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Adam Lambert Performing 'Whole Lotta Love' at Maxidrom, Moscow

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 28, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two parts to this performance:

And a new picture with a fan:

And a new video of Adam signing for the fans:


Anonymous said...

Adam is practically swarmed by bodyguards, a sure sign that a supermega star is born. He introduced new powerful fierce pitch-perfect high notes to Fever, very refreshing and inspiring. Adam's fans all over the world act exactly the same way...electrified!
-Lam my

glitzylady said...

Off Topic:
I woke up to this Twitter (about an hour ago)comment from Lt Dan Choi in response to Adam's comment yesterday regarding the arrests of Human Rights activists in Moscow. His words are true.:

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
So shocked that this happened today at the same hour and same city as I was performing in. #majordamperonthings
19 hours ago
in reply to ↑

Dan Choi
I salute you, @adamlambert for being a beautiful voice of the voiceless.
1 hour ago via web

Anonymous said...

How is Dan Choi? Is he okay? Was he hurt in the scuffle? What a beautiful salute he gave to Adam!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Adam respect the Russian government principle like in Malaysia, eventhough it's against in his idiology. He loves his fans around the world. He would do anything to see his fans and compromise just to be with us... That is the Real and Genuine Superstar. I really salute him for that although it feel sad to hear the commotion while his performing at the same time.

Canada is one the best country and the diversity living here and I'm proud to be here and have my family with me.

See u soon Adam, we are all excited in July to rock with u again.

Anonymous said...

Someone said that Camilla got sick last minute!!!1

I hope she feels better soon and ready to rock in July with Adam.. We love u Camille...

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the bravest and most loving superstars IMO! A great salute from Dan Choi. Hope he is O.K. what senseless violence in this world. Adam has the ability to slowly change that.He is such an inspiration to people all over the world.He totally rocked it in Russia. I have been enjoying all the vids and pictures. Wish I could go to Canada for the concert.

glitzylady said...

@Lam my
Dan Choi was slightly hurt in the scuffle but is apparently doing okay.

His words about Adam were indeed beautiful. These are two courageous men who I respect very much, each using their "voices" in their own way to speak for the voiceless...

On another, but similar subject, I have been so encouraged to see the "It Gets Better" Google Chrome commercial on TV so much. Adam and many other "It Gets Better" video participants are featured. Dan Savage, who is from my area, is another gay man who is using his voice to speak for the voiceless, in this case speaking up about bullying. Its getting a lot of prime network time and I see it as well on Cable On Demand, etc.. I do believe it IS getting better, a little bit at a time, with so many now lending their voices to help educate and change.

glitzylady said...

More amazing professional pictures from Moscow..scroll down on this one to see fabulous pics of Adam, Monte, etc..

And here:

Anonymous said...


Very happy to hear all the encouraging news. Adam is slowly but surely making a huge crack on a very solid door and more people are coming forward to help him kick it wide-open! He says he has broken down doors before, in the literal sense; very strong man, body, mind and spirit. Thank you for the updates glitzylady.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

loves Adam Lambert.....:)

Anonymous said...

@8:09am - Adam is so brave, he is determined to be who he is without being censored, whenever possible. It was quite amazing to see him on the red carpet at the AI premiere, holding hands with Sauli. That must have totally freaked Nigel Lythgoe out. As it was, they only showed Adam in the audience in a 1-second cut-away, before you could even barely register Sauli's presence.

This thing in Moscow, unbelievable. But let's not get all misty-eyed about the "new" Russia. It's still very much the old Russia in attitude, just with a heavy dose of Capitalism these days.

I am also fascinated with Adam's many rabid fans in Egypt, of all places, asking him to come and perform. Would that even be possible for an openly-gay Jewish man? And yet, he does have the Eye of Horus ink on his wrist. Adam does continue to kick at those doors...

Anonymous said...

P.S. Just to clarify my comment at 9:39am, I am also AMAZED at Adam's Russian and Egyptian fans (and those all over the world, no matter what the state of the country they live in) who are HELPING him kick at those doors. I wanted to make that clear. The Glamberts are Adam, and Adam is them.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - thanks so much for all the news, info & pics.
I laughed so hard at the pic of the girl with the 25cm sign... (for those not familiar with the metric system - it's 10"(!)).

Anonymous said...

You can find the link for the entire WLL on Adamtopia right now on page 6 of news and info. The link was too tiny for me to read so couldn't post. Can someone with good eyesight post it? I'm not even old and can't see it well, as long as I can see Adam clearly! Cassie or glitzlady you can probably find it easily, thanks.

