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Adam Lambert Likes Lady Gaga's New Album Cover

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 16, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lady Gaga also released her new single yesterday called "Judas". Listen to it below.


julia said...

I used to love Lady Gaga because she is so creative and artistic. I know Adam loves and admires her. But time to time Lady Gaga started to imitate Madonna (in her songs and style). I used to be Madonna's fan too but i started to loose my admiration for Lady Gaga. I don't find her as unique and creative anymore. She is getting too weird and too much of things that are "satanic" that i don't find interesting anymore. Just like how i loose interest in Madonna when she started to play with the cross and rosary. I hope ADAM won't do those things in the future otherwise i will have to say goodbye to him too....Now, I don't understand how he likes LG's cover . She looks like a's ugly and mean....sorry ADAM, i hope you wont' be like Gaga.

HK fan said...

I don't particularly like the cover either. haven't watched the video yet, but didn't she just release Born this way a few weeks ago? How come she has another one out already, yet Adams last single in the US was released last July, but he can't have another one out???

Anonymous said...

That new single sounds like all the rest but even more boring. Judas is going to be on every radiostation´s playlist, get millions of hits on YouTube and sell billions of records and it is a simple overproduced pop song, trying to be provoking. When are people going to realize this emperor is naked?


Anonymous said...

I just don't like music involve too much religion, kind of out of line and take away the music. Gaga's new song is so ordinary but I bet will sell millions. Her bad romance was much better. I think she is lost in the money making generation. The cover looks cold and uncomfortable, it is just not warm enough to make you ride with her.

Anonymous said...

Never heard this one before. Crazy with Adam:


Anonymous said...

A collection of Adams pre-Idol stuff:


Anonymous said...

Julia: It's "lose" not "loose".

Anonymous said...

it's not that deep, just a corny album cover. Hey, she was born that way.It's to get everyone talking and it worked, look at

Anonymous said...

It seems in the industry today, the more publicity, the more controversy even about something like a CD cover, the greater the sideshow around the performer, it gets people talking and it will probably sell millions. It's too bad that the song, the music, the lyrics have become so secondary in so many performances. There is so much auto-tuning, repetition of stupid, silly words and not much depth. Then during a video or a live performance, the dancers gyrating all over the place are another distraction along with the artist who undoubtedly is lip-synching. Now someone like Adele comes along just being herself and singing with such a beautiful voice to prove that you don't necessarily need all this "junk" to sell your music if you really have talent. I have often commented that Adam sometimes gets swallowed up in the "sideshow" that often surrounds him and his spectacular vocal talent is invariably overlooked by critics and the media. Look at the commotion his CD cover caused. Did it help or hurt the sales? I know there are all types of music and performers in the industry today, but sometimes I think it just has gone downhill with the language, the scantily clad females, the sexual overtones, etc. that we see in the videos that accompany many of these songs. Well, I realize I have carried on a bit too much, but this whole GAGA cover just got me thinking and writing. Anyone else have these same thoughts or am I alone out there?

Anonymous said...

@7:33 No you are not alone. I agree with what you are saying. I really don't like Gaga's Judas song. I think it is her worst one yet, I have liked others. It will sail to #1 and be played constantly on the radio because it's Gaga and she is marketed like crazy. It is nice to see that Adele's music is doing so well. She stands out because of her amazing voice, hopefully that is what will happen with Adam on his next album.
He didn't get as much radio airplay as quickly as other artists. Many people thought Adam's FYE cover hurt him,but we have to realize he was a new artist. Gaga is established, and at this point she can have any kind of cover . I am kind of indifferent to the cover, If I like an artist I would buy their CD no matter what.

Anonymous said...

The description I like best of "camp" is teasing, artificial and theatrical....sometimes vulgar........Mostly I don't like it, but on
occasion it's just fun.

I am not enjoying Gaga's "performance art" anymore. She must feel if she pulls back some she'll lose too many fans.

If you recall we've had a few on this site who have said if Adam gives up his GLAM they are not sure they will still be fans! That astounded me.
Give up ADAM..I don't think I could!.....JAK

Anonymous said...


