Showbiz Tonight: Should Chris Brown be banned from DWTS?
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Saturday, March 26, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 26, 2011
CNN's Showbiz Tonight 3-25-11: Some fans of "Dancing With The Stars" are outraged that ABC will allow Chris Brown to appear on the show considering his violent outburst after appearing on GMA. With lots of talk about how ABC was unfair to ADAM LAMBERT after his AMA performance! 3-25-11.

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This poll should be on ABC not CNN. :D
I wonder if ABC and DWTS are aware of this outrage? they must be with everyone twittering today, I would think. What comes around goes around, I'm glad this is being brought up 2 years later and I hope ABC loses ratings, that's when they will sit up and listen. Only way!
that's right!!!! I hope all the fans will punish ABC for their reckless behavior indeed. They should be the one to suffer for tolerating the violence and even asking Chris Brown again to come back. Ratings, Ratings and money that's all the ABC concern about. Wow ABC really is really going down for sure ha!ha!ha!ha!. Adam will not go back to that ignorant and family friendly show?????? That's right family friendly show hahahahahah
You make me laugh ABC goodness gracious I need to go the bathroom right now!!!!!!!!
Love u Adam my dear you are in a stable place right now and safe. We will protect you as always....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Just posted a comment on the NY Post thread but will re-post here, since it was directed at this CNN Showbiz tonight segment..:
I like the fact that CNN's Showbiz Tonight had some intelligent thoughts about the two separate stories. Really, the bigger question here is why would ABC/GMA give Chris Brown a chance to explain himself by inviting him back on their show, and treat Adam they way they did, by canceling his scheduled appearances, and not so much as giving him the time of day since then. I also very much appreciate the fact that the male commentator said he didn't understand why they treated Adam so badly. Obviously "water under the bridge" but perhaps FINALLY some progress is being made in favor of Adam. Positive spin on the AMA thing for him for a change. And the connection of the two stories is that ABC invited Chris Brown to replace Adam on GMA after they cancelled him. I did hear that the interviewer was pretty hard on Chris Brown on-air re Rhianna, and that's what set him off..but still, what a childish and dangerous way he responded to all of that. Adam was no doubt hurt and upset by the cancellations, but he didn't act like a jackass about it..One of the major differences between the very classy and mature Mr. Adam Lambert and the very immature and occasionally violent Mr. Chris Brown. Sad, really. I do hope CB gets some help for his anger problems. No one is perfect obviously (not even Adam...but almost..) , but I'm just glad Adam is getting some support here in this story, re ABC's over-reaction to his AMA performance. Its about time, IMHO.
Oh, those were the kissing pictures I saw on the tabloids. I thought wow, Adam looks gorgeous. :)
What's with the pictures of Adam and Chris? Chis was all dressed up, very conservatively and Adam looked like the "wild child." They had to search to find either picture.
Would you believe ABC is rumored to have invited Chris Brown back AGAIN and this time to reunite with Rihanna...I really think they are sinking to new lows if this is true..I just saw this on AOL Popeater, so who knows if its actually true, but here's the story...In my opinion ABC/GMA have lost all credibility if this were to take place...Guess we'll see..Also something about a reality show for Chris Brown...not a whole lot of negative effects for him I'd say. All for the sake of ratings I guess.
It takes violence for people to realize the truth... the double standard was only brought up TODAY?! Are you kidding me?! The double standard HAS ALWAYS been there, but it took violence for people to realized the truth. That is SAD!
@ Glitzylady
You said it all, fellow... and sooooo well! With the «Voice of Patience».
C Brown's publicist has quit over the entire incident. Smart move, I say. I think Rhianna has matured so much in the past two years that she wouldn't want to be in the same room with her former beater. So glad she wised up before he beat her to death.
I wish Adam's name could have stayed out of this.ABC banned him from several shows but he was on THE VIEW, OPRAH with a rerun, BW'S 10 MOST FASCINATING PEOPLE, and NIGHTLINE.
About the pictures showed in this video, sweet Adam looks nothing less than gorgeously wonderful to all open minded people. Now, why not to show THAT awful picture of Chris Brown, THAT angry ONE which scared the shit out of me??? Not only me, the fucking CB picture sent Icon to his «panic room» for an entire hour!
I watched in horror and fear as my stepfather beat my mother for years. Finally as a high school senior and a bit taller than the monster, when he went after her once more, I stepped in and beat the snot out of him. He never touched my mother again in anger. I am not proud that I became as violent with him as he had been with my mother, but I just couldn't watch it one more time. I also told him that I would come after him at any time, not just in anger and he wouldn't ever know when it was about to happen. Being the coward he is and fearful of another broken nose and cheekbone, all is quiet now in the home I grew up in.
