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One Year Ago: Sandy Stec Interviews Adam Lambert Warfield San Francisco 7-23-10

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 23, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 23, 2011

From GaleChesterWhittington:

Check out this interview of ADAM LAMBERT by Sandy Stec, DJ at San Jose's Mix 106.5 Radio Station, for her online "Sandy Stec Show." This interview took place backstage in the Warfield's famous autograph room before ADAM LAMBERT's 31st Glam Nation Tour Concert at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco, California yesterday, July 23, 2010. "A quick interview with Adam Lambert before his sold-out show at the Warfield in San Francisco that night. We talked food, music, and Twilight. Enjoy!"


Anonymous said...

Wow! This was a great interview. Adam is so delightful. The tour was so successful and uplifting, a year later,it is good to contemplate all the joys and achievements not only of the tour but of Adam in terms of his personal life, finding the love of his life, etc. What a great year overall! I am happy for Adam and looking forward to the momentum continuing with the new album.

Anonymous said...

I remember this interview, at the time I thought the interviewer was charming and amusing and had a good vibe with Adam. Later, he was interviewed by another young woman with a similar
vibe..........who was that, you know the one in the TIGHT pants who split them during the interview? She and Adam both got the giggles.

He's got to be the most personable person in the world!..........................JAK

Anonymous said...

*:29 Well said!!! This is just the beginning for Adam and we will love every minute of what is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to go there and find Adam's signature on that famous wall. I couldn't get the sound on this vid, I must be doing something wrong.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Few more days folks and he will rock Canada again indeed Yay!!!!! Adam you can be drunk all the time with me HeHe!

LP said...

I have heard a lot about Adam's concert in Canada, since this is a festival, are there a lot of other entertainers also? For the Festival is it a one day event? I heard it is near or on the beach? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember this interview. Adam is so charming and delightful. What a great personality he has! Too bad he was sober Sandy lol! I think that's the first time I've seen a female ending an interview with Adam with a handshake! Usually they go in for a hug or kiss on the cheek!


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed it's a festival and I heard I hope I'm right??? Elton John and Metallica are included in this Festival???? Hope I got the right info????

Anonymous said...

JAK - here you are, this is the interview you were talking about:

Anonymous said...

I remember this interview. I love it. Adam is so open, playful and quick witted when he meets up with an interviewer who is equally smart, funny and playful. When it happens, both of them shine.

@Anon 8:44 The hilarious interview you mentioned where the interviewer split her pants was with Jessie Cruickshank during Adam's Canadian promo visit to Toronto. There are actually three segments to the interview on YT and all three are hilarious. Adam is gorgeous here, as usual, but LOL at the fact that he appears to be wearing lip gloss or something (which he said in the above interview that he doesn't do). This Jessie C interview was earlier so perhaps he saw this interview and vowed to never wear it again. Check them out.

Anonymous said...

Still watch clips of his tour, still so impressed with his "putting it all out there", wow.

Love him

Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...

I also remember this interview when it was first taped. So fun! I feel as if Adam's career has evolved somewhat from the GNT tour. I feel as if he has more "weight" to his validity as a performer. He is on his way up and shows no signs of just fading away, regardless of what the haters may say. Respected people in the music business continue to want to work with him and must see great potential in him. I hope his international fan base remains solid and grows. They have supported him tremendously and I'm sure he appreciates it. I'm feeling the excitement grow as we get nearer to the new single and new album! Can't wait to see video from the Canada show! Can't wait for it ALL to happen!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the concert in Canada next week on the 29th will be "livesteamed"?

Anonymous said...

I was at the Warfield on the 23rd. It was a blast! The fans waiting in line were so excited and such a diverse crowd. Was in line with a father and his daughter, she was about 12 or 13, behind them an older couple, lots of people dressed-up very glam. The Warfield was rockin' that night. Love SF

Anonymous said...

HAHA I remember this. That's MY radio station! I just saw her last week when Neon Trees performed here for free last week! (What a mob scene!)

