Poll: Which was your favorite American Idol Performance?
Filed Under (American Idol,random ) by Admin on Thursday, March 10, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just for fun, vote for the performances that you loved the most during Adam's time on 'American Idol'!
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That's a total "Sophie's Choice" scenario... too hard for me :)
Believe it or not, but I've never heard The Tracks of My Tears.
You really need to watch that performance. It's my favorite. He was so hot in it. Handsome looking etc. He got standing ovation from the guy who sang it. Awesome.
I bet he didn't feel comfortable in that outfit.
Is this a joke? Pick one? He had me at "mama". The best. Singer. Ever. Each performance like nothing ever seen before. So gorgeous, so perfect, not a bad note, ever, not a bad move ever. Not on Idol, not on tour, not in promo work, ever.
BTW, Smokey Robinson wrote Tracks, and sang it. He's a legend. He gave Adam a standing O. He said he'd never heard anyone sing it the way Adam did. That's quite the compliment. Mils.
I think Adam felt comfortable in every outfit, or he wouldn't have worn them! He's a clothes horse. He had designers wooing him to wear their clothes on Idol. The white suit for Feeling Good was by Dolce and Gabana. Not too shabby! Mils.
If Adam tweets a link to The Tracks of My Tears, then I will have to check it out.
Was that A-A-Armani suit? :)
This is an impossible task.....I couldn't even pick the one I liked least......no, wait a sec. I can do that "No Boundaries".
I PLAY "Feeling Good" the most often. And yes, it may be the suit and strut that influences me.
I know there isn't the money in COVERS but don't each of you wish you could compile a playlist for him to sing? I do that in my mind on sleepless nights! "Woe is me!"........JAK
I had to pick "If I Can't Have You." When he unexpectedly sang it so slow and sad and beautiful, I literally sat down with my jaw on the floor. However, I LOVE ALL OF THEM! BTW, he looks gorgeous in that picture, as he does in every picture.
No fair at all, but I had to choose... so, I voted «Satisfaction» (when he grabbed me for ever, indeed!). Although I CAN'T get enough satisfaction from my love for sweet Adam... I love him sooooo bad but he deserves so much more!!! And I am only... human!
That's like asking which of your kids is your favorite! Only one I wasn't crazy mad for was No Boundaries.
Good post Fan4fun/9:50AM... and love the nod to Satisfaction (good reasoning :)!). BB knew exactly what he was doing with that one now didn't he?!!! In fact, he ALWAYS knew exactly what he was doing... played that show like a violin... sexy sexy brains!
Pick one...I pick ALL
@9:16 Why would Adam tweet a link to Track of My Tears from two years ago - especially when it was just one of over two dozen performances he did on the show (if you include group performances)?
So I hope you'll excuse me not being Adam and watch this anyway.
We are lucky indeed to even have it on youtube to be able to watch, after they deleted all the performances last year.
Much thanks to Lexiee Lambert for re-uploading them for all of us.
What an impossible task. WTF might as well go for it. Love every single one, but the one I play most often is "If I Can't Have You" Yes, I am a sucker for his ballads. Second WWL
I know it's not the most popular choice but I voted for Born To Be Wild. Rock Adam!! He was skipping and jiving and moving across that stage like he owned it. And that night he did. SO full of energy and happiness and SHOWMANSHIP. That's when I TOTALLY fell in love with him.
OMG, this is nearly impossible. "All" performances were so damn good....choose one of them? Talk about impossible, but o-k, I'll try...
couldn't choose if i wanted to
Very hard, but I voted for Ring of Fire. I love how he completely twisted that hideous country song and turned into something totally Awesome! Haha and can you remember Randy Travis´s face! And his wife´s face! AAAHHAHAHAHAHA!
I do remember Randy Travis' face Anon 12:45PM... and I don't have kind things to say about it... but since this is a beautiful-Adam-Lambert-is-going-to-be-on-TV-tonight kind of day, and we should be espousing the Aftermath sort of vibe, I'll keep my comments about Mrs. Travis' face to myself, LOL, but let's just say - she, more than most perhaps, needed a good dose of what Adam was servin' up that night, that's what I think ;)
in the post above @ 1:06pm, my first line should have said Randy Travis' WIFE's face. Unfortunately, that expression is indellibly imprinted on my memory... and like I said, maybe she needs a good 'ole dose of AML heat
Oh.. Mine was "Feeling good".. no doubt!! :))
What a sexy picture, put on my desk top- love it. picked change is gonna come, tough tough choice.. Mad world and if I can have you are tie.
Born To Be Wild = Adam's Mantra.
WLL all the way!! Loved No Boundaries too plus Tracks of My Tears plus them all.
There were so many over the top performances by Adam each week when he so brilliantly changed every darn song up, but I have to say "Mad World" was the one that dropped my jaw the most. I must have rewatched that one a hundred or two hundred times right after it first showed up on youtube.
Whole Lotta Love will always be my favorite Adam performance. I was sitting on my couch that night and predicted that WLL would make him a household name. I think everyone was talking about it the day after. It rocks!
