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Recent Tweets: Pia and Paula

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 8, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 08, 2011


Anonymous said...
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LP said...

Adminastrator, please remove the hate comment @7:38. We do not spread hate in here.

Anonymous said...

Admin why have you printed this comment from 7:38?

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam is indeed a hooplamagnet...LOL Everyone is intimidated by this amazing talent named Adam Lambert. And now the fans of Durbin (ahem...He is not even in the top 5 yet) are going Bonkers! LOL WTF... Dude, whoever you are, if Durbin finishes 5th, he'll be the luckiest person alive but who cares where he finishes....But if he can accomplish 1% of Lamberts achievements, then I'll tell you that he WON! Now shut your miserable ass and walkaway in to your hole/american idol bubble. Thank god I am not a fan of that Lame show.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching AI this season with some interest because there are several talented singers in this group. Anyone really special?? I don't think so. Scotty should go straight to Nashville where he will be very successful and he's only a kid. James Durbin...sometimes seems too full of himself and he is not in Adam Lambert's league. At times all of them seem overproduced, overglamourized, and not someone whose music I would buy or want to listen to on a regular basis. They will all be on the tour, most will get some kind of record deal and their careers will develop slowly as we have seen with previous contestants. A few might not really go anywhere in the music industry. It takes a combination of talent, personality, stage presence and the ability to connect with the audience to become successful today. And as we all know, you do not have to win Idol to be a success as witnessed by Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson and, of course, Adam. Pia being voted off has turned a lot of people away from Idol because they have said they willnot watch the show again. Maybe this show has had its day after ten seasons and with the number of new shows coming on to select the best singer, it might be time to end this one. Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 that it's difficult not to compare all others to him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can only assume a Durbin fan got ugly? Doesn't matter. After hearing James sing the ballad, I must say I became a fan. Is he Adam? of course not. But he seems to be a very talented young man who has struggled a great deal.

Pia is absolutely gorgeous, and her voice is terrific. That being said, her performance was boring. She was at the bottom of my list last week along with Jacob. I have to admit Lauren was there too, not Stefano.

There is an intangible ingredient that makes a star. We all know that it wasn't just Adam's voice that got us going. He has IT, impossible to define but earth shattering when present. How many of us just love to hear Adam talk and listen to his joyous laughter or just see him smile.

I don't think Idol ever was about the "best singer." There is a huge block of tween voters who probably wouldn't know a great voice unless it's autotuned.

In watching the show the other night, Scotty (and I totally hate country music) was so entertaining, and he made me laugh as did Casey and Paul. Do they have the best voices? Probably not. Stefano probably does, but he suffers from the Pia syndrome, so he is likely to be the next to go.

Just my opinions. They are all a great bunch of talented kid with a great future ahead. I'm personally enjoying the show very much this year.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad about Pia. I am big fan.
However, it seems Pia got big support from many celebrities! THis is the link for very interesting article.


Anonymous said...

if Paula was a little younger and he was straight they would make a sexy couple. Paula loves her men tall, young, sexy, and great eyes. Talent is always sexy.

Anonymous said...

And if frogs had wings, they wouldn't be bumping their little green arces on the lilly pads? Wink!

Anonymous said...

Adam should avoid being critical of the voters, after all, they voted for him right up to the finale..

Anonymous said...

Yes, 9:44, that could be true. I think he's just being kind to Pia and is making a very valid point. The voters did support him, but at the end, the stronger voice didn't win. I really don't think Adam being honest impacts his true fans. This was about Pia, nothing else.

Rita said...

@9:44pm ... Adam is just telling it like it is. The last I heard, American Idol is a SINGING competition and Pia blows away all the other contestants with her voice. Pia may have been "boring" to some people because she didn't prance all over the stage or do backbends while losing her breath, but there is no denying she has a beautiful voice. Adam thanks American Idol continuously for providing the platform for his success and he is very vocal about his appreciation for his fans.

Anonymous said...

@Rita I absolutely agree with you.
Also, I would like to know why Adam can't be critical about voters. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Anonymous said...

I think our Season 10 American Idol will be Scotty McCreery. He's the all American kid, plays sports, has a voice never heard before on Idol, has the advantage of being a country singer and has a cute personality to go along with it all.

Anonymous said...

Where's JAK?? She's usually hangin' out with us every night.

JAAAAAAKKK, where ARE you?? Everything ok? Did those pictures of Adam - tall, dark and handsome in his leather outfit/long legs/big hair/wedge boots send you over the edge? I nearly slipped in a puddle of my own drool.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Adam’s comment re Pia. Very, very sad to see such an awesome singer leave. I didn’t think she was boring at all. I think she’s one classy lady who doesn’t need to prance ‘round a stage to make a performance interesting AND she proved the Rock night that she’s more than a “one trick pony” with her fabulous rendition of River Deep Mountain High.