I couldn't get tickets to this performance but got to see Adam this only time the next day (a year ago tomorrow!)



Anonymous said...

For those inquiring about the festival, here is a link to their site. Some of the content could not be translated to english because anything that is done in Flash is not recognized at text by the translator. There are only two names on here that I recognize for the entertainment.

Ronnie said...

Life must go on. I'm so much waiting for the Canada gig and vids&pics from there. Adam keeps life going on. Have been crying and listening Adam whole day. I love this guy so much.

The Dark Side said...

Sandy is a glam fan as are we all. Nice interview. She didn't ask stupid questions that we have heard a thousand times.

Anonymous said...

Seems like we all remember this one. Nice.
Damn, I miss his interviews! They activate my upper ‘wheels’... as opposed to GNT which was more of a lower chakras energizer. You know... Muladhara and so on. :-)

I wouldn’t have become a ..Bert if not for those interviews... And the AI rendition of the Ring of Fire! And Mad World. And Feeling Good. And Whole Lotta Love. And A Change Is Gonna Come... Yup, those were the causative agents of my addiction. Now I struggle with a relapsing-remitting kind of disorder. I think the self-imposed Music Therapy might not be the best treatment for me after all. :-) Who cares? I’d do anything to hear him sing with an orchestra again! A symphonic rock song. The A Fricking L, his guitar Monster and a philharmonic orchestra. In a stadium-sized venue. He could wear a cloak, a crown or high heels, whatever he would like. I don’t care. I would love a Freddie of my time!

Well, a ..Bert can dream... while being treated with Pop&Remixes once a month... (The prophetic words of... Pop Goes The Camera! Can one be his own prophet? I guess he can.)


Adamluv said...

Just heard that Amy Winehouse, age 27, was found dead. RIP.

Anonymous said...

@ Cassie and Anon 10:09 am

Thank you both for the info about Jessie Cruickshank's interview. I thought it was so funny and had "saved" it. Sadly, recently when my computer was very very ill she had to be brainwashed and the process washed away all her memories! I am slowly rebuilding my collection,
as I try to find things I treasured I do a lot of whining. You see I suffer from ergasiophobia*
and that makes the job even harder. Thanks...JAK

*don't just means a morbid fear of work!

glitzylady said...

I'm glad you told us what "ergasiophobia" meant. For just a moment, I was thinking you had picked up some of Adam's "Urban Dictionary" habits and I was going to have to look it up there, because it sounded just a little, um, naughty to me..the "..gas.." part, if you get my drift....And then you tell me it just refers to work..oh well. Tells you where my mind is these days. ; )

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry but not surprised to hear of the death of Amy Winehouse. I am sure the assumption of cause of death will be directly or indirectly related to improper drug use.

There have been so many on that list of singers, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Elvis, even back to Judy Garland. What a sad congregation to be in................JAK

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Yeah, that one usually makes eyes pop! I am a lover of words.......special ones that appeal to me.......I collect them like shells on the beach,
save them and bring them out on occasion to play with them. I had one all ready to use when Adam had his "satanic" beard......but thought better of it since that topic was heading into toxic territory like so many seem to do.

Now that it's safely behind us, do you like POGONOPHOBIA ? Many children encouraged to cosy up to Santa suffer from it.......a fear of beards! Recently several of our group here expressed AEROPHOBIA, which is an easy one, fear of flying.

Long ago in my youth, before television ,I was a weird kid who read the dictionary and encyclopedias for fun! Some of it stuck! LOL..JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, my late husband who had a great love for history and was constantly reading always had a dictionary by his side. Even as we traveled the huge dictionary was always packed to be ready for the moment he might have needed it. That, of course, was before computers and laptops.

As you re-build your Adam "collection" you might like this is simple but one of my favorites about nothing "significant". But, I just love it.

Anonymous said...

JAK, sorry, here it is:

Anonymous said...

