How much would it cost to book Adam Lambert?
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Monday, June 13, 2011
Posted at : Monday, June 13, 2011

Adam is the 8th most expensive American Idol alum to book. Nice!
We Are The Fallen (Carly Smithson) $5-10k
Blake Lewis $10k+
Lee DeWyze $15-25k
Crystal Bowersox $15-25k
Danny Gokey $30k+
David Archuleta $30-40k
David Cook $30-50k
Adam Lambert $40-50k+
Kellie Pickler $50-60k
Fantasia $50-75k
Clay Aiken $85-100k+
Jennifer Hudson $100k+
Daughtry $200-300k+
Kelly Clarkson $350-500k+
Carrie Underwood $350-500k+
Source: mjsbigblog
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Really? $40-50K? I would sell my house and use the equity for a private concert! LOL
Hmmmmm, I better start saving my pennies now! LOL!
I'm with you, Sister! The people ahead of Adam have all been around for a long time. Give Adam another year or so - esp. after album #2 - and he'll be right up there with the big $$$! :-)
Higher than David Cook, who was a winner? WOW!!!
Your pennies and my equity! I think we can make it happen!
Where's Kris Allen? Has he completely fallen off the radar? I mean Gokey is there, which surprises me -- a lot. No one else from AI8. Interesting.
that doesn't seem like alot if you have to pay for transportation, pay the band etc.
I would've thought Kelly Clarkson would be the most expensive at this point in time but I guess there are more fans of country music in the U.S. than fans of pop/rock.
I would have thought J.H. would be between Daughtry and K.C.great entertainer, singer, movie star. I guess everyone has their own theory.
The only thing of great value, my personal treasure, I'd have in hands to announce «FOR SALE» in change of a private concert with my Diamond Boy is my talking Purrrrrrrple Heart decorated Hero GlambertCAt ICON. So... nope, no deal at all! Icon saved my life in change of I may continue loving to death sweet Adam for living!!! Thanks God there is Internet, 24/7 «Paradise» and guess what: I own a laptop! Besides my GlamberCAt.
I guess I'll still being a private GNT Virgin forever. Another bitch dreaming of the impossible every single night... LOL
Hum, I think I want a private concert. Guess he would come to my house. We could shop, talk, have dinner. Wake up, wake up wake up...sorry I was dreaming a bit.
Read RCA ED comments on AO link below. Very insightful.
How accurate are those figures? I wonder.
hmm! clay aiken, is he really that expensive to book???
I couldn't afford any on that list,but,if I COULD,it would be Adam,of course.we need MORE VOTES for Adam NOW on the AIOTM!!!Please bookmark this url:
OT...Hi Fan4fun! Been missing you! Yay for the laptop, thought that's what you already had. I bought mine just to follow Adam and haven't done anything worthwhile since![except follow Adam!] You are rich, indeed with your Diamond cat, Icon. There is no price high enough for him. Don't give up hope! Adam may come to the Azores for a private rendezvous with Sauli and you may be their personal chef! If so, I'll be your sous chef. I'm good with garnishes, presentation and can make a Xmas tree centerpiece out of chicken legs. lol Hope you will get to see Adam's 2nd tour, as well as all on 24/7. Hope you're feeling well too and all is well in Hell's kitchen! funbunn40
Must win lottery NOW!!
Clay Aiken has a large and passionate fan base like Adam's, so I imagine he can pull in dollars. What surprises me more than anything is Gokey's figures. Is he really commanding that much, and where is Kris Allen? This doesn't make sense as Kris is performing all over the country.
Bet we could get enough on 24/7 and a few other sites to have a private party with Adam! Count me in! Not much left over after expenses. Think it will go up after this new album. No mention of Kris Allen. Hope he's doing well. funbunn40
what's with the stupid poll stuff lately? I am beginning to see that link in my sleep. I know alot of Glamberts and they don't vote on polls anymore. Oh well she is just trying.
I highly doubt that these figures are accurate.
