Gay Marriage
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, June 19, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, June 19, 2011
Adam Lambert tweeted a quote by liz Feloman and offered his own opinion on Gay Marriage. For those who don't know, New York senators are voting on Gay Marriage next week. They need one more vote for the bill to pass. If you live in New York,
it's very important that you call or email your senator and tell them to vote for marriage equality in New York.
New Yorkers, calls these lawmakers HERE, particularly if you are one of their constituents, and urge them to support passage of the bill to pass gay marriage.

Adam Lambert on WhoSay
"Exactly. If we want to progress as a society we have to begin to focus on how we are the same and not how we're different." - Adam Lambert
it's very important that you call or email your senator and tell them to vote for marriage equality in New York.
New Yorkers, calls these lawmakers HERE, particularly if you are one of their constituents, and urge them to support passage of the bill to pass gay marriage.

Adam Lambert on WhoSay
"Exactly. If we want to progress as a society we have to begin to focus on how we are the same and not how we're different." - Adam Lambert
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I don't know how I did it but I just read all these great facebook messages.I too love Adam's tweet.Come on NY do the right thing.
Hmm, I wonder if Adam is thinking about getting married? Where is that Sauli anyway? We are anxious to see you come back to USA!
Well, because having lunch or parking your car doesn't involve sex!
I still don't get how anyone would care about the sex life of another person..
You're missing the point. 'Gay' doesn't always involve sex, just like 'straight'.
I'm frantically trying to think if I know anyone in NY. P.A.S. and her husband? You would think a state of such diversity as New York would do the right thing. Oh wait, my daughter's former best friend moved to NY and he's gay so that's 2 calls...he and his partner. I just wish this whole wall would tumble down and there wouldn't have to be this state by state struggle. Equal rights should mean equal.....because it's right!
I don't know if I am correct to say attention pertaining to gay rights matters seems to have somewhat escalated after Adam appeared on the scene in a big way. I know the gay rights issue has been on-going. Yes, I too hope the marriage equality bill be passed in New York.
-Lam my
This reminds of the satire, Animal Farm :
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell
-Lam my
I do believe that Adam has been instrumental in giving this issue more focus. I certainly have heard positive news lately regarding gay rights. It is a human rights issue. Everyone deserves happiness and to share a life with someone with all the benefits and legalities marriage offers. If religious folks are supposed to be loving, how could they deprive people of this right? People are gay, straight, white, black, short, tall, etc. It is how you are born. Everyone deserves equality!
Yes, gay or straight basically refers to who you are attracted to, not whether you like broccoli or not, or prefer to use a parkade.
Anyway, I still don't see why it matters one way or the other..
10:41 I do somehow feel that a big change did come along with the presence of Adam, I noticed this a long time ago. The way he carries himself and is so non issue about how he presents himself, he just is! As we all are equal, we all are of the family of man. Why can't people see this! We are all God's children, or whatever higher power you believe in. But the fact is we are all one. And 10:55 I totally agree with you as well...........
I agree with those who said Adam's presence kinda helped the gay issues in this country. I also think Lady Gaga had a big impact too. She helped with the end to DADT and she tweeted about gay marriage yesterday.
OT Gaga performed tonight at the Much Music video awards and actually wore clothes! Blue hair complete with blue armpit and pubic hair haha. Of course, by the 2nd verse, she was down to just her bra, same old same old..
I like Liz Feloman's rather unique quote on the issue of gay marriage..."not gay lunch; didn't gay park..."
I also like Adam's quote a lot!
-Lam my
Anon 10:23 I remember Adam has sometimes said that marriage is not for him but if you want to get married it's right that you can get married. Sauli is in Finland. He said that he would be in Finland for 3 - 4 weeks and has now been 3 weeks.
Flower is flower. Black is black. White is white. Yellow is yellow.
Straight is straight. Gay is gay. Wind blows equally.
Be natural, be free.
