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Jennifer Hudson Answers Question: "Who’s a bigger diva? ADAM LAMBERT or Fantasia?"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 25, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 25, 2011

In (fellow American Idol alumni) Jennifer Hudson's new interview with Logotv, she was asked who she thinks is a bigger diva: Adam Lambert or Fantasia. She answered "Adam Lambert. Of course!"

Skip to around 1:05 for the part:


AThe Dark Side said...

I'm sure Adam got a bang out of this. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a diva. What is J Hudson thinking ????

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....what is she thinking......

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she has even met him? If she had she wouldn't call him a diva.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't know what she's talking about.
Why was she even asked this question.

Anonymous said...

I think the question was posed, and then answered, in the context or spirit of SINGING DIVA maybe. Adam just gave Hudson a shout out recently, right? Said she is "saannggin" on her new album, or something like that. I think Jennifer was sort of very very subtly dissing Fantasia to be honest, watch again.

Anonymous said...

I think she was giving Adam a compliment. When Adam calls someone a diva he usually means they can really sing. I bet Adam would laugh his head off watching. He doesn't take things too seriously so we shouldn't either.

Anonymous said...

I see this as a compliment....

e3fan205 said...

Silly question....sillier answer. Diva in the the way. Loved hearing that of the production team and crew on AI Adam was one of their very favorites for his good will, positive outlook, gratitude and level of preparation he brought to the table. And in the studio, only nice comments from the professionals he worked with. Poor could she really answer that question? And what did she think "Diva" meant in the context of the questions. She is a nice girl...Imagine what snakes come up with when asked such questions.

Anonymous said...

Props to the 9 posters above me who could understand her. She speaks sooooo fast.

Anonymous said...

I think she needs to clarify what she means

Anonymous said...

Adam cannot be a diva because he is male. He could be a divo, but that connotes that he is tempramental and demanding. I don't see Adam as either of those. He is greatful and caring of those around him. Wasn't he the only one ever on Idol to always thank the band, his accompanist or mentor? Adam Lambert a diva? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:41 Please let us all know what MALE singer Adam has ever called a diva! He did call Jacob Lutz "sista"

Anonymous said...

Does she need to spell it out?

Jacki said...

God woman slow down!!! It's like she's on fast forward. I think she meant that in a positive sense. :) "I would even..." What??? Come on Jen! You would even what? And she quoted Adam at the end BTW

Anonymous said...

I think Adam said he is a diva when on stage only.I take her answer as a compliment.She can really sang too, loved her on AI.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Jennifer looked like she was taken a little off guard by the question. Diva can be a positive or a negative, and I think she meant it as a positive. Diva can mean great singer. I can also mean arrogant singer. Adam is certainly not arrogant, but he is a GREAT singer. I don't think we should over-think this one.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sometimes fashionably late.

Anonymous said...


Really? I always hear people say he is always on time & even early.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer calling Adam a diva???
When she was on AI, yes she was good, but what an attitude, thats why I didn't , wouldn't vote for her!
Ms. Hudson is the diva! even beats JLo.
Also, couldn't half understand a word she said, is that a Chicago accent?
Oh yes, she has beat the weight thing, ditched her old boyfriend (cuz maybe he wouldn't fit in her new star studded life).
Jennifer, what goes around.........
She blames her sister for the murder of her family members, but her thoughts and attitude
contributed to the massacre. She was high on success and stardom ...
Never have I heard or seen Adam in Diva form,
(must be an urban legend)

Lay low, Jennifer
Adam praised you in his tweet! Now do a good turn!!

teresa said...

You have got to be kidding me? You (anonymous??) are blaming Jennifer for the murders of her family. What the hell kind of heartless disgusting thing to say is that? How can her thoughts and attitude (whatever that means) have anything to do with some cowardly vicious cretin choosing to shoot two adults and a child? I hope you're not an Adam fan because he would be ashamed of you.

Anonymous said...
AFTERMATH!!!! with judges!! can't get enough of it :)

Anonymous said...

" Diva" is a positive or negative word, can be used to praise or put down. Similar to the use of the word "bitch".

In this case I'm sure she meant it as a compliment. However divo (male) would have been the proper term.

Don't get upset, she thinks he's GREAT! JAK

Anonymous said...

They were "leading" questions....going for just the response it got from viewers. Ignore it.

She admires him. Adam would think it was funny.
They do know each other. JAK
Remember this is LOGOtv.

Anonymous said...

Weird question because it implies that she knows Fantasia and Adam well enough to make the comparison and I don't think she is close with Adam...whatever it's really not that deep as Adam would say.

