Leila Lambert is leaving Adam Lambert Fan Club, for now
Filed Under (Fan Club News,Leila Lambert ) by Admin on Saturday, March 26, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:08 PM
"Hey everyone! It is with sadness that I am departing from the fan club. My other duties for Adam have consumed so much time, that unfortunately I am unable to give as much as I would like to this space. I may not be gone forever, but in the meantime, thank you for the love, support and friendship, and for loving Adam. You are all in great hands. Leila"
Thanks to Yummy!
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We all salute you for doing such a good job in raising such well spoken, witty and talented young men. They have both amused and entertained us. Whatever your new duties are I know like most Moms you enjoy being a part of your child's life. I wish you and your whole family happy days and FULL HEARTS!....JAK
I love the fan club site and spend alot of time there. I will be looking forward to her sweet return.
What a lovely mom! She gave birth to our precious Adam and his charming brother. Thank you Leila so much for everything! Sanni
Such a truly beautiful lady in so many ways, to have raised two talented and intelligent men. She is as lovely in person as she is in this picture, and such an enthusiastic and proud supporter of Adam. I was sitting directly behind her at the LA Music Box show and she was up dancing along with the rest of us the whole time! So glad she is able to be such a help to Adam, so that he may concentrate on his music, etc..Adam shows such class by keeping his family and friends close to him, something I'm sure he learned from his mom. Obviously it helps to keep him connected and down to earth.
that pic is gorgeous!
What a beautiful picture of mom and son!!! We can feel so much PROUD and LOVE in the air, all around them!
Go for your other needs, Leila, God bless you! You are welcome to the fan club site whenever you want to come, but keep in mind that the fan club site is already deeply set into our hearts and you are not leaving at all... our hearts. NEVER!
Considering how often you hear about stars being robbed by their financial mgmt, probably a good thing that Leila Lambert is taking care of her son's interests. Good Luck with your future endeavors. BTW where is Neil these days. Miss hearing about him occasionally. Hope life is being good to him also.
What a gracious lady. I did read that Lane was doing the fan club now. Prolly she needed the job more than Leila. I often wonder if Adam will find a job for Sauli, when Sauli's gig is finished in USA. Of course Leila oversees Adams needs at his home, like Adam said, making sure there is enuff toilet paper etc. She may take over the fan club when Adam tours.
Fan club is not so good since Adam's tour finished. Adam hardly visits/comments understandably, and fan blogs get to be boring. Everyone keeps repeating the same thing. It was all about points, and people just posted meaningless crap to get points to buy autographed picture. Maybe Lane can interject some excitement. New ideas are needed IMO.
Farewell for now, Lady Leila. We will miss your input, but understand you have to take good care of our BB.
@The Dark Side
Neil is in Korea..and he just tweeted that he is going to Vietnam today..Not sure why he is in Korea..assume working? He was tweeting a lot about info re Japan and the Reactor situation..He even tweeted back to me the other day..Shocked! Not much info re Neil there, but what I know from what he shares on Twitter! He also talks to his Dad Eber re politics etc. The usual!
I must be the only one that thinks shes leaving cause the site sucks! There are so many "issues" with it...Ive heard a bunch of people say they arent re-upping. I dont think I am either.
I love the fansite. It allows me to communicate with friends I have made in the Adam world in a private non-blog way. I love being able to see all the meet and greet pictures ( myself included).
I have "talked" with Leila several times there. She has been quick to respond and really funny.
I hate Adamofficial. I can never log on, they forget my log on. I don't care for the tone of a lot of the people who write in there, very immature, sexual and rude to each other. Also, they never sent me the codes for buying tickets, and I had to resort to Stubhub for all my GN shows.
Oh dont get me started on AO!! I LOATHE that site.
24/7 is all i need. I get all my info here and i have fb to keep up with friends.
Leila...you can stay on fan club......I will volunteer to do other duties.....LOL
JAK - You said everything I was thinking wonderfully. So yes, what she said! We'll miss you, Leila.
I see you are your usual sun shiney self, LOL!!! Get your butt on Twitter...Looka me up:dinahhmite
Packing up to move to another apartment:
Would rather get poked with a stick in the eye!!
ARGGGGG! Kill me now!!!!
I found you but dont expect too much. I refuse to get sucked into the twit vortex.