I think this is turning to Adam's favour in the end. He will get masses of new fans after the public tv thing. Love you all brave people out there! Sanni
WAY OFF TOPIC: I am so sick of the loud voice on this site "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON!!." This is the 430th time I've been the 100,000th visitor. "This is not a joke." Hah
@ Fred,
You made mistake because you were just protecting your mom. It was a guts instinct and hope that it will never happens again in the future. You were so brave to tell your experience here. Don't worry we are not here to judge you my dear.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
ABC could rectify the mess it has created by inviting Adam to appear the following week on Dancing With the Stars!
I have boycotted GMA since they boycotted Adam, and guess I will never watch this show again. I hope if they ask Adam to go on, he tell them no. Also happy that Adam is staying out of the fray and keeping quiet about the entire thing. This is the right thing to do Adam.
This is not just Chris Brown's manic behavior, it's the whole country!!!People are paying money right now to fill auditoriums (in my town too) to listen to Charlie Sheen's demented raving. Sure ABC will have him back means MONEY. I hope but doubt that DWTS will have enough "class" to cancel his appearance.
In our country today MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!..The RICH GET RICHER and don't give a damn about the middle class sinking down to join the POOR. We are becoming a 2 class society and furthermore my friends if I am elected.....oh forget it....I'm sorry Adam's name got dragged into this. If we all agreed to not watch DWTS would it even make a dip of disapproval in their rating? No problem for me I never watch it.
I've vented and now will go eat a cookie or 6 or 7 and calm down........PEACE....JAK
Adam-Big Time Redemption
ABC-Heads will fly
Chris Brown-Community Service,more violence.
In the aftermath,lessons will be learned, progress will made slowly and all will be forgiven.
We are a forgiving nation.
So what if the wimps who run ABC invite Adam to DWTS. Adam might not want to go.
On the other-hand, Adam will have a tough time recovering from that bad hair day picture.
Wow I hope this helps AL, not hurt him more by bringing up something he has worked so hard to overcome.
I read that Chris's temper tantrum actually helped to boost his album sales. I think it should have had the opposite effect but that apparently is the world we live in. To be honest, that kind of anger frightens me, how about you.
Adam is always welcome here in my place. Toronto, Canada ne home for Adam!!!!!!!!!! No worries my dear we will always accomodate you.....
Your country sucks especially the narrow minded people who lives there ha!ha!....
No worries just ask Adam and the door is always open for you.
I can't read anymore of those comments in the video. All I can think of is who I would rather be in a stuck elevator in the ABC studios with Chris Brown or Adam Lambert.
@Mom from Toranto, Canada
I have been meaning to tell you for the longest time, you are the sweetest, kindest, most understanding lady on earth!
I know who to go to when I'm in trouble from now on. LOL
Where are the Finns I need a Finn!
It's amazing how calming milk and cookies make you. Loved your note about the 2 1/2 year old, I sent him a kiss on the Adam Lambert's Twitter
Oh, CNN has a lot of influence. I just sent a comment to CNN, and it was so satisfying to finally write what I've been stewing over since Adam's AMA performance. I've written ABC numerous times, and they totally ignore. They send back a form letter telling the writer they can't possibly read everything because of the volume they get. Right!! To 12:37--loved it. You nailed the issues. We are a bunch of sick fu*kers, aren't we.
It seems we have become a society that accepts crude and unacceptable even violent behavior. Then the celebs involved get more publicity and even rewarded for it. Just look at Charlie Sheen with his rants and raves. And I am tired of hearing about Lindsay Lohan and her sad family every other week. The Kardashians and Paris Hilton also are others who live in their own world and get paid for being obnoxious, worthless individuals. Then I read that Chris Brown is invited to come back on GMA and I am furious. Also, just read that ABC wants to do a sit down with him and Rihanna. I wouldn't watch that if they paid me. As for Adam Lambert, I don't even know if he would appear on GMA if they asked now. He doesn't need that show since he has a very devoted fan base. As for DWTS, this is not his kind of show
and he is busy writing songs for his new cd. I don't even think I want him on GMA now with all this Chris Brown stuff. He is much too mature and classy and never behaved in an unacceptable way after ABC canceled him on GMA. The demographic viewing audience for DWTS probably doesn't know or care about Chris Brown and his music; they probably only know him from the Rihanna incident. Everyone knows the names of these useless, loose cannons, but no one knows the names of the young men who give their lives each day in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan since they are not published or make the headlines. Let's get our priorities straight and look at what is important in society today.
