Adam Lambert at the Turf Club Last Night 6/19/11
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, June 20, 2011
Posted at : Monday, June 20, 2011
Adam in Turf Club in San Diego singing Tears for Fears and Rolling Stones with his dad on Father´s Day.

SOURCE: @Cbodina
Thanks Eva for the tip!

SOURCE: @Cbodina
Thanks Eva for the tip!
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Great seeing what he's up to. Thx for the pics.
Ooooh! Maybe I'm early enough to comment on this thread that I'll catch:
@Fan4fun +
@coloforadam +
@justpeachy +
I've been so late to the party lately that none of you seem to have found my comments to you on the How Much Would it Cost to Book Adam thread. Some of them were answers to questions you had, so here's the link if needed:
Ooops, I was in such a hurry to post that I didn't double check that old thread again first.
So @tess4adam, I just now found your recent reply. Here is the link to what you wanted:
everybody looks so calm with him there. If I was there I probably would have been kicked out for making a fool of
@coloforadam, here's the original link with the answer to your "how to get twitpic links to work every time" question too:
(or for anyone else who ever has trouble getting them to work every time)
How sweet Dadbert day for both of them! Adam looks a good looking San Diegan fella singing karaoke in a local bar.
Adam should open up his own club. that way he don't have to go everywhere to find a good mixed drink.
Lucky people hearing Adam's beautiful voice without having to pay ticket He looks gorgeous, that jacket is awesome.
What a great son. From a loving family to a kind, generous, loving son he became. Love the relationship he has with his folks. He looks great. Love his hair. Looks like it isn't as high as before, and back to black w/o highlights. He always looks great as we all know.
@ Anon. 10:36AM
Wherever sweet Adam open his own club some day, it would be great for me to find there, fixed on the main entrance door:
@ sweet Sweetie
Going to check it out after my dinner. Hospital rules, you know?!
OT.. @ Fan4fun, Glad to see you here. Hope you'll be going home soon and you're feeling better. funbunn40
Appreciate the pics of Adam and glad he and Eber were together on Dads day. Wonder if Neil was able to be there. Last I heard, he was in NY. Eber also has a favorite bar where the bartender has fun things going on, but don't know if this is the same one.Can you imagine going into a kareoke bar and seeing Adam singing? He looks like a regular guy here,except for being drop dead handsome! funbunn40
Is that Eber on the piano?
Do you think this was a private party?
Same question, is that Eber on piano? Nice way to spend Father's Day. Probably so, I believe the man has many talents. Adam is very down to earth, so why not pick up the mic and sing. It's a hoot and all good.
Not good idea for Adam to open his own nightclub. Think Johnny Depp and Joaquin Phoenix.
@ funbunn40
Have you seen my/HH/GGD Gal comments in the thread «New Pictures: Adam Lambert Grabbing Lunch at Gjelina...»??????
BTW, today I'm feeling a little better...or at least I WAS until they took me away to bombard me with X-Rays and have got a half of my blood to analyse it. Fucking Vampire Nurses!Lol
@JAK,Ronnie,Caught the glam-love ball,fumbled it for a few days[real life happening,my ex-son-in-law passed away & some threads got nasty]]but have caught the glamball,alas it is late, it took a wrong turn,avoiding the hate.Now all is on track, no more hateful replies,24/7 stepped up and we're back in Adam paradise.Ronnis started the game, with love and good thinkin',so now I'll pass it on to our sistah, Daydreamin'! funbunn40
Oops typo, Ronnie. funbunn40
What a TREAT for Adam's Dad and for the patrons who were so lucky to be there on that day & time!!!
That's not Eber playing the piano. Eber is stockier and not fond of tatts. Glad Adam is still able to have normal time in public without being mobbed, unless they closed it to the general public, being Sunday, and just accommdated Eber and his close friends. funbunn40
Though I want Adam's success I hope it never comes to that.......having to close a place so he can go there in peace. I think that was the ruination of Elvis....closing a theater so he and his friends could go, a park so he could take his child for a fairground pony ride, an entire store so he could shop. What kind of life would that be? I should think you'd feel like an animal in a cage.
You're right, never saw any tatts on Eber's arms.
