Adam Lambert Wants You To Check Out The Acoustic "Aftermath"
Filed Under (Aftermath,twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Adam has been tweeting a lot today.
He now wants you to check out the acoustic version of "Aftermath"

Which version do you prefer?
He now wants you to check out the acoustic version of "Aftermath"

Which version do you prefer?
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Hard poll. I can't decide between the Acoustic and billboard one.....
Thank God some of you agree with me. Boo Billboard!............JAK .............Acoustic has heart!
Why must we choose?!!!!That's not fair!!
It's chosing which song should be his next single? It doesn't matter what Adam sings, anything that comes out of that beautiful voice of his is a smash hit to me! Each has a time & mood for me.
Oh well, ok, I'll vote, but I will not suffer in the aftermath, ok?!! MWAH!!K
I voted for the acoustic one.
I agree with you although I voted for the acoustic one I love them all, and everything Adam sings.
I love everything Adam sings,,,I love them both...I just love Adam period..sing anything
Hey, Adam's been tweeting a lot??? Are you kidding? LOL I must have tweeted at least 40 or more times today!! He asked, we met the challenge... #Aftermathremix and Trevor Project are STILL trending...
Adam has a LOT of people behind him...
Yup, we LUV BB!!!
I love them all, but actually voted for the original. Loved it from the beginning.
There should be an "I Love all three" button.
Damn the Remix is just in my head FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKk.....
I played it all day today, it is amazing. I love techno Adam, he is just amazing. I hope he collaborates with Taio Cruz, I always imagine Adam's voice everytime I hear his song "Higher". I think if he collaborates with Taio he is gonna conquer the UK.
Adam I love you, MARRY ME please. I'll have Millions of your babies................. LMFAO
- I like the «Billboard remix» but I voted «acoustic live»... Fan4fun
- I like «acoustic live» but I voted «Billboard remix»... Icon
@ Grandma JAK, don't you «boo» the Billboard remix, it's awesome! It's fashion sound! Mommy is gonna teach me to dance it and then I'll ask you to dance with me. Let's have fun together, Grandma, I love you... Icon
So not fair to have to choose! I love all three! I agree with ZZ that the remix has been in my head all day too, I think it's very catchy and I love the beat. The vocals, though, in the acoustic version are heavenly and pure. So based on amazing vocals I'd have to go with the acoustic version but I really am enjoying the remix...Tie Game!
Acoustic Aftermath is best because you hear every tone in Adam's beautiful voice. It's the best...he's the best!
KW agree with you about paying not to hear the remix.
Sparkle Plenty
Accoustic Aftermath is best version of this song. I certainly voted for it.
Remix was done without Adam. Billobard just got song digitalized, syncronized, did whatever they do now with beautiful songs, make them look completely different from original.
I know almost of all of us like to say that everything what Adam is doing is amazing, fantasitc, and superb. But Adam didn't do this song.
After I listened remix few time, I relised that I don't like it so much as acoustic. Be honest, I am not sure I like it at all.
However, I am ready for tomorrow night and going to buy few copies of remix.
At the end, we always ready to help Adam.
Love you, beautiful boy with golden heart
Ok all three are great and depends on my mood . they need a button which says all three! God this man is exciting and stirs it up - I am living in the far corners of Perth western Australia and his magic is still working its way down here.
Sorry, made the mistake. Misspell "Billboard" :)
Acoustic Adam! stripped down and sexy!
@ Delilah, I think Adam resang the remix. If you listen carefully he changed some of the notes. The word "alone " is sung in a lower note, along with a few others and a few phrase changes in the original and the acoustic version...I also voted for the acoustic version which for me is perfection. The words have such meaning and he and Monte are all that is needed. The main focus is on the beautiful lyrics, sung in the most tender , uplifting way. That said, the more I listened to the remix the more I liked it.Adam's voice is in the forefront even tho' there is a lot of techno pop. I'll buy it to get me moving and nothing Adam sings is bad. It grows on you. It's hard to see it in another light when you love another version so much, but give it a chance. I think it will do well commercially, as that seems to be what's popular, whether musically superior or not. It's for a much needed cause. funbunn40
I absolutely love the acoustic version. Adam's voice is crystal clear and Monte kick's ass on the guitar!
@ anon 6:13PM, Adam stripped down and sexy? A no brainer. As Simon said, "does a cow moo? haha funbunn40
The acoustic version is my favorite. It is so beautiful and you can hear every word of the song; it is just so pure and clean. The remix is a little too frenetic for me but great for a dance club and to get you moving. Can't wait for Thursday night to see Adam perform on AI. Diddy is also going to be on...from the sublime to the ridiculous. Let the master show the students how it should be done. Adam Lambert is just the best vocal talent in the music industry today.
