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Adam Lambert to Perform "Aftermath" on American Idol on March 10!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 3, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, March 03, 2011

Big news! From Adam himself.....

So basically, after Adam performs the acoustic version of "Aftermath" on American Idol, the remix version will ONLY be available to purchase on (iTunes will follow afterwards, not sure when). Also, it will fully benefit the Trevor Project! So remember to purchase it!


Anonymous said...

OMG, is that an incredible piece of news or what!! The BEST!
Ladies! Countdown to March 10, get the glitter out, we're going to go wild in front of our TV sets!

Anonymous said...


It's because we've all been good.

VCRs and DVRs at the ready, I'm gonna sit here remote in hand and wait.

....................................JAK :)

HK fan said...

I was hoping for this. Great news.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it will be great but I hope it's similar to his concert performance. No arrangement of Aftermath could top his live version at Glam Nation. Would so benefit Adam for the idol audience (millions) to hear that one.

donnaw said...

WOW! This s the best news i've heard all day!!
I wonder what version he'll be doing??
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm happy to share this news with you! JAK

donnaw said...

Whoops....i can't read! I just re-read his post and saw that he's gonna do the acoustic version....makes sense!
But i'd LOVE for him to blow it out of the park in front of Steven Tyler!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto JAK. Always reading you with a big smaile on my face. :-)

Anonymous said...

Admin is so high like a kite today...It is not sleepwalker, it is acoustic aftermath.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news!! Administrator, you may want to correct your post, you inadvertently put "Sleepwalker" under the first tweet from Adam. :)

Terasa said...


Anonymous said...

Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me!!

We finally get to see Adam perform again on television!! It's been a long time!

Anonymous said...

OK guys. Adam says acoustic version, so it will probably be like what is on the acoustic CD, and that's fabulous. I am beyond excited. Actually enjoying Idol this year with the good talent. Adam will show folks how it's done using the subtle voice and not just a rock scream. Monte will be there I hope with his unbelievable guitar work. Love that he's taking it down. OMG. Now I won't be able to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Admin - I'm laughing - so many people are already addle pated when they come to this site in the hopes of a new comment or pic from Adam, and then you, ADMIN THE BEST OF THE BEST, makes a mistake. OMG the teens and those who read only every other word are going to go crazy with who, what, when, how, where now. Please fix this for those of us who are not from
Rio Linda. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Ryan did not announce it tonight on the show!? When did Adam tweet his message. Did this just come about, I wonder...

Anonymous said...

Just read this fantastic news on another thread and could not contain myself with excitement! Screaming in delight in front of my computer. Woke up a family member in another room LOL!
I don't care what Adam sings just let him be on the big screen TV....DVR ready to go. Now the contestants can watch a performance of a real superstar "Idol", Adam Lambert. You go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

The exposure for him will be GREAT! Ha ha, he is the American Idol darling, isn't he. The prodigy child. He keeps coming back to where it all started for him. And he can shake hand with James and the other hopefuls. That will be sooo great. So much fun.
We are truly NEVER bored with our guy. He always something new and exciting in the making for us. Hey, it is 1:20am and I can't go to bed now!

It's all your fault ADAM!

The excitable parisiangirl ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is the best news. I am so excited. I love his acoustic version of "Aftermath" His voice is so amazing and the message of this song is so inspiring. America is in for a treat. Yes!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Guess a sleeping pill is in order. I'm just flying from excitement. And have to travel tomorrow. Best news possible. Love that man.

Anonymous said...

JAK - it's not 'cause we've been good, it's 'cause we're DEPRIVED of Adam, and if somebody doesn't give us some of him - soon - it's gonna get real ugly, real quick! That glitter can leave a nasty scratch on someone's retina (you listening RCA??)!!

- Adam Fix (calming down now)

Anonymous said...

Hey - was just on Twitter, tweeting Adam (like he'll read mine, in amongst the other 900K ppl following him!) and saw "Accoustic Aftermath" is trending - WAA-HOOO!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeeees! Welcome back to the stage adam! Idol need UR fantastic voice!OMG!!! I CAN'T WAIT!

glitzylady said...

I'd heard some rumors about this happening, and had actually just emailed some other Adam friends about that possibility, went to twitter to see what was happening and VOILA!!! There was Adam, tweeting that it will be next week! Sooo cool! Can hardly wait!!!! Now have to clear some space on the DVR......have "a few" other Adam performances on there.....

