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Adam Lambert's Funny Tweet Regarding MTV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 5, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 05, 2011


Anonymous said...

Are the MTV awards going on right now? If they are not gonna nominate you Adam, I don't want to watch, not that I can, even if I wanted to. I don't have cable!

So, OT, but here is a video of Adam in the recording studio for FYE that I've never seen:


Anonymous said...

Information please.....I did not see MTV award show last year, was it particularly foul mouthed?
I am assuming so from Adam's tweet.

It amazes me when a singer goes up to accept an award and proceeds to thank God and then let fly with filthy language......I'm an old poop and don't approve!............Not that I am sparing with a few mild descriptive words myself.......
Freedom of Expression in my dotage.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry, yea, I've seen the FYE studio vid. It has been so long, I forgot! Fun to rewatch though.

LP said...

Where did Adam watch it?

Anonymous said...

It was on MTV no? I saw a bit of it. But was bored so I changed channel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a curse for the cursing!

glitzylady said...

Here is a little piece of what Adam was probably talking about: (If anyone is interested)..It involves Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon. Guessing lots more.....Just happened to see this one on AOL: Didn't watch the program..

glitzylady said...

And just a little while ago on Twitter, Adam and James Durbin had a conversation..No doubt we'll see it posted here soon...It was initiated by James Durbin by the way...too much to post. Adam was gracious as always. And James was waving a white flag..I suspect Adam was a little amused...

coloforadam said...


So glad you said that. FYE is one of the most creative, professional, rockin', HOT!!!! videos EVER!! Think it got down played because of the AMA's but I truly believe that it will continue to be rediscovered and praised as about perfect. Anytime I want cool on what Adam is all about, FYE and IIHY vids are exceptional hot lines!!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady...Seriosly? I mean about JD and Adam on Twitter? Oh, I can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I thought JD tweets were sincere and sweet. I hope the fans on both sides keep their noses out of it.The media will be joining in shortly. Speaking of FYE mv the views just hit over 10 million, it wasn't promoted after AMA or the views would have been tripled.

Anonymous said...

JD is out for himself. After the twitter business of saying Adam has aids, even if it was a fan of his that did it. I am bothered by the people that were tweeted, like Hulk Hogan and other wrestlers, and James loves wrestling.
Best part was James bad mouthed Adam for giving an honest opinion on the Idol contestants. Don't like hearing about James, sorry it is how I feel.

glitzylady said...

@10:37 PM
James tweets were sincere and sweet but still waving the white flag...James knows what went on after his radio station interview, and I think he is hoping to calm everyone down, including his own fans. The whole Adam/James rivalry thing was silly and created many hard feelings. I doubt Adam was particularly upset by it (the radio interview comments by James that stirred the pot). He has had much bigger things to think about since then and probably hasn't given it a second thought, after tweeting that he didn't think his comments about idol would be taken so seriously and felt bad about it. I think James was sincere in asking for advice. Adam would certainly be the one to ask. The media will of course want to get whatever drama they can out of it.. Tomorrow it will probably be all over the gossip blogs. Adam is a class act, as we know and will handle it with his usual aplomb. James can take that as lesson # 1 in diplomacy and class. I liked James on Idol, but he does have his problems. Using Adam as a role model, even from afar, would make a lot of sense for James at this point in his career..

LP said...

I am still wondering how James got to be on Ellens TV show, a few days after he was booted. Maybe James was annoyed at Adam because Adam made a face at the camera, not in good taste, Durbin can't help it when he does. Might have thought Adam was making fun of him. I am sure Adam wasn't thinking, cuz he is always making faces at the camera.

glitzylady said...

Adam casually and conversationally made some comments on Twitter about being "over" James and the other Idols, and tossed his full support to Haley. Adam later said he would no longer comment on his Idol Preferences because it stirred up all sorts of problems. Not his words exactly, but basically the gist of it. I don't think Adam even thought about his words having that much meaning..he's still sort of unaware of how powerful he's become! (But WE know! LOL!!) I am guessing he felt kind of bad about it too. I think too that is what perhaps prompted James to say what he did about Adam on the radio show. It really wasn't that big a deal, but James' comments stirred up more fan wars...and it just continued from there. Hopefully it will all settle down and everyone can move on to more important things: more Adam news! And I wish the best of luck to James in his future career..and I truly mean that.

I think Ellen always has Idol's most recently voted off contestant on her show that week.

I didn't even think about Adam's mugging for the camera as being a reason for James to be upset with him...and really doubt it..More like the reason I stated above. (But who knows...) Water under the bridge now.

Hoping all of the "fan wars" are over. Not worth it ..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tweet Adam. I haven't watched the MTV Awards.

JD is a user. Having bagged Adam publicly, he now wants all the lowdown from Adam as to how succeed post Idol and he cleverly did it via Twitter. The correct way to contact Adam would've been through his management but then he wouldn't have had it in the public eye. His tactics are deplorable.

I've just read an article in which Daughtry's producer has some advice for JD. If JD hasn't already read it, it would be prudent for him to do so.

Anonymous said...