Thanks delilah5 for posting the link to that article.

JD – Since when is While My Guitar Gently Weeps a rock song?! It’s a pop ballad! He is absolutely not in the same league as Adam but he’s trying hard to prove he’s better than Adam and he aint succeeding. He’s obviously trying to copy Adam’s movements on stage and that aint working either.

Love the photo of Adam with Paula and Sauli. :)

HK fan said...

I don't think it was at all shocking that Pia went, I was surprised in that I thought she'd last a couple more weeks. but not shocked. Yes she has a good voice, and maybe had she been on Idol 10 years ago she would have gone a lot further. But disagree with Rita, its not just a singing contest, its everything, and personality, charisma, stage presence and performance skills all play a part, and she didn't have any, nearly all the comments I've read about her where yes, she has an amazing voice, BUT...And I';m sure there's a huge percentage out there who are outraged, shocked, etc about the elimination...but didn't actually vote for her.Hayley may not have as good a voice, but she at least tries to change it up, and is entertaining to watch, same with Paul.
I don't dislike JD per se or any of them (apart from Jacob, his voice is fine, just can't watch the faces he makes when singing!) really, but certainly won't be following any of them after Idol or buying their music.

Anonymous said...

I like Pia's voice too. She can still be successful. Jennifer Hudson was 8th or something.

Anonymous said...

Folks, the bottom line is the $$ and who is marketable. I would like to hear the promoters and record producers weigh in on this.

Anonymous said...

This show is not about talent, it's popularity. The judges and Ryan continually tell the fans to vote vote vote for their favorite. If the fans can't pick their favorite, then stop the voting and let the judges tell us what we want. I think Pia is a worthy possible winner but she is not who the voters want. btw I don't vote because it is a popularity contest for those who care to vote continually as fast and as furious as possible. It should be one vote per person.

Anonymous said...

Sauli doesn't seem to be interested in Paula. Well, maybe Paula didn't care about Sauli either.

Anonymous said...

I have no opinion about Paula. I don't hate or love her. Only thing I know, is that she is a one-hit wonder.

Anonymous said...

Adam, if the voters and American are about the music, you will be on the very top of the game, selling millions in your own country and everywhere on TV. Yeah, it is sad to see talent wasted like this on Idol, but to those talents one, Idol only act as a platform. Lots of people still like to hear ballad sometimes. Of course, Adam is always in his own league and unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

Who of the contestants who are left is marketable?? Possibly Scotty because at least he has some originality about him but the others? A big fat NO! There is no one left in the competition who brings something new to Idol, and certainly no one like Adam who took the competition to a whole new level. :)

If it's to be a guy who wins Idol this year, I hope it's Scotty, even though I can't stand country music. As far as I can remember, there's never been a voice like his in the history of Idol so maybe it's a time a male country singer went all the way to the top. In any event, I'm going to find the show boring from now on because it's Pia's wonderful voice that kept me interested.

I agree - one vote per person would be ideal but there's no money to be made that way.

Such a lovely photo - thanks 24/7. :)

Anonymous said...

I understand that Adam did bring something new to the North American audience, but here in Europe, it has already existed for many years.

Anonymous said...

AI is supposed to be a singing competition, but I think we all know it takes more than that to be successful. Besides talent, the contestant must have stage presence, personality, a connection to the audience, that IT factor that just makes him or her marketable to the public. Will any of these contestants reach superstardom? Probably not, but most will have some kind of record deal or career in the music industry . I think Scotty has the best chance of a solid career in country music and doesn't have to win AI to have that. Nashville should be knocking on his door. Since most of the voters are young girls, I guess the winner will be a male with only two ladies left. Maybe the voting system has to be changed somehow with the judges being more critical, using the record producers in a final choice, and focusing on the talent/voice as an important factor. There is a lot of competition out there with all these new singing reality shows so maybe Idol has to change it up a bit with its general formant.

Anonymous said...

4:57 -- If you google "NewNowNext Awards", you'll see another pic of Adam with Paula, Sauli and another person and everyone is really happy to be sitting there together.

Anonymous said...

U.S. voters are way off wack yet again!
Do these people know talent when they see it?
I guess not. What is the point of the whole show
now? Oh yes, I remember, it's to watch Steve
Tyler the rock God.
Can't believe people are squawking over Adam mentioning Pia. Come on, constructive critism
with sincerity is always welcomed.

Anonymous said...

I can't disagree that Pia is an amazing vocalist, because she is; however, she is an extremely boring performer and while I'm sure she is vocally versatile, creatively she really isn't.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:10 am Apr 9

Anonymous said...

