Adam Lambert Vs. Kelly Clarkson
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Friday, March 25, 2011
Posted at : Friday, March 25, 2011

Q Music has a poll up on their website and asked who is the better singer.
So far, Adam is leading in the poll.

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!
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What! Adam of course! Sanni
I must say that this is an unfair poll.
Kelly Clarkson's voice is is Adam's.
YES! I'm an Adam fan, but in the name of that fandom, I'm not going to just blindly throw everyone else under the bus as if ONLY Adam exists in this world.
Kelly and Adam are both excellent, just different.
Why do we do this? I adore Kelly. Her voice is gorgeous as is Adam's. Quit voting in this crap.
Actually getting sick of polls, especially after the grammy poll against MJ. I have to confess I did vote for Adam, but I agree that Kelly is very talented too. She can really hit high notes, maybe a duet someday.
Another meaningless poll.
OOh this was a hard one because I absolutely love kelly and have all her albums. I did vote for adam and then wished I didn't vote at all, I actually think kelly is the best female singer we have today Better than christina A, celine, whitney all of them. I also would love them two to sing a duet more than anyone else. Whose coming up with these stupid polls anyway?
Another poll that means absolutely nothing!!! Why do we always have to compare to see who's the best. To their fans they are each the best!!
I'm sorry. This Kelly is ok. Just hate these polls. Sanni
I voted for Adam, don't have any music of Kellys. I'm sure I must have subconciously heard her stuff (although I don't listen to much radio), but apart from since you've gone, i couldn't name one song of hers, or up until very recently even knew what she looked like.
These polls just start fan wars. Not good. Kelly is a great singer and I know Adam agrees.. . . Adamluv
@HK fan - my two cents/opinion - Kelly is the best thing to come out of AI along with Adam. There has been, in all fairness, some truly spectacular talent seen on Idol, and I sincerely wish all those who former contestants who have found real careers in entertainment from the springboard of Idol well, but my own opinion just happens to be that Clarkson and Lambert (and JHud too I guess) are the most magnificent voices to come from Idol - check her out further when you have time; I don't think you'll be sorry.
Both Kelly and Adam along with Carrie Underwood are the best voices to come out of AI. This poll is meaningless and just seems to be a waste of time. Each performer has a loyal, devoted fan following and much success in the music industry.
Instead of Adam vs. this person and that person -- how about creating some harmony and get some duets going? Yeah. Like Kelly C. and Adam. Pink and Adam. Black Eyed Peas w/Fergie and Adam. Xtina and Adam. Rhianna and Adam. Katy and Adam. Queen and Adam. Slash and Adam.
The list is endless so someone hook a duet up.
How about a duet with Adele.
She has a powerful voice, Adam loves her and she is big right now. Love her song Rolling in the Deep.
This question annoys me, too. Why polarize everything? Adam is a joy in this world with his wonderful singing. I love Kelly Clarkson's voice, too. The world is big enough that I can enjoy both of them without having to choose.
okay I love them both ha!ha!ha!
Kelly is my first favourite of course because she is the 1st American Idol and she has a voice of course. I listen to her than Carrie Underwood....
But Adam is very exceptional my gosh and he is the last IDOl and mega star indeed. He tops everyone and no one will come along anymore after him I'm sorry to say........WWS what else do I need to explain ha!ha!ha!.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Kelly is comparable to Adam. I have always thought they should sing together. Xtina is good, but I don't think it would be a good match up with Adam.
I agree that these polls are pointless. I like Kelly and she has tremendous talent but so does Adam. We should make a pact that no more voting on these meaningless polls, except for important polls.
I won't vote in this poll because I agree with those who say Kelly Clarkson has an amazing voice, as does Adam of course! I see no need to compare the two..They are both fabulous in their own way. I have only a few CD's by AI contestants (if you don't count the many I have bought of Adam's, for myself, family and friends..) and I have all of Kelly Clarkson's. I love her voice and her music. This is in the same vein of that poll last week that pitted Adam against Green Day.....meaningless, because they are completely different in that case. To compare Adam and Kelly doesn't make much sense either. Both are fabulous, and the best of the best..
What is going on with these silly polls? Are they doing this with Beiber, Miley, GaGa, etc.
Just let Adam be part of a group of singers, his peers, and be happy for all.
