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Adam Lambert at Bruno Mars 's Concert (backstage)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, June 14, 2011

drfunkenberry: "Me n @adamlambert hanging out after @BrunoMars backstage.."

Here is @adamlambert. And @erinleigh13 hanging backstage after @BrunoMars n @JanelleMonae


Thanks HK fan for the tip!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR @Fan4fun!!!!!!!!

Icon-baby! Make a big glamcake for mummy, will you!!!!


LIVA said...

Adam looks gorgeous!!

It's Fan4fun's birthday? Happy Birthday to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great. Does anyone know where the concert was? Adam admires Bruno. I like some of his songs too.I hope Adam is getting that oldtime feeling

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun,This may not be the ideal B-day for you today, but you're getting a valuable gift, healing care to get you back on your feet so you and Icon can keep us in good humour on this site, adoring Adam! Fight on, Warrior princess! Pretend there's a little red wine in your IV and enjoy this beautiful, sexy pic of Diamond Boy!! ;) funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumpleaños, querida Fan4fun, hoy en este día tan especial, se multiplicaran los buenos deseos y oraciones para usted, de parte de todos los que la queremos, deseando la recuperación de su salud y pronto siga siendo,parte activa, amorosa de su hogar, de la gente que la quiere y respeta en los Azores y de este Blog, donde es necesaria su elocuencia, su creatividad, su compañerismo y el gran amor por su dulce Adam.
Solo le pido por favor, que se tome "el tiempo necesario para usted," respetando su tratamiento, alimentación,descanso y paz interior, para que supere su malestar y "Disfrute de vida y salud radiante".
Me alegra que Icono como todo Héroe, este muy cuidado y consentido.
Ojala los fabulosos deseo de funbunn40 de ADAM en Azores se hicieran realidad!!
Un gran abrazo!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, dear Fan4fun, today on this special day, multiply the good wishes and prayers for you, on behalf of all who love her, hoping the recovery of his health, you both deserve and still early, active , loving home, the people he loves and respects in the Azores and the Blog, where it is necessary eloquence, creativity, companionship and love for his sweet Adam.
Please only ask that you take "time for you," while respecting their treatment, food, relaxation and inner peace, to overcome their discomfort and "Enjoy life and radiant health. "
I'm glad you like all Hero Icon, this well maintained and pampered.
Hopefully the great desire ADAM funbunn40 Azores come true!!!!
A big hug!
Sorry for the translation

glitzylady said...

Another tweet with a picture of Adam at the Bruno Mars concert in LA..he is just gorgeous...This one is even better than the one at the top of the thread!

@erinleigh13 Erin Gorman
Me and @adamlambert sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Fan4fun. I really hope you can spend this day at home with Icon and not in hospital.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Fan4fun, courageous lady !
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I really like T-shirt and minimal makeup Adam . Handsome

Anonymous said...

GET WELL WISHES FROM EVERYONE......if we could we would fill your room with balloons and banners
and have Adam pop out of a cake for you!

Since that's difficult to arrange, please know we are sending loving thoughts to you and your furry companion Icon.........<3.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh, I left out something...
Happy Birthday Fan4fun, courageous lady with an equally courageous Cat !
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I too love Bruno Mars but he is not a match for the talent of Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Is Bruno Mars Half Filipino??? Just asking???

Adam is a real Rock God indeed!!!!!

Anonymous said...

James D. will pass Adam prob w/in the next hr.He's SO CLOSE to him,now.So for all who didn't want to hear anymore about the AIOTM from me,I will prob stop,I think.I've voted on the Fuse poll also.If I lived in Canada,I'd vote for the best MMVA ( Adam's IIHY)but I live in the USA. DJ

Anonymous said...

FORGOT to some of the insults about Adam under the voting page of AIOTM..that just make me so angry!!It's uncalled for,& somebody even said anybody could sing beter than Adam!I don't guess they listened on you tube either to any of Adams live performances.I'd love for J D to try to sing "Soaked"..cause he can't.

Anonymous said...

Good news! Adam Lambert is very chatty on twitter and want to know what music we listens to. He´s like ketchup. First nothing...nothing...nothing and then woooops a lot at once. I love him.


Anonymous said...

James is now #1 on the AIOTM site.I knew this would happen.

Anonymous said...

I have read the comments and I won´t go to that comment section again. Not good for my blood pressure.


Anonymous said...

@ Fan4Fun
Yay it is ur birthday! Sending U tons of glitter 2 sprinkle around ur hosp room! Hope that helps. Missing U and my dear Icon (super Kitty). Have a wonderful day and know so many people care 4 u and Icon !