It's sad that one of the British rock/soul star found dead.... Amy Winehouse was one of the best artist in her own rights and she was only 27 indeed!!!! R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

If you go to Juneau & Xena's site you can see all the videos posted from this San Francisco concert that was just one year ago.

Adam sounds amazing and looks soooooo hot! (Just like this weather)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:03 pm

Thank you - Thank you for the link. I love this one.....the girl is a verbal clone of my younger daughter, talks so fast and seems a bit loopy.
When I first saw it sometime ago I called eldest daughter and gave her the link and said who does she remind you of.....a few minutes passed and she said "Beth"! Then I called Beth and gave her the link and said same thing...who does she remind you of....minutes passed and she came back and said "MOM"! Even she recognized the similarity. My Beth is very smart, was a "with honors graduate" the family she is lovingly called "OOPS!" Like all families we have family stories we all laugh at...and over the years no one gives us more giggles than Beth.
Thanks again........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK, glad to contribute. That's very funny about your daughters.

HK fan said...

i remeber this interview too, nice and relaxed by both Adam and the interviewer, I remember thinking at the time though that the background wall made it look as though they were standing in a public loo with graffitt on the wall.

Sad about Amy Winehouse, not really not surprised. I watched the videos of her performing in Europe last month, awful to see how she was on stage.

The festival in Ste Agathe is the first time this place has held one. Its the brainchild of the mayor apparently. Not sure what acts are on (if any during the day) but each night is a different act, Eric la Pointe (?) a canadian singer, Adam, Kenny Rodgers and a couple of others. There is a beach nearby but ithink its on a lake. Its being called the festival of fire or something and they'll be fireworks. You can buy a passport wich gives you entry to all acts, or tickets to individual shows. About 6000 tickets have been sold so far for Adam, the most of any of the acts, and they are expected to sell more nearer the day.

Anonymous said...

By the way folks, let's have a moment to pray for all the people and victims in Norway. It's tragic especially for the young people who lost their lives indeed!!!! It's cruel and senseless to think what has happened.....

Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

@Glb, Jul 23, 1:08 PM -
Your posts activate my upper ‘wheels’…you sure have a way with words!
In lack of newer interviews, older interviews of Adam are worth seeing/listening again!

Thank you also for your longer two part post in the ”Live the Life” thread (where Sister posted her hiatus speech), I share your pov’s and motto!

Keep on dreaming everything big re Adam (musically, I mean!) and hope you have found your fangs… LOL

GGD Gal, gotta live the life…

LP said...

@ anon 5:21
Thank you so much for the info about the Festival. Fantastic that Adam has sold 6000 tickets already, with the possibility of selling many more. Someone better take care of Sauli, or he might get lost in the crowd. It is so exciting that Adam will be performing again. Maybe Sauli can be Adam's water boy, and see that he has plenty of water ready. I don't know if it is true, but is this the first time Sauli has seen Adam perform live?

Anonymous said...

Sauli has his own career. I know folks are jealous, but he is no one's water boy.

Anonymous said...

I would be a water boy (girl) for a friend or loved one gladly who was performing in summer heat. Jealous of what? Two sweethearts? Everyone should be so lucky.

LP said...

@ anon 9:13

That was not a derogatory remark about Sauli. I guess I did not express myself very well. I know he has a job and is working, I admire him very much. But he won't be working when Adam goes to Canada, I just wondered if Adam would want him out in the thousands of people. If Adam needed any help with anything, then Sauli could do it. The way I see it , they are in a relationship, and would always help each other if needed. Don't have any idea why the word jealous came into it. Sauli earns his own living, and is lucky enough to have a relationship with a wonderful man. People are so touchy about Sauli and take things out of context. I love them both and hope they can have a happy life in spite of people who don't recognise that Sauli is a grown up man who works and can make up his own mind what that job will be. I still hope Adam will put him on the payroll, just as he did Neil, when he went on tour.That is a good job and much saught after.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 3:03 I love that interview! They both had so much fun and especially with the "hot toddy"!!


Anonymous said...

This international Glambert will be supporting Adam 'til death do us part and beyond. :)

Bing said...

