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James Durbin Deletes Twitter Conversation With Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 10, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 10, 2011

According to Fleckingrecords, James Durbin has deleted half of the conversation with Adam Lambert (from June 5th. If you missed that post, CLICK HERE to read about it.)

From Fleckingrecords:

It has been reported that James started a conversation with Adam on Twitter, although while Adam’s tweets are still there, James has apparently deleted his.

“Hey dude!” Durbin reportedly tweeted. “Id really enjoy grabbing some lunch with you and just talking about all this Idol/Post Idol stuff! I could really use…Some one on one advice. Regardless of any supposed bad blood, Im calling truce :) Anyway.thats me. Glad your tour is goin great. Direct message me if this is something that you might be interested in doing. Thanks for the consideration!”

Adam replied: “haha why don’t we just go ahead and discuss it right now over twitter? I’d be honored to advise… :) #nobadblood.”

“Well as much as they’d love it..just as u don’t wanna spoil ur album, I don’t wanna spoil anything lol…you understand right?” responded James.

“Oh I definitely understand.” Adam said.

“Just think about it. If youre free, hit me up. Im just not the “twitter business meeting” type. thanks anyway, brother. :-/ I’ll be in the LA area all know the deal :)” James reportedly replied, although no sign of these tweets now.

Source: Fleckingrecords


laurieb said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder why he deleted? Did he ended up asking Daughtry instead?

Anonymous said...

Old news.


Anonymous said...

Lets forget JD, no more of him.

Anonymous said...

He probably deleted it because someone told him it was awkward or he felt awkward about it later. He has a disorder in which he is unable to understand social norms and expectations, and behave accordingly. There will be a lot more awkward from him in the future. So what? You guys don't want Adam judged for being gay, don't judge James for having Aspergers.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to feel about James....he confuses me. I'm sure Adam is confused as well.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear anything more about this person. Ever.

Anonymous said...

this is old news and had a thread already. Why print it again? Are things that slow at The Daily Planet?

Anonymous said...

Adam has alot on his plate at the moment, so I don't see him just picking up and heading over to a restaurant meeting with JD. But when he has some spare time, I would meet JD at the fanciest restaurant and make him pick up the tab and thank him for the invite.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert 24/7 why do you insist on giving James Durbin time..

This is not his fan site.. haven't you learned anything yet.. we're fans of Adam.

The Dark Side said...

I can only hope that Daughtry knows what he is doing by assisting JD, if in fact he is. This is all a dead issue as far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 11:28AM

Sorry! JD is a CHILD & he's not well enough with his special need for attention!

He deleted cause he realised he sounded like an A..!!!


Larissa said...

A day or too after, he posted that Daughtry was helping him now and it was a dream come true. In fact, after he talked to Adam, he replied to a fan that Adam was the next best thing but he couldn't contact Daughtry. I followed James b/c I was waiting to see if he talked to Adam more so I saw all that crap and unfollowed him cuz it was obviously not sincere.

Anonymous said...

OT - Vancouver fans of this ice-hockey team(?) rewrote If I Had You to cheer their team and made this fun video:

Larissa said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the link Cassie!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the fun video link, I just watched it, always alot of fun when it's Adam's music.Now I am in the mood for a street party.

Anonymous said...

Durbin is a DUMBASS!!!!!
Let's move on...I'm sure Adam has!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good riddens as far as I am concerned. Durbin just trying to find help. Adam was kind enough that is what shows. James on the other hand is showing his immature side. Whata surprise! I don't hate Durbin I just think he is not trust worthy. The Christian comment etc about Daughtery was bazarre and strange too. He is all over the place and sounding desperate. The first fish to bite was who he floundered over first. Another big surprize.

Anonymous said...

No's all been said!

Anonymous said...

James has Tourette not aspergers

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:35

He has both.


Anonymous said...

Let's move on already! I'm glad his focus is not with Adam anymore. It'll be interesting to see how JD's future pans out.

Anonymous said...

Durbin tweeted Adam.
Durbins' fans freaked out.
Durbin threw Adam under the bus
to appease his BSC fans!
Daughtry... to the rescue
"he's a christian you know"
WOO-HOO everybody's happy!!!!!

Adamluv said...

@anon 2:28 - you said it all!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to JD- he's going to need it! nuff said! James, if your lurking, come back in a year or so maybe I'll listen when you have a sold out tour like adam did!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam to death but to be honest, I think he was being a little bitch about the whole convo.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:47 Adam is just being himself open and honest that's why he is always been criticize indeed!!!!!

You are not a fan !!!!! Troll

Urethra_Franklin said...

Durbs = Douche

Anonymous said...

Adam is always polite. Yes, he was distant, but he offered to help and said it would be an honor. How can that be construed as bitchy?? Adam has to watch his step with people like Durbin (backstabber), and he knows it. He wanted everything public. Good thing as JD now acts like nothing happened.

My main problem with the entire discourse was JD's comment that Daughtry is Christian making him superior. That is a totally disgusting statement and offensive to most of the world who happens not to be Christian including me. Guess the gay Jew wasn't good enough.