I think Adam has helped a little bit, but is not well known to the general public yet, but I do believe he will have a definite impact in the future. I also think the "It Gets Better" video campaign has helped, among other things. The gay teen suicides really got a lot of press and I think drew attention to basic human rights and dignity as well. I am also guessing that the outspokenness of the far right has actually given others new resolve to let love and basic human rights be the focus. The belief that gay marriage would somehow "undermine" or endanger "traditional" marriage is understood by more and more to be groundless and ridiculous, and just plain B.S. I recently heard the one (also B.S). that gay marriage "endangers children" because they would have only one "biological" parent ( which is scientifically impossible, for one thing)....Makes no sense whatsoever..... For example, my son is adopted, has two biological birth parents and two adoptive parents..As long as they are loved, it doesn't matter..The arguments "against" gay marriage are falling, one by are the arguments against other basic human rights.
@12:11 AM
When Adam said that marriage is not for him, he didn't know that he'll fall in love with an European. Marriage would be the easiest way for Sauli for staying permanently in US.
If Sauli were a woman, there wouldn't be any problems. Equal rights???!!!
@ 10:23 PM
I guess Sauli likes to celebrate the Midsummer Day (Friday this week) in Finland. Wish that Adam could join him and then they could get back to LA together.
On Midsummer Day the sun will shine 24 h. No sundown, no night.
All above have echoed my thoughts. Adam's visibility as a human being makes the label gay or straight inconsequential. It's not what defines him and it shouldn't define anyone else. Adam once said that media, movies, music, etc. is geared only to heterosexuals and growing up, it was isolating, with little of which to identify. It struck a chord in me, realizing how hurtful that would be as a teen, for all love stories and songs never being about same sex couples.It's really sad, and that's only a fraction of the separeteness that still exists. I think Adam being so open and happy with who he is, dispels alot of preconceived notions about gays being from a different species or another planet! The only thing IMHO that separates Adam from the masses is his gigantic talent, heart and unusually kind and accepting nature. I think Adam already has had a huge impact on many that have had little interaction or personal knowledge of gays, finally getting the message that they just want happiness and the same basic rights that all deserve. funbunn40
I see DARK RED at the moment. I saw RED in 2008 when Norway had the same election, which THANK GOD went thru. January 1. 2009 we got the "gender neutral marriage" for gay folk.
It is embarrassing to VOTE for human rights. It´s no Adam vs Bruno Mars thing.
Anyway, must calm down, pray for God and wish that the New Yorkers vote with their hearts!!
Adam Lambert isn't a spokesperson for gay rights. he said this before. He is a singer who wants to entertain everyone which means no specific gender or sexuality. The press seems to put him out there as a spokesperson. It should be about the music which matters most to him.
Adam has heterosexual crushes. it isn't no big deal. He watches heterosexual television and movies. He has heterosexual friends and has heterosexual thoughts himself. He has said get past the differences and look at how we are all the same and the world could get along.
Sex is so taboo. isn't it?
Every decision in life has a consequence and I live by it. We all will answer for the decisions we have/will make in life. We should sit and weigh the pros and cons of those decisions. I don't believe in jumping off a cliff because everyone else does it. I would rather be in control of my own decisions and not have someone else decide for me. Alot of people are followers and not leaders. You see this in everyday life. It's pretty sad actually. There is no positive anymore. Decisions have an eternal consequence.
4:19 AM
He is not a spokesman but he is interested in this issue. Why else would he tweet and express his thoughts about it? He is a musician, so music is the most important thing, but it's not the only thing that fills his life.
anon 4:36 he is interested in the issue but his music is his main focus. that is what he will always say. It isn't that deep.
Adam has alot of fans who love his voice but are against his lifestyle. it's true. He has to make music that appeal to the ears of all sexualities and he knows this. I personally support musicians for their voice and not for what they do in the bedroom. Music and Sexuality will always go hand in hand. You can't really have one without the other.
Adam has alot of heterosexual fans. How will he deal with this? As a proud gay man with bicurious thoughts how will he keep making music without excluding anyone? He will have to keep the audience interested if he wants longevity in the business. I think the For Your Entertainment video was very bisexual and it was to keep all sexualities interested. He's a very wise man.
We had a tempest blow through town last evangelical tent meeting decided to march to the university where there was a LGBTQ
fund raiser going on..............well prepared with their usual signs "Your soul is black with sin.....What Would Jesus Do?" etc.
The LGBTQ speaker, a tiny girl about 5' tall very quietly said "Jesus would tell you to go home and mind your own business and let us talk to him on a one to one basis about the condition of our souls". They hung around awhile hoping for a fight then got bored and slunk back to their tent. Will this ever end? Not in my lifetime I'm afraid.