Just watched Idol. I didn't really think anyone did that well except the guy singing Garth Brooks.
Love Acoustic Aftermath! So excited to watch him on Idol tomorrow!
Love all three Aftermath versions and I agree with the comment that said it depends on your mood. Listening to each one can also change your mood. The three versions are like Adam , always changing and surprising his fans. Great job on the remix.
ADAM es poseedor de la fuente de sonido más antigua y natural que es su voz extraordinaria,
increíblemente bella y hermosa y en "Consecuencias acústica" se manifiesta en todo su esplendor, la pureza de su voz y el magistral dominio del canto, razón por la cual, todas sus interpretaciones se transforma en sonidos maravillosos con el sello
único de ADAM.
tonight on Idol I liked Scotty, Jacob, and James. I think a girl is going home tomorrow and I am generally wrong.
@funbunn40 I absolutely agree that Adam resang this song. I never said that he didn't. And remix will work perfectly if they will release it as single Just need to be cut slightly. Also, I even can see great music video making with remix version of "Aftermath" But like I said, I can't feel Adam soul in this remix. And this is not about his voice, it is not possible to do anyting with Adam voice!
However,this backgound cliche wich they use for Gaga, Britney, or Katy' songs can't be use for "Aftermath". Because this is Adam Lambert song and everything has to be different for his songs.But this is just my opinion.
And this is the reason why all of us like acoustic version of Aftermath! Because we hear Adam's angel voice and Monte's guitar only! And this is perfect!
I thought I heard Adam tell Ryan Seacreast that Billboard took vocals off album and added dance pop to it, than they sent remix to Adam. Ryan was talking about people working together and not being in the same country.
I like the beat on the remix, but love the vocals on the acoustic. It showcases Adams superior vocals, clean and beautiful. I think if Adam sang to the remix beat, he would have sang it more upbeat. Just my opinion.
My favorite is the Aftermath Remix. I don't like acoustic music generally. I like upbeat music you can dance or work out to.
I voted for the Chipmunks version. Love the barefooted painted toenails especially.
Acoustic, of course. It's perfection. Bought it immediately & play it in my car everyday & never tire of that magnificent voice.
Everyone has different tastes; like the beat of the has its good & bad moments. Adam knows what his expectations were for a commercial success & I hope he achieves it.
I listened to the interview again, and Adam did not re-sing for the remix, as a few people have indicated. Billboard took vocals off album and added new beat. Sent Adam a demo and he liked it.
Maybe that is why the vocals sound off at the end. It is the techno of todays sound. It is still a good beat and for a very worthy cause.
Original is the best.
About the remix: I would assume that the remix was made with teens and twenty-somethings in mind, and that is definitely what works right now. While I still prefer the other two far.., I don't quite fit into to the target audience demographic : ( . It is dedicated to The Trevor Project which hopes to prevent teen bullying and suicide so it makes sense to make it a dance-remix. I think I need to listen to it a few more times...Its just different than the versions we've heard before, and I really hope it is successful, both for Adam and for The Trevor Project. I'll be purchasing it for both reasons. And I plan to blast it at full volume and dance my a** off! (BTW, hoping that works! LOL!!)
I like all the versions and what ever Adam sings is great for listening or dancing. I liked when Adam said in the interview that his heart was full. Love is great and I adore Adam.
I love all three versions and will play all of them. I couldn't stay still listening to the remix today. I love that they kept Adam's vocals in the forefront of the remix. I hear a girl's voice in the background and it sounds like it might be Alison Porter so I think Adam had some say in the remix version. Everyone should request radio stations to play the remix version to raise money for the Trevor Project and to get Adam another hit single. Can't wait to see Adam on AI. KLM
@ Anon. March 9, 2011 10:29 PM
Agree - the original is my favourite too.
I prefer the original version. It would've been a great single with perhaps the acoustic or the remix to accompany it.
skipping poll as i love all three for different reasons
Adam could've released the original as a single with all the proceeds going to the Trevor Project but I guess he released it as a remix for the young ones. I often like remixes but this one will need to grow on me.
Well, with this remix, people shouldn't be complaining that it's overproduced because Adam's voice is right there!
«ADAM owns the most ancient and natural fountain of sounds which is his extraordinary voice, incredibly beautiful and amazing, and in Aftermath Acoustic [his voice] displays itself in its whole splendor, the master control of sing, and that's the reason for all his performances have been turned into amazing sounds, under the unique Label ADAM. HH»
* translated by Fan4fun
acoustic is the best!
@ All my glamaunts and my glamuncles (and my glamgrandma) in 24/7 «Paradise»
We are going NOW!!! to grab OUR Ping Pong and bring him back!
