award was for 'best male vocal', and Bruno's voice is not in the same league as Adams.

Must admit I'm disappointed, had been wondering if he'd won all morning at work. I had really started to believe that he would win after seeing so many newspaper articles in the last week or so saying he deserved to win. but the nomination was great, and I'm sure this week would have helped him with all the exposure he's been getting, and the chance to meet so many of the industries bigwigs, and his peers at the parties. I'm sure he's had a great day. Haven't actually watched any of the grammys so can't comment on the acts.
Saw one picture of Gagas egg....really, what is it with that?
As to Adam on the red carpet, he looked f*****g amazing, so hot and sexy (much better than last year), should definitely win best dressed. love the suit, and love the black sheer shirt unbuttoned...

HK fan said...

By the way, who is Clive Davis? Keep seeing his named mentioned, and it was obviously his party yesterday.

Anonymous said...

hey adam no matter you win or not cause you always are a winner for us and i know next year will be were very very gorgeous last night right like other days.i love u FOREVER EVER EVER.JUST DON'T GIVE UP...

Anonymous said...

Who is Bruno Mars?

glitzylady said...

@HK fan 10:40 PM
Clive Davis is a Music Executive and Record Producer. very well known in the Music Biz, and is currently the Chief Creative Officer for RCA records, but was also at one time the CEO of RCA and other record companies. Quite the influential person apparently.

And yes, was quite disappointed that Adam did not win his Grammy this year, but I have no doubt that he will be winning many in the future. Quite honestly, this Grammy Nomination in itself was HUGE for him, and just the exposure and opportunity to network with so many giants of the music industry is truly going to help his career so much.

And again, a big YES, YES ,YES!!!!!! to his total look tonight! Just the best looking man at the Grammy's, no question...and many others apparently feel that way as well, as he is currently #1 in the Huffington Post Grammy Best Dressed Poll, at last look..He's the link..I posted it elsewhere, but here it is again!!!! Wander over there and vote! He is definitely winning this one!

Anonymous said...

Now why is Bruno Mars considered better than Adam Lambert? he certainly can't sing as well. He just doesn't have the quality or power or finess in his voice that Adam has. I like him, but he's not better than Adam and neither was his song. I know The Grammy's, like everything else, is just a big political game, but it's still annoying that the best man never seems to win.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info.
Just voted on the Huffington site.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bruno,
I don't care about Adam, he know he has all our GLAMMY'S...

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are the best!!! You are absolutely a handsome, gorgeous, shining star. No one can compare Mars to you. We love you and your special voice!! In Idols you came the second best and still you won millons of hearts. Kisses and hugs to our precious Adam!

Bing said...

If it were another category perhaps the most played song on the radio, i wouldn't mind losing to Bruno Mars because i would hear his songs anywhere i go here in Manila. That is how popular they are here maybe because he his half Filipino that is why there is a special preference he enjoys. I would even hear small children singing JUST THE WAY YOU ARE so i must admit that his songs are everywhere. Even Adam likes I WANNA BE A BILLIONAIRE so it says a lot too. I agree with @HeartAdam4Ever that Bruno is talented in his own right, but vocally he is certainly not in the same league with ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT who will put every other artist to shame once you see him perform. I suspect that this is the reason why Adam wasn't asked to sing because he is a vocal masterclass and all others after him will sound mediocre. Adam has challenged the status quo in the present American Music industry and he has raised the bar too high. The Grammy's would not be able to justify why he wasn't nominated for the BEST ALBUM and the BEST NEW ARTIST categories if their audience will experience him performing live. It is impossible not to be captivated by that magical voice.

Just like @HK fan i also like Bruno's songs but this award is for the BEST MALE POP VOCAL PERFORMANCE. I'm not blaming Bruno for winning and the right thing to do is congratulate him but i can't bring myself to do that now because i know in my heart that he isn't deserving in this category. I definitely question the reasons behind the choice.

Having said that, i also agree with @Anon/Feb.13 at 10:03PM re Adam's remarkable impact in the music world and his accomplishments in such a short time. This is Adam's way of moving on and proving that winning isn't all that matters. Now that gives me enough reason to feel great each day.

Adam you are such a class act and you are indeed a winner in our hearts in every way. Continue being inspired so that you can create more beautiful music for your global fans. You looked dashing and fabulous on the Red Carpet and congratulations on the Grammy nomination (at least they were smart enough to recognize you immense talent only to lose their credibility later on, LOL) You're gorgeousness is breathtaking and i choose to celebrate the wonderful human being in you. ILYSM!

@funbunn40 thank you so much for your insightful posts :)

Bing said...

Well i would like to correct myself in saying that Bruno Mars isn't deserving. I should have said, knowing in my heart that Adam is more deserving, instead. I'm really sorry that my disappointment is getting the better of me and i know that Adam wouldn't like my negativity. So i might as well congratulate the winners :)

Anonymous said...