4.57 - would you also ask a heterosexual man how he will keep making music without excluding anyone? Why should Adam have to deal with it?
During the last months I realised that he has started to address social issues and equal rights.
I don't think Adam is interested in "fans" who do not accept him as a whole person. Like he has said "I am not for everyone".
Adam's voice is his most powerful weapon, use wisely to eradicate the people's fear. It takes a lot for gay marriage to come round. Love you!
If you look at Adam's response, above, his focus is not just on the gay/straight issue. He has cast the net a lot wider and further. I like his quote a lot. He is addressing society as a whole not just the gay/straight issue, though that is pivotal. He says if we want to progress as a society, we need to look beyond our differences and focus more on how we are the same. And I have remarked in an earlier comment how his fans all around the world behave the same way towards him. Later, I was pleasantly surprised when he said something to this effect in an interview.
-Lam my
4:50 - RE: "Fans who are against his lifestyle?"
By "lifestyle" are you referring to Adam's innate, sexual orientation?
That makes as much sense as "being against" someone's race, or gender, or nationality, or the color of their eyes, or the size of their nose.
These so-called "fans" are ignorant bigots who are not worthy of kissing the ground Adam walks on, let alone dictating the music he makes.
I thought this would be all OT but it´s not. It´s from Maxidrom WLL.
Perhaps you´ve seen this before, but look again and now at the audience!
Watch that man in a yellow bandana standing with a bunch of other dudes, probably metal rockers or hard rock fans. He is totally into it.
Look how he´s holding his head like he´s thinking: OMG What the f**k is THAT?!
Look how he and his friend to the left look at each other when Adam hits his glory notes. These are straight men in RUSSIA accused of being homphobes and bigots. Perhaps they are, but after this concert I swear some of them will think differently.
The bandana guy "got" Adam. You can clearly see that. It´s this sort of thing that makes my heart sing. (Look I´m a poet):-D
The misconception that you can change a gay guy to become straight seems to still be in people's heads. Listen to the GaGa....and
...'Born This Way'...ADAM is gay and proud and
that should be the right of everyone without discrimination of any kind.Education is the key.
Acceptance, tolerance, love and honesty are among some of the values Adam believes in and in so doing teaches us, his fan base, to do so too. I, for one, have really opened my eyes to the gay issue since becoming "obsessed" with Adam. I consider him a very wise, intelligent human being, and of course, a mega talented and fantastic performer. I believe Adam has had a huge impact on a small segment of society because he is in the limelight all the time and, therefore, so is his lifestyle. I have come to accept it without any hesitation now because Adam is all about love and shows it so easily and honestly. It is easy to accept. So it is for other gay or lesbian partners because of the love they share with each other. I truly hope the gay marriage issue passes this week in New York and eventually will be a non-issue in our country as a whole.
@ CT beautifully stated. I agree with all you wrote. Adam is a wonderful role model just by being comfortable with who he is. He has such a loving and pure spirit that he has made me a more open person. I am hoping this gets passed in N.Y. and though out the whole country. It is about human rights for everyone!
sorry through not though out the whole country.
"Interested in this ISSUE"?? Come on! This issue = human rights. And it is no lifeSTYLE to be gay either.
Adam makes his music, loves his guy, spends time with people who appreciate him, is true and honest with his words. He said he is doing his best, day by day. And when he sees injustice he tweets about it. He is very open and fearless to us and the media. He is not for everyone and doesn´t have to be. No one is. This all is the reason I love this man. The whole package!
The "issue" word did not concern you, but some other opinion up there!
OT: but I post it here since it´s the most recent post.
Adam in Turf Club in SD singing Tears for Fears and Rolling Stones with his dad on Father´s Day
The vid from Moscow was hot&heavy!!!!
Geez what a man he is. What a voice!!!
Thanks Ronnie. :D Now we want videos from that club in San Diego.
It will be cool to hear Adam sing Rolling in the deep. Adele is one of his favorite singer lately and so do I. Hope someone take a video.
Anon 5:48am
All Adam said was that we as a society need to focus on "how we are the same, not how we are different", and we had this interesting dialog that suddenly became about the opposite of that in some cases... about his music appealing to gay and/or straight..etc. What?