OT...@ Fan4fun, Glamshit!###, to use your fave word! Need to get a fatter candle!I know you have a big heart, but this is ridiculous, unless thinking of our Diamond boy and Sauli are giving you an adrenaline rush! I know they make my b/p go up and my thyroids been out of whack. I don't have any more hormones, as they took out the crib, but left the playpen a long time ago. I just returned from the other thread. At least you were able to see heroic Icon and assure him you were just going to be temporarily away. Hang in there. We're all thinking of you and sending you love and healing thoughts! If those x-rays are really good, maybe they'll send the films to Hollywood, make you become a film star and be in a movie with Adam! Just a fun fantasy for you,Diamond Girl! funbunn40
@ Sweetie
I did go there behind, dear... in your comment here above are you talking about the book «The Secret»? If so, thanks a lot for the tip, but several months ago I couldn't find it here in original version(?) English. What a surprise?! In Azores the only original thing you really can find wherever you go is SIX to NINE COWS «per capita»!!!
When I'm back home I'll probably buy «The Secret» from Internet.
OT...@JAK, Did you see post above re: glamball? Finally got to pass it on. Agree, the isolation that Elvis and MJ had to endure was inhuman and so isolating. I would hate that to happen to him. JFK Jr also tried his best to try to live among everyday people in NY and the papps made his life with his new wife miserable. A celebrity should not have to be required to work 24 hrs a day, period. It's cruel and inhumane to hound people to death[literally]If you have the chance for a date night with hubby and are feeling up to it, try to see Woody Allen's movie, "Midnight in Paris." It references many icons of the 1920s, Hemingway, Cole Porter,Dali, Gertrude Stein, etc. A friend brought it tomy attention. Haven't seen it yet, but plan to, if not in theatre[which was recommended because of Paris scenery]will get it on DVD. tho' theatre is preferable.I think you, like me and the other seasoned posters on this site will appreciate the characters, even tho' it's still ahead of our time.Hope you're having a good day! funbunn40
If I had been at the club, I probably would have been half laying on the piano drooling... haha
Saw Midnight in Paris last night, very good. Adrian Brody was hilarious as Dali.
There was an Examiner article with a few more pics, and they all seemed to say or at least imply that it was Eber in the photos, but it doesn't look like him.
So nice to see Adam is so close to his parents > Off the subject tho I would really like to see just one "RAKASTAN" to u know who .
Glad you were able to pass on and continue Ronnie's game. Yes, we had some rough days I hope things will stay settled down, it's a lot more fun. I've read good reviews of Midnight in Paris, it sounds good to me and Paris is one of my favorite cities.....especially at night! I may ask my daughter to wheel me in and see the film with me........she has good memories of Paris, my husband not so much. A pickpocket got his wallet on the metro! We spent a half day in police station making reports. Though he did get a good look at several chic looking prostitutes while we were there! They don't really arrest them just bring them in and detain them.......till a lawyer springs them. Ah Paris!
ditto, my purse was once stolen out my bag on the Paris metro too. Love the city though.
Is that the same jacket that Adam wore for his first performance on the AI big stage with Michael Jackson's "Black or White"?
Here's a tweet from Dadbert re: Adam's surprise visit to him:
milestougeaux Surprise Fathers Day visit from Adam. Listened to demos,hit Turf Club to see piano bar friend JD, scotch & 3-way philosophical debate til 2
OT: Wow! I guess I better watch my step. Actually leaving for Paris in 10 days. SO EXCITED! My 17 yr old doesn't even know we're flying into Paris. She thinks we're going straight to Germany where her dad works. Can't wait to see her face cause she's always dreamed of going.
Can't wait to see if anyone was able to get videos of this. Surely someone did in this techno age. Will be impatiently waiting.
Ooi....8:15 PM
Not the same jacket....collar is different....
two threads up, Billboard 20 Great Gay,etc. is the jacket he wore singing Black or White.
Hey Sweetie!
Checked out that thread again at your urging. Yeah, you'd think he would do better. He was at the big to-do called Country Crossing (now defunked due to huge gambling trial involving the owner). People didn't have a whole lot to say other than he was still talking about his dead wife. A mention here, a mention there, I can understand. But people said he explained to the audience how much "this song or that song" reminded him of her. I understand he loved her, but it was downright depressing.
Yes, had to come back from Hawaii, unfortunately. I loved it and I miss it terrible. We were supposed to be there for a year for my husband's job, but his fickle company decided they need him in Germany more. I've lived in the SE all my life with the exception of the 4 months I was priveledged to live on Oahu, and I am homesick for there. What a beautiful, tranquil, advanced, laid-back oasis out in the Pacific Ocean. It's truly an international crossroads. If Adam had been able to spend more time there, they may have been able to persuade him to move there.
Fan4fun - I've been a little slow on the uptake lately on here. So sorry you had to spend your birthday in the hospital. Praying that all is well with you now, as I have no idea what was/is wrong. Sounds like you've had a tough time, so my prayers are for your recovery. Take care.
P.S. Tried to find Glitz&Sparkles when in HI, but no luck. If you read this, Aloha fellow Glamfriend.