Anonymous said...

Dumb question and dumb answer. Why any vs anyway? May be a compliment, but who knows and who really cares? JH is the biggest diva ever, and I'm saying that in a bad way. Let's move on to better posts please.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:23 I think Adam only calls women divas , and in the meaning from what I get it's by how well they sing. Don't know if he would ever call a man a diva. That would be funny and this whole discussion is kinda funny. I'm gonna watch my glamnation dvd now.

Carlos said...

She was obviously joking people.. Learn how to take a harmless joke. Fantasia is not a diva either so I don't see how some glamberts could take it as an insult

Anonymous said...

teresa, thanks for posting what I wanted to say. What a disgustng comment and I too hope she is not an AL fan.

Fan4fun (and HH) said...

I kind of don't know what's going on here in this thread, whether this girl knows or not the meaning of «Diva» or whether or not Anon. 5:41PM is some glambert out of her/his mind (WTF?), but I know (most of us know) a venezuelan poet, hugelly and totally «glamberted» by sweet Adam and all the fantasy he may inspire. Oh well... I also know that I'm really late for this translation but I saw he comment only some minutes ago, so you please forgive me... and here we go!

HH's comment in the thread «Super Moon», March.21, 5:27PM

«ADAM and the Super Moon: The moon, with fascination, gazes at the beloved man, but she doesn't know that we have already caught a glimpse on HIM; wrapped in clouds of Love and Humanity and Beauty, ADAM keeps travelling the space that supports HIM; and HE, shining, magical, misterious like the beautiful moon embraces her with solidarity, [both] entrust themselves [to each other] to give [together] Love to all their enchanteds, sending their sparkling light from the space... and from the infinite space we are caressed. HH»

translated (with joy) by Fan4fun

Carlos said...

That person is Venezuelan? What's his/her name? I'm Venezuelan too :]

Anonymous said...

Well, this clip proves it loudly and clearly who the diva is!!

Yes, Jennifer Hudson has an awesome voice but hey, you'd be forgiven for thinking the word "diva" was invented just for her!!

I L.U.R.V.E. our il divo, Adam!! :D

Anonymous said...

give her a benefit of the doubt people. Sometimes media exploits and edit the words right??????

If she meant singing DIVA I applaud........

Adam is really a singing Diva and it's not easy to top that that's all!!!!!!! Not easy baby ha!ha!ha!ha

Anonymous said...

Adam is a diva in every sense of the word. He is a perfectionist and wants things his way. He is confident in his abilities and extremely self assured. He knows his talent is stupendous. He defers to others, but if you listen carefully to him, he sets his own direction. Being a diva is good and really necessary to be a success. You must have a big ego, and Adam has that. Look at how he enters any room, any situation. He exudes confidence and swagger. Plus he stands up for his beliefs and doesn't let anyone sh*t on him. Being a diva means you don't brag because you don't have to. Thank you Jennifer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:25 I agree with you and the word diva in this case is a compliment, but some people think its arrogant and I'm sure JH definetly does not think that of adam. He doesn't have a arrogant bone in his body, just confidence.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the bitterness and ignorance in the comments really scare me. Get a grip. I'm particularly addressing this to the person who thinks somehow Jennifer was responsible for the slaughter of her family. I'm afraid because people like this commenter actually vote. Their comment was not reasonable or rational. Sry, don't want to offend anyone, but I just had to say this.

glitzylady said...

For what its worth, I am assuming she meant it in a positive way.. I recall that somewhere along the way they have met and liked each other. There is no way she would use the term negatively when speaking of him. It WAS sort of a silly question tho! Too bad so many automatically assumed it was negative...Guess maybe that's just the way we often hear it used to describe the obnoxious behavior of a performer, when it was originally used to describe a celebrated female singer. The male version is Devo. The word is Italian and originally meant "goddess" or "god" there you go: as in Kara Dioguardi's exclamation to Adam after his performance on Idol of Whole Lotta Love: "Adam, you are a Rock GOD!!" So there you have it..Adam IS a Diva! ; )

algalhi said...

Adam recently tweeted a compliment to Christina Aguilera and ended it with "Diva", so I know he'd be happy with J. Hud's comment.

In no way does Adam act like the negative diva (or divo), so no worries. I just watched he and J. Hud cordially exchange compliments when Adam was the fashion correspondent for the Grammys last year, so they know each other.

Anonymous said...

Positive Diva absolutely! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

All the great Italian tenors are called "il divo." Adam is certainly not Italian but he is, however, one GREAT tenor!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:19 You said it all first and then several people restated your comment. I wonder how many people read the posts before they post.