Pia is a classy performer. Why should she change her style too much and then no longer be herself. This is a precept in Europe. Adam's recent Idol performance was weird, because it wasn't his personality at all.

Anonymous said...

8:36am Apr 9 - That's the point exactly though. Her style is boring and uncreative. It's all been done before. She's just another pretty face with a nice voice.

Anonymous said...

Girls need not waste their time trying out for Idol

Anonymous said...

Adam's acoustic performance on Idol was boring too and I guess it didn't boost his record sales.

Anonymous said...

Adam has finally realized that people DO NOT vote on vocal/musical ability. As we can see from Season 8.


Anonymous said...

>April 9, 2011 9:01 AM

Adam's live EP sales rise 2000% after Idol appearance. So get your facts straight. Adam has success that Pia can only dream of having.

Anonymous said...

It seems like nobody vote for Adam on OMTV awards. Adam has just 1k votes compair with 8K Tokyo Hotel. Beav got 2K Gaga 3K. Alse, Adam was nominated for 'F*** Yeah, Adam Lambert" Right their he in on second place after GaGa!
As far as you can see your votes and such a big names were included, it was very difficult to change the names of winners at Awards Announcemetns! So, lets vote! For Glamberts army and for our Adam!
Like I said this is not a big deal open twitter account from adamofficial.


Anonymous said...

Sauli probably didn't want Paula all up against Adam. She shows she has some attraction to him in her eyes. she loves her Jewish men.

Anonymous said...

I bet Paula was up against Adam for a long time that night and Sauli might have been offended by it all.

Anonymous said...

Another great article about Pia. But this article isn't just about support. Girl got a contract for her album! Here is the link


glitzylady said...

@Anons 10:55 AM and 10:57 AM
I assume you are just joking! I really doubt Sauli had any concerns whatsoever about Paula Abdul..this picture is just a little snapshot..and is in no way reflective of anything, other than Adam and Paula are friends. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Today is the last day of Adam's charity: water campaign. Only $2800 from $325,000! If it's in your heart and pocketbook to give -

Anonymous said...

anon 11:59 I don't joke. haha Paula is gorgeous compard to him.

Anonymous said...

I think Paula is a hell of alot better looking than Sauli and I'm female. Paula may be a good friend but I don't see Adam backing away.

Anonymous said...

Paula wants the company that Sauli is keeping.

Anonymous said...

Anon April 9, 2011 11:59 AM Totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

people voted for bush twice

Anonymous said...

anon 12:42 Paula is hotter than Sauli will ever be.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:21 ignorance is the enemy.

Anonymous said...

that's 9:01

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam changes up his doesn't get boring.....

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli might have felt a bit nervous and out of place. But guys don't come much sweeter than Sauli, so I'm sure Sauli didn't mind Paula at all. He might have just wanted to give Adam and Paula a chance to catch up. He surely doesn't want to get in the way. He is there just to support Adam.

Anonymous said...

1:17 I agree your words.

Anonymous said...

Sauli doesn't use any make-up and he look's so cute.

Anonymous said...

OT..way off....Has anyone that donated $100 on Adam's birthday gotten their signed picture...I'm waiting...patiently....

Anonymous said...

Paula, the cougar, has had her eye on Adam ever since his first AI audition. But, it ain't happening, honey, unless you have a surprise, etc, etc. (You know the rest of that famous quote.)

The Dark Side said...

While there are many, many talented singers on S10 and elsewhere it takes more than that to be a star. Not only is Adam drop dead handsome, but he has an abundance of charisma, he a total alpha male, and when he is on stage performing, you cannot take your eyes off of him. This is star power. Add that flawless voice in the mix, and it a done deal. This sort of total star package doesn't come along that often.

Anonymous said...

This is what Sauli's life will be like with Adam.
Adam will be the center of attention at these functions & Sauli seems to be enjoying it all. Who wouldn't?
Surely, as all couples, they will do things that Sauli enjoys too, without all the hoopla and they can have a relatively normal relationship. As normal as celebrities have.
Why do you have to read so much into the Paula and Adam friendship. They have a mutual admiration for one another.....that's it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

man, what is up with these little busy trolls lately? Some of them can't even spell "looser" haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Sauli enjoys all these functions. He is friendly and enjoys meeting people. Maybe he can get some good ideas for his show. I wish him luck!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:42pm 'SAULI ENJOYS ALL THESE FUNCTIONS'! WHat does this mean?
He looks confused, he deffinelty doesn't like Paula company. Adam dosen't have to take Sauli in these kind of events:)

Anonymous said...

SAD.AL do you know personally Sauli? That picture is just seconds to the moment when Sauli just to draw attention elsewhere. Do not make quick conclusions, if you do not know the person personally. And why should not Sauli like Paula?!?!

