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Adam Lambert's Different Smiling Faces!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 06, 2011



Anonymous said...

i love all these pics so hansome :)

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute! thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Has there ever been a more gorgeous face on this planet? So beautiful and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

No, never has been a more gorgeous face on this planet! He is just toooo beautiful! inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Dam! I can't complain about any of them.

Anonymous said...

Love the hair in 2nd row down, 3rd pic to the left (the long, swooping bang) - and look at the intensity of the last row, 2nd picture from left. **gulp!** Why, hello Adam, is it me you're staring at with those blue-laser eyes of yours (melt)?!

- Adam Fix

adam luv said...

All are perfection!

Anonymous said...

What a monday morning with Adam smiling to us!!
I love his face and heart. He is so full of light!!

Anonymous said...

I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANY1,U NEVER CAN FIND,only ADAM have that GLAMOROUS smile! LuVe U AdAm!

Rebecca said...

beautiful way to start my morning with all that pretty

Bing said...

Yes @(AGirlLikeMe) OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was my initial reaction to this bunch of delightful photos!
And i adore them all. How could you not love him to pieces. Adam is such a darling to his most dedicated fans. I'm smitten once again :D

Anonymous said...

SHEESH!! These photos are drop dead divine!! :D

Many thanks 24/7.

Anonymous said...

All the pics are dreamy. What a hunk!

My fave.....third row down,second from the left. That picture slays me!! His teeth are perfect.

Anonymous said...

Looking at all his smiles make you feel warm, happy and peaceful in heart, What a beautiful human being! But... where are those killer sexy smiles, maybe I will find them in my dream. He!He!

Anonymous said...

His smile can light up the room and also the world. You are beautiful inside and out!

Anonymous said...

Last row, 2nd photo ... OMG! A knock-out!! I wish he'd look at me like that (*sighs).

Anonymous said...


2nd row, 1st pic with the blue background. =)... I will NEVER forget that moment, or that smile... tht was right after he first shocked the world on AI with his rendition of "Ring of Fire".... and smiled at the audience reaction. The talent blew me away...that smile sealed the rocket door.

WHAT a tug on my heartstrings...(or maybe my bra strap broke???! lol) THAT was the pivitol moment --- (think Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch. I litterally JUMPED up screaching happily "... WOW!!!... OMG THAT is an entertainer!!!!!! THIS i would pay to see... this guy's a GENIOUS!!! ...what a SHOW!!!
I knew I'd be hooked forever... BAM!

Gorgeous all... and love all the looks and that he changes it up... but the hair BACK... that just slays me... elegant, sexy, mature, HANDSOME.

What a way to start the day!

Anonymous said...

What a way to start the day!!Absolutely stunning, handsome, sexy, and yes, his smile does light up a room. It makes me smile also and just feel good about myself on this sunny morning here on the east coast in NJ. Can't wait to see that face on Thursday's AI. I am sure he will blow everyone away with his performance of AFTERMATH and gather an entire new group of fans.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for a gay man to have such an effect on straight women! Yes is the answer and what does it matter. We can appreciate what a sexy handsome man he is and can at least dream...

Anonymous said...

Incredibly GORGEOUS .... I'm melting ..............

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's smile because when he smiles, his eyes light up! & we know his eyes are just as powerful as his voice & that smile!
Adam's smile gives me a feeling of warmth. love, caring, & a very trustworthy being to believe in!! K

Anonymous said...


Agree with Cindy about the breath-taking Ring of Fire smile.


I've been wanting a huge poster of Adam's happiest megawatt smiles and more of these please!


Anonymous said...

Third row down, third one in.......
The Best!

Anonymous said...

Well, I attended the Lady Gaga concert last night. I was very excited to go but I don't know,perhaps I'm just too Glambert, perhaps I was sitting too far up in the blues, perhaps Adam's amazing talent has just simply spoiled me rotten and ruined me forever because although I do love GAGA, I have to say that I found that she screamed as much as she sang and it was more show than vocal talent. With Adam we got show, drama, lights, camera, action and aaaaamazing vocals all at the same time. He gives us a complete 110 percent! And when I attended the show in Toronto, he didn't have to say "get up and dance" because I don't recall "anyone" sitting down at all once he came out on stage. So all in all. Yes, perhaps I am just too Glambert to appreciate GAGA as much as she deserves because the truth is, she had a sold out show and a stadium packed with screaming devoted fans. But it did take GAGA a while to get where she is now. So maybe, in time, people will come to realize the same of our Glitter King. Although I have to admit, I do love Adam in the smaller venues, up close and personal where we all want him to be : )

staygold said...

