USA Today's New Review of 'Glam Nation Live'
Filed Under (DVD news,tour news ) by Admin on Saturday, April 9, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, April 09, 2011

From USA Today:
Adam Lambert pours on the showmanship with ferocity and flamboyance in a high-energy concert shot last August at Clowes Hall in Indianapolis. American Idol's eighth-season runner-up performs tunes from his platinum debut, For Your Entertainment, plus songs popularized during the competition. Highlights: 20th Century Boy, Soaked, Strut, Whataya Want From Me and Ring of Fire. — Edna Gundersen
Source: USAToday
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Picture is from American Idol Tour......
Allison and Adam should hook-up. lots of chemistry together. they could exchange makeup tips.
Great review for a great CD/DVD!!!!
Nice! Ditto...wrong tour picture! Good exposure for Adam nonetheless.
Thanks for the review from USA TODAY.....
Adam will conquer all the small minded people in his own country.....
It is time to recognized Adams ability and charisma when he finished his GNT around the world with big bang sold out everywhere.....
God is not sleeping......
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Dear Edna (USAToday), thank you for your lovely review.
However, I would like to add at least two songs in the HIGHLIGHTS of the Glam Nation Live: SLEEPWALKER and AFTERMATH... oh, and Sure Fire Winners and If I Had You... and...OK, the whole show is ONE BIG HIGHLIGHT, in my opinion anyhow!
24/7 - a bit surprising picture choice under this topic, although I'm always happy to see Adam with Allison! GREAT memories of those two singing together, the SLOW RIDE performance kept getting better and better, just loved it!
GGD Gal, over the moon happy
she is all over the back of the glittery alien.
I just ordered my Glam Nation CD/DVD! I am so excited! I went to 5 concerts, including Fantasy Springs! I can't wait to relive those memories!!!!!...over and over and over again. Maybe I should have ordered 2. :)
@CT, @GGD Gal, @Anon 12:57 PM etc...
Just to let you know that the above picture (and a great picture it is! ) is not the one shown with the actual article in USA fact Adam is the ONLY one highlighted (Yay!) in this article, and with a picture from the Red Carpet at the NewNowNext Awards! Here's the link....
@GGD Gal 1:16 PM
I agree, GNT Live is one big HIGHLIGHT!
Allison, and Orianthi too, were part of the GNT tour.
What the glamhell? It seams they refuse to get the right picture and to get FEVER!!! But it's good for sweet Adam, anyway. (Thank you USA Today!). Ha!!! Hope they still getting sweet Adam in good reviews on USA«Tomorrow»...
@glitzylady, thank U - I went to the original source (saw Adam's pic there), before I posted here. Wanted to see how the review was commented there and hoped the it would be a bit longer...No such luck!
GGD Gal, soaked to the bone (with GNL DVD)
@Glitzylady 1:26
Thank you for the link! Glad to see Adam shown in such a recent event. He always looks so gorgeous no matter what, where or when.....
OTT to Glitzylady, just curious, 'cause you are always so well informed here on 24/ you have any idea why Adam has not had the opportunity yet to appear on Saturday Night Live? We all know he'd be fantastic as their musical guest or in a skit or as their host??? I'd so love to see him on SNL. What do you think?
I can not stop playing the live cd in my car at full volume. Has anyone EVER heard anything like Adam's vocals live?
If you look back at his performances before Idol, he seems to be getting better and stronger as a singer.
My GOD what a talent! He is a beautiful alien! and soooo beyond gorgeous in person. So happy for his well deserved success and this is just the beginning!
The world loves Adam!
@2:18 I have never heard a better and more versatile voice! Listen to my CD all the time too. He sounds better live than anyone else, just pure talent and charisma. Would love to see his second albums shoot up to #1 and stay there for a long time!