I think this was a last minute decision by Idol producers because Lee DeWyse announced earlier today, or yesterday, that his performance had been postponed...Bumped by the BEST!!!!! Hoping he is on the Finale this year too... : )

adam luv said...

OMG! Best news in a looooooooong time! Cant wait to see Adam blow this mutha up! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This makes me wonder if he started watching idol before he usually does because I guess he and his management were in talks with idol on this gig? Or was he just chillin in Denver in front of the tv and it just so happened idol was on??


glitzylady said...

I am guessing you are onto something..wondered about that..

Anonymous said...

Check out this AI vid of Adam:


Anonymous said...

Stick with the vids above cause there are a bunch. I have never really seen these before. They are terrific.


Anonymous said...

I am really so excited to see Adam perform something acoustically on idol. This will grab him some more fans when they are reminded of his pencient for a variety of musical styles that won him his fandome 2 years ago. This should hit home for a lot of folks.


Anonymous said...

If you want to see Adam's journey on AI, here it is in all it's glory:


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I too hope he is on the finale!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. Adam said he came on American Idol to present himself to America and to LEARN! Really? How humble can he get? All the others learned from him. He owned the show from the beginning.
Last night I saw a glimpse of AI and I can´t help it. I just feel empty. Here in Sweden we are a perhaps 2 weeks behind and the auditions are still going on. Somewhere in Texas last night. Men in cowboy hats, one named John Wayne and his father (I think) stated that he was completly heterosexual. And then the sobbing began. John Waynes mother had breast cancer, she cryed, John Wayne cryed and of course he got to Hollywood. He would have got there without the sob story and when it all gets down to this sentimental back stories, I just....NOOOO!
I guess I have to wait three weeks before Adam is on here. I can´t wait. It´s so exciting. Wonder if the ratings go up that night.


Anonymous said...

There are people who've complained (though not necessarily here) that there'd be no excitement happening because Adam hasn't released a new song and won't be releasing one until perhaps the fall. Huh???? There is news of Adam every single day so we fans should feel truly blessed, and now he's going to be on American Idol this year .... that we should be so LUCKY!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Can't wait ... what will he wear? how's his hair? Glam or ToMT-look? Boots or not? ...IDK, but what I DO know, his voice will be magical... can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

#acoustic aftermath trending on twitter!! WOW!!!! \(* @ *)/

Anonymous said...

so excited,,what great news..counting down so excited can't think of anything else...

Anonymous said...

Talk about EXCITING!!!

Rebecca said...

great news

Anonymous said...

..And we hear it first from the man himself on twitter! No wonder he has 900,000 follower. lol.

I don't watch every episode of AI now,cause it's not so interesting anymore. But having Adam back on AI stage! How exciting is that!! I'm definitely going to watch that episode. And I bet the rating will be high that night :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Tears! ssooooo FANciting! I really miss seeing him perform soooooooooooooo much. Nobody compares.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Blondes were making that special outfit for his AI performance? I am still reeling form his Ellen performance.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how the Blondes fashion and acoustic Aftermath would match together. Maybe better with the remix version..

Anonymous said...

OMG I am so excited I am shaking! This is the best news I have heard in a while. I didn't know when we would see Adam again on T.V. This is great- He will get such great exposure. There are some people who have never heard him sing acoustically. This is great promotion for the Trevor Project also. Idol's ratings will really go through the roof. I bet Steven Tyler and JLO'mouths will drop when they hear him.

Anonymous said...

Just heard JLo's On the Floor, a new version of Lambada. It's good. LambAda sounds familiar.. :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, acoustic aftermath trending right now. YESSS!!! So excited to see Adam perform again. Hope there will be video on youtube coz I can't see american idol in Indonesia:(


Anonymous said...

@navika That is so cool to think Adam has such great fans and followers in Indonesia. He truly is international. Keep trending acoustic aftermath. It is like a big global family on this site. Adam has brought so many people together. Can not wait for Idol and hear his beautiful voice and see his beautiful face.

Anonymous said...

WoW, Adam on big TV. Adam comes back to sing Afermath totally different from what you can hear on radios, great message to people and a total strip down that only a great voice can achieve, nothing else completely down to earth. Now, need to glamorize my TV for next week! He will make the audience to scream out at the end of Afermath!!!