- «Calm down, Icon, we are not pretty sure he is THERE with the kidnaper! Lets not mess it, first we have to check it out and we'll do it IN PEACE! Lets focus the POSITIVE!»
Oh, that was mommy Fan4fun, she is on the phone talking to the priest of her church to invite him to join our group of friends to go together to the farm to rescue my boyfriend. Meawshit! I'm excited! I'll tell you later what we did, oh-oh, what we are gonna do! We are going now because we want to «grab» the kidnaper home for lunch!
Ping Pooooooong! Hold on! We love you and we are going to pick you up to watch with us, live on direct TV, sweet Adam sing tonight!!!!! You are not alone in the aftermmmaaaaaaaaaath!
If you are a purist at heart then the acoustic is a natural choice. The re-mix would be fun to hear at a club...but his voice so beautiful that it's addictive and needs no special affects imo.
Anything he does acoustic for me, is a thrill. There is way too much electronic music tricks for those who have lesser voices but Adam's voice is so beautiful so, I want to hear it sans the over produced/remixed/studio tricks.
Hey glitzylady/10:50pm - funny..."dance your ass off & hoping that works", hilarious, thanks for the laugh, I needed it this morning.
Well glitzylady, I can offer you this - on a personal note, the beat/pace of the Aftermath Remix fits PERFECTLY w/ my step aerobics routine and I tried it out last night (had to keep hitting play off of a YT version until I can purchase it officially for my exercise playlist) and hell 'yaah, extended my workout by 20 minutes alone just playing Remix! And I figure - hey, that's the only way Imma ever get my legs in the air and my body aching and exhausted and all sweated-up at the hands & sounds of Adam Lambert, so Imma go with it! ;)
Like what you said about demographics and such too glitzylady. A remix has to be taken for what it is IMHO!!!!! Can't really judge it against it's predecessors (and that's not the point or intention IMO). Let's remember fans, AML needs that older teens to early 30's audience to really grow mainstream IMHO... and let's just make sure (quick little soapbox moment) we buy the remix track at least once if we can afford to do so. I emailed my request to my Boston Kiss 108 already too :), fingers crossed, such a great cause.
Nothing wrong with the Acoustic Aftermath, but I don't like this type of music. I like the electric guitar in the original version and I think Adams voice is better in the album version. In the beginning of the Acoustic version it sounds like he had a cold.
@Fan4fun & Icon Congradulation, freinds! I hope Ping Pong feels okay. Don't feed him to much. And don't give him to much hugs, please. It can kill him!LOL
Not sure if the acoustic performance will increase the FYE album sales though. The latest sales peak was right after the Jingle Ball performance.
The acoustic one is crystal clear and beautiful, but I prefer the original one. It is very special to me. The Billboard one do not touch me much.
Wish everyone had the kindness and smarts of Glitzylady and MGF.
(will shut up now.....'nuff said @ that.)
And I'm so happy for Ping Pong and Icon!!
I just heard the best audio version of In the Aftermathremix on If someone can bring it over ,.it's awesome . So much better than the youtube or any other sound I've heard.
Okay Anon 10:21AM, that's cool, thanks, but please fans, if you have the means technologically and financially speaking, please purchase it officially and legally!! I will buy it for one of my devices from AdamOfficial... and another from iTunes when it becomes available on iTunes.
Yes it only helps the Trevor Project if we buy it,so the proceeds go to charity.Adam did remix to raise awareness and money ,not as a gift to his fans.
I'll buy the remix. I didn't buy the Acoustic EP, that was the gift for the fans.
@anon 10:48 WHAT?
Why is everybody acting so grumpy (to put it politely) today? Today is a fabulous day! Adam on Idol = fabulous!
EVERYTHING we buy supports our beloved Adam. Including the acoustic EP.
Not grumpy, forgot to put the smiley at the end. :)
I am gonna buy the remix -- great cause!! Vote wise torn between acoustic and Remix. I would LOVE to see Adam perform the REMIX LIVE! Alisan Porter is def singing backup vocals her voice is unmistakeable!
Just imagine, Adam vocals and SICK CRAZY dance moves, Alisan onstage singing backup, the band rocking the hell out of the song - and Brooke creating some more wicked dance moves for everyone!
It would be one hell of a FUN Time and for such a great cause for the Trevor Project!!
2011 10:21 AM
Remix on
Scroll down! Great sound.
OT..Fan4fun, sweet Icon, The white candle is still lit! Tell the swat team to be gentle, use brains, not brawn! Keep us posted! Ping Pong will need some major licking from you, Icon! Auntie funbunn 40
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