The red flag is Clay Aiken and no sight of Chris Allen.
The top few are obvious as they sell soooo many records.
Doesn't matter as Adam will be PRICELESS after this next album. Enjoy life on this planet while you can dude, you're about to go into another level!
few new pics of sauli ("modeling his style") and he tells that he normally wears jeans, converses and says that everyone should own a good leather jacket etc. :)
some ppl have also wanted to make an reality show of sauli but he said no :)
if i'd sell our house and summer cottage i could book him 20 times >D great! and live in a tent after that
@Anon 1:19 AM
I posted an English translation of the Iltosanomat article and links for the pictures on the last thread..But here it is you don't have to go back there : )
Is Clay Aiken a big name in the US? It seems strange that he would be that expencive to book. And Gokey? I can believe those country artists being big, but Gokey? Or is he country? I just remember him being a douche. Perhaps that´s his secret to fame.
I read some guy paid $100,000 for Adam to appear at his Wife's was a surprise....I think I read it on this thread....anyone remember????
With the power of Glamberts, We can book Adam a concert hall to invite him have a private concert. Indeed he can utilize Glamberts power to promote his album and that's will be cool!
I read somewhere this Gokey has two songs in the Top 40 country song. Country sell in US!
Gokey is the opening act for Taylor Swift in US.
Anon 3:14am
If Adams prize is accurate right now, I can get a private party asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before it gets million after the 2nd album release Shoot!!!!!!
I need to contact the management right now folks A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! This is my only chance damn it!!!! See you later!!!!!
Are you kidding me no way!!!! It's only that figures after sold out world tour????? No way but I'm sure it's more than that ???????
Remember this is Adam's first year....GaGa said it took 3 years for her to start getting recognized........
The article with the figures in it also said that these figures could be outdated and the + beside the dollar figure=pl;uis expenses
Well it's a definite step up from his days of living in an efficiency apartment and making a chorus boy's salary in least his income is going in the right direction. In our present economy that's a good step up the ladder. I hope from now on it's up up and away!
Life is a blessing if you can make a living doing what you love to do. I think he's a happy man. I'm hoping the 20 year old in my life will be able to do the same someday........of course if I dipped into his college fund for his 2 remaining years.....I could book Adam! .... JAK
Some rich fuck booked him for his wifes BD in NOLA not long after the AI tour wrapped. Must be nice to have Glambo jump out of a cake singing happy b-day to you...
@ funbunn40
Nice to have a message from you dear fellow, but I guess you haven't seen the message I left to you before in the thread Lost Adam Lambert's Dad (Eber) Interview...
If you go there you'll know that today is my 11th day in the hospital (I don't want to spend my birthday tomorrow here, heeeeeelp!) and that I got FIRED from Hell's Kitchen for supporting a couple of young gay men, my co-workers!
Time to hsve another shot now (unfortunatelly not a shot of WLL by sweet Adam!!!!!)
I need you, Diamond Nurse!
I don't know, that seems a bit low to me... I have to believe it's a bit more than that to book Adam AND the band. If not, it sure will be as he builds his presence internationally. Let's face it, Kelly, Carrie and Daughtry all have had a number of years on Adam at this point to build up their careers.
Let's all make sure this second album goes platinum... it's time! :)
OMG! Every time I find one of your posts I´m shocked. You are ill and now you lost your work for supporting your co-workers. Life isn´t always fair. How can you get fired for supporting your gay friends?!
I really, really hope that those shots you get will help you recover.
You know what? I have marked June 15 with "F4F" in my Adam calender. I did that in January so I would not forget your b-day. I think I´ll start celebrating you now. Hope you can be home with that darn cat tomorrow. Have a beautiful b-day, sweet lady!
These figures don't look right to me. The top ones, of course, have been around a while and have big followings. Some of them are opening acts and may reap the benefits of the rate that the real opener gets. Adam is NOT an opener! Again, these figs don't look right.