OH please. He trashed a dressing room off camera. He wouldn't be the first to do that. You might want to read up on what Led Zepp and Rod Stewart did to hotel rooms in their day. You might want to read up on Eminem, and Rihanna chose to duet with him.
So what's your point 2:27? Are you saying because others did wrong things, it's just flat OK? It's OK to endanger lives by crashing a chair at the window of a highrise? I guess so. The hell with everything. Let me get my tire iron out! Oh, BTW, Eminem is not my hero type either.
You brought me to tears. Go back to Adams Twitter for my response.Thanks LOL
anon 11:52am, you forgot to mention DWTS's also played Adam's music two years in a row. If ABC would have pressed charges he might have been looking at some jail time now.He needs mental help more than jail time, I think.
@Anon 2:27 PM
So does that make it okay??? Not in my book. And the examples of Led Zep etc.: That's like saying "Well, so and so just jumped off the roof, so it must be okay.." But then, its your opinion. It made the news, people all over the world are commenting on it...The whole point of the matter is: Chris Brown can apparently get away with this stuff because he is famous, rich, and a good ratings draw; most people would be in jail after doing something like that, especially considering the fact that he is already on probation for beating up Rihanna. He's just very lucky ABC chose not to press charges..He is a disturbed young man with anger issues, and I sincerely hope he gets some help before something worse happens. Just my opinion, by the way...And I'm sticking with my comment at 11:01 AM..
LBS 12:45, Adam didn't have a bad hair day. That hairstyle was in fashion over a year ago. :)
Isn´t being violent an image that goes with rappers in general? That´s why I hate it. Even if the lyrics of a "song" don´t include violent or rude words, the tone is offensive. They sound angry and it makes me irritated and most of all bored. CB probably thinks he made a smart move, smashing that window. How cool is that? He gained new fans and his record is #1. Sometimes I think I don´t want to live in this world. Is there a place on the space ship to Planet Fierce?
We are like one family in this site and it's always my pleasure to read all of your comments or opinions here. Adam bring his fans in one home and this is our home dear and you are always welcome. We are not perfect but this site helps me to recognize and engage with different people who cares......
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I emailed ABC and DWTS...the reply was they can't get to every email (I guess unless it's an Adam complaint) are some phone numbers I found..If Chris shows up on DWTS..I will be calling......1.222.456.777 / 1.801.927.3020 - 1.800.658.87788 and Disney's numbers 1.818.560.1000 and 1.818.460.7477
I will post again Tuesday.....let's see if we can beat that 1500......
Oh that's 1.212.456.7777 and 1.800.658.8788
Eva.......Please tell me things aren't as violent in your country.....I was kind of thinking of running away to join you and your guy. Just as a friendly neighbor. I can survive in temperatures as low as 50 degrees that might be a problem.....right? JAK
@Eva, my Swedish cousin - thank you for the concern you showed for me a couple of weeks ago. Very kind of you! Also agree with you about rap music. . . . Adamluv
I just learned that there are a few so called openly racist countries in Europe. It's a political term by experts. I will not say what those countries are, because I don't want to upset anybody, but I can tell that Sweden and Finland are not among them. You would be surprised, because in some issues they are quite tolerant.
My heart goes out to you.No child on this earth should be subjected to this type of behavior.
Unfortunately, no adult of authority intervened for the sake of your mother and you.
I only hope you have overcome this miserable experience and have learned that violence is never the answer. LBS
Here we go again. One thing good came out of this whole mess....someone finally stuck up for Adam in the media. Thankyou very much. Again I hope this will get people to think of how conveluted some peoples thinking is. It is about ratings, about money! That doesn't mean we have to cave in and drink the koolaid with these people. With Adam and people who LOVE not Hate we will over come this. We are really in the majority;sometime it just doesn't feel that way. We just need to continue to spred the love,follow and support Adam and conduct ourselves in a loving and giving way. Who cares about ABC let them self-destruct if that is the path they choose. Those who have quite watching that network good for you;doesn't it feel good to stick to your convictions? Doesn't it feel good to follow and support someone that is worthy of your support. Don't give up.We will win this fight with are heads held high with grace.
