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Do Something Awards Promo Featuring GLEE's Jane Lynch

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 11, 2011

Adam is one of the artists nominated.

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Anonymous said...

can't wait!!

HK fan said...

There's a nice article in the Examiner by Renee Synder explaining about Adam and that photo with the young girl and the mix up about him singing.

OT, where's JAK, she doesn't seem to have posted for several days. Hope she's OK.

And any big or poop worthy announcements yet for monday?

Anonymous said...

The mix 94.1 sexiest man poll. Adam v John Mayer is now open for 1 day. Unlimited voting

Adamluv said...

@anon 5:10 - could you or someone give a website for the sexiest man poll, please. Thanks. And BTW, where is funbunn40 and Fan4fun????? ... Adamluv

HK fan said...

sorry anon 5.10 was me.

Anonymous said...


Adam Nominated For Do Something Music Awards


Winners to be announced at the taping on Sunday, August 14th at the 2011 Do Something Awards hosted by Jane Lynch airing on VH1 Thursday, August 18th

New York, NY (JULY 11, 2011) – is thrilled to announce the official voting period for the 2011 Do Something Awards opens today July 11, 2011 at 9:00 AM EST at and extends through August 14, 2011 9 AM EST. Fans now have the opportunity to vote for their favorite celebrities who do great work and who inspire young people to do great work too.

In addition to announcing the celebrity winners, one young “do-er” (age 25 and under) will be receiving a grand prize of $100,000 for their cause. This is the largest and most prestigious prize in the world for young people and social change. “This is not your grandma’s award show,” says Nancy Lublin, the CEO and Chief Old Person of “There will be no violins and no ballgowns.”

The 2011 Do Something Awards will be hosted by Jane Lynch (Glee) at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles and will air on Thursday, August 18th 2011 at 9PM EST on VH1 where the winners will be announced.

This year’s VH1 Do Something Awards are executive produced by Michael Dempsey for Dempsey Productions and Lee Rolontz for VH1. Nancy Lublin and Naomi Hirabayashi oversee the awards show for

Adam has been nominated for the “Do Something Music Artist” award, show your support and vote for him here:

And don’t forget to tune in Thursday, August 18th at 9PM ET on VH1 to see who wins!

Anonymous said...

Do you miss Adam? Do you want to see him on T.V. again?

Please vote for him here:

Login to VH1 or if you don't have a login id register then login and vote your fingers off. Do it and tell others on twitter, facebook, fansites, etc. to do it too.

Anonymous said...

Been voting a lot. It is easy to log in. This would be huge if Adam won! He so deserves the recognition. Wish they had mentioned donors chose and charity water also. Everyone vote hard thanks.

Anonymous said...

Jane is very pretty with the way she is wearing her make-up in that promo. She has a good personality and I am looking forward to her hosting that program. I can just hear her saying and the winner is the wonderful, the talented, the beautiful, the ( SLAP) ADAM LAMBERT.YAY

Anonymous said...

If Adam wins, then they might mention his association with Donors and the Charity water campaign for his birthday. He should be recognized for the work he does for/with these organizations. So often celebs attach their name to a cause or an organization and do absolutely nothing. Adam needs to be acknowledged for his involvement.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv& all, Thanks for missing me! I've been voting for above "Do Something, Adam/John Mayer "site and had to comment on John Mayer's lack of sexiness by kissing and telling about Jessica Simpson and other conquests. lol Had to put in my 2cents worth! No one sexier than Adam! I also had to get away from sitting and staying on laptop. Have to get stamina built up and get in shape for Adam's upcoming tour! Had to start now, as I've really slacked off and age is not on my side! We all probably need to get moving so we can keep up with our rock god! I've scanned a few threads, and checked out Daydreamin's links, but just didn't have time to comment on all the good stuff from you all! You,Glitzylady and others also said what I was thinking and kept site covered! I still need to get up with Fan4fun. Where are you? Saw Icon's last post from the "panic room!" I also had to watch Suz526 videos of Adam for my fix and had to clean my house! So many things in life interferring with Adamland , which is so much more rewarding and fun! Back to voting! Trying to be good and productive for our boy! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@8:40PM, Also agree that Adam needs to be recognized for his hands on with Donors Choose and over $300,000.00 raised for Charity Water! Speaking of Charity Water, I finally got my Adam signed pic last weekend! It's on a black background, shirtless, with lots of necklaces, with a "come hither look" expression on his magnificent face, signed in silver marker. Hope the rest of you get yours soon too. He had a lot to sign, but is honoring his b-day statement. Pretty soon Canada will be graced with Adam's electricity and glorious voice! Happy for those that will experience his sensuous greatness!! funbunn40

tess4ADAM said...

Been VOTING my fingers to the bone on ALL of the polls ... there are 7 open polls as of this post ... 6 faxo ... oops! that makes it 10 now that I'm counting them ... I would post them here but I've had my A$$ chewed out about that ... so go to faxo .. AM. Idol of the Month & check out the posts on there ... nobody seems to mind it there ... sorry ... gotta run ... time to VOTE 4 EVERYTHING ADAM!!


tess4ADAM said...