To me he is the Most photogenic and beautiful man in the world. His smile makes me smile and feel good about life and strong in my conviction to be myself.(Yup a smile from Adam can do ALL THAT!) I really do love the "Ring of Fire" smile too. I also love the "Adam you're looking at ME ,right???? the second from left in the last row.

Anonymous said...

What a magnet. I love them all! I could stare at him all day and never tire of it. How does he get past his reflection in the morning?

Anonymous said...

My fav is the first pic from the left of last row. Stunning!!
Off topic but this is the first time i'm on this blog and i've read a lot of comment about how Adam don't be played much on the radio station, in US, HIS HOME COUNTRY. How could that happen? I live so far from US, in Vietnam but i love him so much! In a radio station in Vietnam named XONEFM has a program "HOT10@10". In this program, we spend 1 hour a day to countdown the 10 hottest international songs acording to fans vote. Adam's WWFM was on the chart for a very long, long, long time and at the top so many, many time. So does IIHY. I started hearing it on hot10 from may or june last year. A long time later i didn't listen to radio but when i suddenly turn it on in december, the song still charted high. And on this program, there a small part called "FANS PICK, FANS SPEAK" where we can request our fav song and introduce it, talk about how we feel about it. At least 2 time i heard Adam's songs are requested. And i'm so happy when they said they loved him so much, and they were inspired by his voice. VIETNAM LOVES ADAM.

If American don't realize his talent, that their lost. They should realize it before he go to another country where love him for real.

That's just my thought. Sorry if i make a mistake in grammar or spelling. My english is not good. Sorry, again!!

Anonymous said...

My faves are the 2nd row, 2nd photo and 4th row, 2nd photo but they are ALL superb!

Love all the different hairdos but my fave is still the AI style .... YUMMOS! :D

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post @Anon March 7, 8:14AM/Vietnam


Anonymous said...

Haha now I'm smiling (:

Anonymous said...

What a heavenly posting....!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The ring of fire picture is my faviorite adam smile. 2nd row, 1st picture on left.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love to have that sitting across from me at the breakfast table.

Anonymous said...

Well I was having an absolutely CRAZY day at work and now I have a BIG smile on MY face!! I love how Adam's smile always has a mischievious edge to it. Cuz, he just has such a great sense of humor and his eyes are the window to his soul too!!

Great post 24/7 -- thanks again!


Fan4fun said...

Do I have to choose one? Oh, no!!! I'll take ALL of them as my favorite, will save them and print them and kiss them many times a day... one face for each day of the week during 2 whole weeks plus extra 2 to go...

@@@@@... Glamily: Funbunn40, HH, Sweetie, Adamluv, Adam Fix, Glitzylady, Bing, JAK, Dana, and everybody who cares about «the case of the missing cat Ping Pong»:

Sorry, I have to go now... we talked yesterday to an old woman who is pretty sure she saw several days ago someone giving Ping Pong some food and soon after grabbing him away in a green car. She doesn't know the license but she said it's from a village near here (well, all villages are «near» each other in this island). It seems that the «kidnaper» is young man who sells cigarrets (?) to a minimarket in this neigbourhood. We have a police officer friend of ours, he's searching the licenses and told us Ping Pong may be found sooner than we expect, but we can't envolve the Police because Ping Pong wasn't wearing a collar with an identification.
Icon is so tired and sleeping, I don't want to wake him up... don't want him with hopes before we are sure Ping Pong is alive and safe somewhere... waiting to be rescued...
See you later with more information. I guess...

adamluv said...

Welcome to the new poster person from Vietnam. Must be difficult for fans outside the U.S. to see how Adam is ignored or when mentioned, there's a snarky negative vibe to it. Those of us that adore him so much dont comprehend it either? Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Don't worry about your English--we don't and it's our native language...On this site it's WHAT you say, not how you say it. Welcome......JAK USA


I don't even want to THINK why someone would steal a cat! Horrors. JAK


It was the Ring of Fire performance that had me calling my daughters and INSISTING they watch the rest of the season of Idol. That's when we knew for sure we had a tiger by the tail.


