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Fan Montage: "It Gets Better"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 28, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 28, 2011

Video by SureFireWinners


Anonymous said...

This is so moving. Just to listen to his speaking voice and watching his different "himselves" makes me happy-sad.


Anonymous said...

Okay, honest now, how many of you teared up watching this? Definitely a kleenex moment.

I hope he is as secure and fulfilled and happy as those smiles make him appear to be, and I hope his message and all the It Get's Better messages reach those who need that boost.


Rebecca said...

this was beautiful and amazing and brilliant and everything wonderful

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!! I needed that just now. When my child came home from school today, we had a long talk about bullying because she has been since pre k & now in the 6th. the one particular bully has stopped after all these years, but now she has to deal with the mean tween girls. Kids are so mean in school.
I let my child listen to Adam's "It Gets Better".
I made sure she knew what he was trying to say. She got the point that he was bullied, & that he says to be who you are.
That ended our troubled day very well,

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam is beatiful man, fantastic singer, and he has golden heart. I'm still crying after I watched this video.
@ohmymarinka Thank you a lot, dear. I think this is one of the most beautiful video about Adam been created.

Anonymous said...

Adam is helping to make things better, just by being his honest, magnificent self. To those that are still struggling with others ignorance, the amount of love for Adam by millions of fans is a testament that there are masses of people that celebrate creative differences and don't care about sexual preference. We value other loving, accepting human beings above all and the masses are growing. Adam is right. Things will get better. They definitely did for him. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I'm in tears as I write this comment. I look at that sweet face, and realize that he has had horrible things written about him and said to him even during this "good" time in his life. It hurts me so to think of how tough he tries to be about it, when you know that it cuts like a knife. Imagine seeing those crazy protesters outside your concert venue calling you names and dooming you to hell and death. It hits me like a brick to my chest to think of how that makes him feel. I never thought about homosexualitiy before Adam came into my life, because it was just never an issue put before me. When I think of all the hate that ANYONE that is different has to deal makes me sick. We must make a pact among ourselves to NEVER let anyone be hurt by cruel words and deeds. If we see someone or hear someone being wronged......we must stand up, make it loud and clear that hate is wrong, and then thank Adam for giving us a backbone. I just want to hold him and tell HIM...... it will get better..........

Anonymous said...

Was driving carpool. My daughter and friend talking. My daughter got a negatively questioning raised eyebrow from the other girl about, of all damn things, READING IN HER SPARE TIME FOR PLEASURE. My daugherter, sadly, quickly amended her statement. Shortly thereafter, my daughter got another negatively questioning raised eyebrow, so to speak, from the other girl about still enjoying her stuffed animals (MY DAUGHER IS FREAKING ONLY 9 YEARS OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD), and again, sadly, my daugher quickly amended her statements to the other girl, making excuses etc. I thought to myself, acting like I wasn't listening as I drove, my child has a pretty easy go of life for the most part, fits in, has friends that sort of thing, and she feels she can't be who she is at times... I can't imagine how hard young people who are as left of center or seemingly "untraditional" as Adam Lambert must have it. Made me so sad. But rest assured, I talked to both my children at length that evening about that incident and similar issues... and again today when my child asked me if she was a "bookworm" w/ a sad tone in her voice... and Adam Lambert was an example I used in my discussion with my children, with very positive results I am happy to say. In addition to our discussion serving to remind my kids to be themselves, they also got out of the whole "carpool" incident that it is necessaryto be more sensitive to other people's interests, likes, etc., and more OPEN to them as well... as there are new and interesting discoveries around every corner in life, even small ones... like the adventure of a good new book, or the joy a sparkly new outfit for a stuffed bear can bring.

Adam Lambert offers more mature entertainment it's true, and thank goodness for it, but he is also such a strong role model for young people, and I am glad my children have access to him through me.

Anonymous said...

This is another very moving video that shows what is possible when you believe in yourself and don't give power to those that bully because they feel inadequate themselves. The bullys won't matter or have any significance when you consider the source. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....can't believe the Oscar cut video before this one. If I were younger and had the stamina I'd be forming another group....we already have MADD, now we need MAB, (mothers against bullying).......JAK

Anonymous said...

