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Writer Brody Brown Tweets About Meeting Adam Lambert Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

What exactly does he write?

Anonymous said...

My Grandsons name is Brody Brown and I remember my daughter googling the name once just for fun, Brody Brown, Porn star came up . Do you think this is the same Brody Brown?
Jadam.PS Our Brodie is actually spelt Brodie.

Anonymous said...

I googled Brody Brown and he was a young Afro-
American musician, Grammy nominated song writer.
Worked with Bruno Mars on "Grenade" and with Kiki and Timbaland??????? Def. not this Brody Brown!

Anonymous said...

The caption says he's a writer.

He's apparently happy for Adam's happiness with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I googled Brody Brown and it says he's a freelance writer/editor in the greater Los Angeles Area.

Aren't we the best detectives?

Anonymous said...

Yep. 2.21 He has studied fashion, social issues and writes on LGBT Subjects. Was in NY now in LA. Went to his twitter and found his tweet to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Found this on @mrbrodybrown Twitter:

mrbrodybrown .. writer/journalist. particularly love it when people make me laugh, dance, or compete. fashion forward? more like backwards + upside down. born in CT-made in MTL

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to think that Sauli is Adams first ,real, true love. He was so young with Cheeks, and didn't know what real love was. If Cheeks cheated on him, he was prolly very in like with Adam.
Brody Brown, another in the looong list of Adams friends.

Anonymous said...

@2:13 he doesn't say a word about Sauli. He said Adam looked happy.

Anonymous said...

OT You guys remember Megan Joy who was AI8 9th place finalist. She needs help to finish up her album. I made a little donation. She sounds fabulous on her video. Go to this link to help her out:

Anonymous said...

This was fun:

"just catching up on some FB messages and getting some work done, when I was entrapped in a conversation with a TRUE FAN. I mean a TRUE FAN! Ms. Taren Power was unlike anyone I have ever met… I never heard somuch about Adam Lambert than I did in those 20 mins we sat talking…"

read more:


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip 3:05 I have been wondering about Megan recently. I went to Kickstarter and made a pledge to her.

glitzylady said...

A blast from the past; a another nice picture of Adam: (not too distant past..)

Anonymous said...

@2:59 He said "Good to see you last night......and even better to see you so happy. When have you ever known Adam to not be happy? "SO HAPPY" means to me that something has changed and that change is Sauli!

Anonymous said...

I agree Anon 2:59. Cheeks and Adam were very young, but others have revealed (Mr F, another ex of Adam)that Cheeks cheated on Adam and broke his heart. Both Sauli and Adam have stated that they want reliable partners in a monogamous relationship. Maybe, finally, they have both found that. Hope so.................

Anonymous said...

In a recently posted interview, Sauli had stated that he does not believe in cheating, that he has never cheated on anyone, and that he hopes no one has cheated on him. Sorry, cannot recall the exact interview, but it was after BBFinland. More and more, Sauli seems like a person of substance.

Anonymous said...


Vote for Sasha Mallory tonight at 10 PM ET/PT

Call: 1-888-836-7601
Text: 1 to 83676
Vote Online:

BTW Lady Gaga loved her!

Anonymous said...

"honeybear"? hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Don't start the fire @ 6:03 PM???? This guy is just a friend he!he!he!.... Adam seems a nice and caring man that's why he is love..... Especially with his millions of fans indeed!!!!

C u on Friday!!!!!! Adam!!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Yeah, Honeybear! sounds so like Adam. I am sure his old friends have a very warm place in their heart for him. Never heard of Brody, but Adam's LA friends are all cool and the more I get to see the more I like his friends. Adam in love makes a lot of people happy. Well, what can I say, Adam does not have passive fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam has obviously had many "friendly " friends

Anonymous said...