He isn't talking about music here, but about basic human rights. He isn't speaking as a musician, but as a human being who has the same desire that we all have, to live his life honestly and authentically, without condemnation by others, just because of who he loves. Its that simple. That was his heart speaking. Love is a universal language. Society sets the "rules" of who we may legally love: our hearts don't follow those rules. All that needs to be done is to re-think the rules to allow each heart to freely and openly love, and to declare that love, and to celebrate it.
Any fans of Gaga here? This is for you.
glitzylady, very well said.
Totally agree with you.
Misconception has been around since the date starting to count, here we are in 2011, the "issue" only be discussed for about 50yrs, openly for some countries in the last 20 years. Our brain need to unlock its mystery how that does to our mind. I think most of us here know Adam through his music first and then all his related news. Music always play an important role in communication in past revolutions. I wish my brain will think as clear as Adam but it takes time for some people.
Anon 5:48am
It was thoughtful of 24/7 to put that link up. I loved Adam's tweet. He can say alot in such few words.
anon 6:01 people love his voice but might not like the fact he is gay. it's reality!
to 8:38 I can't believe there are still people that think like you. The "matching parts" is one way to enjoy sex but not the ONLY way. By the way, many hetero couples enjoy some of the "other ways" as well.
God is not a man and hell is not a place. Our creator is the life force which unites all things.
Adam should focus on the music, that is what pays the bills. What he does in his bedroom is his business. The Music does matter in the end and should appeal to the ears of all races and sexualities.
Just curious, does Finland have a day in the winter where it stays dark all day? I didn't realize it was so far north. The 24 hr daylight sounds cool.
Human rights is an issue for everyone. Adam can be a musician, and Mr X can be a plumber but all live to make the world a better place.
6:01am Great comment!
Adam has definitely changed people's hearts. After AI, many new fans of Adam admitted that, after getting to "know" Adam on Idol, they actually changed their minds on their own prejudices. It's Adam's willingness to be himself and let people in, that has allowed people to SEE. Thank you Adam for being you.
Fan forever,
what a great comment @ 9:15am I will be saving it. very inspiring.
there's only a few people that really "know" Adam Lambert. Those are people in his close circles. Fans don't know him but they know his on stage persona. what a person is on stage is different when they come off. Role playing! look it up!
Interesting perspectives here. Here's mine. I've always been puzzled as to why some people are so threatened by homosexuality. It's like being threatened by people with big feet or brown eyes. Being gay has nothing to do with religion or the Bible or heaven or hell. It's a biological mystery that is yet to be understood. In the age in which we live, it's not about whether you intend to have children or not. It's not about what you DO sexually; it's about who who ARE inside. Gay people can be celibate their whole lives. It doesn't make them not gay. Straight people can be celibate their whole lives; it doesn't make them not straight. It's not about having sex. It's about who you're attracted to, and that's not something you can choose. How sad it must be for so many people to be not allowed to outwardly show physical and emotional love just because someone else says it's wrong. Love is so essential to happiness. I can't imagine denying others the right to express it openly and legally. As for gay marriage, well, straight people get married all the time for less than noble reasons, like getting someone into the country, pregnancy (sometimes noble), pleasing parents or family, coercion, fear. Lots of reasons. Straight marriage doesn't have a corner on the "sanctity of marriage" market by any means. People are people, for good and bad. Sexual orientation as absolutely nothing to do with it. We should be able to marry who we want.
@anon 8:38am - Just curious, how do you KNOW what God intended? I THINK God intended his creations to love one another period. God is love right? I think we can all agree on that.
Peace and love to all!
ha.ha this is beginning to sound like Adam's It gats Better video thread.They can really come out of the woodwork there.
alot of people need a good preaching. Some people are coward and won't speak up! If delusional thinking is getting hold of the human mind, then we are all going to be in a bad situation. Someone should stand up for what is the truth.
Thank you to 9:31 am for a beautifully written comment.
I grew up on a farm as did my parents and their parents. Every once in awhile there was a gay animal on the farm (different kinds). It was all part of life.
Do you really think God is some tough guy who would like to throw their cute furry bodies into eternal torture?
It seems the posters who claim to know Jesus perhaps do not really know this force of love at all.