@CT 2:00 PM
Re SNL: I remember reading at some point that Adam had been approached by SNL to appear, or it had at least been mentioned to him, but there were concerns about what they would want him to do..subject matter, etc.. I think that was maybe a year or so ago, and perhaps close to the AMA thing. I agree that Adam would be fabulous as a guest host and as a musical guest, and would do a fabulous job in the skits..He is just such a natural comedian. And there are always scheduling concerns..both his and SNL. I think they book their guests quite far in advance for the most part. You never know, he could be in talks with them right now, for all we know! Really all I know, which isn't much! I sometimes like SNL, but then again, sometimes can't stand it! I loved it when Betty White was on, that's for sure! And since all the celebs are on it at one time or another, and even Sir Elton John was on last week, it seems that it will be only a matter of time before he is on it too!! The PERFECT time for him to appear would be when he releases a new single or his new album this fall...Great promotion opportunity: for both him and his new music! So not really much help, I know, but since you asked.. ; )
An SNL host job would put Adam in front of a huge new audience. What a way to win over some nay-sayers. I, too, heard that SNL had approached Adam before but all they wanted him to do was gay stuff. He aid no thanks. Maybe they'll get together again and we'll get to see this incredible performer, singer, actor, comedian, strut his stuff!
I loved it that they said it is his platinum debut. Yes it is worldwide platinum but usually they only talk about the U.S. which of course it was gold. Incredible
Just saw amazing pictures of Adam & one of just Adam & Sauli at the NNN Awards. There are closeups of Adam that might cause fainting!!
Also a new video called Obsession.
Just google it. When you get to site watch the new video Lambert's Obsession OMG
Just Google Adamquoteddaily's blog and you will see his site & click the headline & you should get his recent pic. & the video.
RE:SNL. I used to be TeamSNL all over. However, after seeing EltonJohn last week, it was just gay, gay, gay skits. Lots of him kissing guys. I would want Adam to have better written skits. I think a bit with Stefan could be all kinds of hilarious. And,a music video with Andy Samberg, oh my!
Frankly, I'm tired of the word flamboyance to describe Adam. And, tired of the references to his sexuality. That doesn't define him; it is just a part of him. Geez, he is a man that sings extraordinarily well, plus entertains better than anyone. Enough said, people who write about him. He is an artist - period.
When you get Adamquoteddaly's blog --scroll down to religious experience.
Elton got away with all the gay stuff, and a whole lot of kissing that nobody complained about. The whole time I was thinking, this is not what Adam should do. He is so versatile, I think he could do a whole lot better & maybe some funny innuendos in gay skits. I didn't think Eltons (except for the intro. were funny).
Elton did't look all that comfortable with the kissing either.
Have you seen the video Lamberts Obsession @Adamaquoteddaily? He also has closups of Adams lips & eyes & hair that are tooooo much! Pic of Adam & Sauli at NNN is in there too.
Maybe you know a better way of getting those tweets here with urls.
their booties always touched. maybe it was on purpose. Slow Ride was a great duet and more should be done in the future.
Adam should sing on SNL...SNL would go overboard if he was in skits....they couldn't let the gay thing go....
The writing on SNL is horrible and often panders to gay stereotypes. I doubt Adam could rise above the material written for him and I'd hate to see him harmed by hosting. So I'd much rather he performed only and maybe did a cameo in a skit that was NOT all about being gay.
Yes, again, Adam was concerned about the emphasis on the "Gay" when offered an opportunity to be on SNL last year, and did not want to be a caricature of himself or other gay people, so declined. We do not want that for him either..I didn't see the Elton John appearance but heard it wasn't too good..I'm sure Adam will responsibly decide whether to appear there or not..based on what they present to him..If it doesn't further his career and image, than I would take a pass on it too. Maybe just a musical appearance in that case. That would be great!
I bought my copy of the GNT DVD yesterday. When I got home, I watched it with my headphones on. When it ended, just had to watch it all over again!! Love it!
Sauli & Katri Tutka is finished. I have no comments.
I'm going to comment on this theme because I also saw SNL with one of the most talented man ever in music. I was disappointed that EJ would go along with their script, but he has a new CD coming out, so publicity? None of it was funny. It was just very demeaning of the LGBT community and simply reenforced the gay stereotypes. Just silly and stupid.
Adam has a natural comedic sense, and that should be put to use without having it the context of gaydom. As all of us know, Adam's sexuality doesn't define the man at all. There is so much acting talent there. He's quick on his feet and can deliver a line. Too bad SNL can't see past one small(excuse please) aspect of his life.