Anonymous said...
This is a good video of Adam talking befor If I had you!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and Monte rocking it together. Not to say Tommy and Isaac aren't really great. But Monte has so much experience and his new specially made guitar is awesome. Hope they always play together.Sleepwalker vid is amazing, my favorite song off FYE. Just try to find the one with out the fan singing loudly with Adam!lol Love the passion of the Russian fans!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^____^cute:
adam so cute

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:32 AM - Thank you for the info on the ENTIRE version of WLL, and here's the link for it:

This vid was posted in youtube by the same lady who was in the meet & greet video (see two threads down)

GGD Gal, happy now!

Anonymous said...

Love to see him perform again. He is the sexiest man, Damn!

Anonymous said...

Folks are wondering where our precious boy actually flew from Moscow. To Sweden prolly to meet his producer. Sauli is seeing his friends in Helsinki night club Jenny Woo at the moment. Back to Twitter...Ronnie

Adamluv said...

@glitzlady, I posted recently how great it has been to see the Google Chrome/It Gets Better video on NBC, ABC, and Fox. Maybe on other channels too? But due to this great exposure, Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Committee has told his millions of followers that the next time they see it on their TV, to call the station and ask "Why they hate children?". One step forward and two back. Just saying . . . ... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Perhaps Adam speaks loudly to Egyptian fans and other countries where people are suppressed. Yes, it would be difficult for a Jewish/gay man to perform in Egypt, so hopefully, he can get to other countries close enough for some of these fans to attend. Adam believes in himself, and he is bringing more and more people into his fold, some from very surprising places. Why am I not amazed.

Anonymous said...


And all who profess to be on the side of gay yourself a favor, google
Gary Cass............and see which politicians and party are backing the Christian Anti-Defamation Committee.

Oh and by the way, you will discover who is behind the hate crimes in this country........Yep, it's the homosexual gay activists!!!! That is when they are not busy brainwashing normal people into a life of sexual
deviant behavior!!!!! Mr.Cass is determined to enlighten the world.......his reply to the It Gets Better video is "No, it gets worse"

Just what a suicidal kid needs to hear.

Idiots abound in our your
back.......they're armed. Damn, I'm upset..JAK

Anonymous said...

This eradication of hate towards other people perceived as different or threatening, is a long and arduous process. It has to start at ground 0...the young and more malleable minds, at school, embrace acceptance of minority communities, in this case, homosexuals. Why is the whole world able to identify with's his acceptance of all people and of course it all started with his talent.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

On a lighter note - for one moment - this performance of WWL just proved, once again, that Adam really is hiding a 3rd lung in that body, somewhere! Where does that voice come from?? The power of it is amazing.

And, the power it has on the people of this world is also amazing. The Adam fans who are spreading love and tolerance...changing and opening minds one at a a beautiful thing to see. Change might be moving at a glacier-like pace, but it's happening. With the internet creating a global community, it's so much harder to brainwash kids with hatred when they are now exposed to much more of the world and might even decide to (*gasp!*) make their own choices!

Adam - you are leading the pack, kicking down the doors. Keep on keepin' on. You are beautiful inside and out.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adam Fix, about the internet and kids making their own choices...frightening. We have no choice but to counteract it at ground zero where many kids may still be saved with effective teaching and guidance.
You call it a 3rd lung; I have called it power-singing several times. We might have each coined a new term.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice range in these songs from Russia was a revelation all over again. Since I've been listening to the GNT music on a daily basis I'd forgotten that he'd reined his voice in so that he could sing night after night on tour.

At this concert he let it fly and it soared sky high. Goosebumps all over again!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes! It was awesome! I don´t know if you saw a vid shot from a distance of WLL. We could see several young men, apparently rockers that weren´t there for our man but discovered him for sure. They were jumping and fistpumping and when Adam hit those high notes you could see how they looked at eachother as if they didn´t believe what they just heard. This is the way to reach out to all sorts of people. Take them by surprise. Resistance is futile.


Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, I love your term "third lung"!!


Anonymous said...

Eva, the element of surprise is Adam's specialty; he is the master of surprises among other things he is master of. We were surprised week after week on Season 8; Paula said she always looked forward to what he would surprise us with next. Come to think of it, surprise is in itself a powerful tool for conversion or change, like it has been for us.
-Lam my