Picture of The Day
Filed Under (Glamtroupe,pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, March 26, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 26, 2011
Adam Lambert tweeted this picture of the Glamtroupe posing for the NoH8 Campaign.

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Icon wants to say something about this picture but he can't! That's because first he made me gag his mouth with adhesive tape in this same way! That's because he feels like a glamily club member! What a glamberCAt I have in my hands!
AWWWWWW, the Glamily is SO #Gorgeous... No wonder we LUV them ALL...
Peace Out.
Who are the two top left????
I just ordered a picture of the dancers and tommy. I am going to get Allison and Sutan next.
Isn't that Sutan bottom middle?
3:12 the first one I think is brooke. I don't know who the guy is unless it is Allison's band member.
It's Brooke, Adam's choreographer, top left. Not sure who that is in the top middle tho.
thanks alot fan4fun! I just tried that with my 5 cats and PETA is here.
Forgot Allison dyed hair...I thought that was Brooke.........Need GNT fix
24/7 could you put a click here to order these pictures? paleeze.
Wish I had surround sound for my GNT DVD....too bad that they couldn't edit that earthquake remark.....who knew
Where is Monte? Love the picture, Adam only one wearing black. NO8 pictures should be on billboards all over our country roadways. It would be good to remind people to care for one another.
Sorry that is NOH8. P.A.S.
Could the middle top guy be Isacc with a new hair style? I know his hair was longer and darker on AI the other nite. Not 100% sure.. . .Adamluv
maybe someone recognizes the tatoo?
Love this ad it really should be on billboards.The US is ahead of it's time in so many things but acceptence is not one of them.Thats so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could the top middle guy be David Immerman, Alli's guitarist...
the top guy in the middle is David Immerman. Allison Iraheta had him in her band.
Just read at mjs that it's David I.. . . Adamluv
When you pull that tape off of Icon (my grandcat) I'm gonna hear the scream all the way here to Florida USA. JAK
You know that group of talented people have some very attractive and expressive eyes. I vote for Terrence's amber eyes and Adam's blue ones.
Just noticed Sutan has the same hair style I wore in college, circa 1956! lol......JAK
Tears flowing from her heart!
You saw it!
Awesome version of Crazy.
You saw it!
Wonder why Monte is not in this picture. He is such a big part of GNT and such a great friend to Adam. Well he does have 4 small children, so maybe didn't have time and has his band too.
@Jak - Terrence's eyes are amber, but Adam's are not blue, they're grey-green. This pic and all showing Adam with blue eyes are photoshopped.
Icon (your grandcat) has been «warming» his SCREAM with the Canadian Glamberts. And YES! We can hear them all the way from Toronto to Azores, passing by Florida-USA!!!! Lol
Cant take my eyes off Tommy . And his ARMS WOW
HH...what are these videos...the links won't come up????
Time for the US to pay attention and get with the programme at long last.
i love this to cute
Yesterday I mention LOGOTV channel for some reason. But, why we have LOGO channel? Our TV shows, movies, concerts, nobody split by color of your skin or by your religion or different nationality.But we have channel for people with different sexuality? May be if we could see movies and shows which recently we can watch only on LOGO, nobody will have problems at school, college, or army.
Unfortunately, many of our chidlren watch to much TV(including my son). But if children will watch the movies, read the books, and have friends at school and never pay attention on anybodies sexulatiy, they grow up without "Don't Ask, Don't tell" rule in their life. And nobody will say "I was a lucky that my parents understood that I am different" It won't be any difference
FYI Adam describes his eyes as blue gray. I imagine MOST of his photos are photoshopped, but on Idol Live in closeups they looked blue to me!
Beautiful Blue. Nancy
All tattoos make me cringe...especially Tommy's!
I guess I should sign in as TROLL (but I'm really not!!!!!!!)
I just found out that this collage of NOH8 pictures was created by JamieGlambert, a fan of Adam's. She just posted a blog on Adam Lambert Fans explaining how excited she was to see that Adam had tweeted the picture to everyone. She really did a great job!
@icon! Are you ok with the tape? Love Ida
@anon 10:19am I hate any kind of tattoo also. Tommy's tattoo makes me sick (for real, a lot of pain and agonie). Also, I wish I know where all of these people (I don't talk about Tommy) get so much money to have these tattoos?
What a nice "familytree" up there! Some of them were unknown to me, so thanks of the ancestry! Sanni
Damn that Allison is looking HOT.
Guess she's growing up!
Thanks for that info Glitzylady! How cool for Jamie.
For those who don't know: A long while back, JamieGlambert created the original one too - the one of Adam in the middle. She added the tape and No H8 part. Adam used it as his avatar for awhile, and she was ecstatic. I'm thrilled for her that Adam tweeted this!
Here's the one Tommy tweeted before this one
@ Ida (11:49am)
Icon sweetie.......I think you have a hairball, cough it out! Grandma JAK
Adam's NOH8 pic is a fake, the rest of the glam troupe had their taken by NOH8, which spreads the word and help to encourage equality. It would be nice if Adam had his picture taken by NOH8, and they have asked him to do so. Then these fake pics of him of NOH8 could be put to rest. i'M surprised he tweeted this since the pic of him is fake.
Did you put NOH8 on your tape? I got a laugh out loud on your 2:06 comment to @IDA. You are one fun loving cat. @ JAK, Icon had tape over his mouth, therefore, could not get a hairball out if he wanted to.
@ Fan4fun: ( did it right again) You are so fun, must be all that ocean air. Is Icon the kind of cat that does talk to you. I had a couple that would sit and meow back when I talked to them. Animals are a gift, that keep on giving.
@ P.A.S.
Two years ago I was feeling a sad in a corner, my life was absolutelly miserable and I was literally sinking. I asked God (my Lord and my Universe)to give me ONE reason to stay my course and keep myself floating... and HE gave me the «singing sweet ADAM» the very next day. And the very next year HE gave me the «talking sweet CAT»: two smart ICONS, two amazing reasons!!! Plus, the very next month, HE gave me 24/7 Paradise, my «writing sweet SHORE».
GOD is good!!! GOD is good!!! GOD is good!!!
@Fan4fun! I was so touched of your words! Adam is certainly a gift from God!! So are our pets too, Icon, Ida and the rest of the world´s cats (and dogs etc).
Ida hopes by the way that the tape is not anymore on Icon´s mouth?! She scared to death of that UMFFUMMFFUWW noice!!
@ Sanni
Please tell Ida that Icon is already free of his tape gag, just ate a good breakfast and is now sleeping peacefully. Also tell her not to be scared, in the «March 27, 2:06PM comment» above Icon was trying to say «Now I know how difficult it is for a Glambert to convince the haters that they are all wrong!!! Would you like to join me in this experience???».
Thank you! I have been having a real hard time with my health. I typed my story than deleted it. I would love to tell you, but I can't here, not private enough. I can say that I think you would understand my delemma. Do you have an e-mail address?
It's not safe to post our particular e-mail addresses in a public site, even in 24/7 «Paradise». I'll try to use a commercial one, a non English spoken one, so you may feel free to talk. Give me 1 or 2 days, OK? Until there, try to feel better.
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