I agree with those tired of Durbin. I never was a fan but found him interesting with potential. Now, I really never want to hear about him again. Sorry to any Durbin trolls on this site, but he burned his bridges as far as I'm concerned.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Maybe Adam was "distant" because HES ACROSS THE COUNTRY FROM LA ATM!!! JEEZ!! is he suppose to drop his life BECAUSE DURBS TWEETED HIM FOR HELP?? Fuck that...he was kind in offering to help and the douche bag responded like a douche bag. End of story.

Anonymous said...

End of story! Durbin just dug his own grave.

glitzylady said...

I so agree with you..Adam was polite, as usual, but under no obligation to drop everything for JD. He said he'd be happy to help, but then was "replaced" (saved..) by Daughtry, who referred him to his man....End of story...

Anonymous said...

Yes! Durbin showed his true self with that
"he's a christian" comment...I'm a christian
and I'm offended!!!

"PSA" TO all christians...Jesus is a Jew!
When he returns...He will return to Jerusalem as a Jew, NOT a Christian! The Jews are the Root, We (christians) are just a branch grafted in!!!

Anonymous said...

please, enough of durbin, let's not give him a free publicity.

Anonymous said...

If it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon take this picture down and end this thread. It's making me feel real erpy. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

good job adam. handled it perfectly.

Rita said...

'Bout tired of being lectured by some people about Durbin's "Asperger" condition. Does he get a free pass on every idiotic thing he says or does? The Pepsi moment on AI, the comment about the stage moms, numerous Adam Lambert comments, etc. etc. Will he ever be held responsible for these things? Durbin gives me the creeps and did from the first time I laid eyes on him and hearing him sing. Please, let's end these threads about him!!

Anonymous said...

Durbin doesn't deserve the likes of Adam helping him out....let him drown on his own. I never was a fan of Durbin, and these recent events make me dislike him even more.

Anonymous said...

Does admin have any news about Adam except old news?

Anonymous said...

@admin Just take a rest for few days:)
Ithink you can't find any news about Adam for few weeks.
Who cares about Adam's old photoshop photos?
Don't worry, be happy:)

Anonymous said...

James deleted bcoz I think now he doesn't want to meet Adam.Now he already has 'gooder' advice from Daughtry.He replied to someone tweet saying he wasn't ask for Adam advice.That tweet was after he got Daughtry's advice.Funny thing is, he replied saying he wasn't asking Adam advice while his old tweets asking for Adam's advice still visible to people to read.Maybe,that's why he deleted it bcoz he looks stupid lying about it while we still can see his tweets!

Bing said...

@Rita - thank you so much for your post, exactly my thoughts and i couldn't say it any better.

This man is a real vexation to my spirit and his Aspergers can't be his all time excuse for every obnoxious thing he does. I told myself that i will never post about him again but i guess i just can't help but express my utter disgust with him. If he really lacks the normal social skills, then maybe it would be best for him to avoid social media for his sake. He will just keep on turning people away. Should there be another thread about him here, i must scroll down to avoid it. It is no longer good for my blood pressure. And this is strange for someone as patient as i am. I need to get hold of myself phew.

Anonymous said...

Rita...THANK YOU!!

Anonymous said...

My adult nephew has Asperger's and both my sister and I are sick and tired of hearing Durbin being excused for every douche behavior because he has Asperger's. As my sister said, "He's doing more harm than good for Aspies, because his behavior is such that it tells the world not to hire people like my son nor to attempt to befriend them."

Yes, people with Asperger's lack the NATURAL ability to read social cues and so on, but they are fully capable of LEARNING them to the extent that they CAN (can as in "are capable of") avoid saying hurtful, smug and arrogant comments. (In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen someone with Asperger's who demonstrates the degree of smugness Durbin does.) They also are more than capable of learning what LYING is.

So let's separate Durbin's Asperger's from his personality traits. They are not necessarily the same thing.

Anonymous said...

@4:27pm - THANK you. I am so sick of hearing Durbin be excused for every douche-y bit of behavior he exhibits because of his Asperger's, too, imho I think he's just a douche!

If he was that impaired, he would never have been able to even compete on Idol, which is a real pressure cooker, and I think would exacerbate any issues or stressors anyone has to deal with in their life.

So it's good to have the perspective of a family who is actually dealing with this form of autism.

Anonymous said...

Adam was just right down the line.
Time to move on....and for James too.

laurieb said...

My thought is that if Durbin "truly" cannot control his "social behavour" and "cues" then he would have said what he really thought on the night he was booted from Idol, or the night his bf was booted from Idol.. these 2 scenerios clearly show that he can control his emotions and thoughts,when he needs to..and answer in a thoughtful and expected manner..

Anonymous said...

Fu** JD and leave Adam alone!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE take this pic down now. Ick.

Cheril said...

Well then, if he has deleted the conversation then I guess it never happened. ;) When my son was little he used to think that when he put both of his hands over his eyes no one could see him. Makes me smile to think about it. Anyway moving forward with a true, extremely talented artist, Adam F. Lambert.

Anonymous said...

AL should meet up with JD and CD at the fanciest restaurant in LA and run up an outrageous tab and make them pay for it. CD wasn't to keen on AL during his Idol run. I would slay two dragons with one sword. that's how I play!

Anonymous said...

it's all over the head! that's what my mama would say! so right you are mom. clueless!