Anonymous said...

WHAAT? I wake up, turn on the computer to read THIS?????? OMG!!!


Newfie Duck said...

There's a great acoustic version that he did live in Berlin on the youtube. Bravo Adam!

Anonymous said...

Incredible news, "Congratulations to Adam" and all his fans that in addition to recognizing his great talent, this anthem will be heard by millions of people, conveying their message of love and acceptance !!!!! What a great Day 10/03/2011

Anonymous said...

OMG! OMG! Can hardly wait!!!! Best news I've heard all day : )

Anonymous said...

And the top ten will have been chosen by then right? So Adam performing and the top ten finally chosen....definately a worthwhile night of watching American Idol.
Love and miss Adam soooo much!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't wait till next Thursday, Also just read David Cook's performing also, my 2nd favorite. Yeah

Anonymous said...

I am glad he is performing. I can see ratings up high that night!

Anonymous said...


Not the best news I've heard all DAY.....the best news I've heard all week or month or ______!!!

DITTO to ALL of your reactions above!

SUCH a happy day!!!!


Anonymous said...

HOLY SHITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ON AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH ADAM, YOU'RE AN ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know AI's ratings are def are going to go up!
& Aftermath trending , that's awesome!
Adam Lambert is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MWAH!K

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!! So excited!!!!! Can't wait to see Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Somehow it's not right HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME... like the birth of my kids... aaah F*ck it, Imma just go with the euphoria I'm feeling right now and not question it. Can't wait to tell the kiddos.

I'm still excited to know that Adam's image is included in the AI opening. (I just started watching this week with the top 24... I can't take the earlier rounds, tugs at my heart strings too much... and takes me weeks to get over things like the Jacee Badeaux scenarios).

Mostly just excited for the exposure for AML.

IMO, Nigel Lythgoe no dummy!!! Good businessman that guy is.

I was JUST thinking last night how absolutely cool and amazeballs it was that Idol asked Adam to Mentor last year... I mean... that was extraordinay when one really thinks about it!

So enjoyed everyone's comments.

A happy day indeed Sweetie.


Anonymous said...

Ughh I love the acoustic aftermath like nobodys biz , but I wanted dance party remix Adam!!!. I miss that adam.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, how in the world are you in the loop enough to hear runors of these things?! This isn't the first time!

You amaze me!

And @daydreamin, thank you for the Introducing Adam Lambert link! I'd seen most of those videos, but some were new to me.....awesome!


Anonymous said...

daydreamin, Thank you so very much for the AIS8 links!
I was so proud of Adam then & I am so very, very proud of Adam today!
When I watched ACIGC, I remembered what I was going thru at that time, & Adam gave me pure joy & happiness. I remembered I was routing for Adam so hard I yelled out after that performance, "He cannot be denied!!! Adam cannot be denied!" That performance won AIS8!!! It's a fact!!! My heart & my soul, were forever changed.
I am here with all of you & my special circle of friends , because,
I am proud to be here to share this wonderful journey with so many special people from all around the world!!
Paula said after ACIGC, he will be "iconic"!!& he is. & like Randy said he was "unbelieveable"!
Randy, Adam is UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!MWAH!K

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My heart will not stop thumping through my chest till next Thursday! Adam will show the world (and loads of potential new fans) just how beautiful his voice is. I love all versions of Aftermath, and its message is so wonderful. This one will be perfect!

Anonymous said...

Finding out that Adam will be on AI next week is the best news I have heard today. It put a smile on my face and made my heart beat a little bit faster. This is a wonderful opportunity for Adam and his song AFTERMATH with its message and good publicity for the Trevor project donations. The contestants will have the chance to see how talent, charisma, self-confidence and stage presence are qualities that make a performer marketable and sell records. Watch the ratings go through the roof on this night. It will be an extraordinary performance from a very special man who is in a league of his own in the music industry today.

Anonymous said...

Someone had posted about an article for Adam's new album, & they couldn't bring it ove so I will do it for them, So here you go anon? I hope it's the right article.

It's short n' sweet. MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

I am cracking up as I am reading everyone's posts here - we have cornered the market on EXCLAMATION POINTS!! I think we may all need oxygen soon as we are all hyperventalating!!

