ABC booted Adam Lambert, and not Chris Brown?
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Friday, March 25, 2011
Posted at : Friday, March 25, 2011

MJ SANTILLI over at the New York Post wrote a very interesting article about ABC booting Adam Lambert over a gay kiss, yet they decided to keep Chris Brown despite his violent behavior early this week on Good Morning America.
From the New York Post:
"When Adam Lambert threw in an unexpected guy/guy kiss during his live performance on ABC’s live broadcast of the American Music Awards in 2009, the punishment was swift and decisive.
Lambert’s scheduled ABC appearances, including a “Good Morning America” concert and a performance on Dick Clark’s annual “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve,” were canceled the next morning.
That’s why I fully expected R&B singer Chris Brown, likewise, to be banned from ABC — and his performance on next week’s “Dancing With the Stars” to be canceled — after he tossed a chair through the window of his “GMA” dressing room Tuesday morning in a rage over being asked about his ex-girlfriend Rihanna."
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I love this article! NYP you said it perfectly! So unfair, but once again it's all about money. I'm sorry, chris brown does nothing for me and never has, what's the big deal with him. I do like his last name however (same as mine) lol
ABC is a hypocrite.
This completely mystifies me, what is their bizarre reasoning process? JAK
Life is unfair, talents always sweep under the floor. Adam's stardom mainly due to his determination, never give up. Adam is doing perfectly without ABC. People are lining up to work with with him, anywhere in the world. But it is sad to see violent being praised on National TV. This boy needs help, fame will destroy him like many celebrities I see on TV.
In case nobody has noticed yet, America has a problem with sex but finds violence totally acceptable.
I think the whole thing was a promotional gimmick. His album was coming out the next day so what better way to get all the extra media attention..and it worked!!!
Well I just wrote to ABC- it takes alittle navigating, but hell people did it with the 1500 complaints on adam. I know it will make no difference , But I feel better- so there! lol I also told them to boot chris on DWTS and have adam on instead. I am a righteous person and I get carried away sometimes but like I said I feel better (can't help it, it's part of my personality)
The main reason I have not watched Good Morning America since. And I am sure I am not the only one. This is an injustice, but one that won't be fixed. Maybe next time, Brown may end up hurting someone. Doubles anyone? Double standards that is?
Anon:2;10 - you might be right about this? I've already expressd my opinion about this travesty on another thread so wont bore you again. I did send a polite email to GMA/ABC/Disney expressing my displeasure at their actions. Did not mention Adam. America has no problem with sex either only if it's "straight" sex. . . . Adamluv
Fuck GMA! Fuck AMAs! Fuck DICK! Fuck em all!!!
Glambo dont need their stinkin promo...
Thats all.
My next comment was deleited. Realize my comment above could have been read wrong. Meant to say - sex between straights OK, sex between gays, no. . . . Adamluv
OH and Fuck Chris Brown too!! #obnoxiousbrat
I will not be watching DWTS if Chris Brown is on.......
I translated this to Russian.
Wonderful article!
I do plan on writing in a brief comment on the MJ/Post story, very respectfully pointing out some hypocrisy, and I plan to make it less about Adam Lambert, and more about the message they are sending; no OTT Lambert defense for me (as I personally, JMO, don't think that benefits him actually, perhaps the opposite) but I will still take this oportunity that has been placed before me to let them know there is one more viewer who sees right through them, and takes action as a result.
I just emailed DWTS and ABC....I did not mention Adam....just what I thought of them having Chris Brown on and his behavior...
I don't think it helps bringing up Adam's name
But if he gets on DWTS (Chris)...I think we should call or email our complaints...does anyone have the phone number for ABC...if so please post here and twitter.....
Anon@3:43 what email address did you type in. I want to send ABC an email not mentioning
Adam's name. To let them know that violence should not be condoned in this way. Yes a phone number would be great but who knows if we would get put through. Adam got so many complaints for a kiss, and Chris Brown should get tons more for his unacceptable behavior.
I think we should twitter campaign to get Adam on DWTS, SERIOUSLY!! That would be great. And ABC might be just about feeling in a mood to take a look at that suggestion right about now. What's that old saying: You don't know until you ask, lol.
I doubt Adam wants to be on DWTS. He's busy with the album and Sauli..
