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Picture: Adam Lambert and Beau Fournier 7/27/2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Ronnie said...

I'm sorry. Have been judging to some here. You guys love him anyway. We all do. Adam is always friendly and tolerant. So hug to u all<3

Anonymous said...

What was the name of his hair color? Was it like Frosted Wolf or something? Don't Remember!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he has ever worked with SYTYCD? Maybe he could whip something up for Sasha. Speaking of Sasha don't forget to watch her tonight and vote if you think she is the best. She is going to have a hard time topping last week!! Last week was the greatest.

Anonymous said...

Acid Wolf I think the hair color was called.


Anonymous said...

Nice normal looking person....everybody happy?

Yea!.....Happy Wednesday.....Happy Thread?? JAK

Anonymous said...

We just Eat Up all your daily tidbits Adam

Love you
Kelowna Fan XXX

PS Will you ever come to Kelowna BC ?

glitzylady said...

"Happy Thread"? Oh, yes please!! I still go back to the "Love, Humor, and Lust" thread AKA Sauli's "Weekend Style" thread for a dose of Happy!

And as a contribution to "The Happy Thread 2 Project", here is a tweet that was on Twitter this AM and, I kid you not, its from the Hulk: How much more FUN can you get than THIS????!!!! We aren't the only ones apparently.... ; )

@THE_REAL_HULK Bruce Banner
1 hour ago

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Hilarious tweet! And that Happy Thread, I saved it on my favorites. I will hunt it up and read it if things get toxic again around here....sort of a "safe haven"!......JAK

Anonymous said...


Brad Fournier is a member of the LA based dance crew Fanny Pak. They dance on music videos!!!!
They're good.....when I'm a successful rapper I will certainly consider hiring them!!!.....JAK

The Dark Side said...

Hopefully the entire thread can be anti-toxic and not harmful to our health. As we, who love Adam, know, our shackles get up real quick when in defense mode. So happy day and happy blogging to one and all. Adam looks gorgeous with his "acid wolf" hair. Love the name, it's a perfect match to our glam wolf. btw who is Beau Fournier? Should that name be familiar?

Anonymous said...

Was it Michelle Collins who said Adam had wolf eyes? I know I read it somewhere. Well now his hair goes with his eyes. Maybe he could become "wolf man". What a handsome wold he would make. He could bite me anytime.

Adam biting me/you could turn into another happy thread.

JAK the Rapper: Have you come up with a name for your new adventure? Better bring your bed along so you can dance. Gosh, I can see the stage now. LOL. Visual.


Anonymous said...

That's wolf he would make not wold. P.A.S.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I missed another "toxic dust-up", and may I say thank goodness!
Haven't been on much lately due to those types of issues.
Hoping and wondering what kind of coverage we will see out of Quebec on Friday. Congrats to those of you who may be attending.
Adam and his hair....a topic of conversation I'm sure will continue for years to come. Personally, the guy has never taken a bad pic. I love his style, his presence and his talent. His hair is just gravy!

Anonymous said...


Not gravy!.......Acid Wolf!

Though he does look delicious!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! I want to touch his hair, looks like some golden hay shooting up the sky. Very hot!

Anonymous said...

This tweet just came:

mrbrodybrown Brody Brown
@adamlambert good to see you last night honeybear, and even better to see you so happy xx

Anonymous said...

Funny someone mentioned "wolf man". Awhile back. I saw Adam and Sauli being called Wolfman and Wolfbaby on Twitter. I thought it was cute.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Looks like hes working his way to a whole head of blonde hair...

Anonymous said...

Hey Jak The Rapper.....looks like they need to adjust the name, too for Australia! Ha!

glitzylady said...

@Urethra_Franklin 3:32 PM
I have been wondering if that's what he's working toward too..He's had the brown/black hair for a long time and maybe is changing his look...or not. I rather like the lighter hair, but I know everyone has an opinion, and he obviously looks REALLY good with the dark hair! I think it would be fun for him to see how people/his fans react to a change like that, because he would definitely look different, but we've seen him with lighter hair before and I think he looks good too, especially in his more recent blond pictures..So maybe new music, new look??? Adam never fails to keep us wondering, discussing,...and here we go...3..2...1...

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:43pm

Think JAKE instead of Jack, that's my tag and nickname in RL..I assume that means "real life"?

Anonymous said...

Really good show on SYTYCD. GaGa was a judge, she was pretty good. Sasha first number was good, she looked beautiful. The second number with Melonie blew it out of the water for both. Nigel said he thinks finale will be between Sasha and Melonie. Still love Sasha Misty Blue number last week the best though. JMO

Anonymous said...

how about Lil JAK, MC JAK Hammer,Dirty Diddy JAK Money.

Anonymous said...

I forgot JAK Z.

Anonymous said...

Love the way Adam is always changing his hair. It's fun when you have beautiful thick hair like he obviously has that grows so fast. Didn't I read that red heads have the thickest hair?

I also like it not so extremely black, but that's my opinion. I actually liked his hair best when it was brown and highlighted. He'll just keep surprising us, and that's what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Michele Collins said he had Alaskan Husky blue eyes.

Anonymous said...

Don't appreciate some of the negative comments regarding Aussies or Australia, we did go out of our way to welcome Adam and make him feel at home when he was here in 2010 for his GNT concert. Please be mindful that you run the risk of losing new Adam fans if you treat them without respect, this site should be open to all Adam fans not just a few, by all means have fun and share a joke but not at the expense of putting others down!!

Those who are responsible know who they are, as I understand it Adam is hoping to widen his fan base and sarcastic jokes towards new fans does little to help him, I don't think he'd appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with You,July 28, 2011 7:55 AM. it feels that regulars won´t accept newcomers here at all.. been there, seen that.. but I don´t care.

if newcomers will ask something, regulars even won´t reply. they´re kind of overlooking the new people here.
and if You don´t agree with regulars, they will start to call You immediately as a troll.

sometimes it seems they´re owners of this page, they can do or say what ever they want to, but newcomers are not allowed for example to use rude words here, as the regulars are doing.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:55 AM

Where did you find negative remarks about Aussies? I must have missed them, as far as I've seen we mostly all welcome and rejoice in their love for Adam. Please believe I only know of "regulars" who welcome newcomers and ask them to join in and have fun. The person posting at 10:13 above is also a regular and appears regularly complaining about regulars????????????

Anonymous said...

epic fail,10.40 AM. been here just some months and even don´t comment every day.

Anonymous said...

I am new here and announced it at the time and couldn't have got a warmer welcome. Quit whining people. Some questions people ask here can be googled or maybe the regulars just don't know the answers to. I must hve missed the negative Aussie remarks too. 10:13 I have been here for such a short time and already know you.

Anonymous said...

Well, You already know me.. ? strange, because I´ll never sign my comments I just post them as anon.
I will not make an announcement if I´ll join into some forums, that´s not my style at all. the less people do know about me, the better.
I don´t doom people if they want to make an issue of being newcomer.

Anonymous said...

I've also noticed sarcastic jokes in reference to new comers on this site, or if someone has a slightly different opinion to older fans they treated unkindly. I mainly come to this site as it offers great info on latest news of Adam, but will not join in on forum due to the rudeness,not everyone is the same and respect for people is important.

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