@ Glitzylady, How great that Neil tweeted you! I was so shocked when he tweeted me! Pretty good, considering all of the followers he has. I believe he's teaching a course in political science. Haven't had too much time to spend on twitter and fan club sites lately, real life calling. Rarely go to Adam Official unless it's to buy something Adam related. Agree with you Urethra and have missed you!
@JAK: You are correct. If only all parents of a gay person treated their child with the respect that Eber and Leila did.
Click on YUMMY and see how many people there agree with @Urethra_Franklin. I never joined, only because I live on a very limited income. I rather spent the money on Adams music.
It must be hard for her to read some comments about her son. He is not my son, (but wish he was) and I find some comments disturb me. The sexy ones are compliments, it is some of nasty ones that offend.
Sorry to see Leila leaving the fan site, but am sure she has much to do now that Adam is back in LA and his fame is growing. She is such a wonderful mother and human being. I have so much respect for how she raised her boys and the appreciation for life that she passed on to them. All of the Lamberts are first class and make the world a better place. Another one of lifes great gifts. funbunn40
@ Urethra_Franklin
So, if 24/7 «Paradise» is site enough for you itself, why the glamhell sometimes you just disapear and take so long to be back to us? I'm a big fan of your comments too, oh hell I am!. Welcome back one more time and please STAY!
I disappear from comments. I dont disappear from the site. I just cant handle all the goo goo ga ga shit sometimes. It can be a bit much at times. But Im thrilled to know so many of you miss me. Im sure just as many are pleased when I disappear...
I did the same thing as Urethra_Franklin did for a year and half. I come here and made a few comments and was told I gave to much information. So I never commented again until recently. I remember U_F use to comment and than stopped. It's like another person use to give us stories and now we are getting one liners from her. We have enough trolls on here, so being snarky with a regular just should not happen. Agreeing to disagree is good. We come here because we love Adam, but can disagree, if we like or dislike something. Some say things better than others, we are all different, ages, lives, etc, etc. Tolerance is the answer, in my opinion.
You can all get after me now. I have said How I feel. I am guilty of letting the trolls upset me awhile back, but it had been a bad day for me. We all have bad days, I had another one Thursday so I made no comments until I felt better. Hope I didn't ramble on, or give to much information.
I second all the goo goo ga ga shit!!!!!!!!!!
Most of it is just childish......... I just brush right over it and get to the serious, good stuff and good information. Hey, Goo-Gooers, let up on the sweetiepoo stuff a little...
I was a little dissapointed in the site,No one is ever on chat, twitter is better, more information..like someone said Adam is hardly there, and you pay to have it. I may not renew either. Leila is first class.Leila get on Twitter!
More great tweets between Adam and Bonnie McKee!:
Bonnie Mckee
BonnieMcKeee Bonnie Mckee
Super inspired!! @Adamlambert is my muse ;)
23 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
in reply to ↑
Adam Lambert
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
@BonnieMcKeee flattery will get you EVERYWHERE
22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply
If you didn't understand the above tweet, Adam wrote to Bonnie: "Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE"!!!!
He is such a tease!
whats the fan club site url???
Aww, will miss Leila but happy to hear that Adam has her busy with things. That's positive news!
The old saying that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Adam and Leila seem so much alike when I have seen their interviews. Both gracious, intelligent funny, and good looking. Leila and Eber should be so proud of how they raised their boys. Adam certainly is lucky having an accepting open minded family that loves him unconditionally.
I love him that way and he is not even my family, but has become a big part of my life.
@Anon 7:01 PM
The web address for Adam Lambert Fans (Adam's personal FC) is :
I have to say that what I enjoy and appreciate most about the Adam Lambert Fan Club (not Adam Official..) is the ability to connect easily with other fans who are members there. I think for me that is the biggest plus. You can send personal messages without giving out your personal info (email address, "real name", even phone #'s etc.. to the world at large). I also sometimes enjoy the blogs. At $9.95 per year I think its worth that, if you use it..It was a very helpful place for me during the Glam Nation Tour last year (sigh....) because I could contact people (including from here) and vice versa, who were also attending concerts, so we could meet up. Also connected with some Pre-Concert Parties associated with the fan club. Totally worth it for me..Nothing much going on in Adamland right now, so things are slow. I just think it depends on whether or not you use it. I use "Adam Official" on rare occasion, and it's useful for concert info, pre-sale info, Adam-related merchandise, as well as some other things..But I don't hang out there to chat or post comments.