It just seems that we condone bad behavior and language in society today. Chris Brown needs more anger management classes. I knew there was something wrong the minute he walked off the stage after his number on GMA. And then to hear his so-called apology and view his crude behavior at the launch party were just unbelievable. I read that his publicist quit too. Tnen you have Adam Lambert, the best vocal talent in the music industry today, and ABC still will not bring him back to GMA. He has done well enough without that show, so maybe it is just as well. And I don't think Adam would want to be on DWTS..not his kind of venue. It is just so hypocritcal to condone such crude behavior from CB and then state that he has been asked to come back. I will not watch DWTS if he is on; it's only to plug that new CD and frankly most of the viewing audience doesn't care about him or his music.
Infuriating to think about. (GAG)
The article is well written, and I'm so glad the NY Post writer said it so well. Violence is okay but heaven forbid, Adam kisses a male band member. I wrote ABC w/o mentioning Adam's name as I do not want any further repercussions for him. But, Dick Clark, ABC and anyone associated with that network really needs to see the light. Adam is welcomed on every other network. He is a kind, giving, thoughtful and beautiful person who is about love. Chris Brown is about violence obviously. What is wrong with this picture? I for one, never watch ABC anymore. And, I have also ended my subscription with Star Magazine as there has never been a complimentary article about Adam; only worst dressed list crap. So, if boycotting or not buying something helps, that is what I will do. As a powerful fan base of Adams though, I would be willing at anytime to do more for him and his career.
The real problem here is that even if we were willing to give Chris Brown a "second chance" this fit of violence should give us pause. Puts his assault charge in a new light. Too bad. Sad. Did I read that his publicist resigned over it? Kind of a tough gig, given this most recent event. So he is not sanctioned in any this new??? What about Charlie Sheen's lastest news that even if he doesn't return to 2 1/2 Men, he may get another job anyway. Makes any concerns ABC might have had about Adam look pretty silly. Yes...It's true. Violence, drug addition, abuse is is heterosexual is feigned lesbianism which many men really go for. We see it in reality shows, independent money making videos like Girls Gone Wild, and in music. But OMG....a guy on guy kiss...Now that's dangerous, isn't it? I certainly feel threatened...gimme a break. I admire Adam for his courage and strength of character in the aftermath of the blame excuses. Just buy his music...just keep requesting our syndicated,canned, spoon-fed pablum radio networks for his music...bring others to the fold (one at a time if necessary.) This guy deserves success. This guy is one of the good guys. Leave the Chris Browns and the Charlie Sheens to others to worry about. Let's take care of Adam. He's earned a star on the door.
OK folks, here is the ABC website again
I do not think invoking Adam's name will do any good, actually probably the opposite. This way they can't say it is only because we are Adam fans that we are complaining... I think they need to know that ANY thinking being would find this repulsive!
p.s. Hi Urethra, where have U been??
Let's face it people. Somebody way up high at ABC does not like Adam for what he did at The GMAS and has no intention of having Adam appear on their TV channel. The View had Adam on their show because of Barbara Walter's clout.
Been busy. And to be honest sometimes I cant deal with the comment section here. But Im always reading the headlines.
Slap your hinney once for me! ;)
Can someone make that out-of-control violent little man's picture go away?
Oh yeah, I get it!:) You on Twitter?
Chris brown should be banned from ABC no excuses.He has no respect for himself has no respect for anybody or anything else.He wants adult pleasures and childish reasponcabilites!I would not even put ADAM IN THE SAME SENTENCE AS HIM !!
I have one but I dont use it. Im a facebook whore. How can I find you on fb??
they should make him pay a fine and ban him from ABC.
Adam on DWTS for the WIN!
I think Chris like Linday Lohan would have benefitted from a swat on the rear as they were growing up! And both need to grow up....I may be gloomy but I see similar possibilities in the futures of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. CL
We are just used to this by this point. Violence is okay but expressing your sexuality is not.
Adam said it perfectly way back on his 'View' appearance. "This country can't deal with sexuality but embraces violence". It's just terrible and I'm ashamed of this country in so many ways. However, as has been said above, Adam is doing just fine w/o ABC.
I wish someone had some real balls at these networks and would look closer at some of the crap they put on TV. Adam was shining example of homophobes running some of these networks. They are way behind and need to start being consistant because they just make themselves look bad. I have seen far worse actions on cop shows and sitcoms; but that's OK I guess. So messed up! So messed up! Everyone knows it. We need to let our voice be heard in a way that does not make us look as bad as the very people we are critizing. Adam will be fine because of his talent; but why should he have to work twice as hard to get some where in this industry just because he is gay and kiss a dude. He has some great friends and contacts and hopefully as time passes so will get some resepect..