Well, regardless of the exact amount..I'm so happy that Adam is doing well. I guess he won't be coming to my birthday party this year, either...Darn....
Just saw another picture of Adam from the Pirates and Ninjas party..Adam surrounded by "ningas":
Ooops! meant to say "ninjas"..In a hurry this AM. Off to work...
To all who commented on Gokey; I live near Dothan, AL, which is eaten up with support for country acts. In fact, if there is another genre for a concert, it's gospel. Gokey was supposed to have a concert there last month month, but it was cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. Translation; lack of interest. That he is even on the list is shocking in light of that.
I am living in a culturally diverse black hole. I would venture to say that there are a lot of Glamberts who would agree with me and we would have LOVED to see Adam closer than Atlanta. Hell, any rock/pop artist of moderate prominance giving a concert around here would be refreshing. At best, we have to drive 2 hours at least to see anybody; 3 hours + to see anybody actually on the radio these days. If there is an off chance of a concert promoter reading this, please save us from honky tonk hell!
Love that pic of Adam with the lovely "ninjas." Our boy sure knows how to party! As to the list of money-making Idols: I'm less concerned about how much he charges in comparison to other Idols. I'm more interested in his FUTURE marketability beyond the Idol group and what he will command in the general "singer" realm. That's what will really count in the long run. In the meantime, I'm thrilled that he's doing so well! BTW, VOTE FOR "IDOL OF THE MONTH." (just google it) Adam is ahead but the Thea fans are closing in and JD is third. I couldn't stand the thought of either one of them (esp.YKW)winning it just because we got lazy. I'M VOTING! Also, the "Heartbreakers poll" (just google it) has Adam slightly ahead of Bruno Mars. Keep voting!
Well, well, well Adam!!
Always surrounded with pretty ladies (all ladies are pretty by the way)!! He is such an Alpha!!
And on the other side of the world his hot boy is posing in a mag like a male-model. And working with his radio station crew.
What a couple! Love the independence in them both. They have their OWN lives and their LOVE life. I think after these 3-4 weeks in Finland Sauli is much more stronger to go back to the US. And Adam has had time and peace to concentrate in his important #2 album.
Happy for them!
So can't we all club together and book Adam for private 24/7 concert. I would travel from Australia if he performed for us in LA (to cut down on his + expenses).
LOL! I feel for you in honky tonk hell. But shouldn´t Gokey do well there?
WHO VERIFIED THESE FIGURES??? Until I read that this list was double checked for accuracy by a reputable accountant firm, I'm treating all these numbers for what they are, a 100% GUESS on the writer's part!
I hope Adam becomes bigger than all of them after the next album. I mean Carrie U? Ugh. Clay? Ugh. Adam beats them all in talent and personality - well in everything. A few more years, watch out - Adam will explode big time!
hey! I have seen Carrie and Clay in concert and the shows were great.
That money is for an appearance at a club, no singing. People just want to meet him , and it draws a big crowd, win win situation. Club makes a lot of money and Adam just has to be there looking great and having a few drinks. Nice job if you can get it. Most of Adams outings are BD parties with friends, he gets no money for that. If he is not busy , easy way to make $30 - $50,000, just for showing up, and he must stay there for a certain length of time.
Paris Hilton gets paid to attend clubs in Vegas. I read that she got 100,000 from one of the clubs, I almost peed my pants. Big bucks for going to a party.
Adam is worth much more, but we know he is the greatest singer of today.
@Fan4fun: I hope you get home for your B'day on the 15th. My B'day is the 16th of June. If you are still in hospital I hope someone slips you a toast. Is Icon with Ester or are the boys taken care of "Mister Smart Cat"?
anon @ 9:37 You're saying that this list shows what these singers get for basically a "meet and greet?" Carrie Underwood $500,000? To stand and look pretty, smile and take a few pics? You gotta be outta yo mind. Show us the facts with a written source before you jump to conclusions. Please.