@4:08 and 4:58, What good, loving moms you are to address issues in the moment, communicating what is real and important. Kids can be unbelievably cruel. I taught my kids to be leaders, not followers to stand up for themselves and others being picked on. It worked most of the time. My daughters weren't bullied or were bullies, but my son had to deal with them in grammar school. Self confidence is really hard at that age. I think Adam experienced the worst after American Idol. In highschool he hadn't come out, just knew he felt different. He found his niche of friends because he had confidence in performing and found a place of acceptance. In LA he also found like friends and really didn't encounter the hate until he became famous.That had to be a realmperiod of adjustment. I saw it in action at his GNT in Charlotte with the one lowly Westboro Baptist cult and was horrified that Adam and dancers would see him. It was an eye opener how sick people can be. funbunn40

Dinah-mite said...

Wow... I had to watch this a few times to really let it sink in. The only thing I can say is God Bless Adam AND the whole human race! Prejudice exists in so many forms, it just changes faces...

It is people like Adam that are brave enough to call it out and meet it head on. Seems like Adam has been handed quite a purpose in his life, and he is handling it with such grace and inner strength.

As for myself, I can only be glad that somehow I got connected into the stream of consciousness that surrounds Adam. I believe there are no accidents, we are all in this particular space by Divine appointment.

I don't know the end result of Adam in the "big" picture. But I believe he will (and all ready has) have an impact on this ever evolving human race. Personally I feel privileged to witness and feel the difference he is making in people's lives.


Peace Out

Anonymous said...

I can't stop crying while I'm listening to his voice. I need to buy more tissue, and water for this. Brilliant message especially for young generation indeed. Adam bless your heart and don't forget we are here to support you my dear.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Me again, still angry.

In reference to mother with the carpool experience, I'm glad you spoke with your children, it's a shame it would have seemed intrusive for you to speak with the child who made the snarky remarks.

I look around my room as I lie propped up with computor on my chest.....there is my bookcase overflowing with books I've read and ones I'm anxious to get to. I've been a bookworm for over 55 years. And there on the top of the bookcase, in the place of honor, sits
Toby a wellworn, much loved teddy bear my grandmother bought me. He and I have lived in over 9 states over a period of 75 years.

Being a good mother is absolutely necessary in growing a happy child.........thus speaks a long time kindergarten teacher. JAK

Anonymous said...

I am a primary grade teacher and have to agree that kids can be very cruel. I am challenging somebody almost daily about the talk they use. Kudos to those wise parents that posted above.
Often kids are bullied for not being hip or cool and there is lot of exclusion. My daughter was "the bookworm" and is now a successful doctor with a happy life. Her friend who wanted to be older and cool had a baby at age 15, gave it up and is now working at a fast food chain. Don't worry kids, stay true to yourself even if you're not considered "cool" or accepted in the "fashionable group". A lot of a child's self-esteem is based on how much time their parents spend with them or take an interest in them.

Anonymous said...

Often the people (any age) who are the most critical of others are the ones who are the most insecure themselves or who have been criticized a lot themselves.
I find sometimes when I get angry at someone, I am actually just not content with myself.
Still, it is difficult for a child not to fit in to any group and to be alone - this is a very sad experience for them.

Anonymous said...

I'm in 7th grade, and this is exactly what I've been needing. Adam means so much to me and gave me a different view on life. I've never really fit in, and have always been the quiet ghost in the back. I'm always embarressed to talk about who I am and what I like to do, and always feel uncomfortable around other kids at my school. Adam makes me so much happier to be who I am, and I feel prettier, as I hadn't before. Not in a vain way, but in a not-hating-on-myself way. Thanks Adam <3

adam luv said...

Just adore this beautiful and sensitive man!

Anonymous said...

Hi to 7:19 pm. Nice to see some young people writing in. Hang in there. You sound like a wonderful girl and a great person. I felt exactly the same in 7th grade and I am married now with 2 kids and have a great life!
Love for Adam brings us all together in more ways than we know!

Anonymous said...

Did anybody make donations on AdamCharityWater?
Justin B started to collect donations for CharityWater for his B -day. 17th birthday, $17,000 goal. Is it some sort of competition? And now Justin name is everywhere on the internet. There are stories about Justin big heart.
Don't know why but I hate this boy. Don't believe in his talent or big heart or non-stop soap opera girls' broken hearts Hollywood stories. I think we have to continue to make donations on Adam charity compaign

Anonymous said...

Note to 7th grader

Not so many years ago there was a quiet ghost girl in my seventh grade class. This girl was all skinny bones and knobby knees and hid away with her hair over her face. No amount of coaxing would get her to hold her head high.

