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Fan Montage: Why Glamberts love Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 13, 2011

Posted at : Monday, June 13, 2011

Thanks to saphlo8!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe a Man like him actually exist.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

nice video.url for AIOTM on last thread( & almost every other one,also)James Durbin is,@ this point # 3,& still gaining ): PLEASE KEEP VOTING FOR ADAM!!URL IS VOTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, when I see nice videos like this it makes me wonder why we ever bicker over stupid things here once in awhile. Thanks for doing this video saphlo8.You rock!!

Anonymous said...

Nice video. Yup those certainly are all the reasons we love Adam. I can relate!

Anonymous said...

Love it! This is so true and it makes me so happy to know that others think as I do. I do get the weird looks from people when I talk about Adam, but I don't care...they just don't get it and I and the rest of us on here do. Can't wait to see him in Quebec on 7/29...

Anonymous said...

Nice, Nice, Nice!! Don't forget we love those long legs. So proud of him, as if he were my son.

Anonymous said...

Nice bouquet of reminders. "Hello zebra pants, I've missed you!" Teachers remember it's the photos that count, not the spelling!

No bickering here please, just happy people with slightly raised pulse rates.......:-) JAK

Anonymous said...

@Lizard Eyes

Agree. He is lovely.


LP said...

Beautiful fan montage, loved all the reasons why we love Adam.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for remembering me. I am now in upstate New York. I left Las Vegas. Big diff. in the weather, lots of rain, and it makes the body ache even more than it did. Oh well, I am still breathing, not so good with this COPD.Seems all I do is inhale this or that or suck stuff into the lungs. I did have some test on the heart before I left and it is working at 55%. I need to take care of that and that is why I decided to come back here after 13yrs in Vegas. My family is here and that is important to me. So I am back on my own computer and have all my own belongings around me. Even the hubby who was away from me for 8 months......this was the first time in 40yrs we were apart for so long. I had to stay in Vegas to settle everything, cause all was in my name.
You know I lived in Tampa and St Pete when I was a young girl. I was 19ys and it was the first time I was ever away from home. Stayed about a year & a half, and got home sick.

When I got here had to wait to get internet, hubby knows nothing about computers, so it wasn't even hooked up. Man I had alot of Adam to catch up on, but Adam is worth it, as you know.


Anonymous said...


Happy! Happy! ;) LOL!


Dinah-mite said...

OMG! I LUV yes, I said "LUV" this vid! So RIGHT ON!!
And I've gotta say #53!! Too funny someone said that OUTLOUD!! Hahaha...

I bow to Sarah! She said what we all are thinking.
Luv being a Glambert, how 'bout you???:)

Anonymous said...

can't watch this in Korea :(

Dinah-mite said...

O NOooooo, I said wrong #! It is #52, o well Freudian slip maybe? Also #54... Ok, ok, all of them! What a pleasure to watch this CLEVER vid!
I salute you Sarah! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love this video...agree w/everything on the list...but what about the white jeans from IIHY? The lace-up pants from the GNT?? The black lipstick smeared down the chin in NY??? Good God - my list is not complete w/out those items!

Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth, but it would've been great if they had included pix that illustrated their points - because there are so many of the out there! I was picturing various Adam pix in my head, tied in to whatever item was on the list, but they didn't pop up.

Thx for compiling this list, tho - it's great!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video...I love it! Never have enough's so good to see others feel the way I do about Adam...HaHa! Can't get to sleep because I'm thinking about Adam! HaHaHa so true.


HK fan said...

Great video, beautiful photos, and all good reasons.mmm #52 has definitely happened has 53!

Bing said...

Can't watch it either in Manila. Someone please help us :( I did try hide my ass but there is still a problem.

Anonymous said...

I can´t watch it in Sweden but "Hide My Ass" worked. Not immediately (something about YouTube not being recognized), but when I clicked the link again, it worked. Try again!


Anonymous said...

Yep, that's about it. He put the fun back in life no matter what age you are.

Bing said...

@Eva - what url did you use? So sorry for the inconvenience :(

Anonymous said...

The video was ok, but not what I expected. The pics could have related a little bit more to correspond with the numbers. But other than that, I could look at him all day long!


Anonymous said...

Click on the YouTube logo on the video above. When you get to YouTube you just copy the link in the address field on top of the page. Then go to Hide your ass and paste the link there. Hope it works!:D


Anonymous said...

Bing tampoco logro ver el vídeo! Cordial saludo.

Anonymous said...

Bing does not get to see the video! Regards.
I forgot to translate.

Anonymous said...

I really like the video and don't mind that the photos are out of context.

OTT Rant: Why would any site put up a poll where everyone is not allowed to participate. I do not have twitter or facebook and therefore cannot vote for this month's Idol.

OTT Rant 2: If you want a true poll it should be one vote per IP address not as many as you can sit and voe until your fingers bleed.

Are Bruno Mars (Peter Hernandes) fans called Martians? Why did he change his name? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

For those who can't play the video............

Close your eyes, listen to Strut and For Your Entertainment and relive 60 of your favorite photos of Adam in your mind.

Sorry, that's the best I can do to help! lol
I know it's not as good, wait a minute I do that every night when I pop in my earbuds and conjure up visions of Adam, actually it's pretty darn entertaining!!!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@Anon June 14, 2011 11:56 AM

I have voted on Faxo a long time and I have just recently joined twitter. You don´t have to be on Facebook or Twitter to vote.


The Dark Side said...

Wow, and what sixty pictures. I could have handled another 60 or more, but these were great. Never get enough of Adam in Photos, his voice and you chose my favorite songs. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


The St.Petersburg-Tampa area is a very pretty, nice, comfortably dull, IMO, place to live.
However, even after 60 years, I still really miss

I hope NY will be kind to you with your COPD.
That is the devil to deal with. I don't have breathing difficulty, but I occasionally hear bagpipes playing in my chest! Wheeze Music!
Take care............JAK

Anonymous said...

Loved that video. Most of my favorites were there, but a few were missing. It is a special treat, being a Glambert - and Adam really does own my heart.

Anonymous said...

awesome job with this. love the positive energy

Magiclady said...

Brings back so many memories over the past 2 years.

I had not seen the black feather picture before. Damn

Anonymous said...

P.A.S. Best of luck to you with your health and all in NY! Good to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

Really love you blog. Adam Lambert: The Quest for Platinum

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S. Hope NY will give you much comfort and health relief. Many excellent resources there, as I'm sure you already know.Glad to see you posting! ;) funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I'm with Adamfix! Great video, but missing the white and laceup pants! Too many reasones to love Adam to count the ways! funbunn40