How can you choose between perfection and uber perfection?....JAK

Anonymous said...

hi glamily...sending love to you all, hoping all are well...@Fan4fun, sounds like you're not having fun lately...i hope thinks turn out just fine...

WOW....THESE PICTURES, they sure put a huge smile on my fav is also the ring of fire pic...stunning gorgeous, well of course they all are.....

Dad is hanging on in there, it's his birthday on wednesday so i'm making him a huge chocolate cake...this makes me very happy because he'll love it :D....

chezza-sherbert/ brit fan :) xx

Anonymous said...

Love all of the smiling pictures. KLM

adamluv said...

Chezza-sherbert, welcome back - so good to hear from you again. And hope your dad has a wonderful birthday and enjoys the chocolate cake! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

He IS the Sexiest Man Alive - no doubt about it. Come on PEOPLE magazine give him the cover this year as your Sexiest Man Alive!!

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely amazing how much Adam Lambert affects people and how they feel. Just looking at these pictures brings so much happiness, delight, warmth, and positivity into so many lives. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and all these pictures of Adam bring to mind so many words, thoughts, and feelings that he should be made the ambassador of peace, love and understanding for the world. Ah, if it only were so easy!

Bing said...

Now i remember a fan video of Adam entitled SMILE with the same background music, he truly has the most infectious smile in the world :) How could anyone resist those glittering smiles.

@ANON from Vietnam thank you so much for sharing your Adam moments with us. I'm really glad you decided to post because we love to read stories like this. And you don't have to worry a bit about your English since it is just our second language. This site doesn't discriminate at all when it comes to that. So please continue to post :)

@Chezza-sherbert your dad and my brother have the same birthday. Sending love and light to him and to you as well :)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, here's the link to the video Smile, its great, it was on my favorites list. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks IreneRose, I was just about to post this! It's one of my favorites.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, that Ring of Fire picture brings me back to the moment I first saw this genius on AI after a long evening at school. The moment I turned the TV on, there he was, sexy, in his leather jacket and eyeliner, singing those notes so perfectly, and I said to myself "Who is this guy"? Called my mom and she was blown away too. We kind of asked each-other the same question at the same time: "Who's this boy singing like no one else on boring Idol before?" Then the rest is history:)

Anonymous said...

IreneRose and AG - Smile is one of my favorite videos of our beautiful man, but I always cry when I watch it. It's sung by Michael Jackson and the lyrics do me in every time.

Adam had me in his back pocket during the pre audition interviews...I was praying he could sing and then he went on to wow a nation and the world. Sexy Satisfaction was proof for me but my favorite smiles of his came after Ring of Fire.

Anonymous said...

I love the smiles from Adam but I find the song a bit melancholy.
There are some other utube links from this that are really fun to watch such as "Adam Lambert's infectious laugh" you can google it. It made me start laughing even tho I was sort of in a bad mood before watching.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:03PM
I love the song "Smile" it always brings me to tears especially this one sung by Michael Jackson.
The first time I watched this video I was happy and sad at the same time. Loving all the beautiful smiles of Adam yet the song just pulls on my heart strings.

@AG your welcome.


Anonymous said...

I downloaded SMILE video by MJ onto my computer 4EVER .... one of my faves

BTW ... today was my 74th b'day .... Happy B'day to all Pisces Worldwide ...
Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM .. a PROUD Glambert shut-in

Anonymous said...

Hey tess4ADAM - happy birthday, fellow Pisces! I'm a fish, too. Thank you for all your posts and dedication to Adam...all your votes in various polls, urging us to vote along with have determination!

Hope you had a great day. **tossing glitter in the air and making sure it falls down on my head and gets all in my hair!**

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday tess4ADAM!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday tess4ADAM

HK fan

Fan4fun said...

@ tess4Adam
Happy Birthday, girl! May sweet Adam' smiles be all for you today!!!! You deserve them all!

@ Chezza Sherbert
Happy Birthday to your dear dad!(we are still praying for him in my church). My dad is 80, got a great birthday party last Feb.28 in Brazil, 98 people (his wife's family and his friends) but unfortunatelly I couldn't be there (just talked to him by phone twice that day). I don't see my dad for 9 years now! Shame on me, his only child, but the distance and the prices to fly there forbide me to go... or him to come! Shame on the economy and on the flight companies!