SHOWBIZ TONIGHT ON HLN DISCUSSING CHRIS BROWN/ADAM GMA CONTROVERSIES. IT WILL BE AIRED AGAIN AT 2:OO AM EST.It's 11:15PM now in Charlotte and I justsaw it 5 min. ago. Sorry for caps, but did it for anyone wanting to catch itat next airing. They discussed the NY Post article and showed Adam's pic along with comments. I will watch again at 2AM to see what I had missed. Haven't had time to read above posts yet. Be back later. funbunn40
Karma for ABC GMA they deserved Chris Brown. They prepare violence and stupid people on their show. Adam just showed freedom of expression and acceptance but not violence indeed.
God is good everyone that's all....
Adam Lambert doesn't need those trash media....
Love you Adam
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Thanks funbunn40 for the heads up, will watch showbiz tonight! I am alittle confused however why we shouldn't mention adam's name to ABC ? How will they know that we thought it was unfair what they did?
This is the Showbiz Tonight segment talking about this article, Chris Brown's actions, and ABC's lack of "punishment" for them. Also ABC's reaction to Adam's AMA performance,including the abrupt cancellation of his other scheduled appearances. It seemed to be a fair and unbiased discussion..Maybe the tide is turning..
Oh, and just in case admin decides to replace the above picture of "he who shall not be named"..., here is a nice picture of Adam that I just ran across..Its from the "Skingraft" Collection Party he went to recently, we may possibly have seen it before, and maybe not, but its a very nice close up...and bears repeating IMO!!
Its me again, just noticed the picture I posted the link for above, is similar to the one at the top of the "Twitter" thread..but this one is worth taking a peak at too... ; )
totally unfair!! Adam is gorgeous!! cb fugly!!
glad to see showbiz sees right from wrong & abc cannot. MWAH!! K
Thanks for the Showbiz tonight link. Things are really turning. See how they show "the kiss" over and over and NO blurring. The guy twice said how ridiculus the banning of Adam was. This is just great.
Att: Finland friends
Translate: IS Radar-Katrina & Sauli show
Hello from Hlsinki is found in Hollywood. This was Monday. Can't understand them. Tweets saying have a nice trip.
ps: Lots of Idol show mentions. They were suppose to be here for the show.Lots of laughing too.
Sauli's birthday in 2 days.
Have not been able to find you. I left posts for you. Put you on my favorites.Hope I got the right Glitzylady(the one who mentions Adam?Hope thats you).
Did you add me to yours? LBSchatz-my twitter name.
I haven't been able to read all these posts but has anyone brought up the fact that Chris Brown is still in the middle of his 5 year probation? The fact that ABC is not bringing up charges says even more.
You added the right one! And I added you..If you linked your twitter acct to your email, you should have received a notification that I am now following you. The other way you can tell is to look at your "followers" list. Its on the right hand side of the Twitter screen, and contains the avatars of those who follow you, also who you follow! Or, you can click "Profile" at the top of the screen, which will give you some options, and again, click on "Followers". It will list them in order of acquisition. I did leave a message for you yesterday, but then as happens on occasion when I accidentally hit a wrong keyboard key, the whole thing disappeared, and as I was on my way somewhere, couldn't re-do..Was going to respond again today! And, by the way...literally just got your DM! LOL!! Looks like you figured it out!! Guess I'll post this anyway!
This is something I posted at AfterElton when they reported on this story.
Thank you for highlighting ABC's ( and society's in general) utter hypocrisy concerning Chris Brown versus Adam Lambert. Beat your girlfriend? Um, okay. Throw a monumental and violent tantrum? Free pass and we welcome you back no problem. Christina and Britney and Madonna macking on other women at various awards shows? Yes more! We like that lesbian action! Adam crotch grinds and kisses another dude? At eleven PM on a presumably adult show and it's OMG get out the smelling salts because we have a bad case of the vapors! Gay male sexuality? By an out gay performer? No! No! No!
This was exactly Lambert's point after the debacle. Too bad most didn't seem to get it when it happened. Or even now.