Much Love, Aunt Dana

Anonymous said...


You are one of those persons this site SO TOTALLY NEEDS and your absence, even a short one, is HIGHLY UNAPPRECIATED (please hear this the Powers of the Universe??) and I will always been your fan and Icon’s bitchie auntie (you hear this Fan4fun’s new friends living in/takin care of her house AND Icon???

For such a long time I’ve had so little time to properly read through the news and comments, however have tried to quick-glance through the threads and BEEN WONDERING WHERE YOU ARE… Yesterday I was happy cause finally I had time to be here… ONLY to find out that YOU, Adam’s NR 1 Fan4fun, are in hospital… and if that’s not enough, almost EVERY THREAD MADE ME FEEL SICK, too! Felt so bad that decided to log off, go to bed and calm down, before I started YELLING…what the FUCK is wrong with people (Adam fans or foes) who obviously find pleasure and purpose in life in aggravating and personally hurting/harassing other Adam Fans on a Adam Fan Site!!!

I know, I know the world isn’t what it used to be etc., and all this Anon business allows, hell even encourages people to act disrespectfully at every chance they get. But what’s the point??? Do you HONESTLY FEEL GOOD after spewing out your VENOM and spoiling the whole atmosphere/blogosphere - or are you too poisoned by your own VENOM not to notice what your writings do here and everywhere where you practice your “profession”… What do you write in your C.V. as your expertise, talent, special skills or hobby??? MANAGER OF CREATING MAYHEM in blogs, SPEWING POISONOUS VENOM in fan sites, EXPERT in VIRTUAL TONGUE SLASHING, WHAAATTT???

To have different opinions is good, even fun. Correcting mistakes can be done with respect and kindness. If neede at all. We all make mistakes, every day… I’m starting to think this ranting was my mistake of 2day, LOL.

GGD Gal, loving Adam’s way of thinking, LOVE, RESPECT & DIVERSITY peeps!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very charming and handsome. Wonder when we will see his emo hair again. :)
Adam said the Grenade guitar solo in Bruno Mars concert is sick. I may check that out in Youtube. Of course Adam is my favorite all time.
Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is one answer to Adams "What music do you like" question:

@adamlambert "i donno...i heard this guy alan lamport or something is working on a new record. should maybe be good...?"


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Fan4Fun and feel better soon. Adam looks so beautiful in this picture. He really likes Bruno Mars. I like Grenade But IMO his voice is not near Adam's. @ Eva I will have to check out this guy alan lamport ha ha.

Anonymous said...

So nice of Adam to go to Bruno Mars' concert. Remember that Bruno won the grammy in the same category for which Adam was nominated: Best Male Vocal Performance. It just shows how much class Adam has and can appreciate another performer's talent too. But for me, Adam is the best vocalist in the music industry today and everyone else comes in way down the list.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eva, this guy/girl is answering Adam's question without knowing it's Adam asking the question! Hilarious...alan lamport! Give him points for unique!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I think I´m an alan lamport fan too. Will check out his new album for sure:-D


Anonymous said...

I would hate to lose the anon feature on this site. It helps keep the conversation spontaneous and interesting. TROLLS are NOT just those who differ in opinion. TROLLS are those who want to deliberately stir up trouble and create havoc on the site. We can all handle differing opinions, I think. It's the real trolls who ruin it for everyone. Let's keep the anon and handle the trolls as they come. BTW, JD is beating Adam on the Idol of the Month poll. His fans are gloating and mean. Let's try to get Adam back on top in this poll! I know Adam has won every month since Jan. (that's what I've heard, anyway) but he's still the best. I can't figure out James's appeal AT ALL. I think some of it is just anti-Adam backlash. I always laugh when I hear a non-Adam fan say that Adam can't sing. WHAAAAAT?

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Fan4fun!! Sending lots of best wishes to you& many get well blessings !!!! Your Icon is one courageous cat, he deserves a honorary medal for bravery! & Fan4fun, you deserve all the love coming your way!
I've been reading a lot on these threads & I just haven't made the time to post too much. I worry a lot about you guys who mean a lot to me, .& to this site. I'd hate for this site to have to change things because of trolls & bullies! It'll happen anywhere on any site. I remember one site had someone who was always under the influence of drugs or alcohol, how do I know, they'd mention it or they'd be talking in circles. I understand why Adam doesn't read too much at all from fan sites. & I can accept that not everyone's "asshole" opinion is the same , too.
& as for the polls, I can't understand why they always involve Adam . How long have these polls been around? Since Adam came into the picture? I feel like we are being tested, as if Adam is being challenged always , when are people going to give this man a break? I feel we have nothing to prove, Adam does not need to keep proving to us or anyone in this world what an amazing vocally & personality , a wonder of this world, of a human being he is!
I'm waiting for more music from Adam because I know & I feel he is the most beautiful singer!!! Mwah!! K

Bing said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Fan4fun! Hope you are recovering well and God bless you always.