Perez Hilton is giving Adam a hit on his website!:
WLL was when The Rock God was born! I love the swagger on that one!
Whole Lotta Love will be one of the greatest Idol performances. He was showing the world that he had arrived and that he was ready to rock our world. If I can't have you was my second choice, because he really pulled at my heartstrings on that one! Stunning vocals!
i know I like the picture!lOrd have mercy!
Woops I accidentally voted for all of them :)
Immediate reaction was A Change Is Gonna Come, but I, too, love every single one and can't leave any out. I get tears and chills with If I Can't Have You. (Adam sings pain like no other; hope he recalls a little of what pain used to feel like in order to sing some on his next album--now that he is so happy :) I was actually looking forward to the "dark" more rock-edged album.). Loved his naughty eyes on WLL. I even love the one sentence he sings in Smooth with Santana on the season's final show. But I think he sings 7 inches in the noon day sun & it's supposed to be 7 inches FROM the noon day sun, in reference to the heat :)
But I do have an absolute favorite Idol STUDIO performance: Feeling Good. When I YouTubed and listened, I could not believe my ears. Still one of my all time Adam favorites. I got chills and my mouth fell open. You've got to listen all the way to the end. Amazing.
Kentucky Fan
I'm sure WLL was Adam's favorite, his chance at last to be a rock star....his eyes were shining!
By the way Mrs Randy Travis is no longer Mrs,!
WLL and Ring of Fire.
Can't pick just one, sorry! I loved each and every one but I guess for the sake of this fun poll I'll pick Ring of Fire (my jaw dropped and I couldn't stop talking about it for days); If I Can't Have You ( the emotion, his good looks blew me out of the water);WWL ( sexy, sexy, RockGod) and A Change is Gonna Come ( Over the top amazing vocals, emotion, control..unbelievable). Sorry, said I couldn't pick just one!
Gosh, it is hard to narrow it down to just 1, Loved all of them (play that funky music was probably my least favourite), loved Tracks of my Tears, 2nd favourite would be If I can't have you, the emotion in that one was amazing, but I voted for Mad World 2, stunning vocals,smoke!, but more importantly that coat....and that look into the camera at the end.....thud
Well... I described it to a friend (who MISSED that season--DOPE!!) this way...
Adam was my fave RIGHT from the first moment, and I watched every week MAINLY to see what he would do...and ALL his performances were dynamite...
But the one that BLEW the ROOF off, (as I wrote on the smiling pictures thread--> picture Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch...) was "RING of FIRE." Pure genius, incredible vocal control, creative showman! His beautiful smile at the end sealed the deal, I was happily hooked.
His amazing rendition of "If I Can't Have You" was when I fell in LOVE... totally, emotionally like lost my heart.
They were all GREAT... (how the FRIG did he not win?) but those 2 were the ones that grabbed my heart and haven't let go. (and don't plan to!)
did Randy T kick his old lady out of bed? She wouldn't know talent if it hit her right between the eyes. The Lamb sure made Johnny smile when he brought his Ring of Fire to the Ryman! can I get a hell yeah!!!!!! He was ready to burn that mother down with all his Glamtabulous hottness!!!
I like Whole Lotta love when he strips it down and makes it raunchy and fantastic! It has sex dripping all over it and I'm ready for seconds! can you feel me?
WLL is like long foreplay and it builds up into one giant Orgasm. The delivery is slow and easy and then it gets a little hard and rough. It leaves you breatheless and feeling fantastic and yearning for more!
That picture. Don't think I've seen that one before. What a totally hot expression on his face. Yummmmmmmmm
Like all the songs. Different ones on different days so difficult to pick. I choose Ring of Fire because that one left me mouth agap like--What Did I Just Hear. But love them all.
1:06 and 1:08 That is so funny because I also noticed the bi*ches face. What an uptight piece of work she was letting that disapproving expression show. I enjoyed the heck out of it, especially Travis' reaction to Adam's nail polish.
maybe the EX Mrs. Travis needs a little of The Lamberts fire burning her wick!
how can anyone not enjoy the pelvic gyrations of the Glittery Godfather? it is beyond me!!!!
Have to post quickly need sleep before work & watch Adam perform! Shouldn't have these polls when you're deciding with Adam this or that. But I voted ROF, because he changed everything , for everyone! We knew who loved Adam !!!! But yea it was that voice the way he sang it, & the shirtlift, excuse me, it was an accident!MWAH!K
The full length, studio versions of the AI performances are the true treasure. It would be impossible to pick a favorite from among those. At the end of Whole Lotta Love, he growls, Baby, baby...NINE times! Impossibly hot!! The full length version of One was utter perfection. The visual performance that is like a joy-transfusion, is Born to be Wild!! (opinion time, I hope).
Great, and hilarious, comments on this thread!
(HI MGF!!)
Ring of Fire for me - hands down! Left me gasping. Although I had Mad World stuck in my head for about a year and it still sent chills down my spine after that long!
ROF is when Adam blew the game out of the water and showed the world his "alternative side". It was his challenge for people to think outside the box - and this is MIDDLE AMERICA we're talking about, for god's sake! You were either with him or against him, with that performance - it was polarizing. It was mind-expanding, if you "got it".