Agreed, 2:18 PM. Adam's live vocals are stupendous! I wish these reviews would emphasize that with the DVD you get a CD with the live vocals which are out of this world gorgeous!
Adam has integrity and class. An SNL gig would be great, but I hope he holds out for a quality performance and not settle for the junky writing that is so common on SNL now. He is so much above that. He should be show-cased for the mega-talent that he is. Sure, he can do funny stuff and be silly and can make fun of himself just fine, but it shouldn't all be about the gay thing.
@Glitzylady and all posters regarding Adam one day appearing on SNL.
Thank you to all for your opinions about this. I have been wondering for a long time why Adam did not appear on the show. I hadn't heard that he was approached about 1 yr ago. If all the writers can come up with is gay subject matter then that would be a disservice to Adam, for sure, because he is so talented and can do so much more than emphasizing just one aspect of his life, proud of it though he is. Maybe those writers and producers are not aware of Adam's natural comedic timing, quick wit, intelligence and unbelievable stage presence. They've got to know of his incredible singing ability. So, I vote for Adam as a musical guest (sorry..I know that would be the safest for Adam). If ever there is an opportunity for Adam to appear on SNL, I 100% trust in Adam's decision to appear or not.
Just bought my copy of GNL today and loved it. I was pleasantly surprised to see the GNL DVD and FYE CD together on the BEST SELLERS list at Sam The Record Man store, here in Belleville Ontario Canada. The sales clerk said he really liked Adams music. I told him to utube some of Adams pre-idol work to fully appreciate all of Adam as the truly gifted artist he is. I also told the clerk that we needed to have ALL of Adams music sold in that store. The clerk looked at me a little strange when I told him to start merchandising Adam more as he is going to explode with this next album, so he better be prepared ..Im still giggling about his expression
Hey, Glams, try to remember what did your honey sweetie pie do for the last few months? Nothing! Love, love, and f****** love! Who cares!! He will not get noms for any awards for 2010!!!!!
Forget about his Grammy and mommy etc awards for the next F************ zillion years!
@CT 6:16 PM
I agree that Adam will undoubtedly make the right decision if he is offered the opportunity again..He made the decision based on his own best interests previously (which he should do) and will again. He is a proud gay man but has many other sides to himself, as we all do of course. I'm a straight woman, but pretty sure that's not newsworthy either. I suppose if he never appears on SNL it wouldn't be the end of the world as the saying goes..I do think he will at some point as so many others do, but hopefully with the agreement that he has some control over the content of skits.. Guessing that didn't happen last time he was approached. I realize that SNL pretty much makes fun of everyone and everything but to only go with the gay aspect would be too much IMO, and a lost opportunity on their part I think, as evidenced by some of commenters above re Sir Elton John's appearance. It seems to me that almost every time I've watched in the last few years I haven't been too impressed..sometimes it is truly and completely bad..Once in awhile pretty good: my opinion only. So...we'll wait and see!
There is always a right time for everything.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
@LBS 3:46 PM
Hope this is what you were asking : ) :
Here is the address for Adam Quote Daily "Religious" (don't let it fool you!) page including the really NICE pictures of Adam and the "Obsession" fan Vid: I've seen the video before and I think it was posted here recently..I LOVE both the vid and the song, which is "My Obsession" by Cinema Bizarre...
For those on Twitter, the name is @Adamquotedaily
I was also disappointed in the writing of the Elton John skits. Just think he deserves more respect. I have no problem with gay or straight kissing, but feel it was gratuitous and overdone. The diva poking fun was funny, but the gay stereotypical skits just go overboard and it's gotten old. I remember Adam being asked to being on SNL too and was glad that he turned it down at that time. He would have been exploited in a very unfllattering light at a time that he wasn't too popular with the main stream. It would have just fueled the negative haters. He does have the best comedic timing and he's the first to poke fun at himself. His facial expression was priceless when he said Michael Jackson was a "living" legend when talking about being nominated for a grammy. He was in a car being interviewed on the way to the award show. He can be so funny as Ryan Tedder said,and a goof, that knows exactly what he wants. Now punching a hole in a ceiling fist pumping would be funny without the drunk reference. They could have a new agent [that was recommended by the dastardly Perez Hilton] send him out for an audition that would turn out to be for Jersey Actually Glee would have possibilities and I would love to see him dance the Paso Doble on Dancing With the Stars. Just would love to see him on TV anywhere every week! funbunn40
Okay, I love Adam but hate you, Glamidiouts! i will wait if Adam will get any awards this year, next year or year after! Love Adam, but hr talk to much and cares to much about gay/lesbian community and forgot that he is the singer, but not just gay singer.
