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Adam Lambert Reacts to 900,000 Twitter Followers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 3, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, March 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

That's not nuts - that's the facts BB. The world loves you.

Anonymous said...

That is right, not nuts at all One million and more real soon. So much love and glitter spreading around the world for Adam!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we could add up all the Glamberts, Glambrits, Finnberts, Lambskanks and dozens of close could we come to that number?

Or IS THAT the number?........My heart is happy.

Anonymous said...

What's with this site, heading is wrong.. IT'S 900,000.. Get it right Adam Lambert 24/7

Anonymous said...

anon 2:52pm...

Example of WUI (writing under the influence), apparently admin is so high up her arse with this happy news.

Anonymous said...

900,000 That's only the number of people following Adam on Twitter. Think of all those who are NOT on Twitter who are fans!

Anonymous said...

Why did u write 800,000 followers in the title? LOL

LIVA said...

lol i admit i laughed at the 800,000 typo. xD

Anonymous said...

Love you baby!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If this is nuts, then I LOVE being nuts! Nuts about Adam! Won't be long before we reach a million!

Anonymous said...

That is just twitter fans, there is probably heaps more crazy fans (like me) and casual fans that like himbut dont stalk him like we do, sorry meant follow him like we do. LOL.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing to 900,00.. now on to a million

Anonymous said...


Don't be hesitant....I embrace my family nickname

MA THE STALKER.............................JAK

Anonymous said...

Im "In the Closet" JAK it was easier than having a grumpy husband and eye rolling daughters, if you know what I mean, they probably think I am over it. That will be the day. Adams voice has ruined everyone else for me.No one can compare, I wonder if he will go for a more pure sound on his new album because, apartfrom all his other atributes his voice is his most powerful weapon, the others cant come close.
I think there is more talent on Idol this year, but know one touches my heart strings, loke Adam does.

Anonymous said...

Sorry thats "like" Adam does.
Jadam NZ.
PS shouldnt you be in bed?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hog the page, but have any of you guys read Juneau and Zenas book "The meaning of Adam Lambert" It has been out for quite a while now, but I hae just got hold of it. It tells the Story of two women who loved Adam from the beginning of Idol started a bog, and the book is all the comments from people from Idol right through to the end of the Idols tour. As I said it is a bit dated now, but some of it is fun reading and I can sure relate to it.
It was availabe on and aso through their site, I think its called Juneau and Zenas Salon google it with Adams name and see what comes up. I must go and see what they are up to now and what they think now so much water has passed under the bridge, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Don't be shock Adam there's a lot of us not on twitter yet. You have millions of followers my dear who adore and loves you so much.

I can't wait for you to sing again.........

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's why you haven't replied to my twit message yet, hahahaha....

Anonymous said...

Sightly OT but go to Google, OMG Yahoo Adam Lambert New album. great article there, sorry dont know how to bring link over,

Anonymous said...

Adam should do whatever he feels also with his next album. He should give less notice to the opinions of people and fans who will never understand glam and who keep complaining about FYE, whether it's the music or the cover.

Anonymous said...

@6:22 yes, I bought that book "on the meaning of adam lambert almost a year ago. i wonder how many fans don't know it's out there? it's great! plus I met both juneau and Zena at GNT in hyannis, Ma last Sept.

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry, I meant give less attention to the opinions. Correction to comment 7:40

Anonymous said...

Yes! That million mark is just the tip of the iceberg! There are SOOOOOO MANY more of us out there who are not on twitter, and we're growing! I agree with the poster who said that Adam has sometimes made it difficult for me to appreciate other singers. I always compare them to him, and they just don't measure up. I can't wait for his next CD!

Anonymous said...

YES! Adam is performing on Idol next week 3/10 #aftermath acoustic. His remix will be available on his official site the same night. #Ifeelblessed


Anonymous said...

ZZ - am I understanding this right - Is Adam performing on Idol next week???!! Wow, what an opportunity - watched by millions of people.

glitzylady said...

Here's his tweet!! Re Aftermath on Idol!!

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Hey guess what?! I will be performing "Aftermath" on American Idol on Thursday, March 10!

Anonymous said...

And Aftermath is trending tonight on twitter!

Anonymous said...

It's great how they love to have Adam back every year! He said it was going to be the accoustic version.

Anonymous said...

He will perform acoustic Aftermath, I am glad, it will really showcase the words and meaning of the song. Here is the world's chance to help The Trevor Project.Everyone please get the song!!acoustic Aftermath is trending right now.

Anonymous said...

The acoustic Aftermath is not going to benefit the Trevor Project, it's the Remix.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady After I read your comment I check my twitter. It is easy to find new tweets there because Adam is only person I am following:)
I am so happy for Adam! He is back again! And what can be better than accoustic "Aftermath" to perform on AI?

glitzylady said...

LOL!! Makes it easy to find his tweets!! He's the first one I followed and the reason I got on twitter in the first place...if not for him I would still be "Twitter-less"!!

Anonymous said...

wow ....900 000 ... nuts! I looove nuts !!!

Anonymous said...

I have a Twitter account just because of our Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

Me Too !!

Rebecca said...

yep we know where all the cool kids hang

Anonymous said...

you said it !!! yay ... gotta love Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam is my HERO of MUSIC!!! MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

I have a twitter account (no followers, don't really know how to use it) I only joined cuz of adam. But you don't need twitter (I think) to see his tweets. I just go to google and hit on adam lambert twitter and they all come up and hit realtime to see what everyone else is sayin. Maybe I'm missing something? Anyone, is there more to it without tweeting yourself?

Anonymous said...

Jadam NZ

I'm contemplating giving up sleeping. I have slept a portion of every 24 hours since I was born 75 years ago. That should be enough. Perhaps I can run on the adrenalin Adam creates in my body and brain. It might work!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK - ha, ha! I have nearly given up on sleeping myself, after discovering Adam...but not by choice. I just have to carve out a little me-and-Adam time at the end of the night, and the next thing I know, it's midnight, and my alarm goes off at 5am! I can't help myself. Adam is seriously causing me sleep-deprived health issues....headaches, eyeaches, inabitlity to concentrate, racing heart, excessive sweating...damn you, Adam Lambert! I still love you though. You are my addiction (that's keeping me from sleep)!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix

I had all those symptoms in I married the guy!...............JAK