I am right there with ya! Adam BB -- I would love to see Jennifer and Steven with their jaws dropped while you do your thing!! Aftermath is a powerful inspirational song - I hope Adam mentions the Trevor Project.

Showcasing Adam's beautiful voice in an acoustic version is just what the doctor ordered! Lord knows we need our Adam fix on TV!!


LP said...

This is a win win situation. I was a bit surprised that AI needed a fix so soon, but at least they picked the best of the best, Adam Lambert. Their ratings will go through the roof.Also this gives Adam a huge platform to boost the Trever Project. People wondered why this wasn't announced by Randy at the show, but they tape in the afternoon, and I don't think the news was out that early.

Anonymous said...

This is such WONDERFUL news to read on my lunch hour after my stressful work morning. I think I'll be able to relax after I calm down from this. So exciting and I'll have to spread the news as I know you all will be doing.


Anonymous said...

OT: Hi AG/10:16am. Our snow is finally melting, well somewhat. Woot woot. I think there'll be a whole lot of melting going on March 10th and 11th :). Love your comment about spreading the news!! HA, indeed.

glitzylady said...

; ) I just follow the "right" people and sites on Twitter..for the most part..that's about it..and might "know a couple of people who know a couple of people".....wish it was more than that!! And I come here a lot!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey baby--hope you have the "new look" for your performance...less makeup, beautiful hair style-that the look I love!

The Dark Side said...

Everyone on this site rocks. You have used up all the exclamation points and left none for me. Also wondering if the Blonds doing his look for Idol appearance. He usually tones it way down for them, but I think maybe it's time to let the real Adam out on the Idol stage and "put on a show" Yahoo

Anonymous said...

HeartAdam4ever + The Dark Side, I actually got a bit embarrassed and deleted about half of my exclamation points before I hit "post comment" this morning!

Truth is, I should have left them all. So I now claim them again.



Anonymous said...


Actually, for my original OMG, it was more like:


Anonymous said...

Wonder if this also means he will be doing other West coast shows to promote the song. Maybe Ellen or Jay Leno? Let us pray!!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember when the Cherry's had their baby (Riff) and Admin put that Lee Cherry had a baby
Sorry...Admin but you make a lot of errors...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your joking RIGHT? No need to make a fuzz about small mistakes. Thank you admin for all the Adam news.

Anonymous said...

I hope he is wearing heavy liner and black clothes for the performance. rawr!!!!

Anonymous said...

bring out spikes on the suit! rock it out! sexy smokey eye would be nice!

Anonymous said...

American Idol get ready. The "Master" will show the "Kiddies" how it's done.

Anonymous said...

Along with Adam, I just read that P Diddy, Puff Daddy or whatever his name is now, will be performing on the show also. What a contrast!! From the sublime to the ridiculous. Adam will certainly show everyone what true vocal talent is along with a dynamic stage presence. His acoustic performance of AFTERMATH will blow everyone away!! Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

When I said goodnight to the Adam Campfire Girls last night I had to have one more peek to see if there was anything NEW. I was speechless (and fingerless, they wouldn't type) then I recovered and fingers flew......just parisiangirl and I alone "in the know"......crazy second or two!

Of course sleep was impossible, pulled out my well loved VHS tape I'd made of all of Adam's Idol performances and watched from auditions to WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS.

Before dawn, husband arises at 5:00 am,I had taken a large poster board and written WEDNESDAY MARCH 10 AMERICAN IDOL PERFORMANCE BY "YOU KNOW WHO" and licked and stuck a whole pack of shiny stars and hearts all over the board. Then I pinned it to patio curtains....that's where I leave "must'nt forget notes"!

Then left husband a note on coffee pot "went to bed 20 minutes ago, don't wake me till 11 am" Oh, I added "I LOVE YOU.......TOO! JAK"!

At 11 on the dot he came in the bedroom with a tray....waffles, eggs and grits (South you know)....also mug of hot tea". He didn't say one word about my giant sign and now 7 hours later still hasn't!

Not to me anyway, but I heard him calling our grandson, away at college and both daughters and son in law, he (son in law) sent me an email, YOU ROCK MA" Life is good!

P.S.....simple sweet hairdo, leather pants,black, NO NOT LACE UP ONES, black dress shirt, brown tie and leather jacket and boots. Casual dressy.....not the time for Glam.....time for CLASS! THE KING IS DEAD LONG LIVE THE KING They are admitting it...the best they've ever had!.................JAK

Anonymous said...

