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All Adam Lambert Clips from NNN Awards 4-7-11

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ADAM LAMBERT BITS ON NNNA'S APRIL 7, 2011 from devenlane on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!! Thanks for posting!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They have just a good time, laughing every time when they were in pictures :) Makes me smile too.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

So I hear Sauli left for Vegas. Thank god I'm so sick of this guy. Cant wait for markus m to do Adam's dirty work again. Bwahaha!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:28am, move to the side -----> don't come back!

Anonymous said...

who was that singer? She can really belt it out.the tidbits of seeing Adam were great, thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the singer is really good, look at Adam, he moved and wanted to dance even he was sitting down. Nice shots of Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

8:28 get lost. For you information Sauli will be back soon!!!!!
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

hey guys, Don't miss the chance to watch Nikka Costa and Adam Lambert belt out a new tune. It's right here on 24/7. It is so funny I watched it several times. It was good to see Paula on the above vtdeo too.

Anonymous said...

who's markus m? is he troll like you 8:28?

Anonymous said...

@Mighty T Icon

Happy Birthday 2 U. MEEEEOOOOWWWW MEEEEEOOOOOWW Sending U lots of kitty scratches ur way!!!! Know mommy is making this a kitty day 2 remember!!!!

Love, Aunt Dana

Anonymous said...

@Icon! Happy Birthday, sweetie!
I left two links for you at GIF:) page.
Dance, dance, get gifts, have blast and have delicious birthday cake!
aunt delilah5

Anonymous said...

OT... @ Icon, Virtual licks, ear scratches and tummy rubs for your B-day! Hope Mommy plays Soaked all day for you and treats you with catnip and kitty toys! xxxooo, Auntie funbunn40

The Dark Side said...

This video is stalling and stalling, never going to finish. Oh well, love the bits of Adam.

Anonymous said...
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Adamluv said...

Adam looks yummy in all these shots and more important than that, happy happy happy! Looks relaxed and just enjoying the show! Love him to pieces. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Take thee hence and screw thyself.

Anonymous said...


Have you ever looked up the meaning of masochist?

Your behavior is truly SAD.............JAK

Anonymous said...


On a much happier note I wish you a Happy Birthday and many many more. I find as the years go by I sometimes feel I am developing CAT habits.....I take many naps....Love to lie in the sun.....find I like fish more than I did earlier in my life and don't tell anyone but I occasionally sprout a whisker or two! That's a secret just between Grandma and Grandcat!

Rakkaus little one.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Icon! HAPPY B-DAY MEOW MEOW TO YOU! Love Ida-the-ladycat and aunt Sanni

Anonymous said...

@ Icon:

I too left you a B'day message on other thread.
I also am getting more like a cat, as I am doing the same as your grandma @JAK, but I started with the whiskers long ago. I wish it was a whisker or two, but no I get many. Have a purrfect day, my pet. Love from Aunt P.A.S.

On Topic: My video kept stopping and I took it off HD, made it better, but not great. Whoever this singer is very good, I enjoyed her music.
I had a hard time finding Adam & Sauli, to dark for me to see good. Some of you have really good sight.

Markus Molinari is in Adams circle of friends.
He announced on his blog first that Adam and Drake split up, when Adam was still on Idol. Idol had control, so maybe that is why Markus put it on his blog.

I think SAD,AL works for OUT mag, or PH. Now folks tell me you can't tell the diff. between a troll and just an opinion.

Wonder if we will have an Adam sighting here in Vegas, if Sauli is here for his show. Wish I knew where Sauli and Katri were.


Anonymous said...

You Guys are nuts, so much fun love it. Happy birthday, Icon.(If you cant beat em, join em.)

Anonymous said...

In order to educate a certain someone,here are a few videos from Finland to show Adam's popularity:
(fans at his signing)
(fans queuing to go to his concert)
(the crowd at his concert)

And this happened all over the world. So it's just the beginning for Adam. :)

P.S. By the way this all happened before Sauli was in the picture. Right now he might actually sell out the Olympic Stadium.

Anonymous said...


I take your evaluation as a compliment...daily life can be SO SERIOUS that silliness is the only way to combat it.

I've always been more than a bit fanciful and I have no problem "seeing" Icon with party hat and perhaps a birthday bib to protect handsome gray fur from the icing and coconut. Ping Pong is there being loving and supporting (but maybe a bit jealous).

What a lovely picture....I'm certain to dream of cats dream week has been very pleasant....2 nights I dreamt of babies after seeing Adam and Riff......My regards to NZ.. JAK

Anonymous said...

SAD.AL & all trollops ....

The kindy kids are AWOL today.

Anonymous said...


Could be Bucky Covington fans. They're determined to win this poll:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam News 24/7 News. Adam's smile says so much. <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. I enjoyed watching Adam, Paula and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Thanks this video. If you look at a slow speed, you can see how close they are before they begin to watch the performers. So cute, RAKASTAN!