Bruno Mars' father is a Filipino but i'm not aware about his mother.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam of course has the better voice, but Bruno's voice is pleasant to hear, and I really loved some of his songs. The 5 nominated was a very strange group, and 4 of them expected Michael to win . Bruno hasn't got Adams voice but he has a lot of songs that stay in your head after you hear them. Adam was very impressed with the concert.I like Bruno Mars too.

tess said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Anonymous 7:54 that the few outrageous trolls should dictate whether or not allowing Anonymous category remain. I am one of those and have posted when I had two cents' worth to say. As one who don't give much credence to polls because they can be manipulated so all credibility is nil, there is not much meaning to them other than frustrate the voters and suck their lives when they should be getting one. I love this site, the devoted heartfelt fans (my prayers for your swift recovery, fan4fun). An observation: our Muse Adam, who someone just called the Lamb recalls for those with the Catholic background, the "Agnus Dei" in prayers is the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sins of the world is aptly named after the first Man. That our Adam has been made the object of vile derision and now an example to emulate seems an apt allusion, not an attempt to deify our guy or to wax sacriligious, but just to point out some serendipitous juxtaposition of sorts.
Adam's fans attributing otherworldly qualities to him because of his ability to transport them to another world when he projects his voice and for displaying courage and wisdom beyond his years, while understandably appropriate, has earned Adam more backlash hatred than any gay man has reason to. Adam has the good sense to rise above the hatred, and if he can, surely we fans should be able to follow suit. Because the more we defend him with offensive language, the idea of fighting fire with fire, the more venomous the attack on him. Please everyone, even the voters, "Chill", as Adam would have you do. "It's not that deep".

LP said...

I would like to clear up any rumors about Adams mom Leila. I found a very enlightening article about Adams Mom and Dad. Just google in "Why sleeping with Adam Lamberts dad is too complicated" Quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Being "faithful" to Adam doesn't mean we can't like other singers and appreciate their voices.
Even though for the past 2 years I have been mildly, slightly, a teensy bit obsessed with Mr.
Lambert, I also have other cd favorites.

I like Bruno Mars and don't feel he is in any way competition for Adam....there's room for both of them to have a career.

Adam is no longer in any sort of contest with anyone but himself.....he's an acknowledged singer/performer and will be striving only to top himself with each new album. He has "arrived", now the rest is just hard work at something he loves to do...................JAK

Anonymous said...

First of all Happy Birthday Fan4fun. I hope your health is improving steadily with your precious Icon by your side. Animals sense when we are in trouble!

JAK I am looking into the t-shirts purchase. I LOVE the idea that you would wear it when voting! I know I would be so honored for you to wear one and anyone else in the Glamily.
See what Adam creates? It is amazing!


Anonymous said...


I just read "sleeping with Adam Lambert's dad"
and I can understand why Eber is living with Amy.........she's as bright, articulate and funny as he is.

We don't know what ended Eber and Leila's marriage and it's none of our business....and I am not curious about Leila's love life.

Just nosy about Adams!...........^o^......JAK

LP said...

Sorry JAK, I read the article all wrong, I thought that Amy was writing about Leila. and Leila was sleeping with Eber. I went back and re-read it, I guess I was having a senior moment. Really stupid of me to take it all wrong. Thankyou for your answer, you straightened it out for me.

Anonymous said...


If they are available, I hope they come in a LARGE size, I've spread out a bit with the passing years. I asked both my daughters and they said they'd be glad to wear them.....even though they are not Glamberts.....they are civil rights enthusiasts!!!!I'm so proud of them! JAK

Anonymous said...

Fan4Fun -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and strong health now!! You are a very special lady and a wonderful person who makes us laugh.

Keep you strong sense of self and sense of humor. Group internet HUG now goes out to you and Icon!!! Have ICON sing Happy Birthday to you!!

Smart cat and companion for you!!


Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars performed at Gibson Amphitheater next to Universal Studio. I've been there few times for other acts. It holds 5500 seats. The theater is just alright to me.