@ JAK. I never have and never will think of the word "bitch" in the positive. It can only be used when saying I hope your mother runs out from under the house and bites you on the leg. haha

Anonymous said...

JAK - There is never a positive way to call someone a "bitch" unless using it as: I hope your mother runs out from under the house and bites you on your leg." lol

Anonymous said...

Of course it is a compliment to him. Why are you even discussing this?


Anonymous said...
SYTYCD Poland on Music Again

glitzylady said...

Oooops! In my comment above I meant "Divo" not "Devo", which I think was a singing group... Sheesh! Late night posting can be embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

SYTYCD Poland Audition Set to ADAM LAMBERT's Music Again 3-25-11

Fan4fun said...

@ Carlos(March.25, 8:14PM)

HH is a regular here in 24/7 «Paradise», one of our beloved Glamberts, she belongs to our own glamily and is member of our «Club Weird». She doesn't speak English at all!!! Well, she posts in English too but very short sentences, mainly offering a link she just discovered and enjoyed. She uses a translator that messes up her beautiful but complicated sentences because the method doesn't recognize pronoums or the different meaning of a same word. So I DARE to translate her beautiful Spanish, her comments that are pure poetry, but I need create my own version because English is not my first language, it's Portuguese and Spanish is kind of my second but I don't write it well, just read it well and speak «Mexican». English is the third one and I had it relearnt to love my sweet Adam better. You see? I'm kind of a poet too, so is Icon, my talking gamberCAt. Of POET, doctor and CRAZY everyone has a little... And we don't know her name, she signs just her initials(?) «HH». All we know is that she is a Venezuelan living in Venezuela and that she has been a teacher for special kids with hearing/talking problems. Why don't YOU ask her more? I'm curious too.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary. Howe can you stay up so late?

Anonymous said...

fantasia is diva because she sale more than adam.adam sale less and hes twitter growing than hes album and hes fan is grandmothers.adam music is not peoples type.i wish he do heavy rock metal he would have more fanbase now hes doing not unique and fresh sound now hes do pop with songwriter that did other singers.

Anonymous said...

i wish someone tweet him and tell him to do new and unique sounds and more heavy metal rock do and so in future the call him legend.i hate him now because hes kind of lost. i miss crazy unique adam that was cool than down to earth kareoke guy he become.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:47,4:50, I understand what you're saying but if Adam did what you wanted, then Adam wouldn't be himself by doing what everybody wanted.
I 'd hate to see Adam not being able to express his beautiful imagination. Like he said, he's not for everyone, but Adam is for me!MWAH!! K

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@ Anonymous March 26, 4:47AM and 4:50AM

We guess both of you are the same person and we both have a favor to ask you «both»:
SHUT UP !!!!!!!!!!

PS: ... and «LOST» are YOU in 24/7 «Paradise» land.

Anonymous said...

off topic:
Just read through the paul's version of TOMT, & I don't watch ai, but for me, Adam Lambert was someone I needed in my life at the time he was on the show. Adam is not just the voice for me, he was the person who told me through his performances, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I think this message comes across to a lot of us fans, the Glamberts of Lambertworld. Adam performed on the AI stage just doing what he knows best, with confidence, pride, etc., he was doing something that came from his heart, to SING & to ENTERTAIN!! & WE ,THE FANS, KNEW IT & FELT IT, HIS PASSION FOR MUSIC! HE TOUCHED MY HEART FROM THE MOMENT I SAW & HEARD HIM!!!MWAH!! K

Fan4fun said...

@ K

You are soooooo right! That is exactly what happened to me. Sweet Adam gave to me my LIFE back but ever since it's much better than it used to be.
And one more time I'll say here what I've been saying in this and in other sites the last two years: «sweet Adam is a catalyst, a link for broken chains!» MWAH!!!! to you, K! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi All, OT but just saw this video from Showbiz tonight about the controversy over ABC and allowing him to still appear on DWTS as oppose to the swift and unfair banning of Adam. Please watch it, its all positive for Adam.

Anonymous said...

K and Fan4fun! Thank you for charing your touching words! Sanni

Icon said...

@ aunt Sanni

How old is Ida, the ladycat? Because if Ping Pong doesn't quit his chicken tiques I'm thinking about to use my bicurious talent...

Anonymous said...

Anon 2;04

LOL re: Bitch.....but you have to admit it is tossed around as a compliment now-a-days. It is used affectionately among groups of women, some of whom have a talk show with a View! NOSY

Anonymous said...