People will buy the music they like. Yeh, I would love to see Adam win everything, but that is not reality.
Adam always promotes other singers, I think that he is one smart cookie.
I don't vote anymore either, but as you can see, a lot of these polls are between Adam & somebody else, they're trying to downplay Adam's gift, imo. Adam cannot be beat, so just let whatever or whoever, think they are doing their job.
Of course I only listen to Adam, who else is there that is the entire package?
btw, how are the ratings for Adam's GNT LIVE dvd/cd doing? just curious. MWAH!! K
I voted, of course, but these polls are so dumb. They just rile up people against each other. Fan bases are so loyal and it has nothing to do with logic. It's pure emotion. Kelly and Adam both have outstanding voices. I'm an Adam fan and that's how I voted, but c'mon, these polls mean nothing. What DOES matter is sales, so c'mon Glamberts, let's get ready to send Adam's new cd into the platinum stratosphere!
anon 7;06 AM
You are extremely wise...I have asked and asked if the results of these polls advance Adam's career. I've never gotten an answer so from this moment no more polls for me. Whew, what a relief! More time to listen to Adam and read a years supply of books overtaking my bedroom. I've been a bit occupied with my obsession. I'm a silly old woman..........JAK
I don't know if polls in general advance Adam's career, I think many are just for the fans. However there are some that I'll vote on..Just depends...I would guess that most don't have much of an effect one way or the other, but there are a few that seem to make sense to vote on..For instance, some radio stations have polls to ask whose music the listeners want to hear..In that case I would think voting for Adam, or his songs, would advance his career, because it helps him to be heard. So in other words, sometimes voting for Adam does make sense.
@ Jak,
You are not silly old lady.......
You are fun to have here as always...
We look up to you as a young at hearts but wiser indeed ha!ha!ha!
Don't get bored and I know as well in my experience, I feel it sometimes indeed ha!ha!ha!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Okay if it's a radio station poll I'll vote, but if it's "who's eyelashes are longer..Adam Lamberts or John Mayers....I'm skipping it! JAK
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Didn't I just adopt you this month? Does that mean I also have a 15 yr old granddaughter? Yay!!! I am young at heart but I'm not so sure about wise. I'm very proud of you, you have a kind heart! JAK
@glitzylady: When I said silly polls, it was like this one. Not important ones, which would advance Adam career.
@JAK: You are great and funny. As your other adoped daughter this month, I miss your humor.
None of us are silly old ladies, just very taken with a young singer, named Adam.
@ Mom from Toronto: Hi sis, how's it going?
You were right on with your comment to our mom, @JAK. She has been laying low lately, and I miss her stories.
Just more stupid rediculous polls! Kelly is a great singer and so is Adam. Enough said.
Just want to know whos idea was to create this poll!
Can you compare Gianne Versaci (hate his sister by the way:) and Isaac Mizrahi?
Versaci is genious! Mizrahi is talented and designes clothes for Target!
I am very sorry for Kelly but in this poll Adam is Versaci!
So this poll Adam vr Kelly is pointless!
@ JAK,
Yes she is 15 and turning 16 on Oct. 12 ha!ha!
For me you always rock this site and just follow your lead ha!ha!ha! Just stay and don't go anywhere.
@P.A.S. Hello adopted Sister,
I'm doing well thank you and I always read your comments here and please don't let our adopted mom go anywhere she has to stay here ha!ha!ha!
If I win in the lottery I'll meet you personally guys where ever you are. LOL
Mom from Toronto, Canada
To My Daughters.....from JAK
Gianni Versaci's name reminds me of a story, we're alone way down here, I'll chance it.
I was touring Italy with best friend..we be-friended a lady traveling alone. She was sweet but clueless. We had visited the tomb of Lorenzo de Medici (ruler of Florence 15th century)---fantastic. That evening at table our new friend said "It's so sad that such a talented designer has died, but his tomb was certainly beautiful." My friend looked at me and raised her eyebrows ????? Then it dawned on me and I whispered "she means Oscar de la Renta!"
We giggled all evening...The End.......JAK :)
Oh my gosh, another great story. You are keeping us amused while KW is off killing dragons or something. THANX JM
@JAK This is very funny story, dear. You have fanttstic since of humour!
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