A football player from the Green Bay Packers is a presenter---but not Adam???? Too much.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned lots of snubs up above. It's true, our boy is lucky to have snatched that nomination (well, not lucky actually, deserving, but you know what I mean :)). I mean, Daughtry had a great year I think, and nothing, and we could all give more examples of this type of thing... so I think after the initial sting wears off, we can and will all recognize the great things that have come out of this past week with Clive's shoutout, the inclusion on the 2011 Grammy Nominees album, etc. I actually would have had no problem with Buble winning, and think Mars is also deserving, but it is true that (and we don't have to be experts in the industry, we are a smart group, with ears) that Adam DESERVED this win, and that does amp up the sting... but yes, when I think of other artists who had damn good years this past year, w/ vocals and good music produced and not just sales, who did not even get a nod, I can conjure up my gratitude and try to keep that in mind. Having said all that, I am going to admit that I am... well, let's just say that I'm not sad that Beiber and Perry didn't win anything... not trying to be a bitch (Adam wouldn't care for that statement of mine I'm sure) but their voices are just not particularly strong, and that matters to me.

Anonymous said...

oh, I just posted above at 2/14 5:21am, and I also wanted to say, in agreement with a few other posters on this thread, that I think Adam certainly had a year that would have warranted him being a presenter, THAT does tick me off! Otherwise, I'm good.

Anonymous said...

People in the world are getting smarter than we think, next time, they will know where to enjoy a live pop/rock concert.

Anonymous said...

First I want to say that Bruno Mars has amazing talent in that he is a story teller with his music. This year I noticed alot(not all) including Adams WDWFM had that tone about it. I think what set them apart was the word callaborations. Bruno did alot of that with his music and from what I can see that seemes to be the trend. Rhinna was in 3 differant ones and still doing OK on her own. There were alot of upsets last night. Look at GAGA and the band that beat her out. Even that band almost fell over when they won. Don't worry about Adam if anything this will drive him harder to bring it up a notch. He has a great fan base(US)that he feeds off of.So many of the great one never won like Queen for example. I saw alot of balance last night. I can remember when rap and r&b and country barley got a mention. With all that competition for Adam so early in his career to get nominated is such an honor and we should be proud of him. Adam is true to his own product and not hollywood created that is what will keep his career going for years to come.Be happy no bitter. I am suprize however he was not a presenter with all his charm and humor.

Anonymous said...

Great comment Anon 5:58AM Feb 14.

(& agree that Adam does need a good collaboration scenario out there. Well, he doesn't NEED it, and lord knows he is so magnificent solo, but I think it would be a really good business decision for him; we fans have to look at trends and reality too, despite our all consuming adoration for Adam)

Anonymous said...

Adam deserved to win,he has the best voice.
Peace and love from Norway

Unknown said...

I don.t get why everybody is so upset it is just a freaking trophy! God forbid something was to happen to adam like get hurt or really sick or something that is a reason to get upset I am not a fan of bruno mars but I would never say bad things about him so just keep in mind this time next year adam could win 6 grammys and nobody will even think about what happen this year!!!

Anonymous said...

Bing Gracias, por su excelente y lógico comentario, lo más importante es que ADAM LAMBERT goza de reconocimiento a su extraordinaria capacidad y belleza vocal, por la mayor parte de la industria de la música, el no tiene competencia con su maravillosa voz.Pienso igual, que no quisieron arriesgarse a un rendimiento de su calidad superior,sin una justificación posible, para no ser premiado, ni nominado para los otros renglones.pero todo esta situación en vez de ser negativa,se transforma en POSITIVA y sirve para ratificar, cada vez más que la mejor "VOZ de la actualidad la posee este hombre Hermoso ADAM LAMBERT " y que seguirá brindando a través de su música y presencia AMOR para todos sus seguidores.
AMOR Y PAZ para ADAM !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think harriett, that's it's just a matter of fairness in this particular category. He simply DESERVED it, so people (who mostly have good hearts and want to see justice in the world, in any arena) just want to see deserving people awarded... which is not to say that Mars wasn't deserving, he was, it's just that, as someone upthread said, Adam was more deserving in THIS PARTICULAR category, and one doesn't have to be an industry insider or member of the voting contingent to understand that, one need only have ears. (On a personal note, I think Buble was more deserving than Bruno Mars, but not as deserving as Lambert. My pov.)

Anonymous said...