The Scissor Sisters and Gaga appeared here last night to a crowd of 15,000+ and got good reviews in the local paper....they said it was "goofy and fun". For this city that's a rave review.

On the other side of town we had Jimmy Buffet and his ever loyal fans in their palm tree shirts and board shorts.......Something for everyone!...

I stayed home and watched GNT dvd once again with
a glass of lemonade with 2 teaspoons of vodka in it and little goldfish crackers..PARTY!....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK I would have chosen to go to your party!!!

Anonymous said...

I will never give up Adam no mater what he like to change up. It is his voice that haunt me, no one in the music industry will ever be able to replicate his unique voice. Other secondary controversy stuff will go away in few years, only a voice of a century will live forever. I like Adele too, bought her CD and she is selling very well in Canada.

Anonymous said...

I would buy any artists cd I like and never give the cd cover a thought. Although I do think adam's hurt him because he was too new and then of course the infamous ama awards just before his cd came out happened. I heard adele was #2 right now and britney spears #1 (another one overproduced and overated IMO), but sadly THAT's what sells today. Hopefully, once again adam will be a game changer with his next cd.

Anonymous said...

This is my least favorite song by gaga but of course it will be played to death and go straight to #1. I think the kids are looking for any songs they can dance to when they are out partying.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:30 AM

I would welcome you to my party, my liquor cabinet is still pretty full from Christmas. Every year my husband gives me 10 airline size bottles of booze. I make them last all year...a teaspoon at a time. Since it takes 8 medications a day to keep me alive plus some hard stuff (codeine or vicodin) for frequent migraines you can see why I limit my drinking!!!!!!!!On special nights out for dinner I risk a girly drink, pina colada or margherita, I figure if it kills me I'll die happy. I've fulfilled my bucket list...with one exception seeing a great grandchild. But hope is on the horizon, grandson seems to be pretty smitten with current redhead,
he calls her Casper (as in the friendly ghost) we thought Adam's legs were white!...This girl is milk white unless she has tried once again for a tan and burned herself horribly.....then he calls her My Lobster Girl. Sounds like love to me.................JAK

Anonymous said...

anon. 4:37 a.m.

We generally don't correct each others spelling, grammar or use of punctuation. We all make mistakes occasionally, fingers and brains fumble
frequently. Plus we have many comments coming from outside the U.S. Their English is pretty darn good. As long as we understand what is meant.....we're content. JM

Anonymous said...

Remember ADAM also had pictures with motorcycle and they were so beautiful and sensual. But Gaga picture with motorcycle is weird. I don't like it. I don't think it is camp. I think it is bad cover.

Anonymous said...

this comment is about Gaga and others like her, NOT Adam:

As someone who has a fairly strong background in theology, it annoys me when these pop artists choose religious themes or symbols when they have limited info on the actual concepts of the religion. I think they are going only for shock value by desecrating something that is precious to others. I'd prefer they discuss something they know about, like clothes, big egos, or slutty dancing, drinking and drugs.

Anonymous said...

It's not fair, no matter Gaga did , people (media) gave her good credit for it (even it's vulgar...) while anything new things ADAM put on him were critized and gave him bad credit. Stop give Gaga too much credit...start to give ADAM more credit.

Anonymous said...

Adam wants too much for Gaga to like him.

He is always commenting about other artists being good - I would like to see more of them do that for him in return

Anonymous said...

Motorcycles were part of the 70's glam rock era too, but I think Gaga was inspired by the less glam Easy Rider movie. She wants to say she was born to be wild, you know. Judas' cover reminds of Madonna's Like a Prayer. I didn't listen to it, so I don't know does it sound the same also.

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM

Gaga and Madonna were both raised Catholic...could this be rebellion on their part?

Anonymous said...

Dear 10:24 AM,

I can feel your frustrations indeed....

Just remember it's better to give than to receive. We just wish that Adam maintain to have good friends around him.....

The fans will continue to give Adam all the supports and love till the end.....


Adamluv said...