I honestly don't know why they were asking Chris about Rihanna. Chris Brown was sentenced although he avoided jail. Why they want to bring up the subject again? I don't think this will help Adam really. Even if Chris is banned the problem remains, because it's between Adam and ABC.
Or maybe it's just between Glamberts and ABC, because we don't know if Adam cares anymore. Who cares about ABC? Those who watch Dancing With The Stars?
Go Vote on Showbiz Tonight
Chris Brown's "GMA" Rampage: Should he be banned from "Dancing with the Stars"?
Let's vote people! Oh my god, I'm loving this. Some action for a change. :D
@9:33 AM
Obviously separate issues, but I like the fact that CNN's Showbiz Tonight had some intelligent thoughts about the two stories, and the bigger question is why would ABC/GMA give Chris Brown a chance to explain himself by inviting him back on their show, and treat Adam they way they did, by canceling his scheduled appearances, and not so much as giving him the time of day since then. I also appreciate the fact that the male commentator said he didn't understand why they treated Adam so badly. Obviously "water under the bridge" but perhaps FINALLY some progress is being made in favor of Adam. Positive spin on the AMA thing for him for a change. And the connection of the two stories is that ABC invited Chris Brown to replace Adam on GMA after they cancelled him. I did hear that the interviewer was pretty hard on Chris Brown on-air re Rhianna, and that's what set him off..but still, what a childish and dangerous way he responded to all of that. Adam was no doubt hurt and upset by the cancellations, but he didn't act like a jackass about it..
In a way it is a terrible waste of energy to even talk about this mr Brown. It is always so that nasty and bad people get huge attention and people with value will suffer. I'm sure Adam have said "screw you ABC" in his head and doesn't mind anymore. Sanni
I would ban ABC in a second, but why do they have to have ALL the shows i watch on thier crappy network. Desperate housewives, brothers and sisters, grey anatomy, private practice, bachelor Geez- (what to do) but I won't watch DWTS this week, I'll do that.
Eber said on Twitter that it would be usless to contact ABC.Obviously, he knows something we don't.
I think ABC has dug their own grave in this situation and are receiving a great deal of bad press. They will recover,Brown will recover & Adam is recovering nicely & he is getting his redemtion finally. We are a forgiving nation & progress slowly emerges as lessons are learned from mistakes. This Kris Brown is still on probation & he will have to deal with Community service perhaps.
Chris brown is obviously a very disturbed young man to start with and throw in his feelings of entitlement makes him a very dangerous person. Maybe ABC's executives are SPINELESS as well as sickening homophobes and are afraid to do the right thing.
I can only pray that his CD flops. Hurt his pocketbook. Boycott ABC, hurt their pocketbook.
@9:33 Adam has been asked about the AMA's repeatedly, and never got angry. So why can't Chris be asked about Rihanna? Double Standard.
I rather see a kiss between two guys, than a girl beat up by a guy. ABC sucks!
What is hell is wrong with this country?
You are my FIRST. Tweet, that is. Thx!
OMG!The afterparty pic.are killers.I had them in my camera to print out,& everywhere else.
Just last nite I decided to use just his eyes for my avatar,when I figure that one out.
Know how to navigate as you suggested,but didn't know about the E Mail & I am signed up.
I fooled around with the FF before I got this message....yea I saw no one...I'll ck your list.
I tweeted you twice because the system said they made a mistake & I should wait & do it again.
THEY MADE A MISTAKE! LOL & I think I don't know what I'm doing! Again thx...this must be so boring for you,I really appreciate your doing this. How can a man be that gorgeous & with makeup yet.
This is a full time job now & i'm going blind.How do you do it. Those were the FF's right.? Wow...I was doing it the hard way,this is great.HaHa saw the Cumulus clouds yesterday.
And they have all kinds of kissing going on too!
There is far more to this than meets the eye.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Off with their heads!!!!
11:50 There is nothing to forgive Adam for. He did nothing wrong. He is right. The AMA performance was a matter of taste. I LOVED it. Only thing I hated was his fall. Check out how many views it has on YouTube. Complaints to FCC were bogus and organized by antigay group. Only 1400 people out of 14.5 MILLION viewers complained to ABC. I heard that ABC got more complaints on a weekly basis re: Dancing w the Stars due to skimpy costumes.