I wondered for years about her and then one Sunday in the New York Times there was a fashion spread from Paris....there on the runway was Ramsay the former ghost. She was looking exotic and super chic. VINDICATION!!!!!......JM

Anonymous said...

adam lambert glam nation tour live dvd/album now available for pre-order in itune (AGirlLikeMe)

Anonymous said...

tears...a beautiful video with a great message..beautiful voice just talking..this is a genius way to present Adam's it

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a wonderful thread. I think most of us were bullied as kids. I certainly was. I know how tough those teenage years are. Keep your chin up anon 7:19, It Will Get Better. I once saw a program on tv where a girl (who was now an adult) confronted the guy who bullied her in school. He said he was just having fun at the time and had honestly no idea of the effect his words had on her. He apologized deeply. I will never forget this. It really made me realize that bullies are just trying to get attention because of the peer pressure around them or they are just trying to make themselves feel better because they themselves have such low self esteem for many reasons. They might have a bad situation at home, who knows? Anyway, talk to your parents or someone you can confide in. I know you probably don't think you can, but you would be surprised at the support you can get from others.

Adam, it did get better for you didn't it? You persevered and I am so proud of what you have accomplished. Anon 7:19, you too can persevere.

Anon 4:58, I am a librarian. Please tell your daughter from me that she will be the smart one with a great job and great life because of the knowledge that reading brings. Reading opens your mind to a whole new world. It's a shame that other girl may never have her mind opened to all the possibilities that comes from reading.


Anonymous said...

@ 7th Grader/February 28, 2011 7:19 PM

My son is in 7th grade on the East Coast. He sees a girl in his grade, and she is in a class or two of his I think, that sometimes wears an Adam Lambert T-shirt. He thinks she is so brave, because he knows that many will not be into Adam Lambert (yet :)). He knows I like Adam Lambert so much, and he and my young daughter do as well, and so the few times his classmate has worn her Adam Lambert t-shirt to school, he has made sure he has come home and reported it to me :). He says she is very quiet, 'though has friends and he doesn't think she is bullied... just is quiet, he says. Your post was interesting because you don't mention being bullied per se, just not comfortable in talking about your likes and interests and such... and I hope that in addition to Adam Lambert's presence in your life, this thread has, as you seem to indicate, helped you in some small way to feel better about letting your true self out a little bit more, even if only a little tiny bit (and don't ever dull your own shine for someone else btw ;)). I'm not really comfortble giving advice to a 7th grader over the internet... but I'll just reiterate what my 7th grade son said about his female Adam Lambert T-shirt wearing classmate - she is brave Mom, and I bet is really cool, and I admire her.

Anonymous said...

I am loving all the supportive posts on this thread. As a teacher and a mom, I can agree that things sometimes turn out much better than you would expect.
I am frustrated that, in this day and age, why would a teenage girl have to feel brave to wear an Adam Lambert T shirt? Did anyone feel weird wearing a Michael Jackson T shirt or Gaga or other pop personalities or the violent rap or metal bands or Eminem T shirts? Adam is one of the top international pop stars of today and "winner" of American Idol. Who should be ashamed of that?

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 1 7:19am: This is 3/1 6:57am here, I agree. I too felt very sad that my son thought his classmate "brave" to wear her shirt, instead of just "cool", and have thought, have known, that maybe this said more about him than her actually. Our school system, and comunity for the most part, is actually great, pretty forward thinking... but still, it's saying something isn't it that he viewed her as brave and not just cool (although that too!!) for wearing her t-shirt. But the good part is, he only viewed her as brave against what he thought would be a very small minority at the school, you know what I mean, so that was great I thought, really great... because, keep in mind 3/1 7:19AM, 7th grade is barely TEENAGE, many 12 year olds, it's a tough time as I'm sure you know... and I would suspect that this 7th grader will be wearing exactly what she wants with a smile on her face and pep in her stride in a few years time... but right now, at 12, I bet it probably did take a certain degree of - thought - to choose wearing her t-shirt. Kudos to free will!

Anonymous said...

Adam's inner beauty and happiness show thru that he is so happy with himself it makes me happy just to look at him and hear his is beautiful singing or talking..

Anonymous said...

It's anon Feb. 28, 7:19 (7th grader) again- I just read the replies over and over again. I love all fellow Glamberts as much as I love Adam. You all are really the loveliest people, and that's part of why I love 24/7 so much. All of these wonderful people, and all of the positive vibes :)