And I agree, Adam is so fortunate to have the parents he has. Things might have been very different for him if it weren't for their unconditional love, support, and insight into how to help Adam be the man he is today.
Nice to see you again...I'm trying not to be too goo-goo ga ga..but can't help it once in awhile..Let me know if I go over the edge...Thanks!
I always impressed when I see pictures Adam and Leila together! They are looking so happy and enjoying time they spend together.
I also don't get the fansite. I love this site most and twitter. This site is soooooo user friendly compared to Adam Official ( totally agree with above comment about difficulty using site!) AND fansite. This site is just plain easy to use and very straight-forward-Kudos 24/7!!!
I never visit Adam Official, (except to get the Aftermath Remix). The grey text on black background is very hard on the eyes. I like this site, even if some discussions make me a bit tired (hundreds of posts argueing about AL:s hairstyle and the endless speculations about his lovelife), but most of the time I really enjoy it here, the very nice ladies and the few boys and now when Superbitch Urethra is back (I hope for good) this place will be spiced up for sure.
One thing I miss though: The links we post should be clickable (is that a proper word?). It seems that people find it hard to copy/paste links and miss out on a lot of goodies.
*sings* Shes a super bitch, super bitch, shes super bitchaaaaay.
Lol thanks Eva, that made my day.
Good for Leila. But Adam is so much like Eber. They are like two peas in a pod.
I've only been a member of the site for a couple of weeks (same name as here for those that would like a new friend...
I haven't really figured out how to use it properly, for example when I click on chat room it just puts me in the lobby with no one else and I don't know how to get out of there...
But it is a nice way to connect more with people, and not expensive for the cheapest option.
aw we will miss her
So you got "scolded" too and quit commenting...well I was "Told Off" last week and decided to withdraw to lick my wounds and keep the peace. I vowed to disappear for a couple weeks. I pouted for about 24 hours before I thought "WTH" so two people jumped me, a lot more than that seem to like me.
One of the best things about this site is being able to express our opinions and be tolerant of others. I'm here to stay.
Now that thats over,didn't we have a member of our group called Milu from Asia I believe???
Was she perhaps from Japan? She has been silent for quite awhile, should we be worried? Does anyone remember where she lived? ......JAK
@ JAK:
I am glad you didn't stay away. I like fun and some sillyness. Life is to short to argue about different points of view, and it seldom changes anything. The one thing we all have in common is WE LOVE ADAM.
JAK and P.A.S, so glad you decided to stay. I remember JAK´s "scolder" and thougt it was aggressive and rude and if anyone spoke like that to me, I would leave for at least 2 days.
A friend of mine, also an Adam fan, was here a few months ago and got told off when she made a comment about violence being condoned in America. She was told to shut up and America is heaven on earth and so on. She is now on other Adam sites and will never go back here, even if I tell her about the hilarious granny from that hot awful place with sunshine and palmtrees.
I'm sorry your friend had to come across an "ugly" American........we have quite a few, but I hope they are way outnumbered by nice ones.
As far as America being heaven on earth!!!!!!!!!!
Our bragging rights have eroded quite a bit, we are way down the list on infant mortality rates, education, health care for all citizens, etc. etc. We're trying to correct these things.
I'm hoping heaven is a step up! JAK
MILU is from VIETNAM, so you're part right, she's from ASIA.
Hope nobody tells me to «shut up and leave this site» due to some change in the Geography...
Fan4fun...............Thank you for info. I was
watching the news from Japan and her name popped into my brain. One less worry for my list.
Re: SHUT UP.....when my daughter's were little and talking, talking, talking in public and my "frown" wasn't working.....I would lean over them and smile and sweetly say "Ferme la bouche". Almost anything sounds nicer in French!
I was a devious mother......JAK
Someone mentioned Vietnam. Here is a tweet from Brother Neil:
"Mekong Delta for the next two days. Planting rice and setting fish traps. Just stocked up on mosquito repellant. Smells like bad perfume."
about 3 hours ago via web
WHAT? Corea and now Vietnam. What is that man up to?
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