Beautiful message.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I am glad that friends of Adam are taking notice how happy he is. I hope he has truly found the one for him and that they will continue to be happy together. Steph

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to radiate happiness since he's been with Sauli. He has very loyal friends that also must notice and I'm sure they are as genuinely happy for Adam as most of us are. The more I see of Sauli, the more I like him and am glad he is in Adam's life. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The link above to vote for Sasha didn't work for me, but I googled and found it.You can vote up to 50 times, which I did. It will be close between Sasha and Melanie, so this vote is very important. Sasha and Melanie danced their last number together and were outstanding! Gaga threw her red shoe on stage as a compliment. They were excellent and the judges said they both deserve to be at the end. I really got choked up, so proud of Sasha and she looked beautiful and so happy! I think the votes stop at 10AM tomorrow night they have eliminations. They're all so talented. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Aawww, this is sweet. We already could see that Adam is really happy, but it's nice to hear it from his friends too. And he's got a lot to happy about, the album is ready soon and he's found love. I wouldn't be surprised if he's bursting with happiness. So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Adam was certainly happy on Monday after the Fire weekend with Sauli, per his tweet. I will use @U_Franklin's WOOT! Not many people are happy on a Monday, but if they had a good weekend, they are still in happyland.

So whether Sauli was with him or not when he saw Brody Brown, Adam was happy.

7:21: Adam admits there was a time in his life when he was very carefree. When one is carefree it could mean having some flings. I do know about flings, had some myself, in my day. Have you had any?


glitzylady said...

Link to vote for Sasha;

If you are on Facebook you can vote online. Otherwise, use the #'s for texting and phone voting above at @Anon 5:40 PM

Anonymous said...

4:45 PM Right -Adam was a positive, healthy, happy guy long before he ever met Sauli, always smiling. You guys talk like Adam was clinically depressed or something before Sauli came along and 'saved' him. I have over 1000 pictures (as we all do) of Adam smiling and looking very happy before Sauli was in his life, so to say he is only happy now thanks to Sauli is an incredibly stupid idea. Happiness comes from within.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:05 same goes to Sauli. He has always been very positive, happy and always smiling. I cannot imagine how happy they are now when they are together LOL

LP said...

As Sauli said, he was happy before, but he is happier now, and I think the same goes for Adam.

Anonymous said...

LP yes to have someone to love and someone to love you its amazing.

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S. OT, I've had a few good flings along the way, but the one's turned down were really something! One, a well-known VP of the Wrigley Gum Co. in Chicago invited me on his yacht and was pretty persistent. I was 19 and he was 42. He was about 6ft4, blonde hair, blue eyes and very handsome. He also was married and I declined. After I divorced my first husband, I had a 6 month fling with a criminal prosecuter that was called "The Shark" by Chicago mob defense attorneys. I was out to dinner with him when Sam Giancana was found murdered and he had to go to the crime scene. He had a lot of interesting stories and as a young attorney was involved with the Black Panther's trial. He was a very good friend, but died in a terrible accident a month after I married my second husband. I could have married him, he was exciting and very good looking, but I made the right choice and was happily married for 30 years to a great man until he passed away 4 years ago. I've had a lot of interesting, wonderful people enrich and pass thru' my life, for which I'm thankful. funbunn40

Bing said...

Apparently people who've been close to Adam can really tell when he is happy and this reinforces my belief that he truly is.

@AG - thanks for the shout-out in an old thread. I didn't realize that Adam's performance in Canada falls on your special day. What a delightful birthday present my dear! Where is @MOM FROM TORONTO? I'm glad to see a post from @ELIZABETH from Canada recently. Two more nights and we're gonna be treated to another fascinating form of entertainment from a SHINING STAR! Adam's artistry is unmatched because of his compelling passion, undeniable professionalism, perpetual creativity and most of all his unique ability to connect with his audience. He recharges people watching him and the positive flow of energy is certainly felt when he is on stage.

I remember his mom saying in one of the interviews that if Adam will be able to do this for the rest of his life then he'll be the happiest person on earth, not her exact words though. And it is my fervent wish that he gets to fulfill this dream because it's as if i'm fulfilling mine. I couldn't believe it can happen to me that when Adam is happy, i am happier. But unfortunately when Adam is down, i feel more pain than i should. It could be due to the fact that i consider him as my own son. AG i never thought that this was possible because he is a total stranger but i've no regrets letting Adam into my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. As i've always said time and again, I'VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER!