I live just on the outskirts of Buffalo NY ... I am a Democrat ... nonetheless I called the Republic senator (swing vote) and told them that I wanted him to vote in FAVOR of the Gay Marriage Bill ... I also signed the Petition in FAVOR of it. I truly believe that this bill should be PASSED with an OVERwhelming MAJORITY!! Keeping GOOD thoughts that it WILL!! Love 'n Light
Way back in time prople didn't always get married. Marriages came to be for a male and a female to raise their kids in their own little boundaries so there would be less confusion. People today have a problem with the word MARRIAGE and not the equal rights part. Every human should have the same basic human rights. gay or straight. I think if someone would come up with a different word for the union of gay people, this would be more accepted. Then all can have the same responsibilites that go along with any family unions.
To the person posting offensive and homophobic comments:
There's no point in posting homophobic statements on this site. It will be deleted.
Sorry for those who have read that person's comments. Very uncalled for.
It's also pretty obvious that it's from the same person who trolled my site last week.
Please stop. Your comments are not funny or sarcastic. It is offensive and annoying. We do not allow hate in this blog.
If you would like to talk to me or let me know the reason why you are doing this to this blog, email me at lambertblogmail@yahoo. Thanks
THANK YOU Admin for deleting those disgusting comments. I can't believe anyone homophobic would be a fan of Adam. So strange.
If you're homophobic, why are you listening to Adam's music? His music is all about love and acceptance. If you're not going to accept Adam's lifestyle, then don't give us homophobic lectures on your BS. We don't want to hear it.
Sorry ... meant "REPUBLICAN" senator ... not 'Republic' ... in my previous post ..
tess4ADAM ... Total EQUALITY 4 ALL
So free speech is gone from this site. There was not one post that spouted hatred, just the opposite , love was universaly used. There were no disgusting comments. We all accept Adam for who he is, and love him.
11:01 - I think those comments were all posted by the same person. So I guess that's why the Admins deleted them. It's call TROLLING when someone posts something 10 times, spreading the same message.
Also, I read those comments before they were deleted. They were really nasty.
Anon @June 19 10:23, NOOOOOO! I don't want him to marry Sauli. I'm waiting for Adam to realize he really likes girls and marry me!
Just kidding.
But a girl sometimes can't help but dream!
Adam made alot of sense with his tweet and I appreciate him for it. Keep up the good work Adam.
I think the seven dwarfs and the smurfs are in on the trolling problem. throw in howdy doody for the hell of it.
If you continue to do this to this blog (Trolling, Spamming etc), I will report you to and they'll have your IP blocked.
I really believe we can talk this out. I don't want to have to resort to reporting. So if you will, please email me at and we'll talk things out.
Also, this blog allows free speech but not hate speech. That being said, your previous comments were deleted. And it will be if you continue donig this.
I hope you understand.
I think Stubby, Stuppey, Dopey, Drunkey, Crabby, Moody, and Bitchy is responsible for the trolling? Bozo is a conspirator.
This is a topic where discussion rarely changes anyone's mind. Some people cannot separate sexuality from religious beliefs. Nothing will change that for them, even the fact that many straight couples practice the same sex acts as gay couples. It has nothing to do with morality. Marriage is a touchy word, because it's so intertwined with church and weddings and the rituals of religion. But marriage doesn't have to be religious at all. It's a legal thing, not a religious one. You can get married at the county courthouse or in a parachute or on a teeter-totter, for that matter. If it's done legally, you're married. Many people get married for love, but many people get married for other reasons. It has nothing to do with religion. A wedding in a church is a separate, religous rite, but it still has to be legal, with a license, etc. In my opinion, gay people should be able to get married for the same reasons straight people get married.
Admins: There's NO reasoning with these people. I've tried ... but no use. Don't know what to say except ... Thank you for ADAM 24/7 ... for the most part we are ADAM fans LOVING ADAM & exchanging our input on most of the issues we discuss here ... ADAM's "TRUE" fans are trying to AVOID a war of WORDS ... I just scroll past the nasty comments! and only comment when I have something RELEVANT to say .. IMO ... don't bother with the 'trolls' ... IGNORE them & they'll go away!! This one time I shall be Anonymous ...