Kentucky Fan
7:22 PM I did not realize that about Chris Brown--that he was only part way through his probation. I used to work in the KY Dept. of Corrections. He does not necessarily have to have charges pressed by ABC. It appears his anger management program was insufficient and unsuccessful. Thus, the Dept. of Corrections handling his probation, if not the judge who probated his sentence, may take steps of their own. In escence he reoffended by destroying property in a violent outburst. It will be interesting to see what happens. Why ABC thinks it would be a good idea to "reunite" a victim with her perpetrator when perpetrator is still violent is beyond me (There are rumors afloat today that ABC wants to do this.). I am a clinical psycbologist who has worked with both violent offenders (inmates) and victims.
Kentucky Fan
@9:34 Indeed we can mention Adam's name to ABC. We still have freedom of speech in the USA (I hope!).
Kentucky Fan
Re: 6:02 post: psychologist (not psycbologist) Without spellcheck, my spelling rivals Adam's LOL.
Kentucky Fan
4:34 PM You nailed it. And, I bet they're male and heterosexual. I've been trying to research who owns the media and, thus, has influence. Adam has legions of female fans. If men want to continue making money off products (to include media companies); they would be foolish to continue to blow off women. Adam is a pied piper to us women. I would love for Adam to snub ABC if they ever do come crawling back to him. But, he is a far more gracious person than I am.
Kentucky Fan
Yea, sure, kissing is soooo much more dangerous then a man smashing his girlfriends head against the window, choking her, then running away to leave her injured! This is one sick world we live in and frankly, i'm sick of this!
I can not stand to look at Chris, he makes me ill with his arrogance and he is such an unapologetic loose cannon.
The absolute opposite of Adam Lambert. I am thrilled that this conversation is in the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May be I was not excited about AMA "accident" and I think everybody know about this. However, how anybody can compare man-to-man kiss with somebody violent behavior? Does anybody need to call 911 after this kiss?! As less for somebody was so excited and had heart attack or strock!
I think GMA would call 911 if it was somebody else who is not such a celebrity as Brown.
@delilah5 9:38 PM
Yep, 911 could have been a consideration after that KISS! I have to admit I wasn't expecting it (neither were Adam or Tommy as it turned out! Just sort of happened..) but I also have to say I was far from offended, and upon (many..) additional viewings..found it to induce a certain feeling of breathlessness, followed by hyperventilation..a little oxygen might have been appropriate. No heart attack or stroke but perhaps a few heart palpitations and temporary speechlessness! Adam never ceases to amaze! It also produced a certain amount of anxiety afterwards, because of the reaction the whole thing caused, so I probably could have used a little valium as well. Never a dull moment in the life of an Adam fan!
Just saw that picture of a shirtless Chris Brown with all those tattoos. Maybe he should tattoo the rest of his body and his face and then he can join the sideshow of a circus to act in the freakish way that he has behaved recently. He has become a sideshow and I don't understand why DWTS would have him as a guest since most of the viewing audience is older and probably never heard of him or listen to his kind of music.
About a week or so ago, I read that Chris Brown [or someone else] had posted a full frontal nude pic of himself on twitter. Classy guy! Even more frightening are the fans that excuse his violence and feel sorry for him. I hope he straightens out his life, as I don't wish anyone ill will, but until he faces consequences for his behaviour like any other person, his sense of entitlement will have dire consequences. Batterers seldom change. I've worked with victims of domestic abuse and it's a very dangerous, life threatening situation that usually escalates. He doesn't seem to realize that he's the one with the problem. Even his insincere apology put the blame with GMA. There's no quick fix for him or remorse for the deed, just damage control for his own selfish interests. I hope he will get help and face his reality. funbunn40
I checked some of our culture and music mags during Adam´s visit in Oslo, Norway. One said: "USA´s heiteste pophomse til Norge" (USA´s hottest pop-gay to Norway). The mags talked much about the AMA kissing and oral simulation, but that was it. Another mag called him "Enfant Terrible" (I love the expression!) with a very positive way. So Adam was a very wellcome visiter to Norway!
4:34 PM You nailed it. And, I bet they're male and heterosexual. I've been trying to research who owns the media and, thus, has influence. Adam has legions of female fans. If men want to continue making money off products (to include media companies); they would be foolish to continue to blow off women. Adam is a pied piper to us women. I would love for Adam to snub ABC if they ever do come crawling back to him. But, he is a far more gracious person than I am. Kentucky Fan
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