"Today Is The Day"
Filed Under (American Idol,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, March 10, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 10, 2011

Remember to tune in on American Idol tonight to see Adam perform the acoustic version of "Aftermath"!
After Adam's performance, head over to Adamofficial and purchase the song! A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Trevor Project, a crisis intervention and suicide prevention organization for LGBTQ youth.
““Aftermath”…was written about finding the courage to be honest with yourself and the people who love you. It’s about facing adversity and taking risks in the name of personal liberation. The song takes on different meanings to different listeners,” Adam said in a statement. “I hope this song inspires people to be who they truly want to be… And dance!” - Adam Lambert
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He is singing Aftermath or Sleepwalker ?
Ah, that would be"Aftermath" not "Sleepwalker"! Let's not cause a riot!! I'm sure that was just a simple mistake...
No worries, Adam will knock it out of the park tonight, what's new?:-) Soon my lovelies, soon....
Just a note to those who may have read my comments on Remix of Aftermath......didnt like at all....no way!
I want you to know that I will be buying a copy or two or three (it's for a good cause) for my neighbor who works with dance classes and exercise classes at local YMCA and Children's Home.....classes for teens. I'm sure they'll like it.......JAK
Have had my DVR programmed for tonight since last week! Adam singing Aftermath acoustically should win over a lot of new fans, who will be introduced to his amazing voice and find he doesn't only sing rock. Can't wait!
Damn I do love me a man who's confidant enough to use a winking smiley face on Twitter!! Sexy
MGF ;)
I mentioned the mistakes the admin makes before
and peeps say give them a break but damn if I made that many mistakes I would be fired....
PROOFREAD because nothing gets by us Glamberts
Who keeps writing this stuff? and don't you have an edit function? I do appreciate this site, but come on guys, this is a problem.
Admin are probably not getting the same salary as the jobs you can be fired from..
@24/7, you are so funny! People fussed at you so much that they preprogrammed you to always mix up Aftermath and Sleepwalker! Ignore them!
JAK, what is with you complaining (AGAIN + MORE) about the remix of Aftermath? This is a site of LOVE for Adam! Share your love and leave the complaining out. Spend that extra time with your formerly perfect husband!
@JAK, I disagree with 10:52AM and welcome your opinions wholeheartedly as long as they are imparted civilly, which they always seem to be! I find Adam's fans to be an intelligent group on the whole, and discussing differing opinions is something that I think Adam Lambert would dig as long as the discussion is had with civility. I applaud you for purchasing the remix for the uses you mentioned in that other post and the support that lends to both The Trevor Project and Adam.
I think Admin must like SW too much that they are working hard to visualize it. Ha!Ha!
Yeah the day is coming, I cannot imagine how I am going to react tonight! A day for liberation and evolution, a day that is going to be remembered by lots of American fellow.
I would rush over to AO and buy both if they were available, but will be satisfied with Aftermath. I usually don't like remixes, but love this one and the beat goes on and on. Looking forward to tonight. Had to save the Idoloonies as it was OTT funny. Exterminate!!! Are we that bad? I think Glamberts rock!
lol if Adam was performing SLEEPWALKER, I would be sooooooooooo happy. It's my favorite song on the album.
Please tell me the performance will be posted here a.s.a.p. Otherwise I'll have to wait for like a week or two to see it here in Finland :(
Elli, dont' worry. 24/7 will have the video up in no time.
I'm not in the US as well so I'll be stalking this site!
can't wait
Just took xtra pressure pill!!!! GO BABY!!!!!!!
@ Anon 12:15
You and me both ;)
Blessed day! How much joy and happiness we give Adam, is expected and unforgettable night.
THANKS !!!!!!!
Just saw this on twitter:
corylive Cory Almeida
by LambertUK
Just finished rehearsal at #AI with @adamlambert next the treadmill then #Diddy then live results show!!
30 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
go get em BB!!!!!!!
what does that mean daydreamin? :) please advise, lol
I think he will win alot of new fans tonight. I bet BB will bring the ratings up!
Hopefully I'll get to see it on here pretty fast, then watch it on my own TV tonight, twice as the programme gets repeate at 6pm and 8pm, then its shown at least twice more over the weekend..lucky me.
Hope the ratings go through the roof.
JAK here
Actually my comment was an addition or admission, I had formerly commented that I wouldn't be buying Remix.........but I wanted to clear up the idea that I wouldn't support the Trevor project. I will be buying, just not for me.
I don't mind being scolded, but I will speak my mind!......................Don't you ever disagree with people you love?
My Prac. Perf. husband has been out of state 3 whole days and I'm missing him terribly, no one to pick on and no "sneak attack" kisses which are his speciality. I have 6 more days to go without him, I'm not sure I'll make it...JAK
Aw JAK... come hang with us =) sorry. lol we can't provide sneak attack kisses...(that's so cool!!)
Glad you're supporting Adam & Trevor poject and buying the remix even if you don't like it. I do thihk it's well done, his voice is still out front, and it's aimed at the age appropriate audience... ( BUT-- DO think the ending is a bit odd though?)
SOOOO glad he's doing the acoustic version!!! Smart guy...He should win over a lot more doubters tonight... let that golden voice mesmerize baby
OMG OMG... tick tock.... few hours to go....
N N N Nn n e r r v e s!
Bring it Big Boy! show all those wannabees how it is done!
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