There are still way too many peeps that believe being gay is a lifestyle. It is not. Choosing to live in a big city or a small rural town or a farm is a lifestyle decision. Choosing to be married or single, having children or not are lifestyle decisions. You are born with your sexual orientation - it is not a choice! A lifestyle is a choice!!!! Good news - the United Nations, for the first time in their history, has just endorsed the rights of gay, lesbian and transgendered people by a vote of 23 - 19. The U.S./European Union/Brazil and other Latin American countries all voted "yes". Russia voted "no". Bad news - France just voted against marriage equality. ... Adamluv
thanks for the update Adamluv!!
Just watched Adam's It Gets Better video again. I always get tears in my eyes when he says - with all my fame and success I still get mean and disgusting tweets and remarks every day. It just hurts my heart to think of Adam being subjected to such hatefulness. He is such a good person. I hope the love and support of all his Glamberts will sustain him.
GAY people should be allowed to get married, Joan Rivers once said. Just because somebody's gay doesn't mean they shouldn't suffer like the rest of us.
There is such a deep, biological premise behind the whole hetero-homo panic. In my opinion, relgions are a kind of socio-survival guideline and when this all came down, there was a concern about whether there would be enough people to hold up civilization, thus we got freak outs on birth control, suicide, homosexuality, abortion, etc. Think we've fulfilled that destiny and then some - got PLENTY of people and now we can just be RATIONAL and celebrate each life for it's uniqueness and the wonder of being exactly who we are at this exact moment in time.......Can't we????
anonymous troll! that's funny!
As long as organized religions exist there will be prejudice, people of every faith think they are right and interpret their religious books as they wish and then think they can speak for God.
God must despair over what his creation has turned into!
Man acts like a bunch of wild ass uncaged animals so what's the point? No one wins! Everyone does pretty much what they want and lives with the consequences. There's no moral driven society anymore and that is why there is so much hate and crime. Love comes from loving the person you're born to be and not being influenced by others.
Lifestyle is an individual's way of life. that's what lifestyle means. Heterosexual and Homosexual is a way of life. I believe sexuality is more mental than physical.
I haven't been on site for a few days, under the weather. My hubby and I signed petition for gay marriage. The people as a State, are for it, according to a poll, but it has to pass in Albany ( State Capital, for those that don't know).
I can not comment on how I feel about this subject, because I can really get going , and I don't think you all want to read me ranting. I can only say that " we need to worry about our own SINS" because I know we don't have to pay for anyone elses. (for those that think it is a sin to be gay)
@Tess4Adam: When I was younger I had season tickets to the Bills. Love football. I am located near Utica.
@Fan4fun: God girl I hope you are getting better. I pray for you. A few threads back you wondered if it was my B'day, I was 68 on the 16th. You sounded better in your last post. Get well soon.
Contrary to the belief that homosexuality is not natural, it may have its natural beginning in the womb where round about the sixth week of gestation, the foetus takes on male or female orientation, due to hormones and enzymes. Somehow a small percentage remains intermediate. And if you want to call it a problem or worse still sin, then it is to a large extent a natural one. Sure, there is the nature versus nurture line of contention.
-Lam my
It is not so much a red banner day as a rainbow flag moment. Gays the world over should not be discriminated against, so says the United Nations in an historic moment, adopting a resolution supporting equal rights for gays. Did you hear that "Faggot" slurring sports stars and, yes, I am talking to you Tracey Morgan for whom this must be a bit of a 'stab in the heart'. But it is not just the law of the land; it is the understanding of the world. So if the United Nations can understand and facilitate such understanding...what is still wrong with this united nation known as the United States? Just how can we stand by the UN resolution without fully understanding the hypocrisy that still permeates this United...or not so united...States. We still have discrimination in the armed forces. (Sure, sure, committee after committee has to still weigh in on the ridding of DADT. Until then where are we?) Gay Weddings? Good for some in some states...intolerable to others in most states. This is simple discrimination. Let us learn from the resolution and have some truth in advertising for once. If we want to call ourselves the United States...can't we just be United? Really!?!
Adam said that one day he would like to get married. Just not anytime soon. I get that. Adam is smart. His parents divorced. I am sure he would want to make sure it would last.
@EVA, loved the reaction of yellow hat head and pals!
Marc, so true! I guess I will start saying I am from the UN-United States! Not just in equal rights but also for the two party system that NO longer works!
I find Marc Freden's write-up above soulful, with deep conviction. Noted the site.