Yeah, baybee!! I was hoping this would happen, just didn't think it would be so soon. I have been watching, and AI is 1000% better this year compared to last year. There are some who can really sing! James is ok (although don't know if he can do anything but scream yet), but Jacob Lusk is phenominal. (wish I had spellcheck on this thing, lol!)

And yes, this will garner new fans. So, how many of "us" are going to get tickets to the show for that day?

@Glitzy; Save me a spot in front of the 50" plasma, please ;)


Anonymous said...

Great story JAK! And I agree completely with your opinion on what he should wear. Yes, class not over the top Glam is the way to go next week.


MiMi said...

I hope his appearance on Idol next week increases his sales by zillions. What a treat for all of Adam's loyal fans. I am sure there will be thousands of new ones after his appearance. SO EXCITED!!!!

Magiclady said...

Luv,luv,luv this news!
Acoustic Aftermath wonderful song to let the Idol fans this season, see him with less glam, more leather!
Should jumpstart FYE sales again, hopefully over 1,000,000 in the states!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK just love your posts, all of them and I agree he should do classy not glam, for the acoustic Aftermath.

Anonymous said...

Acoustic Aftermath will not impressed Steven and JLo at all. AI needs fireworks, blast! Everybody have to dance and laugh and scream and jump!!!! And this song doesn't do it. Even FYE would work better for AI. When I listen Aftermath it brings me good and bad memories same time. Because this is not only gay anthem. This song is for people who feel themself different. And I was different when I was teenager. And my "best friends" made me feel this way.
Anyway, like I said "Aftermath" brings good and bad memories in the same time. I don't think AI is right place to perform this song. May be for James Durbin it will work.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:55 I'm sorry about how you feel for what you've experienced. Remember you are not alone and Adams message of this song has different interpretations. You have to love yourself and it will get better if you choose to move on and try your best to accept that we can't please everybody.

Idol is the best place indeed where he got the opportunity to show the world that he will conquer anything as long as you believe....

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

@Mom from Toronto, Canada. For good and for bad I found one day what was my difference. My "best friends" always told me that I am ugly and nobody wants to married me. For some reason most of them been married by the guys I didn't like and didn't want to date. And after all some of these girls found that their husbands still inlove with me. So, I lost most of my "best friends":(
So, this is the reason that Aftermath brings my bad memories

Anonymous said...

YEAaaahhhhh BABY!!!!!

Part of this is copied and pasted from another thread, but very apropriate...& with an addition.

Well, I WANTED him to be on this season of AI and to sing a song from the DVD about to be released--suggesting SLEEPWALKER to promote the dvd and a possible single...

Well, he IS on AI promoting a beautiful and shall we say definitely more personal and meaningful song as he co-wrote it, has a personal, wonderful, inspiring message, and proceeds will be donated for a great cause...

Guess I can't complain... =) Matter of fact I'm thrilled! OMG OMG OMG he's gonna be on AI!!! LIVE PRIME TIME TV!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!

The very first time I experienced Adam performing live-- I was SOOOOOO amazed, impressed and in a DAZE at the awesome vocal power, delivery and presence of this incredible awe of how incredibly BEAUTIFUL and rich his voice sounds live...BETTER than any recording, tv performance or cd (WOW!)...and that was in an old wooden ballroom with NO acoustics, and I was blown away.
Beyond that, though Soaked and Broken open made me totally sob... what stuck with me from that concert was THIS song...done acoustically. It was only the 2nd time he'd done it, we'd never heard it sung this way. It was SO emotional and personal and inspiring. It became one of my special personal little favorites.

I got a few of the ACOUSTIC EPs as bonus Christmas gifts for special people, sent a little note describing "Aftermath" as one of my personal favorite GEMS...

So indeed, I guess I AM pretty overjoyed in wild anticipation of this LIVE on TV performance.. WOOHOOOO!!!

Another thought...? Since the info leaked about the Blonds creating something for Adam "for something special" and it was obviously NOT the Oscars... could it be? ? ?
Since this song embraces and celebrates individuality, be proud of yourself...embrace who you are... (and part of who Adam is loves Awesome fashion...) hmm...

