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Sexy Fan Montage!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Thanks to chelenator!


Anonymous said...

damn you Adam Lambert... now I'm late to pick up my kid! But at least I'll be fetching him with a smaile on my face... that's something!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again Adam!!!!!! Yeehaw!!!!!
Ok, I don't know how many times I replayed that part on ROF, where he lifted his shirt, do you?
I swear I really think he wanted to go a lil bit further but since it was a family show.
& the Citizen Vein vid, Adam in the brown zippered pants, which is my favorite vid of all time of Adam's. If it had showed a lil bit more footage of that vid you would know why! hehe! K

Anonymous said...

So sexy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good news! According to Perez Hilton and other sources, Raja (Adam's makeup artist) will win this season of Rupaul's Drag Race!!!

Anonymous said...

When I watch back some Idol stuff, especially knowing what I know now, I feel like I can totally see Adam pulling back here and there, like it's really taking some effort on his part to reign himself in a bit, LOL! Maybe it's just my imagination?

Anonymous said...

I've said so many times that Adam was the only Idol contestant who had to tone himself down to be on that show. I always laugh when I see the ROF shirt lift, because I think it was a calculated move! We were so innocent then! Little did we know we had such a walkin' talkin' sex bomb on our hands. Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

anon 12:29, I am just so freaked out amazed at what a wonderful surprise we got out of our idol Adam Lambert. I mean, Adam has seriously taken us on a wild ass journey! & I love it! & I don't ever want to get off of this ride, never!
I think the difference between Adam's entertainment & gaga's, is that she seems so cold. Adam , however, he has the voice, he's entertaining, he's very emotional,loving,caring, fun, exciting, mysterious, mystified, passionate, romantic, just vibrantly sexy! What more could you ask for in an entertainer? Adam just makes you feel you can connect with him so easily & so beautifully!K

Anonymous said...

Miss him performing sooo much. All this yap yap and speculation we all do just to keep ourselves busy while we wait is crazy, but keeps us happy, but I just cant wait to see him perform again.
Loved this video by the way.
Jadam NZ
Ps agree with the comparison 12,58.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:58, you nailed it! He is all of those things that you say he is and it all comes shining through this stunning man!!!!!! You can't fake that, make it happen, it just is or is is not and for Adam, he has all of those gifts. HE IS ALL THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

When asked about the shirt lift in ROF, he said his hand just got caught, yeah sure!!

Anonymous said...

SO SEXUAL - OMG, that's for sure! Gay or straight, that man does it for me! Can't describe - as I'm sure all others would agree. His voice - first and foremost - but his animal sexual presence is beyond description. I try to explain my addiction to ADAM and they are starting to 'get it'. There are just no words for this amazing man

Anonymous said...

Oh that ROF shirt lift, that was when I fell even harder into his glitz........

Anonymous said...

"Adam Lambert is a sexual thing?" Are you kidding me? The word hasn't been invented yet that describes this man. Adamgasm anyone?

Anonymous said...

craziness......... After work I can't wait to go home and check the updates and concentrate with him........ It gets more hotter and hotter until he open his mouth and sing again for the whole world. How much longer I can stand the wait just to see him in the concert??????????? My gosh Adam you are such a seducer indeed........ I f I can put you in a cell for myself I'll do it ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

craziness indeed...I have to check for updates morning noon and night..having so much fun..Adam is so hot and yes he is getting hotter...cannot wait for his next album,,concert,,,he is a seducer..great way to put Adam....working myself up to a frenzy..

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking since we are all patiently waiting for BB's next album, wouldn't it be great if they brought Adam back on the finale of idol in May. He should have 1 new song ready by then?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33 - DITTO! I try to explain my addiction too and I think people are starting to 'get it'. Either that or they just humor me! Ha!