I want to change the subject. I just got GNL, finally! I started to watch as soon as I open the box. I even didn't pay attention that my Mom is in the room and watching the concert. When she said "OMG, Adam is genius!" I was scared because I didn't know that she is at home.
When we watched "Sure Fire Winners", she said I think Adam's pants is to tie!"
After all she said that she knew only one man who was such a genius, has 4 octaves voice, who could magnatise the crowd of 100,000 people and keep them under control(this is awalys seems dangerous, not just for Music Industry!).Also, she said that this man was so attractive he could make woman pregnant if she just stays in same room with him, because he had such lips to die and such a big "HOSE" to kill for!!!! I coudn't believe that she could say it! She never saw "Playboy" in her life!
After all, I forgot any complications about AMA, GMA, whaterver they are!
LOL! Wow! Your mom is one smart woman! And all that from watching one concert on a TV! Thank goodness you didn't take her to a LIVE concert, she would have been climbing on the stage to check out the big "Hose"! That was just so cute! The things you just learned about your mom! I get the feeling that she liked him.... ; ) Another Adam fan born in one fell swoop! Thanks for sharing that!
Did you understand who she talking about when she said "only one man who was such a genious like Adam and had same size of...."?
Hahahahaha! Well, guess I should read more closely! Sounded like she was talking about Adam to me! I have a "one track mind" I guess! Ooops!
Also, have a question. Where did they find this picture of Chris Brown? It looks like he dressed for somebody's funeral. But when I saw this wallpaper on background I undrestood that this is another event.
By the way, Adam always looks gorgeous. I think next time they have to find Adam's picture when he wakes up in the morning! I think this picture will be very delicious:)
My mom mentioned Freddie. She saw Queen's concert at Wembly. If you will watch this concert, you will understand what she meant:)
By the way. It was show about Freddie on Logo(gay's) channel today. And my husband said " Did they said that Adam Lambert is 21st century's Freddie?" I said "No, but both of them have 4 octaves voice and something else to die for!" My husband is very naive person and he didn't ask what is "Something else to die for ":)
I watched that CNN report on Chris Brown v Adam Lambert with my older sister who is not a fan of either. I almost died laughing when, upon seeing the KISS, she said to me, "What that Adam kissed somebody in public????!". I hasten to add, however, that my sister agrees with me and everyone else here that ABC was in the wrong choosing violence over that KISS.
Dear Fred - LBS 6:57 PM took the words right out of my mouth, and said it better than I could have.
I am so sorry for the violence you had to witness against your mom. For a child to see something so ugly and senseless scars them for life...they either think it's "OK" because it's what they live with and don't know any better (poor sweet little things) or the recognize it as the abomonation it is, but are usually helpless to rise up against it, by themselves, and often grow up with supressed anger which can explode later in life in the most ugly of circumstances. I hope you have found some peace in your life.
I know I should say this (it's so NOT p.c.) but I am glad you beat the crap out of your stepdad. Not only did he deserve it, but it's probably the only kind of "lesson" he'd understand. Forgive me.
Again - I am so, so sorry for the situation you had to grow up in.
- Adam Fix
Go vote again, it is now: Yes 559 he should be punished, to..............No 310 he apologized
It let me vote twice more. This will be wrong if this turd is given a free pass.
@JAK 6:33PM
I must say, that rap music is not as big here in Sweden as in US, but it is too much of that crap on radio anyway.
How nice to have you as a neighbor. If I invite those, with two barking dogs, that now lives next door for a mushroom dinner, there will be an appartment free for rent. 50 degrees?? Are you crazy? That´s summer temperature. We have 37F right now and windy. You have seen Adams Stockholm outfit. THAT´S how you dress here.
You are so welcome :-)!
I sent you a message earlier when you "left the stage" (I don´t know if you saw it, it disappeared down the rabbit hole) I just wanted to say, that if you leave this stage, I leave the show. You are my favourite granny and don´t let anybody tell you to shut up!!
So glad you are back. We were all missing you.
Oh Boy, it's sure time those 'double standards'
were abolished.
Adam was put through hell and for what? This Chris Brown guy gets the OK for behaviour that is totally unacceptable ..... work that one out!
this is so screwed up that ABC would reward violence and block love guess it shows how the world goes sometimes. it is just really sad
@glitzylady Guess what? My mom didn't fihish to watch GNL yesterday. So she woke me up today and asked to restart the consert.