I believe Adam will be getting much more on his next tour after album #2. Think he did very well the first year. Who else has headlined their own tour sold out not just in U.S. but internationally. I don't think we have seen anything yet!
Sorry but I don't think Clay can command that kind of salary anymore. I'm sure he's more in the 50K-60K range now.
Having once lived in the same vicinity where justpeachy lives, I must explain there are levels of "country music". Honky tonk and country are not on the exact same level. One would welcome Gokey, one would reject him.
Country is all over the place....pop country,
Western country, country rock, blue grass and in spots hill-billy jug bands still exist!!!!JAK
JAK thanks for the insite into the country genres. Your knowledge is so vast, while others is half vast. lol
In the deep dark reaches of my memory I recall sitting on a porch with about 12 dogs listening to my great uncle (the best fiddler in McCracken
County) Paducah, Kentucky, play music with such energy even the dogs toes were tapping! JAK
@Fan4fun, I've been gone a lot these last few months, so I didn't know any of that! Feel better dear one! I send LOTS of good wishes to you. I know I've maybe recommended it too much already, but now would be a great time to read Adam's favorite non-fiction book: Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. Best turn-your-life-around + anti-stress book ever.
@Just Peachy, I thought you moved to Hawaii? Maybe I missed your story about moving back to AL?
@Tess4Adam, did you find my answer to your question about the Australia'a Got Talent youtube with "No Boundaries" in the background? (forgot which thread)
@Coloforadam, did you find my answer to your question about twitpic back on the Moscow Meet and Greet thread?
Seems like a small amount of money compared to others. Do agree that Country Western fans pay big bucks, and they are loyal. Don't doubt that McCreery will also make lots of money. Read where Gaga and Bieber leading the pack in the millions they made this past year. Just wondering how Bieber getting any kind of education as he is always on the move. Might not be important now, but might be very important later on. I think Adam is dong it right, move slowly upwards in his career showcasing his talent. Case in point, Adele continues to reign supreme on the charts...using nothing but a great singing voice.
I think all these young performers who are on the road have a tutor with them and have to put in a certain number of hours of schooling per week. I remember seeing Scotty McC being interviewed and he talked about having to take an AP English exam. As a retired high school English teacher, I, too, have thought about the education these young people are getting at this time in their lives. I suppose all they see is the current moment and want to seize the opportunity to become successful, famous and make the big dollars while they can. And previous comments about being paid just to make an appearance at a club are so true. When I read what Paris Hilton gets(she is clueless and classless), I thought what a waste of money! Take that amount and donate it to charity. It least it would do some good there. Adam deserves whatever is quoted and much more. Besides being extremely talented, he is articulate, charismatic and so smart that he deserves every dollar of it. I would love to sit down and have a conversation with him; I think it would be so much fun and very enlightening. Oh, well, I can dream can't I??
Excluding Adam Lambert, I think it is a sad scenario to pay someone like a Lindsay Lohan , Paris Hilton or any of the Kardashians to make an appearance at a club. We are such a celebrity obsessed society desperate to be in the presence of individuals who are famous for absolutely nothing. At least Adam is talented and has something to offer with his sense of humor and his intelligence. He would be worth every dollar spent.