I would like to see one day Adam to perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa.

The sound system is out of this world and the venue is architects dream. Beyond words gorgeous venue.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy. It makes me happy to see that sincere smile on his beautiful face. Doesn't look contrived like some of his smiles. Gorgeous man.

The Dark Side said...

Happy Birthday Fan4Fun. Hope your day is stupendous! I also like Bruno Mars, very talented song writer. Sorry, but I don't really care that JD is ahead of Adam in that stupid poll. Let the kid have his moment of glory. Gotta say, Adam is in so many polls, it becomes anti-climatical. I am in no mood to read snarky posts about Adam. Afraid it would ruin my day. Hope he wins in Canada. That fan base is phenomenal. Go Canada.

Anonymous said...

Russian Glambert, MilitaryJanne, uploaded a new video of Adam in Moscow:

Also, he had a short twitter party after Bruno Mars concert last night or very early this morning.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Fan4fun! I wished you a happy birthday on a thread last night, but maybe your birthday is today...or maybe you are just continuing the celebration! ;) Either way - I hope you have the best day ever, filled with healing energy, and surrounded by those who love you and that you love. Hope you are up and dancing real soon!


Anonymous said...

Off topic: Looks like adam's going to win over bruno mars for best fans yeah (over in about 4 hours and adam's leading 52% to 47%. Losing big time on the idol pole however, JD gonna get that one ( I don't care about idol poles anymore though, adam's moved on!

Anonymous said...

Do any of you think adding names will help? I think not. You can be anyone, say anything, be rude, complimentary, aggrevating, dishonest, supportive, a complete AH w/o anyone knowing who you really are whether you give a name or not. Nasty people just exist, but internet makes it easier for them to vent because they don't have guts to look someone in the eye and say those things. Just like a politician who can vent all the garbage he/she wants without fear anyone will contradict them. The world has gone to shit. The end.

Anonymous said...

I want to keep the anon option. Nasty kooks show up everywhere in the world. If we give in, they win. I post by name on other sites, but here it's nice to be anon. BY THE WAY, I know that all these polls are dumb and I agree that Adam should be "past" them, but I vote anyway. The Idol of the Month may go to James (ugh) but oh well. HOWEVER, I wish the polls did NOT have comment sections! What hate! What vitriol! What name-calling! Your vote on a poll should be the end of it! Comments on these polls are so terrible and hateful and serve no purpose. JMO.

Anonymous said...

There are a few trolls on 24/7 but it's nothing compared to other sites that I frequent. Yahoo is a huge site and it has MILLIONS of trolls and disgusting bigots who talk a lot of shit about minorities and gay people. Youtube too.....

I'm just glad we don't have to deal with those homophobia. I get disgusted when I read those comments from Youtube, yahoo etc.

It sucks that the admins are stressed about this though. This is a very friendly site. I come here for all Adam news. I hope the trolls don't ruin it for all of us.

Anonymous said...

The only polls that are really important is the fuse Adam vs. Bruno and MMVA which only Canadians can vote by watching IIHY mv. I don't know what faxo is all about. To me it's a waste of time to have Adam as an Idol of the month. Adam has past Idol. He is a superstar. We have to promote him as a superstar. So vote on fuse and MMVA. Adam even retweeted about MMVA promoted by RCA.

Also, call your radio stations to play IIHY or Aftermath Remix as summer songs to keep Adam under their radar.

Anonymous said...

Russian Glamberts Rock! Today is a new day. I'm going to fill it with positive thoughts for Fan4fun,P.A.S.who also has been battling health problems, Adam,all the caring fans on this site and our accomodating administrator. To those that are passionate about the polls, I vote when I see the links, but to those that don't, that's fine too. Moderation works for me and to each his own. Bottom line, we love and support Adam each in our individual way. It's all good. I choose not to give anyone the power to spoil my day. ;) funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Canadian Glamberts, vote for Adam for a 2nd win of MMVA by watching IIHY mv here:

All Glamberts, vote for Adam on fuse t.v. here:

Anonymous said...

