Adam Lambert is #351 Most Followed on Twitter
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, April 9, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, April 09, 2011

Adam's current number of followers: 976,784
Number of followers needed to break 1 Million: 23,216
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Speaking of twitter, I wished I twittered DR. DREW last night when he had scum bag perez hilton on the show. What a joke the bull-t perez was saying (like he likes to talk about all positive things ect and dr. drew believed him.
USA Today recommends Glam Nation Live CD/DVD on their Weekend Tip Sheet! Yay! Adam! The word is getting out!!!
Glam Nation Live
Adam Lambert pours on the showmanship with ferocity and flamboyance in a high-energy concert shot last August at Clowes Hall in Indianapolis. American Idol's eighth-season runner-up performs tunes from his platinum debut, For Your Entertainment, plus songs popularized during the competition. Highlights: 20th Century Boy, Soaked, Strut, Whataya Want From Me and Ring of Fire. — Edna Gundersen
So who's #1 Charlie? Gaga? Lindsay? Bieber? Guess you have to be deranged, or have millions of teeny boopers following you all day long.
Glitzlady thanks for the great info. There are a lot of people that don't know this cd dvd is available. The more it is written about with positive reviews the better. I love the cd and dvd. It will always be one of my most coveted treasures.
Adam will the million by the end of the week. That means what Glamberts? Worldwide Twitter Top Trending ADAMILLIONAIRE next weekend. How about it?
Considering the millions on twitter, Adam is doing very well. Glad to hear that good GNY review. Anyone who sees it has got to love it!
Adam inspires a lot of young and old....
ADAMILLIONAIRE that's hilarious but nice to hear !!!!!
Love it and please continue to support our Adam.
You won't regret spending time in this site.....
Peace and love to all.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Its interesting that Adam is followed by more people than the Huffington Post! I do have to admit I follow both!
Yes, in no time at all Adam will be up there and over 1 million..If you aren't on Twitter, now's the time! Its fun, informative, and gives you instant info on just about anything you are interested in..including Adam! Somewhat addictive actually, sort of like Adam himself! LOL!!
Durbun or Durbin????????????@12:02 PM
Whom you are talking to??????????
Oooops maybe you didn't take your medication ha???
Just ask and we will help you my dear???
Adams fans are very caring to those idiots that are needed help!!!!! Seriously we will!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Durbin fan at least spell his last right if you want him no. 1 on twitter!
Excuse me. this is not a Durbin fan site. Bye Bye.
Who's Durbin and who is @12:02 who likes Adam...isn't this why he comes here?
Hey Glamily, look out! Don't crash the miserable trolls driving lost and wrong way in Paradise's traffic! Let's enjoy our weekend and join [sweet Adam + darling Sauli] in their happiness! Deal?
All twitter folks following Adam. Please make sure you order the GNL cd/dvd from Amazon and the aftermath remix now available on itunes. A lot of people don't know these are available, so tweet it to your friends and get his sales higher.
In your dreams ha!ha!ha!ha!
You can't make money with this guy believe me!!
Just wasting your time here...
Perhaps Scotty will be it
poor durbin your fans are trying so hard but it will not happens in a million years.....
Truth hurts.......
Better next time...... Trolls
actually I could care less what rank Adam is on twitter. I really enjoy his tweets and some day I may even figure twitter out. lol Wish me luck.
I don't get the durbin thing - so he can kinda sing - but it takes more than just a good singer to be a performer etc. durbin just doesn't have the charisma and whole package like our man AL!
I always come on to this site almost daily and read all you regular fans blogs. Mainly I have been anonymous but now will use my Loulou so hope to connect with other Adam fans!
@ Loulou
Loulou, Loulou, calling Loulou, are you «reading»? Over!
Calling Loulou, Loulou, are you «reading»? LOULOU, YOU HAVE BEEN CONNECTED... WELCOME ON BOARD! over and out!
@Loulou Welcome to Glam Paradise! Have a fun, enjoy our Diamond Boy's pictures and videos!
And don't care about trolls:)
welcome out of lurkdom. Great to 'meet' you.
Durbinators or should that be Durbinh8ers .... lol
Thanks for all the greetings Glamberts!!
I love this site. I am living and working in Perth Western Australia (apparently the most isolated city in the world) at the moment so can't promise to be live blogging with many of you necessarily but will always be reading and commenting with delight on your blogs when I can. I have not come across another AL obsessed fan such as me here in Perth yet but I am on a mission to change this!!
Welcome LouLou.......
Don't be afraid to share your opinion or disagreement with other fans, as long as not below the belt....
The true fans don't attack each other instead just an opinion that's all.
Let's try to be civil with each other and enjoy the communication.
Take care LouLou....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Hi Mom from Toronto - wise words. I am of maturer years shall we say - mid 40s - and have been involved in the music scene for years and can honestly say that AL is one in a million!! I am completely devoted to his extraordinary talent.
Look forward to continued blogs about all that is AL.
Loulou my dear,
We are all educated mature people I would say it.
I enjoy reading all the comments and concern about our Adam. Hope everyone are enjoying the weekend. Just keep in touch all the time...
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Mid-40s....then dear you are a teenager to me.
I AM AMONGT THE MOST MATURE---75! Or maybe I'm it! Anyway welcome to you from Florida!..JAK
Pretty sure perth and Hk are on the same time line, so we'll probably be around on here the same time if you need to 'chat' to someone.
Nice place Perth, had a week there a few years ago.
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