@ fan from VIETNAM
Great post! So good to know that sweet Adam is loved in your beautiful country! Don't worry about your English, I don't speak or write a good English either, have it re-learnt to post here in 24/7 «Paradise», just to love him better in his own language. It's not easy but people here welcome us, the foreigner Glamberts, and sweet Adam deserves all our efforts, for sure. BE WELCOME ON BOARD!!!!!

Bing said...

BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tess4Adam! Thanks for your many informative, interesting and insightful posts, highly appreciated. Hope you had a wonderful one.

@IreneRose thanks for sharing the link to the SMILE fan montage. Sadly it was already blocked for us but i will find another way :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday tess4ADAM!

Wecome back Chezza and Happy Birthday to your dad!

Adam's smile makes me smile and feel just as you ALL have described - and since Michael Jackson singing Smile is so melancholy and makes me cry like some of you, I tend to listen to this one instead:

Adam Lambert When You Smile I Smile: (It made me actually like this song too.)

Adam's laugh cannot help but make me laugh on these too - such a beautiful, joyful laugh:

Adam Lambert laugh, smile will blow your mind:

Adam Lambert's Adorable Laugh:

Adam Lambert - Laugh Tracks:

Hope to have you all smiling and laughing today!


Anonymous said...

P.S. Ooops. Should have said I watch and listen to this one instead.

@Fan4fun, We're sending more good thoughts about Ping Pong - and you!!


Anonymous said...

He is a beakon of light to the world. Won't you join me on his journey of love and acceptance? Not a bad journey to be on with so many amazing fans I might add. I have learned alot about peoples human spirit. Be nice to someone today. Smile like Adam and watch it grow and grow.

Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday kid............I'm 75 and still quite sassy. I'll share my favorite age statement .

I'm quite content with my age, there's no longer any chance that I will die young! (author unknown)

I find it quite comforting...........JAK

adamluv said...

@tess4ADAM, another Happy Birthday to add to your growing number of greetings! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I added to the list and wish him a Happy Birthday Tess4ADAM, I see that is a very dear fans, enjoy all the great smiles of Happiness ADAM and he conveys, to accompany him forever.

Anonymous said...

There's a quote that I read which says:"Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful." It certainly applies to all of these pictures of Adam. They make me smile just looking at them. Smile at someone today and see what happens. A smile is better than a frown any day. I think my favorite is also row 2, the first one, Ring of Fire appearance. Can't wait to see Adam on AI this Thursday when he will make everyone in the audience and viewers at home smile one more time performing AFTERMATH.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday tess4ADAM! Wish we have one big Birthday Party for all of us once per year!
Hope you had blast and got many gifts!

Anonymous said...

Looking at these beautiful photos of Adam in all HIS beauty, and that captivating smile (melt) I'm realizing I know when quite a few of them were taken, or what the occasion was... Is it an addiction or an affliction?) if you can correctly name at least 12-13 out of 16? lol
I hope I never find a cure...

Anonymous said...

@ChezzaSherbert, So glad for the update and wishing your Dad a great B-day. I know he'll appreciate the cake! Hope he is comfortable and you and your family are having quality time together. Hugs @Vietamese fan, Welcome! Thanks for your posts! Don't be concerned about your English. My vietamese is non-existant and my English isn't that hot either!lol I understood you perfectly! It's like the UN on this wonderful site and we all have been brought together by our common love for Adam. @Tess4Adam, Have to add my best wishes to you and hope you had a wonderful day! I appreciate your posts here as well as on so many other sites and always smile when I see your familiar tag! @Fan4fun, Still have the candle going for PingPong as well as some others [Chezza's dad too]. Hope he'll be found safe and will be playing with Icon! Keep us posted. Adam is such a mood elevater! I love his laugh, it's so infectious and his smile lights up the universe and radiates sunlight. All of these pics make me smile. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

thankyou all, yes dad is comfortable and happy having all his family round him....he loved his cake :D....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :) xx

Harmony Shay Hines/Lambert said...

Oh My God Adam Lambert is so hot and sexy at tue same time but i wouldn't because if he did not have a boyfriend he would choose me between you guys out their in the world you guys have a boyfriend and i don't so if he was not gay he would have to choose me.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Harmony Shay Hines/Lambert said...

What you went to my so called of a boyfriend you just had to go and see him😱