@ HH, Thanks for doing your best to translate. You always have beautiful, thoughtful things to say. I wish I had better foreign language skills and try to remember new words. I feel very connected to the many fans here from other countries and feel it is a special privilege for all of us to share our same support and love for Adam. He's brought all of us together in a beautiful way. Look how much we care for Fan4fun and others here that have gone thru' difficult times and our support for Charity Water. When someone is tech challenged like me, someone will always come to the rescue. We enjoy many Adam links that so many of you provide, taking much of your time. I appreciate you all so much. Most of us have never met face to face, but we are a special community that's caring and good. Thankyou...funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The next and last fuse battle of the fans is going to be fun. Our Adam vs Michael Jackson. It starts in about an hour. VOTE FOR ADAM BECAUSE GLAMBERTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE THE BEST FANS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to get sidetracked, off topic. Adam is so supportive of other artists and isn't afraid to say so. He's confident in his own talent and there is room for all. I like Bruno Mars alot. He doesn't have the unique ability to sing the many genres like Adam, but who can? Bruno has a very distinctive mellow sound that is very pleasing and is a talented songwriter. I have his cd, but there are only 3 songs that I really care about. As someone posted above, they stick in your head. I also like Adele. Adam turns us on to new artists and older ones like Muse. I'm not enthralled by all of his choices, as we all have our personal tastes, but he has me listening to music again! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I like Bruno too, but I haven´t bought his cd because, as you say, there are 2 or 3 songs you like. FYE is uniqe in that sense. ALL songs are good, they are potential hits all of them and they grow as you listen to them. It´s a shame that music reviewers didn´t listen with unbiased ears. They saw American Idol runner up, and they knew it was shit. That was the case in Sweden anyway.


Fan4fun said...

@ Glamily in Paradise

I really have no words, I'm just beyond smitten... I thought only sweet Adam could do this to me, but after so many lovely messages I've got from you all about my job loss at Hell's Kitchen for supporting my gay co-workers boys, my illness at the hospital (I guess 13 days now, I've lost the way!) and after so many «Happy Birthdays» to me, when I'm still in bed and under hard medication... oh, boy! Thank you everyone, thank you so much! (I'm a freak, thanks for loving me, you're doing perfectly) you are the best people I've ever «met» around the world, indeed! Sweet Adam+Sauli would be so proud of us all!

Sorry, I've rules to follow here. It's almost 10PM, time to turn lights off. Tomorrow I'll tell you my wonderful day today, the 2 BIG surprises I had: a moving one from Icon and a hilarious one from the golden couple of sweet boys I've been honored to support.
Again, thank you everyone, from the bottom of my «dilated» heart.

All right, sweet nurses, bring your needles, my veins are all yours. Please, be nice to me, will you? It's my birthday!!!

A question: Is tomorrow (June 16) P.A.S. Birthday or I've just dreamed of it? I told you... I've lost the way.

Adamluv said...

@Fan4fun . a big Happy Birthday to you on this most special day. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Dear Fan4fun, Hope you don't spring a leak from all the punctures! Adam news scarce! Think he must be laying low until you recover! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

like only the voice of adam lambert -bruno mars the phil guy hes ok only.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Filipino Canadian and proud that Bruno is half Filipino. His voice is really good for those people who likes simple and pleasant to hear this type of voice. Adam style of music is really different and beyond unbelievable to listen. He is like a magnet and you can't resist.... It's craziness I don't know how to describe him anymore... He is magnificent indeed!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day @Fan4fun and I hope you are feeling better and betterer each day!!;))

Adam is ALWAYS gorgeous!!!

(*,*) Bess

Anonymous said...

I believe in freedom of speech and with that comes some idiot comments, but hey,what the blazes does it matter. If you know Adam and support him to the max you can withstand all the gunk, because there is also a hell of lot of super positives on the site. You can't win them all.

Anonymous said...

okey, lets discuss adam's recent tweets do you think it was necessary to RT message: who the fu*k bill kaulitz is? do we see little ego on adam and " im better than him" from adam to bill..?

Glitz and Sparkles said...

RE: Bruno - real name is Peter Hernandez (Filipino/Puerto Rican) - from Hawaii. We remember him as a child performer doing Elvis. Of course we support our Hawaiian entertainers ... BUT love Adam so much more!!!

Anonymous said...

I think most of these polls are unimportant in the scheme of things. The important ones present awards or acknowledge some aspect of a performer's career. Adam is doing fine in his career so far and his fans support him by buying his cd, his GNT dvd or going to his concerts. I am sure by now that Adam has learned to ignore most of the negative comments that have been said or written about him. He is confident, smart ,articulate and will defend what is important to him and correct misinformation. Adam has made me want "to listen to music again" and just to want to get up and dance(even if it is around the house).

Anonymous said...

Love the hair.....the higher the hair ...the

closer you are to heaven!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam supports many artists. Love Bruno but adore Adam.