Iiii'll be watching!!! =D =D and probably checking here soon after!
Can't wait!!!

p.s. @ 7:55 Sorry for your dificulties and bad memories, but that's your personal reaction.
I think Steven Tyler and JLo will be VERY impressed, as well as the rest of tv land aka (everyone watching) Not every performance has to be over the top fireworks type production...

Anyone happen to remember a little rendition of a classic "Tracks of My Tears" done simply and quietly by a very understated "made-under" Adam just sitting on a stool in a grey suit, hair back a la early Elvis, or Clark Kent? ... soft quiet, no fireworks... till he was done that is, and THEN the place exploded???

Adam is an incredible ARTIST... who can deliver a song with the most tender, touching, reach into your soul emotion...and make you FEEL it down to your toes... THEN the fireworks happen...
This meaningful song done 'acoustic' by possibly the GREATEST male voice today...LIVE...
People will be very impressed indeed.


Anonymous said...

@Cindy Absolutely agree with you, darling!
Can't wait to see Adam on Thursday! I am sure, it's gonna be fantastic!
By the way, I really enjoy to read your articles!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cindy - Amen. Nicely said. Loved the "Tracks of My Tears" referrence. So very true - that was understated power! Sometimes you don't need to shout to be noticed.

JAK - OMG, you are priceless!! I absolutely love this story...especially the part about the little stickers all over your sign (you may not be a K teacher anymore, but you will never lose that love of stickers)! Adam is lucky to have such a fervent fan as you, and your grandson is lucky to have such a coolio Gramma (IMHO). :)

- Adam Fix

Bing said...

Whoa are there any exclamation points left for a latecomer like me, LOL! I'm so ecstatic here and must admit that i'm equally jubilant with this thread. I do love the way we all gush over our sweetest Idol. Obviously i couldn't contain my excitement that my jaws hurt now from too much smiling.

@navika - 24/7 has never failed all the fans outside the US so rest assured that we will be able to watch it here right away :D

@MGF - love reading your post. And re seeing Adam in the opening credits of AIS10, @glitzylady and i also feel the way you do. Oh and his mentoring last season was certainly for the books. When i announced to the household Adam's performance on March 10, hubby commented that AI simply couldn't let go of Adam because of what he has contributed to the show. He also thinks that he should have won if it were a perfect world. Hubby may not be an avid fan but would give credit where it is due. He has been saying that Adam's rise to stardom is unstoppable and that is music to my ears :D

At this point, i wish to commend 24/7 because after two years of following Adam, i can safely say that i didn't experience an Adam drought at all. Thank you so much 24/7 for being so resourceful for keeping the fire burning. The same thing goes to all the posters here like @daydreamin, @glitzylady, @eva and so many more who are kind enough to share many links about Adam that are really informative and enjoyable.

I agree with a post that Adam has managed to keep himself in the spotlight and that made things easier for majority of us. Indeed he is his own publicity machine as was also mentioned here a year ago by another ANON poster.

@daydreamin thanks so much for the great links that i bookmarked already :D

@ANON March 4 at 9:18AM - ditto i also embrace all the versions of AFTERMATH!

@JAK & @K - thanks for your many delightful posts :D

@Cindy - love love your comments my dearest Boss :D

@HeartAdam4Ever - i'm sooooo glad you got to read my reply in an old thread. That means a lot to me. March 10 is gonna be a glorious day for all of us :D squeeeeeee!

Kind regards to my 24/7 Glamily, yes @Sweetie what a joyful day it is :D

Anonymous said...

@ Delilah, thanks so much, you're a dear heart =)
@ Adam Fix you wild thing... thank you ;~)
Glad you appreciated.

@ BING!!... a few !! for you.. thanks much loyal
secy... missed seeing your name. =D

Thanks to any who appreciated... thought that got the point across softly, but well to the exact point... delayed adn heartfelt FIREWORKS!!

@ all my fave regulars.... OMG ADAM IS GONNA BE ON PRIME TIME TV!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!
How lucky are we?... I know where we're all gonna be Thurs nite....

Fun meeting here at 24/7 immediately after...=D
Bing... ready to take notes!? lol
Cant WAIT!!

Anonymous said...

@Cindy/5:29 - re your "fun meeting here at 24/7 immediately after..."

good idea (that is if we can still function, HA... and deal w/ time differences, that's never stopped us before, HA)


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