ILYSM ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT! You stay healthy and strong because you still have a long long way to go and i would like to be there wherever this may take us. Break a leg in the St. Agathe en feux Festival!

Ronnie said...

Honeybear!! Sweet!
He is!!

One day to Canada concert, just great!!
Can´t wait for the pics and vids.
So exciting!!!

glitzylady said...

Note: I started this a while ago, got sidetracked with some late night emails and talking to a friend on Twitter, and I see that @Bing addressed this a bit above. Still want to talk about this tweet by Adam's friend:

@Anon 11:05 PM
Adam has certainly always been a happy guy, always positive, with his sunny personality,(one of the traits that just jump out at you whenever Adam is around, either on video, or in person, but I think perhaps what people (in this case, a friend) notice, and are mentioning, is that he apparently seems even more so now, especially when he and Sauli are together..I don't know Adam personally, I don't hang out with him, so I don't have any real "inside" knowledge, but the man above knows Adam and commented on Adam's level of happiness. It must have been noticeable to him.

Adam gave a hint of his fears that he wouldn't find true happiness or love, and voiced his fear of ending up alone, in an interview at one point in the last year or so, as I recall. (I don't remember the exact date or which specific interview, but just recently saw it again..wish I remembered where!). So it would be reasonable to think that he is probably a happier man these days. I wouldn't think he was necessarily "depressed", because his life has been pretty amazing, he's been incredibly busy, he has a multitude of close friends and family, but to find someone to share life and that happiness that comes with it is usually cause for an extra level of joy, that is undoubtedly noticeable to those who know him best. Happiness comes from within of course, but having someone to share it adds that extra dimension. Regardless, I'm very happy for Adam and Sauli. I'm not one that thinks Adam looks unhappy when Sauli isn't around, they are both grown, independent men and I'm sure they manage fine on their own when need be, but I'm also hoping Sauli is going to tag along with Adam to Quebec, to see Adam perform live. Guess we'll know soon enough.

Anonymous said...

11:05 PM
Nobody claims that Adam has not been happy before and say that Sauli saved him. As someone mentioned Sauli was a positive, healthy and happy guy before he met Adam. And vice versa. But happiness can have many variations and amount of changes from time to time. Nobody denies the fact that happiness comes from within. Adam's happiness has many causes, also Quebeck gig and the album #2 are the reasons.

Anonymous said...

I (2:35 AM) meant: ...amount of IT (happiness)...

Anonymous said...

As a romantic, I believe life will not be complete before true love. One can have nicely balanced life with all close people ( friends, family etc. ) , work that he feels great passion to ( and is great at it )and all the other things he wants to his life. But without true soulmate there's always something missing.

Adam hasn't been able to hide his giddiness since he met Sauli. Every time his name is mentioned Adam starts to ~beam . Watch the interviews with Perez ( part 2 ) and Michelle Collins. It does shine through that he's happier than ever.

Bing said...

Amen to your post @ANON July 28 at 3:08AM :D

Anonymous said...

I remember when someone asked Adam in a Twitter party that has he ever struggled with not believing in himself? He answered that yes,everyday, constant battle. But BEING IN LOVE and creative in studio feed his soul. That makes me think that falling in love has made him happier than before. The unconditional love and acceptance from Sauli obviously make him feel confident and secure.

I think they both have been happy persons before and their lives are full of interesting activities. And to me they seem even happier now that they're together. It must be great to have someone to share things with and to have someone who is there just for you.

Anonymous said...

Remember Adam rubbing his belly (Like a honeybear!)when talking about a special person he spent time with in that is happiness and contentment that comes from within.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

OFF Topic: Getting so excited for quebec videos, played blu-ray GNT dvd last night. All the excitement came rushing back- that tour will always be priceless to me!


Also, I think sasha, melanie and packo will be last 3 standing. Ga Ga was a hoot last night!

Anonymous said...

LB ME too, it's so near!!

Anonymous said...