Diva refers to female...interviewer was just trying to bring attention to her/him self at Adam's expense...

Anonymous said...

I found the synonyms flamboyant and theatrical. Also meaning: putting on the style.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

CNN too.. I hope Chris Brown is banned. DWTS doesn't need more viewers. Not a fan. I hope Adam stays away from that show, it's for sissies. :)

Anonymous said...

Please if you are intelligent enough you knew it was a positive and good compliment. Remember what Adam always saying a broader interpretation. Jennifer addressed it with confidence that our Adams voice and style is a Diva. Who can sing and deliver the song like that??????????? Adam baby, even Jennifer can't do that at the same time. Full of energy when he execute with big emotions c'mon people......!!!!!! Let's get real and don't be upset with Jennifer. She absolutely a fan and just saying the truth.... No one can deliver like Adam does on the stage baby......

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Excuse me for those anons.....who can't prove anything ha!ha!. Fantasia more sales ok???? Where inside U.S.???? Where was the first concert or sold out concert alone where???? Before you say anything brush your brain with teriyaki sauce ok?? Ha!ha! How can u compare her to Adam with sold out concert in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor you anons, a pity behind your back Ha!ha!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I think Jennifer meant it in the most complimentary way which has already been stated above. El Divo is a group of tenors that Simon Cowell promotes which gives the word a positive meaning. No reason to bash Jennifer. The remark that she blames her sister for her family's murder sounds like something that would come out of the rag mag National Enquirer that is known to put their owm outrageous spin on things. I can't believe that Jennifer would make a personal statement like that.Her sister is all she has left. Let her be and not be so quick to judge what was a terrible loss to her. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@IreneRose, thank you for that link. How NICE to see them treat Adam so admirably!

@HH, Fan4fun, and K,

Thank you HH and Fan4fun for such poetic beauty describing (and translating) our beloved's magic....and thank you Fan4fun and K for your dead-on accurate (and yes, touching....I agree with Sanni) assessment of Adam's empowerment of us. All these comments were so beautiful that I tried to copy and paste them to myself in an e-mail (it wouldn't work for some reason, so I'm sending this whole thread to myself instead.)

My heart is happy to read that kind of love for Adam on here again (much like all the posts used to be two years ago).


Fan4fun said...

@ 1:55PM

Aren't you a SWEETIE?

Anonymous said...

@K & @Fan4fun: Agree with you both. Adam helped me after I got sick, had to quit job. He made me think of others and not dwell on my own fate.

@Fan4fun: See I got your tag right. I left you a note on "bebe" thread. Is Icon still acting like a chicken? Has he started "pecking" yet?

Read in newspaper today about all the things used in twitter and text. The use of "heart" now means love. Bitch and diva have new usage. OMG was first used in 1917 by a British higher-up. It is hard for me to keep up with alot of these changes. I still don't know what <3 is, so JAK you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer was paying Adam a compliment. She loves Adam. They are buds!

Anonymous said...

I don't care about Jennifer or somebody else compliment!
Adam always is out of the league! Honestly,just try to find the diva, who wants to has duet with Adam? May be opera diva only! His vocals will kill anybody else voice!
And this is his gift and his curse!
Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Open this link and you will see why nobody never will want tohave duet with Adam except opera divas

Fan4fun said...

@ P.A.S.

Hey woman, what shall I do? There is NO CURE for you, fellow.. Oh well, this time you wrote my tag correctly indeed, but it's NOT Icon (my glamberCAt) thinking he's a chicken, it is Ping Pong (the poor kidnapped cat!!!). But thanks God Ping Pong is not pecking... yet! Lol

Anonymous said...

@ delilah5,

he is versatile indeed. Imagine a rock God sings like that?! Holy Mother Of everything he is the only one who can do that in his generation ha!ha!ha!.

Adam Lambert voice is outrageous and it's out of this universe. Correct me on this if I'm wrong ha!ha!ha! Just amazing and unstoppable........

Cant't wait for the next album

Mom from Toronto, CAnada

Anonymous said...


Sorry lady, I don't know why I keep messing up on my comments to you.

My head is not on straight. I got really bad news from doc and don't know which way to go. I'll figure it out, with Gods help.

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S, I'm so sorry for your bad news. There is always hope in any situation. My husband had several medical miricles that amazed his MDs and medical staff. There was more than medicine that kept him going and a strong will makes a difference. Sending you energy and prayers. funbunn40

Fan4fun said...

@ P.A.S.

I left you a message in the NO8H picture thread.