Wish Adam would stop endorsing this woman. When the Scissor Sisters and her performed recently here in LA, the show wasnt even mentioned/reviewed the next day! I would love to see the SS either head line a show or open for someone else as I imagene they're great in concert..... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To 11:41 - yes, it could be rebellion, but the young impressionable minds don't know the whole story and just think they are cool and will follow. It is scary how these pop stars influence youth culture and don't take this responsibility carefully. I always hear the little neighborhood kids singing these pop songs while playing out in the yard. They don't even know what it's about. I used to sing much more innocent songs at that age..

Anonymous said...

Did you know, that Jake Shears and Mika are said to be the successors of Freddie Mercury. It's funny, because they sound more like the Bee Gees and their music is also closer to disco genre. Not a fan of the SS, but I liked the Bee Gees. Loved the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

Pop stars often pick religious themes just to push buttons and get noticed. It's always a touchy sugject, especially when it often gets mocked in a pop song. Trouble is, Gaga will make millions with this pretty tedious pop song, but if Adam did a similar one, he'd lose sales, be criticized for being "sacreligious" or something, and be black-listeded from more performances. Somehow, he's not allowed to do what other performers do. I'm getting tired of Gaga. SHE NEVER SOUNDS DIFFERENT. Her voice has become inconsequential because of all the techno-crap in her music. Adam says his voice will be more "up front" in his new cd. That's great for us Adam fans who really love the voice, but will that be rewarded in the marketplace of sales? Does the cd-buying public really care about voice quality? Apparently not, when we look at sales figures for these perpetual multi-million dollar earnings by artists who sing the same stuff over and over again. So, go ahead, Gaha. Sing Judas and collect your millions again, and I'll just sit here and yawn.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:35 - I thought ADAM was the successor of Freddie Mercury! Have read that so many times. No one comes close to Freddie Mercury but ADAM - if only in vocal ability alone. Anyway, every one is entitled to their opinion but, in my book, no one - absolutely no one - equals ADAM. His voice is like no other -

Anonymous said...

Is Gaga human? She has no warmth, no soul. I feel no sympathy for her, her music has become more and more boring. Alejandro was as awful as Judas. Madonna did this religious provocative bullshit decades ago. It´s nothing new or fresh.
What really finally put me off her was her silence after Adams "roof raising". Her reps did the talking. Adam adores the woman and she could not stand up for him in person. I think that says a lot. A big ego, a small person.


Adamluv said...

TOTALLY OT - just read that Monte and Tommy will be performing July 17th in Waltham, Mass.

Anonymous said...

However, the cover is humorous and suggestive and that's probably why Adam likes it.

Anonymous said...

Proud of myself. Made it half way through because I shut it down. Yuck...major yuck. It's like she wanted to resurrect the genius Bad Romance. It's hard to be creative continually doing hundreds of concerts and appearances a year. I know I need a break from Gaga.

The Dark Side said...

I think Gaga needs a break from Gaga. She's trying too hard and it is beginning to show. I find it rather amazing how quickly some of these artists are putting out singles so rapidly. Some aren't staying around long enough for anyone to decide if they are any good. But then if they were really good, they would be staying around. Guess I answered my own question. We need some of todays songs to become classic. I think Adam has already had a couple that will stick around in the years to come. He really needs a classic rock song!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam has had some songs that will be remembered and sung for years to come. I keep praying that his slow but steady rise will result in long-term success. Long after Gaga is gone-gone, we'll be listening to Adam in a still active career.

Anonymous said...

4:36 PM -- I agree with you that Adam's steady rise should result in long-term success. But don't underestimate Gaga. She, like Adam, sounds as good or better LIVE and has a sense of the whole music biz (as does Adam and which is essential these days).

Anonymous said...

Gg lost her mind!! That didn't make any sense! She's at the end or coming close to it. Just from this crap she's headed nowhere! Can't come up with any songs that has a story to it.
Yea wish Adam would be more honest about this music of hers but then he just mention the cover . Weird . Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Stupid, repretitive, useless crap!!! I went to her concert and had a blast, but this is just plain garbage...She obviously ran out of ideas and decided to rehash some shit from a previous song. Too bad, this could end it for GAGA if she doesn't soon, and I mean VERY SOON, get back on track!