Just wondering if I will hear the comments about Adam's tie pants, lips to day and HOSE to kill again:)
Also, I hope that my husband will not watch GNL with us today. Cause he is big Adam's fan and wants to watch the concert. But I don't want him to listen my mom's comments about Adam:)
Sorry, I meant 'lips to die for'
Welcome to the jungle. Oh my god, I just laughed so hard when I heard a finnish parody of that G N'R classic. Welcome to the forest. Anyway, have you ever heard of a term called tittytainment? I don't mean all reality tv sucks. Some are better than others. DWTS format is in many countries. The contestants must get paid well. Why else would the celebs be so eager to participate. And some don't want to quit dancing even if their close family member dies. That's why I stopped watching the show a few years ago. I think it was bizarre.
glitzylady muy de acuerdo con su comentario
11:01. Afortunadamente Adam posee una excelente madurez,y se ha reflejado en un comportamiento
de altura en el manejo de está situación (ABC).
Ojala que Chris Brown reciba ayuda medica y emocional a tiempo, porque la necesita urgente.
y ABC, considere tomar en cuenta los verdaderos valores de la vida, los cuales debe de apoyar y fomentar, sirviendo de ejemplo a la comunidad
como medio de comunicación .
@ Glitzylady,
«I very much agree with your comment 11:01. Fortunatelly Adam owns an excellent maturity and it has been reflected on his behavior of being capable to control this situation (ABC). May Chris Brown receives medical and emotional help on time because he needs them urgently. And may ABC considers to take into account the true worths of life, which should be to support and to instigate, serving as an exemple to the community as a way for communication [media]. HH»
translated by Fan4fun
I don't like to see CB in the same sentence with Adam, for any reason. Makes me sick!! If ABC asks Adam to appear and perform in some sort of a "let's make up" setting, I hope he says "NO" and then again, "Hell NO!!"
Eva......well I guess I'm stuck forever here in Florida, my joints "lock up" in cold weather! :)
I'll have to tough it out here among the palm trees, sandy beaches, blue skies, sunny days and Gulf breezes. Just my run of bad luck.
I REALLY APPRECIATE God inventing air conditioning!
P.S. Thanks for your kind words....JAK
OT...@ Fred, Thanks for sharing your experience. I know first hand how dangerous and frightening living in that environment can be. My first husband and father of my children turned out to be a violent disturbed man. We escaped and I remarried a wonderful man that was loving, kind and my children loved him dearly. I hope you and your mother have found peace and will no longer see any more abuse. I'm so sorry that you had to live thru' that difficult time. My kids have been after me for years to write a book, as even now it seems as tho' it happened to someone else and wasn't real. I discovered strength and determination I didn't know I possessed. I had never heard my own parents ever raise their voice to one another and I didn't want my children exposed to such unacceptable behavior. I equate it to being a prisoner of war. It can be very complicated and dangerous.I'm glad that you were able to stand up to him and protect your mother. funbunn40
Funbunn40, Un excelente apoyo de su parte para Fred, con su Testimonio,donde con determinación y fuerza de voluntad,usted supero esa situación, tomando el ejemplo de sus padres,quienes le dieron la mejor educación, sustentada en los valores del amor,el respeto y la responsabilidad familiar, lo maravilloso es que sus hijos seguirán su ejemplo. Y cada vez será mejor la relación entre la pareja y el trato con los hijos, porque ahora, recibimos cada vez más información que nos educa y protege los valores fundamentales del hombre, asà les digo también a mis hijas, educarnos para cometer menos errores en la relación familiar y poder rectificar cuando nos equivoquemos, y asà educando la familia, tendremos un mundo con más humanidad
y amor,
Fred lo felicito por su sabia determinación de poner un "NO" a la violencia y al abuso, y le
deseo a usted y a su madre paz y amor, usted tiene un ejemplo muy hermoso a seguir, el de funbunn40 y siempre en todas las familias se nos van a presentar, algún tipo de de situación negativa que debemos superar. Se dice ahora que la educación de los hijos es una Ciencia, porque podemos estudiar e informarnos de como hacerlo mejor, una manera serÃa, cursos para padres,libros especializados, consultas por Internet etc.
Un saludo cordial para ustedes.
@HH,Muy gracias por su palabras. Lo siento mucho, mi Espanol es muy pequeno. Tranlacion de Fan4fun, porfavor. funbunn40
"Anonymous" posted the phone number for ABC television network as 1.800.658.8788, which is incorrect. That phone number is an office equipment retailer called ABC Office, short for American Binding Company. Their website is
To submit a complaint to ABC TV network go to and near the bottom of the page is a link - Contact ABC. Click the link, fill out the form and click [Send].
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