Last year i craved for Adam's interviews and would listen to them on replay when i had the luxury of time. Listening to all his interviews is as enjoyable as watching his performances. God I Love this man! Btw that interview by Lisa Paige is an all time favorite of mine because it was hilarious and i had a blast when i first saw that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:13,
I know you didn't mean it as derogatory, but I wouldn't want to get paid for getting water for my significant other, even if he was a star. That would make the relationship unbalanced. Sauli and Adam should get each other water whenver they please, not because either are paid to do it. Neil being on the payroll to unload drinks and whatnot is different. It is all right.

Anonymous said...

@GGD Gal
Are you a social worker or something? You do have a way of talking to...the mildly... English-based... disabled... me. :-) I cherish your kind words, the more so as it is, indeed, a long and painful process to convey my thoughts in this language... Or in my own language for that matter! LOL But, hey, ..Berts like you, my dear, and the ones who tell me that they have to read my posts twice to understand them (and they keep doing it :-)), make me want to try again... (Man, I feel like Tom Cruise... before breaking his leg in Vets Hospital and realizing he’s handicapped for life. Good Old Hopes! Telling yourself “I can do this. I can. Just have to try. It’s up to me”... then becoming an addict... then a public speaker and successful writer. Let the flags wave!... :-) Sorry for that. I saw ‘Born On The 4th Of July’ the other day.. for the 4th or 5th time. You won’t mind if I borrow one or two versions of ‘the American dream’, will you? It’s an exported commodity anyway. After all, Glambert The First is living it... and preach it! You see, in my real life, the national dreams are for survival not thriving.)
Aanywaay... All this is, I guess, much to the despair of some other ..Berts. Now they can put the blame on you... Oh, I’ve just thrown the ‘dead cat’ in the nicest people’s yards! Damn! I’m disabled... and vicious! And self-aware! That’s the worst.. for me! :-))


Oh, yes... It’s too much ‘I’/‘me’ in my posts and less ‘He’/’Him’, I know. Must be my way of ‘taking it personally’ here on 24/7. Let’s make Art out of ‘taking things personally’! Let’s forget about “it’s not that deep”... :-)

Hmm...I heard once of a proposal to pay the wives for their time spent in otherwise unpaid household work...
And what’s wrong with a couple working in the same business/place?
I see the ‘Glam World’ as an iceberg: the submerged ‘glamorizers’ (water boys included) and the elevated ‘glamorized’ ones. Who makes this ‘world’ float? :-)

Anonymous said...

OT..went and listened to some of Amy's songs...the sound of her voice reminds me of Adele...RIP Amy...

LP said...

Just for clarification, Neils job was assistant tour director, he worked with Lane, he did not serve drinks to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I read that the mayor of the city that Adam will be performing in on the 29th has been swamped with requests from Adam's fans asking if they can "camp out" on the grounds the night before!
.........That's our boy!
.........He has camp followers............JAK

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to those of you who have helped me restore DELL-A's memory with links I love.
Today I found the DDD Digital Dream Door link with all of Adam's Idol and studio music, plus pre Idol and other goodies. It's so nice to have it all on one page.......My husband said "You must be feeling good today, you seem really happy". If he only knew!!!!! He'd tease me, so my lips are sealed!..............:-) JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Me, social worker or something…hah-ha, just HILARIOUS!

Besides loving AFRGL (or Glambert the First, as you called him), and music of various genres, I love books and book stores (do I remember correctly that you share this ”passion”, too ---?) I also love checking other people’s book shelves…you never know what TREASURES you come across…If they have a lot of books I usually end up with an awful head ache after having had my head in a tilted position for a long time, LOL. Why do I tell you this? Cause reading your posts gives me the same feeling, the element of surprise and the possible treasures…

On topic (for once!) - This time a year ago I listened over and over again Whole Lotta Love from BOTH San Francisco nights (Jul 23 and Jul 25) and they STILL give me goosepumps, especially the endings…

GGD Gal, going down the memory lane