Anonymous said...


There you are , I was afraid you were gone with the wind.....your area was well away from the tornado I assume?

I experienced them up close and personal when I lived in Oklahoma and lived in Little Rock, Ark.
Then they followed us to Illinois.

As I recall this is the season. Wicked wicked
freaks of nature. Stay safe..........JAK

Anonymous said...

I've been on other sites, nothing to do with adam only gaga's new cover. 80% hate it and not liking HER so much with her last couple hit songs. We all know no matter what they will still get massive radio play and everyone will be brainwashed into lovin this new judas song IMO. Gaga can do NO wrong, but some are noticing she's going down a wrong path.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Freddie Mercury way up there...I assume you all have read that Sacha Barry Cohen will be playing him in a bio-pic. Borat as Freddie? I know he resembles him, but does he sing or will they dub in Freddie's voice?

It seems strange casting to me...I'll probably skip that.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@Eva I agree with you 100%. I lost alot of respect for gaga because she couldn't take 30 sec out of her life and twitter her 7 millions followers in adams defense. Adam would of done that in a second. I really liked her till then, not so much any more and I don't like the cover she stole from adam either. I'm looking at my april calender and it's adam with the exact same motorcycle without gaga's HEAD.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey JAK! How's everyone doing? Just got back from Quartz mts near Altus. Couldn't txt or have net srvc. Come back to hazes of smoke from Texas fires! Had heavy winds in the mts , but still able to hear Adam sing thru my phone!
Yep it's tornado season but nothing has come too close yet.
Thank you JAK , it's good to be back! MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

MWWAH K You are from Tx? Me too, well the last few years anyway. I am north of Dallas and was out shopping with my husband yesterday. We saw black smoke in the distance from a fire. Yes lots of wind and no rain. What part do you live in? By the way Gaga's Judas is #1 on Itunes today. Don't like the song but everything she does shoots right up the charts. I pray that will be the case for Adam when his next album comes out. I can't wait to hear it.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam really does like Gaga, but he also knows that she's the top dog and he shouldn't criticize her too much. Notice how he hasn't gone overboard in praising her last two songs, Born This Way and Judas. He instead says he likes her album covers, even though she blatantly used his motorcycle thing. He's playing it pretty safe with her. Adam versatility goes so far beyond even Gaga. She simply can't do what he can do vocally. That's why, as so many of us have said, he's got a long career ahead of him no matter what. I'm waiting to hear his new CD, learn the songs and shout them at the top of my lungs!

Anonymous said...

Hello anon 5:39! I'm from OK just an hour from the OK/TX border. I went to see Adam in Dallas at AI tour & GNT at the Palladium Ballroom(a small venue that is a bar, I heard it was a Mickey Gilley bar. ) I had front row by Monte . Saw every thing but the "Adommy kiss". Were you there? Hopefully a bigger venue in Dallas next year huh? Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

5:39 am

I was a Texas girl as a child, lived in San Antonio and Galveston. When the terrible hurricane hit Galveston a while ago I watched the news to see if I recognized anything. Finally realized the tv reporter was standing right at the spot where I lived so long ago.

I was an army child so have lived in about 13 states in my life. Ended up in hot,humid,flat Florida!.......................JAK

Anonymous said...

This is Cheeks view of Gagas cover:

GoCheeksGo Cheeks
Just saw Gaga's BTW album cover. Steph... take your money, go to an island, sleep for a year. Then come back & do your thing. #BurningOut


BrandonGzhL said...

5:39 am I was a Texas girl as a child, lived in San Antonio and Galveston. When the terrible hurricane hit Galveston a while ago I watched the news to see if I recognized anything. Finally realized the tv reporter was standing right at the spot where I lived so long ago. I was an army child so have lived in about 13 states in my life. Ended up in hot,humid,flat Florida!.......................JAK