ROF was a cultural event - that's why it gets my vote. And, I love songs sung in (or that veer into) a minor key!!! God - this was a masterpiece!
OK, bottom line - the little shirt-hem lift killed me! I couldn't take my eyes of that little sliver of skin...like men in the late 1800's getting a thrill from seeing a slice of forbiden skin at a woman's ankle!
Mils: "He had me at "mama" - that is the BEST line! Ha, ha!!!! Genius!
- Adam Fix
"Had me at Mama,"me too!!!Mad World[top 2] stopped it from turning,stopped me in my tracks, Ring of Fire was brilliant and the notes toward the end turned my blood into molten lava, as did, WLL! Tracks of My Tears and If I Can't Have You tore my heart out, One brought tears to my eyes, and A Change is Gonna Come devastated me and was an out of body experience. I chose Mad World because his expressive face totally hypnotized and transfixed me. He has the most beautiful, passionate face and is a master of conveying emotions. I truly love them all for very different reasons, and was said, it's like having to choose which child you love the most. I wish he would do some covers. He's so instinctively good. The more you hear and see, the more you want! Btw, Randy left his wife/mgr for another woman. Maybe Adam ignited a spark to think outside the box. lol funbunn40
This is sooooooooo hard but I'm going with "One". Adam's voice is absolutely divine, so beautiful and so poignant, I have tears every time I listen to it. It's far and away better than the original version imho. In fact, I've never liked the original version. Was Adam's studio version ever for sale? I would dearly love to buy it.
My other big fave is "No Boundaries", the recorded version. Love, love, love it!
Also a big fan of "Feeling Good", "Black or White" and "Born To Be Wild".
Hey There Adam Fix! Love your reference to the - getting a sneak peak at a woman's ankle thing - SO SPOT ON!
Fun comments here!
All of Adam's performances were special to me, but I picked ONE, as a previous person did. It's the song Simon selected by U2 for Adam to sing. If you look at that video again, his voice, those high notes, his outfit, the camera angles as he sang and then actually listening to the words of this song, that did it for me. And, of course, Simon loved it. I,too, believe he did a better job than the original.
Anon 4:26 pm
Have mercy, no more descriptive words and phrases like that, I'm old and have high B.P. and my sweetheart is 5 states away tonight.
I may have to resort to geriatric phone sex tonight. Have mercy...........JAK
I'm completely late to this party for sure, so much happening out there in the real world..but finally got a chance to come back, and try REALLY hard to pick my favorite, which is an almost impossible task...Really, how does one choose from a whole playlist of powerhouse performances. Like some above, I have all of the studio versions of his songs, and I honestly think they should have been released as a CD. They are THAT good! In fact, my hubby and I listened to them today... : )
As you can see, I'm stalling here...
The first one I saw him perform was "Black or White" which also cinched it for me, after about the first five seconds, I had decided he would win..so have a little special fondness for that one, because it was my "first time"..with Adam..(It took me awhile to close my jaw. and start breathing again..the beginning of a long string of similar reactions..)
"Ring of Fire", as Adam Fix said, was transformative, and I still play the studio version in my car, and have to be careful, because the other day I drove right past where I was supposed to stop while listening to it...It still takes me to another world..and that is a very happy place, maybe a little TOO happy, if you get my meaning....
"Whole Lotta Love" was unbelievable, kind of a "holy s**t" moment, and it was then I knew for SURE he was going to be legendary..not too many cover singers can out-do the original and get away with it, but for me, Adam sure did just that (and my all time favorite alternative version is still Fantasy Springs...I was there, and I still love to listen to it, and watch it....the Lambossed improved version..)...As someone said, it starts out slow and languid, and by the time he is finished...well..anyway....me too.
"A Change Is Gonna Come" is absolutely beautiful and powerful..and I know it had so much meaning to him...
"Feeling Good"...Listening to the studio version, my husband always says "how anyone could listen to that voice and not be impressed is beyond me" The range, the control, and the power (and the notes at the end...) are all beyond amazing. And the Idol performance...the white suit, the stairs, and the note at the end just goes on forever...
And , even tho it wasn't listed, I have to add "Beth" on the finale..I was SO darn proud of Adam at that moment when he was there in front of all of those people in the theater and of course millions of viewers throughout the world. He brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat because he was really being "himself", and that was just so special. He was there with his rhinestones and glitter and his "wings" ... looking absolutely gorgeous, and the eyebrow lift at the end was just perfect.
Guess I sort of overdid it..but I just can't pick one, although if I absolutely MUST, it would be "Ring of Fire", because it was brave, sexy, mesmerizing, and it still has the power to leave me breathless and slightly "discombobulated". (and it was my kind of "Nashville!"!) (Note: I also like Johnny Cash's original version, but now when I hear those words, I think of Adam and not JC so much..)
@JAK.....so how did the geriatric phone sex go??? Two words..."Fantasy Springs"...I think that pretty much describes it right there...keep that in mind for the future! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )
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