@ Glitzylady, Thanks for the link @ 8:08. No yard work done, too busy drooling over Adam pis and links! funbunn40
Oops! Haha Typo forgetting the "c" in pics! Not drooling over Adam pis*, but maybe if I were kinky! lol funbunn40
Also, I hope one day people will recognised Adam as they recognised David Bowie or Elton John. I don't want them mention Boy George when they will talk about Adam! Don't blame me for this dream! I know this is just a dream:(
Because I didn't have any idea who is Boy George until I saw his picture with Adam.
Miss seeing Adam and Allison performing together. They have such great rock chemistry and love to see them give each other such great hugs! funbunn40
@funbunn40 10:37 PM
7:25 Bu bye, leave, go, see ya, later, troll.
Thank you for responding. I spelled Adamquotedaily wrong up there so no one could get it if they tried. Did you hear about the skit he will be doing?
Well, I have tried the avatar thing 300 times & Twitter reports they are overloaded.I follow the instructions,but something is wrong. Tweet me,maybe you can help me.
A 75 yr old woman shut down twitter & for a minute, I thought it was me. Then I remembered I'm not 75!;)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.....
Adam is laughing all the way to the bank!!!!!
@ Anon. Ap.9, 11:22 PM
You are so right, fellow. And that's only one reason for sweet Adam to be a HappyAL instead of a SadAL, isn't it? Haha! Glamberts' love will always prevail, you bet it!
@Fan4fun Hi you, darling! How are you doing?
There are so many great pictures of our Diamond Boy lately and I don't have chance to make to much comments.
Are you ready for B-day party?
Icon, Aunt delilah can't go to LA unfortunately, but she will try to find something special for you, love:)
@ Aunt delilah5,
Hi, aunt. Mommy said she'll make a big «coconut white birthday cake» for my party. We'll have here a lot of guests and the GNL cd and dvd playing all the time. It will be more fun than Lady Gaga's party! I still want my own sweet Adam's hole in my ceiling and mommy said «yes, yes, yes, yes!», and I'll get it, even a fake one. Ping Pong is in charge of the guest list and he wants so bad to invite his friends chickens but mommy said «no, no, no, no!». Pitty... I miss the kidnapper's chocolates.
Thanks for pointing us in the direction of adamquotedaily .... what a great site! :) The Obsession video .... WOW!!! Very GlamWonderful indeed! :D
I've never seen SNL and I don't think I want to. I'm a big fan of Elton John's MUSIC and I have the utmost respect for him both professionally and personally and that's exactly the way I feel about Adam.
I think Adam would be well-advised to stay from SNL unless he's invited to sing and nothing more!!
I'm gone for 3 days and SAD.AL shows up! What's going on? This is JAK back and happy to be so. Computer all fixed and rarin to go. Now this Obsession video....should I look it up or considering my age....perhaps not????
Oh hell, if I die, I die. While I was computerless I consoled myself watching GNT-dvd several times.....until I became so distracted by the "star of front row center" waving her arms constantly I wanted to find her and duct tape her arms to her hips permanently! I hope she isn't one of you faithful fans......but it was really irritating!
No to SNL and GLEE until a tasteful script is offered. I read this am that Wicked is going to be made into a film!!!!!!Could it be? Would he want to do it if offered????.Should he???...JAK
Welcome Home JAK
I was hoping it was just a computer problem that was keeping you away. We missed you. You have a lot to catch up on. We've had a case of Trolls.
Wicked????What an opportunity. I am only familar with a couple songs, the small bits where Adam went on as understudy. But he looked and sounded great. We can dream, JM
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