P.A.S. and Funbunn40

I didn't have any flings in my life. I fell in love with my best friend and he with me. We married and the greatest affair I could ever dream of began 39 years ago and neither of us can imagine it will ever end. I am 58 years old and still get butterflies in my stomach when I hear him call my name from the another room. He excites me physically, emotionally and in every other way possible.

I am not disparaging either one of you, you did what made you happy at the time. I also know that my happiness with my man is not the norm, but I wouldn't trade what we have together for all the riches in the world.

PS He thinks Adam is the greatest singer in the world today. He enjoys my fangirlyness, but is not a fanboy himself. He is anxiously awaiting the new album. He says he wants to entice me with new songs from Adam. He also knows I do NOT need the enticement; all I need is THAT look from him.

Rare but True

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Brody Brown was only commenting that he loved seeing Adam 'so happy' ... saw nothing in the tweet referring to any reason for Adam's happiness .. just that Adam seemed quite happy. There are a lot of reasons for this .. fame .. new album .. and yes! Sauli too .. but maybe Adam was just out with his friends enjoying himself and we all know that makes Adam happy ... Adam likes to party!!

Anonymous said...

@ Rare but True

Another rarity speaking...Never a fling! I was set up by my best friend for a blind date. She told me "You'll like him, he's tall and handsome and funny"...She told him "You'll like her, she's tall and pretty and funny". We were just 20 and became inseperable, when I couldn't convince my parents to adopt him, I married him!

It's been 54 years now and we're both still tall and funny....2 out of 3 isn't bad! Every year on our anniversary we send that friend a Thank You card!....................:-)..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bing, I like to think of Adam's performance tomorrow as a birthday present! I'm so looking forward to any videos that might be posted. Some of my family will be visiting and I plan to sit them down in front of my huge computer screen for the "show".
You put into words exactly how we feel about our SHINING STAR!

Hk fan said...

@JAK and rare but true,
another oddity here. no real flings for me either, met my husband just before I turned 15, engaged at been together 31 years.

Anonymous said...

Rare but true, you are so fortunate to have what sounds like the perfect man...your tag, rare but true says it all. JAK and HK fan, you too are so lucky! Jak, it's so sweet that you still send a Thank You card.

Happy Birthday AG!!!! What a nice birthday present you will have! Can't wait myself!!


Anonymous said...

I feel I must make a confession, tho I am a member of the "no flings" club, since many of you have gotten to know me a can be reassured that in my wild, weird, wicked imagination I was having flings all over the place! In smoky bars in Singapore, gently rocking gondolas in Venice, thatched roof cottages in Galway, Gypsy caravans in Rumania, jungle huts in the Congo, etc. I led a full satisfying fantasy life before I settled on one guy and dragged him in with me............JAK

Anonymous said...

OT...@ Rare but True,HK fan and JAK, Nothing missed by not having a fling. You all were fortunate to get it right the first time, as my parents were. I did get it right the 2nd time with 30 wonderful years. The first, 16 years was the primer and strength builder and made me really appreciate the right one. My boyfriend that I dated off and on from eigth grade through high school, actually looked a lot like Adam. He had brown thick hair, beautiful blue eyes, much like Adam's, was 6ft1 and the picture of Adam on my twitter page is the one where they look so much alike. It's the eyes before the makeup and the look in them. The other photos of Adam, not so much, but that one really startled me. When he was 17, he told me very matter of factly that he would never be alive to see his 30th birthday. I thought he was kidding, as at 17 he wasn't the deepest He was serious tho' and I thought it was strange and tucked it away. He died from Lymphosarcoma one week to the day of his 30th birthday. We each had married others and I had come to love him dearly, but as a brother. He was my first true love and It's a gift to have loved and been loved, especially when you find it more than once. funbunn40

rowan brussee said...

Hey ya, how are you doing? Do you know anyone to share my lyrics with? Ciao ciao Rowan

rowan brussee said...

Hey ya, how are you? Do you know anyone to share my lyrics with? thanx ciao ciao rowan

rowan brussee said...

Hey ya, how are you doing? Do you know anyone to share my lyrics with? Ciao ciao Rowan