I don't know if you've been to Paris before but if not and you plan to hit an art museum....your daughter would probably like the Musee d'Orsay
better than The Louvre. It is on the Left Bank of the Seine across from The Tuileries Gardens.
It has the Post Impressionists, Van Gogh, Gaugin,
Monet, Manet, Renoir, Toulouse Latrec.
The Louvre, while magnificent, has rooms and rooms of religious paintings and lots of gigantic paintings of chubby women!!!!The sculptures, however, are magnificent....Winged Victory and Venus de Milo.
Do both if you have lots of time and really good feet!!!
Sorry for ranting....I think I was a travel agent in a former life! Hope your daughter loves Paris, my two did.... You lucky girls!
Watch out for pickpockets, they are really fast and good and often kids!
OT...I've never been to Paris, but my parents had been several times. My Dad was pickpocketed their first trip and my mom got in trouble for not having francs, just American dollars for the pay toilet at the Louvre. Another woman had the same dilema and they asked another if they would hold open the door and they would get francs from their husband when they went upstairs. An attendant started screaming and called the gendarmes. My Dad laughed, which my mother didn't appreciate,generously paid the fee and then some. I envy all that have had the privilege of seeing Paris and am excited for you, Just Peachy and your daughter! Have a wonderful, safe trip!!! My mother also got her purse stolen in Italy while looking at a tray of cameos. They were very careful after their losses. funbunn40
Off Topic again:
Just a tip...for traveling and for thwarting pickpockets. I always keep my important items: Passport, other ID, some local money, a credit card, etc. in a thin, hidden pouch, under my clothes, away from the pickpockets. My other, small "visible" purse contains only a little local cash for incidental purchases, maps, make-up etc..So if someone steals my purse/bag, the joke's on them. There are also special "travel purses" etc., with special metal wire reinforced straps that are very resistant to those professional thieves who carry small clippers to cut purse/bag straps and run with the bag. Visit any travel store or REI for these practical and necessary items. Travel specialty stores have all sorts of amazing little items designed for travel, worth a look.
@ justpeach
Thank you so much for your care about my health!
I hope you have lots of fun and a very nice trip but I'd feel really grateful if, on the way to Paris, you could stop in SĆ£o Miguel-Azores to pick me up and give me a ride! The airport is very close to the hospital, I can see it (and the planes) from my window!!!! And if you go 8 more blocks to my house to pick up and give a ride to my GlamberCAt Icon too, you wouldn't have to worry about the pickpockets... Icon has been acting LIKE A TRUE DOG (a Dogbert) lately. Lol
@Fan4fun, I'm glad you found it....yes,the recommendation of Adam's favorite non-fiction book The Secret that is such a good stress-buster (and easy to find on the internet)......and particularly just wanting you to know I'd been gone and didn't know you were in the hospital. I wanted you to have LOTS of good wishes even if they were quite belated. And I want to hear all about my nephew Icon's heroic deeds in saving your life! (If it's already on another thread, will you tell me which one?) I'm so glad you have free health care!
I hope you got my belated Happy Birthday wishes too (forgot which thread that was).
MANY MORE GOOD WISHES to you to feel better and better!
@justpeachy, ohhhhhh, I wish you could have stayed sounds quite wonderful!
And I wish you could have met Glitz&Sparkles while you were there too! It sounded like you both were close to making that happen at one point, and I was excited for you. I haven't seen her on here in ages. I'd love to hear from all the original regulars in our Glamily.
Glad to see you back here even if you don't sill live in paradise!
@ Sweetie
A few more days and I'll be back home from the hospital (I hope). Icon will be glad to tell all of you, in his own words, how so «DOGbertfully» he saved my life.
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OT...@JAK, Did you see post above re: glamball? Finally got to pass it on. Agree, the isolation that Elvis and MJ had to endure was inhuman and so isolating. I would hate that to happen to him. JFK Jr also tried his best to try to live among everyday people in NY and the papps made his life with his new wife miserable. A celebrity should not have to be required to work 24 hrs a day, period. It's cruel and inhumane to hound people to death[literally]If you have the chance for a date night with hubby and are feeling up to it, try to see Woody Allen's movie, "Midnight in Paris." It references many icons of the 1920s, Hemingway, Cole Porter,Dali, Gertrude Stein, etc. A friend brought it tomy attention. Haven't seen it yet, but plan to, if not in theatre[which was recommended because of Paris scenery]will get it on DVD. tho' theatre is preferable.I think you, like me and the other seasoned posters on this site will appreciate the characters, even tho' it's still ahead of our time.Hope you're having a good day! funbunn40
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