OT @Fan4fun,Left you a message on Eber/Adam thread. A shock, as I said. Wish I could wrap up Adam and send him to you for your B-day! It would be a miracle cure! Is Icon with Ping Pong and Esther? What a valient, smart, Diamond cat! Hope you're feeling better! Wish I was there to take care of you!Ask the nurse to turn your pillow over. It will feel cool against your skin.Little things can bring much comfort. I used to pretend I was the patient and try and anticipate what would make them feel better. Hope you're being a good girl! We know you're a little fireball!Thinking of you and sending healing energy! Hugs and ;)s Happy B-Day!!!! funbunn40
@JAK, What a small world! I know Paducah well.My husband was raised in Paris, TN, mother-in-law lived in Hazel,KY and Murray, which is very near Paducah. Really great southern barbeque.@ Justpeachy, My step-son dated a girl from Dothan years ago. It was a sleepy town back then. He's in Huntsville and brother is in Chattanooga. Both southern gentlemen like they're dad. A lot of very nice,caring people, but religion big part of their lives and views. Fortunately my husband and step-sons are more worldly and liberal. I like to think I had an influence. The boys were teens when I got my hands on them and my three opened their vistas! We were a family of communicaters and had lively discussions around the dinner table. We still have great fun when all together! lol They're not surprised that I'm an Adam groupie and support my obsession, but think they're getting a little oversaturated with it! haha Glad to see you back, Peachy and Sweetie!!! funbunn40
@ Glamily in Paradise:
Please forgive me the fact I had no time yet to collect all your beautiful thoughts and words to me (name by name), but I assure you I have been reading every single one of them and I'm so glad to belong to this bunch of «24/7 Paradise good sweet Adam's bitches». Thank you so much, I love you all. Icon will be so proud when I tell and show him your marvelous comments to us.
I'm so sorry about all that pain in the ass involving our three dearest fellows @Dinah-mite, «true and real @sanni (and her beautiful Ida) and @Eva.
Sorry not to feel strong enough yet to write to the Ladies in Paradise' Admin, maybe tomorrow? I'm under heavy medication and can't think well even in Portuguese, imagine in English.
Glamshit, I do will spent my fucking 58th birthday in this fucking hospital bed... and thanking God for this such a good FREE OF CHARGE care I get here.
For those who may concern, Icon is in my house with my guest couple of golden boys. They are taking care of the house, but «aunt» Esther goes there 3 times a day to feed, pet and brush Icon, sometimes taking Ping Pong to play a while with him.
@ Funbunn40: the pillow advice was already being done, but we have air conditioning in the room. About deep breathe... well, it's better to use an oxigen bottle once the air in this island is quite warm, salted and very very very humid.
@ Eva: how the glamhell did you find out my birthday in January? Do you have a crystal ball?
Hey guys, sorry... time for more shots. WTF, my arms and belli are beyond miserable, so is the rest of my body.
Hey, guess what???? My doctor said this morning that my heart is a little «larger» than last year. I tell you what: last year my «big» heart was FULL of sweet Adam only, then SAULI came to his life and I had to make more room. Get it? LOL
Alright, nurse, I've heard you, give me one more minute, let me just turn off my laptop, I'm done here already, I'm coming... or better(???) I'm «staying»!!! Come to shot me AGAIN!
Ouch!!! Glamshit, it hurts!!!!!!!
I really hope you are feeling better little by little and I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, in spite of the fact that you are spending it in the hospital!!! The really GOOD thing is, you are being well taken care of, are in a safe place and you have done some things recently that you can be very proud of yourself for..And Icon is in good hands too..Wish I could travel there to give you a big hug, meet Icon, etc...maybe someday we can all meet! You never know! And consider yourself HUGGED!
P.S. Don't worry about this site...Just use all your energy to get well, and remember, those shots are good for you..and I'm not talking something to drink!
Happy Birthday and Get Well Soon!
You are a brave lady, getting shot every day and still in such good mood.
You told us about your birthday in January, when I had MY birthday and also this man we know and love. I noted it in my calender. No glam crystal balls at all.
Get well soon, please!!
You are one of those persons this site SO TOTALLY NEEDS and your absence, even a short one, is HIGHLY UNAPPRECIATED (please hear this the Powers of the Universe??) and I will always been your fan and Icon’s bitchie auntie (you hear this Fan4fun’s new friends living in/takin care of her house AND Icon???
For such a long time I’ve had so little time to properly read through the news and comments, however have tried to quick-glance through the threads and BEEN WONDERING WHERE YOU ARE… Yesterday I was happy cause finally I had time to be here… ONLY to find out that YOU, Adam’s NR 1 Fan4fun, are in hospital… and if that’s not enough, almost EVERY THREAD MADE ME FEEL SICK, too! Felt so bad that decided to log off, go to bed and calm down, before I started YELLING…what the FUCK is wrong with people (Adam fans or foes) who obviously find pleasure and purpose in life in aggravating and personally hurting/harassing other Adam Fans on a Adam Fan Site!!!
