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Adam Lambert's Interview with Cosmopolitan Russia

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 2, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, June 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit I have to keep reminding myself that I started this Adam experience wanting to be his Grandma......that's my story and I'm sticking to it!..............JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Is this video working for you? This pic is the only thing I can view. It´s a good pic but it would be nice to hear him talk.


Anonymous said...

After I clicked on the video, I had to wait several minutes before I could watch it. It kept stopping, so I just waited and finally I could watch the entire interview - no problem. Good interview, by the way.

Anonymous said...

This is a test............when you first noticed the boo boo on his elbow (as we all did immediately) was your first thought "I hope he put some polysporin on that?".................
Ah Hah!.....he is being over-mothered! :-) JAK

Anonymous said...

Now it worked.
If you compare Adam with the other performers.....No, on second thought, don´t do that!

Anonymous said...

I watched Adam with Cosmo girl from yt, he looks great! What I noticed is that he must've given this interview after he performed cuz his voice sounded a lil worked up . Drink some hot tea with some Russian vodka Adam, you'll feel better bb!!
He loves beautiful women! Well Adam dear, we're all beautiful, no matter if we're young, old, makeup , no makeup, skinny , pleasingly plump, with or without abs, the "woman" being is beautiful! & yes I am beautiful cuz I am woman!!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Loved this interview. He is so funny!
Really liked his comment about how people in all of the different countries are still very similar.

And JAK, no, my first thought wasn't about polysporin...

Dinah-mite said...

OK, can I just say how effin #REAL he is? Always so open and so damn natural... I LUV his singing voice, but his speaking voice is also so smooth...
He handles all interviews with such finesse. He's just a delight period!

End of story.

Anonymous said...

Now we have the mystery to the reason for the key tatoo...maybe. :)

I love how Adam stresses how much people are alike from around the world...that there is a sameness that should be focused on, and how we will all be better for it if we look at they ways in which we are alike. He is an old soul and such a positive inspiration.

Love the "whatta ya want from me"...and then that very last expression.

@JAK 9:10AM You go ahead and stick with THAT story. :) LOL


Anonymous said...

Ok it's now 6 pm in Russia and we need some peeps near the hotel for pictures. I don't think I can stand day without Saulibert news..

Anonymous said...

A Tampa radio station just tweeted this! :)

Uhhh not sure if this is out yet but a little birdie just told us that @AdamLambert has recorded a song with Christina Aguilera.
10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

The Dark Side said...

I will play the Devil's Advocate here and say I will believe that Adam recorded a song with CA when I hear it. Almost too much to hope for. btw also thought Adam sounded very hoarse on this great interview. Adam never gives a bad interview.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason Adam loves the skeleton key beyond that his friend put it in a painting: Adam has NO skeletons in his closet. He's out, proud, happy and in love.

Another thought why Adam loves it is that everyone knows a skeleton key opens all doors.

Anonymous said...

His voice sounds rough. Flying isn't good for your voice! I hope he had enough days between the concert and the presumed recording sessions in London.

Anonymous said...

Agree with The DarkSide...I'll believe Adam recorded a song with CA when I hear it! 'Course we know that would be his dream come true!


Anonymous said...

@JAK mentioned the number of favorites she has saved which made me go through mine to see if any could be deleted. I came across a video I hadn't watched in a few months with MJ singing "Smile" in the background. I watched it again and realized that while it is different videos of Adam smiling, I always begin with a big grin on my face and always wind up in tears. This video shows his beautiful smile and vulnerability. It also shows his humility. It just does something to my heart and I will never delete it.

@funbunn40 loved it too, cause she left a comment a month ago.

Anonymous said...

Not much to say, except I just love everything about adam and I did a sneaky thing today at Walmart. I bought adele's album and said to myself, let me check out adam's stasis. Well his live dvd GNT (about 5 left was hidden way in the back after lady gaga's ( in the g's I suppose) Well I moved the entire stack and put them up front in the best-sellars aisle. Then I got a little nervous I'd be caught on camera re-arraigning the whole aile, but I got away with it yeah- Adam should not be hidden!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

12:03 PM

Yes, Smile is on my list, I play it for a quick pick-me-up if I'm a little gloomy!...and for a kick I play Elvis singing Devil in Disguise with the yummy pictures of Adam!...and speaking of Christina A. I listen to her singing Candyman and
only drool a little over the pictures of Adam!
.....I have an excellent variety of choices!
..................:-) JAK

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM

Don't be nervous about your would only be considered mischief, not a misdemeanor!

Even if it were considered a felony a jury of your peers (Glamberts) would never convict you!

Anonymous said...

@1:17, You're a glambert after my own heart! I would have done it too!! @12:03PM, Just watched the SAmile video again and it had the same effect. So bittersweet and also made me aware of how many times Adam smiles when his heart may be breaking, especially when he's maligned for just being gay. His smile radiates sunshine and joy and lifts up so many.It always makes me smile. Thankyou for posting. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

This gif is so cute. It´s the end of the interview.


Anonymous said...

The key tattoo could have several meanings to many people. I always thought that there was a big outlet in the sky to plug into humanity and Adam was firmly plugged in. (grammatically incorrect, I know)In my mind,this key could represent unlocking the secrets in the universe or the key to life. I've seen the picture that Adam has, but it was another print in sepia tones that had a more significant representation of the key. Adam does give me things to think about and keep me entertained. @ JAK Polysporin wasn't my first thought, but a rug! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Wonder if we'll ever see Adam as a Cosmo centerfold? Just a fun thought for the day! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK and funbunn40- for the re-assuring words, I guess I can put my name now to the crime lol. OFF topic: Haley was on regis today singing house of the rising sun, oh I would love for her to open for adam on his next tour, that would be epic! As far as him with with CA- I love that show and I believe there is some truth to this!