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:47 PM Because I can read people faces and eyes. Adam completely in love with Sauli. But this litlle boy likes to use Adam like sugar daddy and for publicity (mostly in Finland) Who cares about Paula Abdul in Finland?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:47 PM SAD.AL is a sad case who only wish that someone would love him.

Anonymous said...

SAD.AL Sauli has been harassed in Finland because of Adam and he has refused to tell anything. He changed his telephonenumber secret because of that harassment so that he can be in peace.

Anonymous said...

SAD.AL You are so wrong about Sauli!!! Not all people are not after publicity. You have probably noticed that Sauli is always in the background. Finland people likes Sauli because he is not all the time in gossip magazine covers and don´t make his personal life public.
And I hope you someday read peoples faces right and enjoys other hapiness. Don´t be so negative, be happy.

Fan4fun said...

Hey Glamberts, take a moment and think with me: this poor little troll Sad.AL is not wrong about sweet Adam or about Sauli... Sad.AL is wrong about living! That's it! Let's get over.

Anonymous said...

You are right Fan4fun. Let´s ignored this SAD.AL person. Maybe he/she get happy life. The end.

Anonymous said...

@SAD.AL I think this is happy, brilliant "Longterm":) relationship between to gorgeous people. THey are beautiful, smart and happy together. Both of them deff in love, happy and respect each other.
Wish you find your love one day, SAD.AL

Anonymous said...

@ April 9, 2011 5:26 PM

I haven't gotten mine either.

Anonymous said...

@ April 9, 2011 5:26 PM

Getting OT is more often a good thing than a bad thing. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to give Paula what she wants and it is hiding under all those black clothes. She might not be able to return the gesture, but at least she gets her end of the deal. He needs to quit being so selfish.

Anonymous said...

Adam shouldn't be talking all bicurious, when has no intentions of backing it up. You want to be curious, than go explore your curiosity. Hot air!

Anonymous said...

@ Apr 10 10:00 AM

You're cute. Good to know innocence is still alive.

Anonymous said...

What is going on here? This is JAK, finally got my computer fixed and am trying to catch up and everywhere I look....hatefulness!

SAD.AL I will just ignore.

What's all this junk about Paula? She "fell" for Adam just like we all did. He was adorable and sang like an angel. They're friends!

And Sauli......what are you wizards ,that you can tell by one photo what his thoughts and motives might be? Shame on you! Before I read this crap my thought on seeing the photo was "how nice, he's being as unobtrusive and invisible as possible while the photographers take their shot of Adam and Paula!

As for Pia I quit watching the show 2 weeks ago, find it boring. Yes Pia has a very good voice but it apparantly doesn't appeal to the voters.
Simple as that. She got a contract she'll get her chance and maybe she will learn to be a PERFORMER.

Everyone needs to quit comparing contestants to Adam......much as I love him......he had a head start over the contestants in his season of Idol.
He had 16 years of performing for audiences before he even auditioned. That ease and a glorious voice had him head and shoulders above the others........but the votes count and however it happened he was not chosen the winner though we know he was............JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, you are so right, Sauli try being as invisible as possible. And he has never ever say nothing about his relationship with Adam here in Finland. He keep his personal life private. But what comes to his and Katri´s Tutka roadshow he talks talks talks..... and of course laughs.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Gonna say it right here and now. Stefano is a great singer. He is technically better than Pia. Love you Adam, but you should know that! Stefano's performance of "I Need You Now" was one of the best ever on Idol!

Anonymous said...

7:22 am

As I said above I do not watch Idol anymore---however I did the first couple weeks. I said to my husband after Stefano sang "the kids in the wrong decade-----he would have been a shoo-in in the Frankie Avalon, Fabian, Paul Anka days"

He's a young crooner, not now but maybe a few years from now he may have a chance at a career.
He's puppy dog cute..................JAK

Anonymous said...

Anyone seeing the preview clip of this taping, seeing Sauli's face with his proud, beaming smile, looking up at Adam giving the award would have little doubt of his intentions. He's had every opportunity to exploit their relationship and he has not done so. Everything I've heard from Finnish fans familiar with Sauli has been positive and complimentary to his character. He's been in the limelight himself and is no stranger to being in the public eye. Adam knows what he wants and is no dummy. His circle of friends have all been loyal and non exploitive. No one that has been close to Adam has betrayed his friendship. Perez was an aquaintance, not a friend and no doubt, ever will be invited into Adam's selective circle. There is no credible reason to say anything negative about Sauli's character. I for one, think he's a standup, loyal, good guy that is as smitten with Adam as we are and is fortunate to know Adam intimately, with all of his goodness. Adam and Sauli are happy with each other, bottom line and that's good enough for me. funbunn40