What a werdo that Durbin shit/

coloforadam said...

How is it that every blog train seems to wander off on peeps who DO NOT MATTER!! I come here for transfusions of Adamazing-world and end up with useless rants about ........... WHO????

Anonymous said...

OMG. The Durbin trip again. He is an unappreciative know it all jerk. Yes, I know he has Aspergers but that's no excuse for his copy cat, rudeness he displayed to Adam. Adam said he was "so over" the comparisons (not "so over" James), so James should have checked it out before he fired back. James has too much of a sense of self-importance. It's not all about him. Adam always complimented James accompanied by constructive criticism, which unfortunately James never received by the judges. And where are those judges now when James apparently needs some "business" advice. They disappeared. Where are his friends, his advisors? Didn't he sign a contract? Attorney?

I have listened to every JD video I could find. He has a beautiful voice with range, but it is an untrained voice. He seems to not be able to consistently sing on key and he doesn't have control of his vocal instrument. On Idol, James clearly ignored any advice he received and was downright disturbed by Gaga. I've been told that the touching phobia is a part of the Aspergers. They don't like to be touched, so crowds of people pressing in would be repugnant to him. I'm certainly no expert, but this is what I was told.

Adam is busy, and as usual, Adam was polite. However, James likely burned his bridges with his snarky comments. IMO, he is looking for media coverage now that the interest in him has declined. He clearly revelled in all the attention, and at times, made an arrogant ass of himself.

My comments are also a mixed bag of compliments and criticisms of James. I'm sure it will not be appreciated by his fans, but he needs to live in the real world. Just walk one day in Adam's shows and read the homophobic hateful rants he receives every single day and still keep your cool and positive attitude. And the questions he has had to endure over and over for the past two years. He has never lost his temper publicly, and he did an amazing 120 (?) astounding concerts never lip synching (as I'm afraid Gaga does (of necessity) at time during her concerts) but putting forth full effort. BTW, I went to a bunch of them.

Let's keep this in perspective.

Rebecca said...


Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

twitter is good for the gossip hounds. that's where they all go and feast.

The Dark Side said...

More to the point. Where is Adam? Pretty sure he left London, or did he. He is way, way under the radar. I am not alone in suspecting he would show up in Finland at some meet the family. Could be back in US if he was watching MTV show? A penny for your thoughts. Being a sometimes stalker sucks. Didn't watch MTV awards so cannot reflect on the language. If Adam says it's so, then it's so.

Anonymous said...

I watched some of the MTV Movie Awards.....Justin Timberlake had his hands on Mila Kunis breasts and she cupped his "package"
and the "f" word was flying all over the place..Robert Patterson said the "f" word (a couple times)one time it came across on TV, even the women were saying it......when MTV started it was watched by high school (if your parents would allow it) and college kids. Now you have your Bieber fans and Twilighters. Alot of these kids are from 6 years old and up....this show started at 8 pm...even the emcee was lewd....showing same sex kisses too!...I can't believe parents weren't outraged.....AMA's were mild compared to this!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh...don't mind the kisses....Adam opened that door for all TV.....our trailblazer.....

Adamluv said...

Saw videos of MTV and when Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart won for best kiss from Twilight, he goes into the audience and plants a long kiss on Taylor Lautner. All the straight boys in the audience appeared to be smiling and enjoying this man on man kiss. Also Patterson says to Reese Witherspoon "This time I f***** you". ( referring to their current movie together where they play lovers vs. their first movie where she played his mother.) No censors here when broadcast on the west coast. I do realize, however, that MTV is on cable. Wonder how many letters they received from irate parents? I would imagene ZERO. ... Just saying ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I found it very sad that these professional actors....who are adored by young kids found the need to be so sleezy.....I was shocked....
and alot of it was not mention on the news...
Mila is such a cute girl and I was just starting to like her as an actress but when she grabbed Justin's "package"...I was like WTF?????
This is gross or get a room???? The audience seem to be uncomfortable too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't bother bwatching as i wasn't invested in anyone on the show and forgot about it. After seeing R. Pattinson, I just don't get what the attraction. He sweems very uncomfortable in every interview and you' d think he would be prepared, knowing millions were watching an it was for an award to a respected actress. I think the overuse of the F word for shock value isn't shocking, just so 8th grade and crass. I have let loose with it a few times in the privacy of my home, when hurting myself and once a year tell my brother-in-law to stfu when he's had to many beers and he's driving my sister and I crazy repeating the same sentence 20 times.Just don't think a stage is the place and I really dislike the audience being called mother f******. I know it's suppoded to sound rock and roll, but it turns me off. JMO funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops, please excuse all the typos above, cats are wanting attention. Icon, where are you? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OK, whose betting the MTV Patterson pash will be amusing and accepted by the media and public because it involves two straight guys! It will be back to the old double standard routine again......All seems soooooo unfair!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Robert Patterson is gross anyway.

Anonymous said...

Adam can blow that MTV crowd clear out the water. No one there could stand even in his shadow in class, talent and vocals.

Anonymous said...

I guess using foul language makes you cool. Adam is cool but also sophisticated and classy.