Anonymous said...

stick a beautiful woman on your arm AL! it would be really sexy!

Anonymous said...

11.17 have been known to do the same thing, dont fret it, as someone commented above it was a must do for a Glambert.
JAK I am also old enough to be Adams Grandma, but keep having to remind myself of this,
I think Adams voice is husky because the interview was after the concert, sounded sexy. (ohh should Grandma say that.

Adamluv said...

@anon 1;17 - you did good gurl!!!! I have done the exact same thing and dont feel bad about it at all! Want Adams CDS to be visible!!!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@1:17!!!!! I thought about doing the same thing!!!! Yes!!!! Good for you!! I'm so proud of you , that was the right thing to do! I think I'll try it!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I too love "Beautiful Everything" and that is what Adam is.
Beautiful EVERYTHING!!! God, those eyes!

Hk fan said...

Love this interview. Didn't realise he knew the artist that painted the picture his key is from, are there any of his friends that aren't amazingly talented??? No wonder he's so grounded when you mix in circles where everyone has so much talent......also loved the way he said Moscow correctly in this vid, shallow I knwo, but he must have picked up on the European way of saying it.
and @JAK, no my first thought on his elbow wasn't that polywhatever, as I have no idea what that first thought was more along the lines of funbunns!
and OT Happy birthday to my middle son who is 17 today x

The Dark Side said...

We all must think alike. I just a few minutes ago watched the Smile video again. Great minds, and all that jazz! btw, I would love to be wrong about a Xtina and Adam collaboration, but probably not at this time, and will joyfully eat my words if it comes true.

Anonymous said...

Okay that proves first reaction was....
did he take an antibiotic (polysporin) and band aids with him..."just in case"!

So, see, I am a Grandma at heart!

It's just that occasionally my hidden away sash wearing, parade float riding, hot stuff 20 year old self wakes up....because after all Adam could wake the dead!........sigh...........JAK

Adamluv said...

Wonder which of his band members commented on the hot women? Married Monte and Isaac or single Tommy Joe? LOL! Probably all three and that's cool! ... Adamluv

Magiclady said...

Oh you sexy boy. let me tell you what I want from you...

Anonymous said...

Toally agreed with the band, the Russian women are mostly beautiful indeed. When I saw the video and pictures, pretty women he!he! and hot!!!! but with respect of course.......

Anonymous said...


Love love love that gif - thank you! :-D

Another wonderful interview.:-)

Anonymous said...

admire the beautiful women, you don't know how much you would like it until ya give it a try ;-)

Anonymous said...

I wanna boink you Adam! but oops, I'm a gurrrl!

Anonymous said...

Oh damn you, again, Adam Lambert, for being so sexy, smart, charming, refreshing and genuine! Now I've fallen in love with you all over again! Rrroowwwwr.

The elbow ouchie - um, no, I did not think about neosporin or rug burns when I first saw it...I just wondered if Adam needed any help zipping his jeans up - DOH! Jeez, that thought always seems to go through my head any time I see a picture or vid of this gorgeous man! Sorry, can't help myself. I am helpless...and hopeless. Oh wait, occasionally a different thought does go through my Adam-rattled brain...I did wonder, during the GNT, if he needed help w/his lace-up pants, rather than zipping up his jeans. There.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix......zipping UP?...........^o^...JAK

Anonymous said...

1:17 I have done the same thing in our Walmart. If I don't see any I go the manager in that department and inform them the CD needs to be restocked. I buy alot for that "Musice for the Cure" program in Ohio. It is for kids with Cancer. A good cause. What can I say I am part of the Glampatrol. Not a crime..the real crime here is when they are in the back of GAGA's or out of stock!!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

@JAK you n-s-m-l!!

Still sticking to your "grandma-story"? There must be a weak spot for Adam after seeing him with tight jeans and black tee!!


Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:17, K and others...

LOL!!!! I am NOT alone!!!! I have to admit that I too have moved Adam's CDs from a place of obscurity to the Bestseller section! hahahaa! I thought I was the only one!

"No one puts Baby in the corner."


Anonymous said...

I didn't know this video was posted on this site. I posted a part of Adam's interview that I loved so much on a different thread on this site. I post it here again since it's related to this interview:

"There is something cool about my experience over the past year touring is that no matter what country I go to no matter what language people speak there is something very the same about everybody is that they love music. They know lyrics to the songs and they know who I am so they meet each other through me. Whether be online or at the concert. It [music] brings people together. So I think there is something kind of the same about all the different countries and people as opposed to something different and I think THE MORE WE FOCUS ON HOW WE ARE ALIKE THE BETTER OFF WE ARE, IN GENERAL." ~Adam Lambert

Adamluv said...

@Anon 7;10 - Glampatrol!!!! I like that and @Sister - "Nobody puts baby in the corner" - damn straight!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Ronnie dear

You force me to admit that occasionally (daily)
after an hour or three of viewing the Moscow
performances (and interviews) it is necessary for me to................sit on my shady porch,
in my wicker rocker and "cool off" with a tall glass of icy lemonade (with a couple shots of vodka in it). In no time at all I am once again breathing normally.

And simply must quit reading my mind, think what you are doing to my reputation
as a muumuu wearing old Granny!...^o^...JAK