-Lam my
@Marc Freden
Thanks for your comment posted above..(we have a bit of a celeb here it seems!) Agree completely with your statement. Will also check out your book and your blog. And just followed you on Twitter.
The US indeed still has a very long way to go in its support of equal rights for all. We've come a long way, but still have considerable work to do right here in the US. Even South Africa, which up until 1994 practiced Apartheid, the extreme racial segregation and severe discrimination of the non-white races of South Africa, legalized Gay Marriage in 2006. The US as a country, has yet to do that. Something to think about.
As a teen during the civil rights demonstrations I was shocked that so many adults believed that blacks were something less than human and non deserving of equal rights. I grew up in Chicago and the South to me was a scary, insane place to be, and uncivilized. It just wasn't logical or moral to treat people with such disrespect and hate. How could devout churchgoers support such hypocrisy and in my mind evil cruelty towards fellow human beings. The ignorance of those times still amazes me. Here we are, over 50 yrs later with the same misguided moral judgements of what is biologically determined. The ignorance is astounding and has no logic. As stated above, the word marriage may be a big part of the problem. If so, just call it a legal civil union and the parties can have their own private spiritual union. I know 2 devout churchgoers that have been together for 27 years, but are not married because it would put them in a higher tax bracket. It's all relative. I think our Creator put us here to understand and learn the true meaning of love in it's purest,most basic form. It's man that complicates and dictates what we should believe. Love is the most powerful word I've ever heard. If we truly loved there would be no war, greed,hate,fear, murder,etc. For me it's extremely simple and uncomplicated. God represents love for all living things. That's only my view with the information and life experiences I've had in my 70 years. We all have our own beliefs and individual paths to travel in life, for me it's always been trying to be what I feel God wants me to be and learn, aspiring to live by that one very powerful word. I respect everyones rights, beliefs and personal journey and am only sharing my thoughts. Religion is a comfort and way of life for many. If it is what guides you, that's your individual path. I've gone to many houses of worship and still do from time to time, but I still keep my own beliefs and walk my own path. Hopefully one day everyone will be seen as equally deserving of loving whomever they choose, free to build their lives and families as they see fit, without judgement or condemnation by fellow humans. Just my personal opinion, nothing more, with no offense meant towards anyone. Adam is a loving being, spreading joy and good energy. I believe he is deserving of loving whomever he chooses and being loved in return. Freedom of speech is informative. Self-grandisement and condemnation is hurtful. funbunn40
@ Marc Freden, Thankyou for your very insightful post and to all above for all of the heartfelt opinions. Discussion is good and we can always learn something new. The older I get, the more I realize I don't know. The US is more hung up on being right than each party coming together to solve the monumental problems. Power and greed are key motivaters in both parties." Meanwhile, Rome is burning while the politicians fiddle."[a little poetic license] Thanks ADMIN. for monitoring so well. Didn't intend to be so lengthy. funbunn40
Musicians aren't politicians. They can't tell people who they are or what they should be. Self love and acceptance comes from within. We were all born unique and we should embrace that. Musicians sing but shouldn't preach. Let the preacher preach!
Talking about ignorance. cough*
@ funbunn40
That's my Diamond Voice of Wisdom!!!!! Ditto!
people should login under the name ANONYMOUS TROLL!
where's everybody? AT***
Adam doesn't preach, if that's whom you are referring to; he usually responds to tweets, comments etc; in this particular case to Liz Feloman's quote. Also, even little children are able to 'preach' in their own unique and innocent ways. You can be 'preached' anywhere, even by animals. Not necessary from just professional preachers.
-Lam my
Musicians preach, but not talking about Adam. all comments are taken out of context here! I see why people login anonymous. It is obvious! alot of people ride in on an anonymous trolly!
I don't see the need for anonymous posts here or anywhere else. You could post under a pseudonym and get the same results ... you'd still be anonymous inasmuch as we still wouldn't know who you are even if you were to post under the name Marilyn Monroe or Joe DiMaggio ... you're still an unknown entity regardless. I use a name tag but it's not my real name ... just someone more easily recognizable if someone wished to address me/my comment. JMO
I wanna lay the Lamb! zsa zsa gettmore$$$
the bible thumping comments were erased. why was that? TASKMA******
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