When I think of all the excellent well-known artists who have NEVER won a Grammy after decades of work, I feel a little better. Sometimes the public and the VOTERS need time to come around and actually see the talent that's been in front of them all along. What gripes me is when some brand new, marginally-talented but popular "artists" get nominated and even seem to win over much better ones. That ticks me off. I know a lot of this is just a popularity contest, but the Grammys are supposed to have more integrity. Go figure. Adam is here for the long haul and so am I as a fan. He has a wonderful future and is more versatile in music than anyone even realizes. I see him going far beyond the pop genre as he gets older. We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

We all know Adam is the complete package; voice, looks, charisma, and just a nice guy. Adam has come a long ways since idol days; and will only be more powerful as the days go on. Congratulations, Adam on your grammy nominee and I can't wait for your new album; I play FYE at least twice a day; and your voice is one in a million. Please keep singing; as your talent is out of this world. Adam you make the world a better place; and with your glam fans you are already a winner. GO ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe over 140 comments about this topic, Bruno Mars winning. But then, yes, I can believe the disappointment and frustration from all of us who wanted Adam to win this Grammy because he deserved to win it above all the others. He is byfar the best vocal talent in the music industry today. He could have performed at the show without all the background dancers, pyrotechnics,moving sets, videos, drums,etc. and blown the audience away. What a mistake to just ignore him and not even use him as a presenter. He had to be the best looking and best dressed male there and is so articulate and intelligent in all his interviews. He would have done an excellent job as such. I know Adam was honored to be nominated so early in his career and the loss will not be detrimental to him and his next album. It might just give him more incentive to put his heart and soul into each song he writes so he can knock em dead next year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Moving, fair and positive the remarks THANK YOU.

Anonymous said...

This is so much fun. Couldn't believe all the snubs. I think it must have hurt more for Bieber and Perry not to win. Grammys were a joke I'm sorry to say. The program was poorly organized, and the great Streisand wasn't presently appropriately, and her exit off the stage was awkward to say the least. No really outstanding performances IMO. I was looking forward to Gaga and was a bit disappointed as song engendered nothing different and seemed to be a copy. Her Bad Romance stands alone. Rihanna was good. Mars was way off in his vocals. Really sounded terrible. Even xtina wasn't that great and not even mentioning her fall. Just a disappointment overall. And the Dylan thing was an embarrassment. He really never could sing, but at least his lyrics and presentation were interesting. Did anyone hear him at all? Oh well, maybe just as well this wasn't Adam's year to win. Maybe a nomination is all the Grammys really wanted to fork up to a lot of the pop artists. Message to you Adam--get away from the crap pop--the top 40 junk.

Anonymous said...

Age regressing fans are not fun. I feel like buying lollipops for everyone! Grammy-shaped lollipops! That was 'One-essay Contest', people, not 'Lifework Competition'! I, for one, like all the essays! So what if our guy was not the valedictorian of his class? He was voted the Prom King! He'll do even better in the future.

Shay luvs Archuleta said...

Bruno WAYYY deserved it. Adam is terrible and sound like a dying dog in my opinion. Bruno has the voice of an Angel:)

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:29 and you also "luv" archuleta...that says mountains about your mental capacity

Anonymous said...

the Aquilera falling on her ass was pretty funny. I love J Hud! what a powerhouse! Adam and J Hud should have rocked the place down. The show was boring and the Best new Artist category should have included the Glam God.

Anonymous said...

who turned the volume down on Bob Dylan? I did!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert will be packing arenas this time next year! I think it was an insult to his talent for not asking him to perform. The Grammy Awards was like a circus with all the Clowns on stage last night. I really enjoyed the Aretha tribute, but it all went south after that. They need to bring back the legendary voices of the past.

Fan4fun said...

@ Shay luvs Archuleta (3:29PM)

I would answer to your comment but you are so insignificant that I'd need a microscope and, middle of night here now, it's impossible to find an open store to buy one. And by the morning you'll certainly be gone... Microorganisms have a very short life, specially on this site, so well warmed by our HOT sweet Adam Lambert and our love for him.

Fan4fun said...

HH and Glamberts

I got the 3 comments posted by HH here (one of them to @ Bing). Please give some hours to translate them, it's time to bed because I'll work tomorrow (today) by 10AM. Will post the translations in a newer site. Promise.

Anonymous said...

Some of the younger singers should take a look at the "older" ones such as Jagger and Streisand, both in their late 60s and still great. Could you believe the way Jagger moved across that stage! And they can still both sing and hit the right notes. It seems today's younger singers are all about pyrotechnics, backup dancers and singers, lip synching, aut-tuning and all kinds of moves on the stage but not much about the voice, the talent. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music industry today, loses the nomination and isn't even asked to be a presenter. Something is wrong here. Adam is a successful recording artist, loved passionately by his many fans, and will continue to provide years of entertainment with each new album and tour that he does. I am sure that he will branch out into the movies and eventually the Broadway stage too. How many of the performers who were on the Grammys will actually be around in the years to come? And how many who actually won a Grammy have achieved that same degree of recognition and success with subsequent albums?

Anonymous said...

Mick Jagger was great - still going strong! Streisand can still sing, but I thought Evergreen was a really boring choice.
Also, I thought record sales had some impact and the Suburbs have hardly sold any albums. My 2 teens have never heard of them. But actually enjoyed seeing someone fresh and new win. And looks like Beiber's 15 min might be up
Anyway, back to staring at pictures of Adam haha

Anonymous said...

Jagger was really great, I loved it!