I know, I know the world isn’t what it used to be etc., and all this Anon business allows, hell even encourages people to act disrespectfully at every chance they get. But what’s the point??? Do you HONESTLY FEEL GOOD after spewing out your VENOM and spoiling the whole atmosphere/blogosphere - or are you too poisoned by your own VENOM not to notice what your writings do here and everywhere where you practice your “profession”… What do you write in your C.V. as your expertise, talent, special skills or hobby??? MANAGER OF CREATING MAYHEM in blogs, SPEWING POISONOUS VENOM in fan sites, EXPERT in VIRTUAL TONGUE SLASHING, WHAAATTT???
To have different opinions is good, even fun. Correcting mistakes can be done with respect and kindness. If neede at all. We all make mistakes, every day… I’m starting to think this ranting was my mistake of 2day, LOL.
GGD Gal, loving Adam’s way of thinking, LOVE, RESPECT & DIVERSITY peeps!
@My post 5:44 AM - sorry, typos etc.
meant to say... "I will always be your fan"...
and about correcting mistakes... "if needed at all"
GGD Gal, my keyboard is getting rusty, too...LOL
@ Fan4fun, Thanks for giving us an update, and letting us know you're ok. I know how hard it is, being in that hospital bed. We already knew you have a big heart! Glad you're getting the treatment you need!Glad Icon is with your golden boys that you so valiantly and rightly defended! You're humour has not been affected in spite of what you're going thru'! Think I'm having a senior moment, but a B-day in January too? Hmm, does that make you twice as old, two separate spirits, personalities? Better thought, double B-day wishes! We're all hoping you'll be back home, feeling better soon! funbunn40
OT...@ P.A.S. Happy B-Day!! Hope you have a beautiful day and you're feeling well too! funbunn40
@ funbunn40
Oh, poor little «Voice of Wisdpm», I guess you're truly having a very very very senior moment, dear! What are you talking about? I don't have a «double birthday», just ONE on June 15th, every single year, since 1953... Let me make it clear for you: I think Eva told me that she knew LAST JANUARY THAT MY BIRTHDAY WOULD BE ON JUNE 15TH and marke it on her sweet Adam calendar (what a honor!) BECAUSE I TOLD HER SO (Duuuuhhhh???). Oh, wait, I think I'm living a very very very senior moment NOW because I don't remember none of this information to her at all... And I'm still thinking she has a crystal ball hidden somewhere in Sweden' lands.
OT...@ Fan4fun, Thanks for sorting out my malfunctioning gray matter!Glad to know you won't be catching up to me twice as fast!haha Hope today was a more comfortable better hospital day. Hope you'll soon be back in your familiar surroundings! Eva may have a crystal ball or maybe Sherlock gave her a clue! funbunn40
@Fan4fun ... Please do get better-er sooner than soon, dear. Your posts here are so entertaining & so so so NEEDED! I love your sense of humor in the face of your sickness ... keep thinking HAPPY thoughts about our dear ADAM & before you know it you'll once more be home with your precious Icon. So good to hear you have a laptop to keep you company ... I was 'computer-less' during my last 'visit' to the hospital ... good thing I was very sick or I would have had ADAM Withdrawals. Get Well Very Soon Dear Fellow Glambert & Happy Birthday from me too. Love 'n Light
@ Sweetie ... thank you for your response to my post but unfortunately I did not see it nor do I remember the thread it was on ... at 74 yo the senior moments become more frequent I'm afraid. If it would not be inconvenient for you ... please post the title of the video once more ... my computer is more senile than I am ..LOL .. doesn't recognize Ytube links ... Light 'n Love
@Tess4ADAM, I left you a message and this link on the Turf Club thread - but you must have missed it, so here is the link again:
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