Just had a thought ... how about if we have a thread strictly for url(s) for all open ADAM polls so we can post them here without getting chewed out about it?? Just a thought ...


glitzylady said...

Still waiting for my Charity Water picture(s) (one for a friend..). I don't think about it until someone mentions they got theirs and then I get a little deflated, but also encouraged..One picture closer to ME! And good girl for working on getting in shape for the next tour! If I start now....

Yes, wondering where @JAK is...haven't heard from her for a little while..hoping its just a matter of her having soooo much fun on vacay, or that perhaps Dell-a forgot her power cord..and so has been off the internet perhaps????.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, I am thinking maybe something went wrong with @JAK and possibly grandson techy is not around to fix??

@Funnbunn40, I know what you mean about real life getting in the way of our Adam fascination. I too am trying to work on projects with my summer off.


Anonymous said...

Vote Vote Vote...he is up against Beiber and GaGa Yikes

Anonymous said...

When you vote for Adam on the do something vh1 vote. Log in then click music artist, vote for Adam then click on next category,click music artist and vote again. Someone said they did not know if just keeping on clicking vote without going back counted all your votes. Just want to make sure all our votes count because Adam so deserves this award!

Rebecca said...

best commerial her

Everyday Life

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv
I'm here! I'm always here, just need some extra inspiration to comment. I'm not living my best days, you know....

@ funbunn40
So... you've left me in a «stand by» but forgot to tell me until WHEN!!! (Lucky fellow, I forgive you!)

Yeah... where are the people?

Where is JAK?
Where is sanni (Ida The Ladycat's owner)
Where is Glambrit IOW/UK? and Chezza Sherbert?
Where is Mom From Toronto?
Where is Melissa Toronto?
Where is JackL?
Do you remember Israeli Fan, PLA-Poland Loves Adam, Holland Fan, FF-Florida Fan etc, etc?
And where the hell is ZZ

I guess I'm living a nostalgia moment!
Quick, Icon!!! Come to pet mommy!

Anonymous said...

The Do Something Awards has updated their info on Adam to include Donors Choose and Charity Water. They have also included a link to each, which is a nice touch.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - your nostalgia moment comment was so sweet! And it really took me back to last summer for some reason :).

@daydreamin and funbunn40 - yes, real life does get in the way now doesn't it, lol.

Still love to pop in here :).


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to mention that Thurs. is Jane Lynch's birthday which is the same as my daughter's. It's not easy when your baby turns 40!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fan4fun and MGF! Wow Fan4fun, I have missed all of the old regulars. Real life I guess. Hopefully they are not some that abondoned this site from all of the negativity. I really hope your health is coming around.

Happy Birthday to your daughter anon 7:28!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys - I, too, have been consumed with RL and not able to comment as much (+ I think there are more comments than ever on here, recently, and it's sometimes hard to keep up!) but please know I pop on here every day. I just spent the last couple days catching up with some threads that got too long for me to keep up with at the time, and read some amazing comments! A beloved brother passed away, fan4fun suffered some personal setbacks and victories, lmb had great success in her Gay Pride parade march, Kentucky Fan waxed nostalgic about last year's GNT, and others....such great comments and stories from inspiring fans, so glad I went back and read them.

Love obsessing over Adam with you all, even if I don't have time to write the novels I was penning last summer! Please know I am right here with you, suffering through this Adam dry spell and looking forward to the new album.

Bing, GGD Gal and MGF - so nice to see you resurface from time-to-time! Sister - absolutely LOVE all your comments! Too many other great "posters" to comment on's late.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Lately I haven't always had time to comment, as threads were long and after reading all of them, or trying to, ran out of time to comment,and Glitzy usually mirrored and so well posted my similiar thoughts. So glad MGF,Fan4fun,Adam Fix, Daydreamin, Glitzylady and other fave original posters are still lurking. Have to admit, the deliberate negativity [not the differing opinions which are always welcome)was getting to me, wasting time and space and was mentally exhausting and annoying. My ex son-in-law died suddenly and had to make a quick trip to Chicago. Real life with it's ups and downs still goes on for all of us. Several have had health issues and Fan4fun, I know how exhausting and depressing it is to feel weak and ill. You've been thru soooo much and I really was glad to hear what was occurring with the Golden Boys, and you especially. Still owe you more time to catch up. Got carried away on this thread. Hope P.A.S ,JAK is also well and is just enjoying vacation and family. There is comfort knowing that so many of you still are here. Bing, you too. I also wonder where Maggie Longfellow, Jake, Sanni(the real one)Elli, Eva are and hope the ugliness didn't drive them away. Loved the good stuff about Sauli and Finland. Missing your posts, MGF & hubby tidbits!also GIOW and what's going on in the UK. News has been slow and think we will be all revved up again when Adam surfaces and new tour and appearances gets underway. Being gone from home all last fall and winter also gave me much to do to catch up. We all should probably try to get caught up so we can savor our upcoming Adamgasm time that will soon consume us! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, you too keep us going on this site and where is ZZ? I keep thinking of more and more special posters and also our newer ones! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh and Ronnie and our male friends that give us theirvaluable points of view. Ok, will have to stop now, as names keep popping up and have to go to bed! nite, y'all funbunn40